28 research outputs found
Realization of 2D convolutional codes of rate 1/n by separable Roesser models
In this paper, two-dimensional convolutional codes constituted by sequences in where is a finite field, are considered. In particular, we restrict to codes with rate and we investigate the problem of minimal dimension for realizations of such codes by separable Roesser models. The encoders which allow to obtain such minimal realizations, called R-minimal encoders, are characterized
Realizações parciais de sistemas discretos
Mestrado em Matemática e AplicaçõesNesta dissertação estuda-se o problema de obtenção de uma realização de
dimensão mínima, cujos parâmetros de Markov sejam uma extensão de uma
dada sequência finita de matrizes da mesma dimensão.In this thesis we study the problem of constructing a realization of minimal
dimension which corresponding Markov parameters are an extension of a given
finite sequence of matrices of the same dimension
Realizações mínimas de espaço de estados de códigos convolucionais 2D
Doutoramento em MatemáticaIn this thesis we consider two-dimensional (2D) convolutional codes. As
happens in the one-dimensional (1D) case one of the major issues is obtaining
minimal state-space realizations for these codes.
It turns out that the problem of minimal realization of codes is not equivalent
to the minimal realization of encoders. This is due to the fact that
the same code may admit different encoders with different McMillan degrees.
Here we focus on the study of minimality of the realizations of 2D
convolutional codes by means of separable Roesser models. Such models
can be regarded as a series connection between two 1D systems.
As a first step we provide an algorithm to obtain a minimal realization of a
1D convolutional code starting from a minimal realization of an encoder
of the code. Then, we restrict our study to two particular classes of 2D
convolutional codes. The first class to be considered is the one of codes
which admit encoders of type n 1. For these codes, minimal encoders
(i.e., encoders for which a minimal realization is also minimal as a code
realization) are characterized enabling the construction of minimal code
realizations starting from such encoders. The second class of codes to
be considered is the one constituted by what we have called composition
codes. For a subclass of these codes, we propose a method to obtain
minimal realizations by means of separable Roesser models.Nesta tese consideramos códigos convolucionais a duas dimensões
(2D). Como acontece no caso unidimensional (1D) uma das questões
fundamentais neste contexto diz respeito à obtenção de realizações mínimas
de espaço de estados para estes códigos.
O problema da realizacão mínima de códigos não é equivalente ao problema
da realizacão mínima de codificadores. Tal acontece uma vez que
um dado código admite diferentes codificadores com diferentes graus de
McMillan. Nesta tese, focamos a nossa atencão no estudo da minimalidade
de realizações de códigos convolucionais 2D através de modelos
de Roesser separáveis. Tais modelos podem ser encarados como a
conexão em série de dois sistemas 1D.
Numa primeira fase propomos um procedimento que possibilita obter
realizações mínimas de um código convolutional 1D a partir de realizações
mínimas de um codificador desse código. De seguida, restringimos
o nosso estudo a duas classes particulares de códigos convolucionais
2D. A primeira classe a ser considerada é a classe de códigos que admite
codificadores do tipo n 1. Para estes códigos, são caracterizados
os codificadores mínimos (i.e. codificadores para os quais uma realização
mínima também é mínima enquanto realização do código), possibilitando
a construção de realizações mínimas de códigos a partir dos seus
codificadores mínimos. A segunda classe a ser considerada é a classe
constituída por códigos a que demos o nome de "composition codes".
Para uma subclasse destes códigos, propomos um método de obtenção
de realizações mínimas através de modelos de Roesser separáveis
Edema Pulmonar Neurogénico: uma revisão bibliográfica
O Edema Pulmonar Neurogénico (EPN) é uma entidade clínica rara de instalação súbita após
lesão do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). Este evento pode dever-se a Traumatismo Crânio-
Encefálico (TCE), a Crise Convulsiva num contexto de Epilepsia, a Acidente Vascular Cerebral
(AVC), a Hemorragia Subaracnoideia (HSA), entre outros.
Todas estas etiologias de EPN já foram descritas em vários artigos, contudo, a sua
etiopatogénese ainda não está bem esclarecida. Existem várias teorias fisiopatológicas para
este edema sem que o doente em causa apresente alguma patologia do foro respiratório ou
cardíaco. No entanto, pensa-se que a última etapa da cascata dos eventos fisiopatológicos seja
uma libertação catecolaminérgica após a lesão do SNC.
As implicações desta patologia são relevantes para a prática clínica comum. Isto porque a sua
apresentação clínica é semelhante a tantos outros tipos de edema; uma distinção importante
é com o Síndrome de Dificuldade Respiratória Aguda (SDRA). Não existe um marcador fisiológico
que permita distinguir estas patologias, e por isso é importante ter em mente que o EPN é uma
patologia documentada, pelo que é necessário colocar como hipótese diagnóstica.
O seu diagnóstico é feito através da suspeita clínica, dos sinais e sintomas, e do quadro do
doente, ou seja, é necessário pensar nesta patologia aquando de um evento que cause
alterações a nível cerebral. Há evidência de um exsudado a nível pulmonar, sem que haja
alterações a nível das pressões arteriais tanto pulmonares como sistémicas. Sendo um
diagnóstico de exclusão, é importante descartar outras patologias, principalmente SDRA.
Não existe tratamento específico para o EPN. O apoio dado ao doente baseia-se em cuidados
gerais: resolver a causa da lesão do SNC, hidratação, oxigenoterapia, ventilação mecânica com
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), diuréticos, elevação da cabeceira no leito, entre
outros. No entanto, existem em curso investigações promissoras que visam encontrar um
fármaco ideal para esta patologia. Todos esses estudos têm como base as diferentes teorias
sobre a etiopatogénese do EPN, e consistem no desenvolvimento de um fármaco que atue a
nível dessa mesma alteração que alegadamente levou ao edema.Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema (NPE) is a rare clinical entity that develops suddenly after injury
to the Central Nervous System (CNS). NPE can be a complication after traumatic head injury,
seizure, stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage and others.
All of these etiologies of NPE have been already reported in several articles, however, its
etiopathogenesis is not well established yet. There are several theories to explain the
physiopathology of this edema taking into account that the patient does not have any underlying
respiratory or cardiac disease. Nevertheless, many authors theorize that the last step of the
cascade of events is a catecholaminergic discharge after CNS injury.
The implications of this pathology are relevant to the clinical practice. Its clinical presentation
is similar to a number of other types of pulmonary edema; an important distinction is between
NPE and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). There is not a known biomarker that
allows us to differentiate these diseases, and for that, is important to keep in mind that NPE is
a documented pathology and that is required to acknowledge it as a possible diagnosis.
The diagnosis of NPE is made through clinical suspicion, symptoms and signs, and the history of
the patient; in other words, it is important to think in this disease when there is a previous
event that causes cerebral injury. There is also evidence of an exudate in the lungs with no
alterations in arterial pressures, either pulmonary or systemic. Being a diagnosis of exclusion,
it is important to discard other diseases, such as ARDS.
There is no specific treatment for NPE. The support given to the patient is based in general
care: solve the underlying neurologic condition, hydration, oxygen, mechanical ventilation with
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), osmotic diuretics, elevation of the patient head, and
others. Notwithstanding, there are promising investigations in course that aim to find an ideal
drug for this disease. All of these studies are based on the different theories about the
etiopathogenesis of NPE and they consist on developing a drug that will have its action on the
alteration that allegedly lead to the formation of the pulmonary edema
Therapeutic activity of lipoxin A4 in TiO2-induced arthritis in mice: NF-κB and Nrf2 in synovial fluid leukocytes and neuronal TRPV1 mechanisms
METHODS: Mice were stimulated with TiO
Successful Management of Prosthetic Valve Brucella Endocarditis with Antibiotherapy Alone
Objectives: To report a case of mechanical aortic prosthesis Brucella endocarditis successfully treated with antibiotics alone.
Materials and methods: We describe a clinical case and present a review of the literature.
Results: A 60-year-old female farmer with a mechanical aortic prosthetic valve presented with low back pain and fever. She was diagnosed with prosthetic valve Brucella mellitensis endocarditis and was cured with antibiotic therapy alone. Few cases of successfully treated prosthetic valve Brucella endocarditis without surgery have been reported.
Conclusion: Prosthetic valve Brucella endocarditis usually requires surgical valve replacement. However, selected patients may be successfully treated with antibiotic therapy alone
From engineering geosciences mapping towards sustainable urban planning
Maps are of key topical importance in urban geoscience and engineering practice, mainly in field data synthesis and communication related to a number of fields, such as geomatic techniques, applied geology and geomorphology, engineering geology, soil and rock geotechnics, slope geotechnics, subsurface site geotechnical investigations, urban hydrology, hydraulics and sanitation, coastal zones management, urban geoarcheology and heritage, planning and land use. The value of preparing engineering geoscience maps and plans specificallyfor urban engineering purposes are still a challenging task, particularly to end-users and planners. Nowadays, the application of Geographic Information Systems to geosciences and engineering has become more common. This paper emphasises the importance of an accurate ground field survey and inventory at several scales, GIS mapping and databases, and integrated multidisciplinary urban studies as useful tools to support a sustainable land use planning.
Some selected sites are highlighted to demonstrate the importance of urban mapping for land use planning. Thus, in this study the significance of a smart urban geoscience approach is stressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Composition codes
In this paper we introduce a special class of 2D convolutional codes, called composition codes, which admit encoders G(d1,d2) that can be decomposed as the product of two 1D encoders, i.e., G(d1,d2)=G2(d2)G1(d1). Taking into account this decomposition, we obtain syndrome formers of the code directly from G1(d1) andG2(d2), in case G1(d1) andG2(d2) are right prime. Moreover we consider 2D state-space realizations by means of a separable Roesser model of the encoders and syndrome formers of a composition code and we investigate the minimality of such realizations. In particular, we obtain minimal realizations for composition codes which admit an encoder G(d1,d2)=G2(d2)G1(d1) withG2(d2) a systematic 1D encoder. Finally, we investigate the minimality of 2D separable Roesser state-space realizations for syndrome formers of these codes.publishe
Ehrlich tumor induces TRPV1-dependent evoked and non-evoked pain-like behavior in mice
We standardized a model by injecting Ehrlich tumor cells into the paw to evaluate cancer pain mechanisms and pharmacological treatments. Opioid treatment, but not cyclooxygenase inhibitor or tricyclic antidepressant treatments reduces Ehrlich tumor pain. To best use this model for drug screening it is essential to understand its pathophysiological mechanisms. Herein, we investigated the contribution of the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1) in the Ehrlich tumor-induced pain model. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons from the Ehrlich tumor mice presented higher activity (calcium levels using fluo-4 fluorescent probe) and an increased response to capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist) than the saline-injected animals