5 research outputs found

    [Ansiedad, depresión y estrés por COVID-19 en profesionales de la salud de Latinoamérica: Características y factores asociados]

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    La principal preocupación fue el regresar a casa y contagiar a su familia (22% muy de acuerdo), seguido por el sentir el maltrato porque no le dan la cantidad necesaria de equipos de protección personal (13% muy de acuerdo) y percibir agotamiento mental por todas las actividades que realizaba (12% muy de acuerdo). En el análisis multivariado, a mayor edad hubo una menor percepción de repercusión mental (RPa: 0,98; IC95%: 0,97-0,99; valor p=0,012); además, los que tuvieron una mayor percepción de repercusiones en la esfera mental también tuvieron más ansiedad en nivel bajo (RPa: 1,84; IC95%: 1,14-2,98; valor p=0,013) y estrés post traumático (RPa: 2,28; IC95%: 1,61-3,22; valor p<0,001), ajustado por la depresión y el estrés. A pesar de ser un análisis exploratorio, se encontró importantes asociaciones en la esfera mental; lo que debería seguir investigándose en estudios más extensos

    Perceived fatality prior to COVID-19 infection in 13 Latin American countries (FAT-LAT-COVID-19): revalidation of a shortened scale

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    Introduction: COVID-19 has generated great repercussions for the population globally; millions of deaths have been reported worldwide. The idea of death is especially exacerbated when there are close to death experiences that remind us how close we are to fatality. This is why it is important to measure fatalistic ideas of those who have not yet been infected. Objective: To revalidate a scale that measures fatalistic perception prior to COVID-19 infection in a population of 13 Latin American countries. Methodology: We conducted an instrumental study. We used a previously validated scale in Peru, with seven items divided into two factors and with five possible Likert-type responses (from strongly disagree to strongly agree). It was administered to a large population in 13 Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America; for each of the seven questions, 886 people were surveyed. With these results, descriptive and analytical statistics were performed. Results: The mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of the seven initial questions were adequate in most cases. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the lack of fit was improved with the indexes' modification technique, which let us delete items 1 and 6. Thus, we could obtain satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices (CFI = 0.972, TLI = 0.931, GFI = 0.990, AGFI = 0.961, RMSEA = 0.080, and RMR = 0.047). Therefore, the final two-factor structure had a fairly adequate Cronbach's α (0.72, with a 95% confidence interval = 0.70–0.73). Conclusions: The scale that measures fatalism of Latin American countries in the face of the pandemic generated by COVID-19 was revalidated and shortened. Copyright © 2022 Mejia, Aveiro-Róbalo, Garlisi-Torales, Carranza Esteban, Mamani-Benito, Vilela-Estrada, Serna-Alarcón, Jaramillo-Aguilar and Rojas-Roa

    Repercusiones académicas de la educación virtual en los estudiantes de Latinoamérica: validación de una escala

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    Resumen: Introducción: el advenimiento de la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha obligado a los estudiantes a poder adaptarse a los nuevos medios de educación. El cierre de los centros educativos ha generado una migración masiva a la virtualidad y, en muchos casos, ni las instituciones ni los educandos se encontraban preparados para esta modalidad. Objetivo: validar una escala que mida las repercusiones académicas a consecuencia de las medidas tomadas por la pandemia entre los universitarios de 13 países de Latinoamérica. Metodología: estudio de tipo instrumental, analítico y de corte transversal. El muestreo fue no probabilístico y por conveniencia. Se realizaron evaluaciones de forma y fondo. La evaluación de fondo fue realizada por medio de juicio de expertos y se realizó un pequeño piloto para poder evaluar la forma de los ítems. Resultados: en el análisis de fondo, el ítem 1 es el más relevante (V = 0,93; IC 95%: 0,82 – 0,98), lo mismo sucede en representatividad y claridad. Además, en el análisis preliminar de los ítems se aprecia que el ítem 6 tiene el mayor puntaje promedio (M = 2,67) y el ítem 1 el más bajo (M = 2,19). Respecto a la variabilidad, el ítem 4 (DE = 1,40) muestra la mayor dispersión. La pertinencia del análisis factorial exploratorio se justifica con el coeficiente Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (0,854) y el test de Bartlett (17.716,5; gl = 15; p = 0,000) siendo aceptables y significativos. Conclusiones: la escala REP-ACAD-COVID-19-LAT es una escala válida y confiable para medir las repercusiones de la virtualidad en tiempos de urgencia sanitaria como la pandemia de la COVID-19. Abstract: Introduction: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced students to be able to adapt to new means of education. The closure of educational centers has generated a massive migration to virtuality and, often, neither the institutions nor the students were prepared for this modality. Objective: To validate a scale that measures the academic repercussions as a consequence of the measures taken by the pandemic among university students in 13 countries of Latin America. Methodology: Instrumental, analytical and cross-sectional study. The sampling was non-probabilistic and by convenience. Evaluations of form and substance were carried out. The substantive evaluation was carried out by expert judgment, and a small pilot was conducted to evaluate the form of the items. Results: In the substantive analysis, item 1 was the most relevant (V = 0.93; 95% CI: 0.82-0.98), as was the case for representativeness and clarity. Furthermore, the preliminary analysis of the items shows that item 6 has the highest mean score (M = 2.67) and item 1 the lowest (M = 2.19). Regarding variability, item 4 (SD = 1.40) shows the greatest dispersion. The relevance of the exploratory factor analysis is justified by the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient (0.854) and Bartlett's test (17716.5; gl = 15; p = 0.000) being acceptable and significant. Conclusions: The REP-ACAD-COVID-19-LAT scale is a valid and reliable scale to measure the impact of virtuality in times of health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic

    Revalidación de escala ultracorta para la medición de la seguridad percibida para conservar el trabajo en Latinoamérica

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    Introducción El sector económico fue uno de los más afectados durante la pandemia de COVID-19, debido a las medidas impuestas por los gobiernos para reducir la propagación de este nuevo virus. En consecuencia, varios sectores laborales tuvieron que pasar por un proceso de adaptación virtual, resultando en la inestabilidad o pérdida de empleos. El objetivo fue revalidar una escala ultra corta para la medición de la seguridad percibida para conservar el trabajo en Latinoamérica.Introduction: Due to the measures imposed by governments to reduce the spread of this new virus, the economic sector was one of the most affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several labor sectors had to undergo a virtual adaptation process resulting in job instability and job loss. The objective of this study was to revalidate an ultra-short scale for measuring perceived job security in Latin America. Methods: A revalidation study was done on a short scale that measures worker's perceived security about losing or keeping their job in the near future. Results: The four items remained on the revalidated scale, where all four explained a single factor. The goodness-of-fit measures confirmed the single-factor model (χ: 7.06; df: 2; p = 0.29; mean square error: 0.015; goodness-of-fit index: 0.998; adjusted goodness-of-fit index: 0.991; comparative fit index: 0.999; Tucker-Lewis index: 0.997; normalized fit index: 0.998; incremental fit index: 0.999; and root mean square error of approximation: 0.036). The scale's reliability was calculated using McDonald's omega coefficient, obtaining an overall result of ω = 0.72. Conclusions: The scale was correctly revalidated in Latin America, and the four items were kept in a single reliable factor