478 research outputs found
Tied to the land: household resources and living conditions of labourers on large farms in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya
This book examines the living conditions of farm labourers in Trans Nzoia, one of Kenya's large-scale farming districts. Based on a study conducted in 1989 among large farmers and farm labourers, an overview is given of wages, provisions, the various sources of income, the inportance of social networks and the nutritional status of different groups of farm labourers. From the data presented it appears that the extent to which households depend on the large farm owners for their livelihood largely determines their economic position. But the interdependency has its costs. The more the labourers' households are tied to the land of the farm owner for both income and own food production, the more difficulties they face in satisfying even their basic needs.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
Household resources and nutrition of farm labourers in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya
This report, the second in a series of three dealing with food supply and nutrition among labourers on large farms in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya, examines the living conditions, household resources, food consumption and nutritional situation in the labourers' households. The data were collected in June and July 1989 among some 300 households. Three types of labourers' households are distinguished, i.e. permanent labourers living on the large farms, casual labourers living on the farms ('resident casuals'), and casual labourers living outside the farms ('nonresident casuals'). For comparison a group of households was included in which nobody had performed any casual labour on a large farm during the year prior to the survey ('nonlabourers'). The results show that the households on the large farms have very little land at their disposal. In this respect, the situation of the nonresident casuals and in particular that of the nonlabourers is better. The households outside the farms are by far the wealthiest group. The average energy intake in the three groups of labourers' households is almost the same and 700 kcal lower than the estimated energy requirements. The nutritional condition of the children in the three groups of labourers' households is not very good. The study reveals that of the four study groups, the resident casuals can be considered the most vulnerableASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
Relativistic analysis of magnetoelectric crystals: extracting a new 4-dimensional P odd and T odd pseudoscalar from Cr_2 O_3 data
Earlier, the linear magnetoelectric effect of chromium sesquioxide Cr_2 O_3
has been determined experimentally as a function of temperature. One measures
the electric field-induced magnetization on Cr_2 O_3 crystals or the magnetic
field-induced polarization. From the magnetoelectric moduli of Cr_2 O_3 we
extract a 4-dimensional relativistic invariant pseudoscalar \tilde\alpha. It is
temperature dependent and of the order of ~ 10^{-4} Y_0, with Y_0 as vacuum
admittance. We show that the new pseudoscalar \tilde\alpha is odd under parity
transformation and odd under time inversion. Moreover, \tilde\alpha is for Cr_2
O_3 what Tellegen's gyrator is for two port theory, the axion field for axion
electrodynamics, and the PEMC (perfect electromagnetic conductor) for
electrical engineering.Comment: 6 pages latex, 3 figures, accepted by Physics Letters
Proletarianisation, land, income and living conditions of farm labourers in Kenya
In some areas in sub-Saharan Africa a rural proletariat has emerged, consisting mainly of labourers living and working on plantations and large mixed farms. Besides these fully proletarianized estate workers, there is also a category of workers that can be labelled 'semi-proletarianized'. They live outside the agricultural estates, perform seasonal agricultural wage labour and still have control over some means of (re)production, usually a small piece of land. Based on a survey of large farms and households conducted in 1989 in Kenya's Trans Nzoia District, the present authors investigate whether differences in the degree of proletarianization of workers are reflected in differences in socioeconomic situation and living conditions (such as access to a latrine and improved drinking water, the number of household members per room, level of food consumption, nutritional condition). They also compare the situation of labourers with that of a group of non-labourers (households in which nobody had performed any agricultural wage labour in the year preceding the survey). They conclude that in terms of land and income as well as living conditions, labourers are disadvantaged when compared with non-labourers. With respect to the labourers, a higher degree of proletarianization coincides with a lower level of income but not necessarily with poorer living conditions.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
Farm labourers in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya: proceedings of a dissemination seminar at Kitale, 23-24th November 1992
This is the final report in a series of four regarding household resources and nutrition of farm labourers in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya. In the first three reports the findings of three surveys, carried out in 1989, were presented and discussed (Labour conditions on large farms in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya, by D. Foeken and L. Verstrate; Household resources and nutrition of labourers on large farms in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya, by D. Foeken and N. Tellegen; and Income generation of farm labourers in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya: rural employment and social networks, by N. Tellegen, L. Verstrate and D. Foeken). The present report offers summaries of each of the studies (Chapters 2, 3 and 4, repectively). The final chapter gives an overview of the main findings as well as policy recommendations formulated during a dissemination seminar held in Kitale in November 1992ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program: a systematic review and meta-analysis of a multi-level system of parenting support
This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the effects of the multilevel Triple P-Positive Parenting Program system on a broad range of child, parent and family outcomes. Multiple search strategies identified 116 eligible studies conducted over a 33-year period, with 101 studies comprising 16,099 families analyzed quantitatively. Moderator analyses were conducted using structural equation modeling. Risk of bias within and across studies was assessed. Significant short-term effects were found for: children's social, emotional and behavioral outcomes (d = 0.473); parenting practices (d = 0.578); parenting satisfaction and efficacy (d = 0.519); parental adjustment (d = 0340); parental relationship (d = 0.225) and child observational data (d = 0.501). Significant effects were found for all outcomes at long-term including parent observational data (d = 0.249). Moderator analyses found that study approach, study power, Triple P level, and severity of initial child problems produced significant effects in multiple moderator models when controlling for other significant moderators. Several putative moderators did not have significant effects after controlling for other significant moderators. The positive results for each level of the Triple P system provide empirical support for a blending of universal and targeted parenting interventions to promote child, parent and family wellbeing. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Income generation of farm labourers in Trans Nzoia District, Kenya: rural employment and social networks
This study, carried out in 1989, is a support study for a larger survey of the nutritional situation in the households of labourers on large farms in Trans Nzoia, Kenya. Three categories were distinguished: permanent labourers, casual labourers living on the farm and casual labourers living off the farm. For comparison, a fourth group consisting of nonlabourers was added. The study covered two aspects of household income generation and food security, viz. rural employment and social networks. The study assessed the relative importance of various income-generating activities, such as farming, labour on large farms and nonagricultural employment, for the incomes of the different study groups. Related questions referred to the effects of seasonality on several activities, as well as the sexual division of rural employment and the constraints regarding specific income-generating activities. The study also examined the social networks of the labourers' households. Each household maintains relationships with relatives, nonresidential household members and nonrelatives. The study aimed to find out how these social networks contribute to household food security and income generation. Again, seasonal variations were taken into consideration, making it possible to assess whether differences in agricultural cycles between Trans Nzoia and the areas of origin of those studied, the majority of whom are immigrants, may help to solve food shortages.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
Linear media in classical electrodynamics and the Post constraint
The Maxwell equations are formulated in a generally covariant and metric-free
way in 1+3 and subsequently in 4 dimensions. For this purpose, we use the
excitations , and the field strengths . A local and
linear constitutive law between excitations and field strengths is assumed,
with a constitutive tensor of 36
components. The properties of this tensor are discussed. In particular, we
address the validity of the Post constraint, a subject that is very much under
discussion. In this connection, the Tellegen gyrator, the axion field, and the
``perfect electromagnetic conductor'' of Lindell & Sihvola are compared with
each other.Comment: 15 pages, late
Een schijn van Voodoo. Culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning (vierde druk)
Dit rapport is het resultaat van een verkennend onderzoek naar de culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes die naar Nederland komen om in de prostitutie te gaan werken. Een belangrijke overeenkomst in de verhalen die deze meisjes de Nederlandse politie vertellen betreft de 'voodoo'-rituelen waaraan zij voor vertrek naar Nederland worden onderworpen. In het rapport komen de volgende vragen aan de orde: wat doen handelaren met denkbeelden van 'voodoo'? Hoe creëren zij daarmee een sfeer van angst en intimidatie? Hoe komt het dat dit voor de meisjes evenzeer een werkelijkheid wordt als dat in de sinistere betekenis van het woord ook voor velen in de Nederlandse samenleving het geval is? Het rapport stelt dat 'voodoo' in de Nigeriaanse praktijk niet bestaat (er is wel een aantal andere rituele praktijken waar op wordt ingegaan) en in de Nederlandse situatie een goed begrip van de omstandigheden verhindert. Het rapport behandelt de sociaal-economische situatie in Nigeria en Edo State, het district waar veel van de betrokken meisjes vandaan komen; de positie van vrouwen in Nigeria t.a.v. huwelijk, seksualiteit, prostitutie, en de culturele achtergronden daarvan; aspecten van religie in West Afrika en Edo; een gevalsstudie; en het ongedefinieerde gebruik van het begrip 'voodoo' door Nederlandse hulpverleningsinstanties
ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
Relativistic nature of a magnetoelectric modulus of Cr_2O_3-crystals: a new 4-dimensional pseudoscalar and its measurement
Earlier, the magnetoelectric effect of chromium sesquioxide Cr_2O_3 has been
determined experimentally as a function of temperature. One measures the
electric field-induced magnetization on Cr_2O_3 crystals or the magnetic
field-induced polarization. From the magnetoelectric moduli of Cr_2O_3 we
extract a 4-dimensional relativistic invariant pseudoscalar
. It is temperature dependent and of the order of
10^{-4}/Z_0, with Z_0 as vacuum impedance. We show that the new pseudoscalar is
odd under parity transformation and odd under time inversion. Moreover,
is for Cr_2O_3 what Tellegen's gyrator is for two port
theory, the axion field for axion electrodynamics, and the PEMC (perfect
electromagnetic conductor) for electrical engineering.Comment: Revtex, 36 pages, 9 figures (submitted in low resolution, better
quality figures are available from the authors
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