9 research outputs found
Analysis of Anger Expression Style – Continuous Anger and Personality Types of Professional Soccer Players
The purpose of this study was to analyse the anger expression styles, the continuous anger and personality types of
players who play football in the professional league. The research group consisted of 133 soccer players who are playing
in sports teams in the Turkish Super League: Ankara Sport Club, Gençlerbirliði Sports Club and Hacettepe Sports Club
in the first league, Turk Telekom sports in the second league, and Keçiören Gücü Sports and Ankarademir Sports playing
in the third league in the 2008–2009 football season. The Eysenck personality inventory was modified to Turkish by
Bayar in 19831, having been developed by Eysenck and Eysenck in 19752 and the continuous anger – anger style scale
(SOTO) was modified to Turkish by Özer in 19943. The state trait anger scale (STAS) was originally developed by
Spielberger in 19834. All these were used on soccer players participating in the study to determine the continuous anger
and anger styles in this study. In the interpretation of data, a meaningfulness of p<0.05, was applied by using regression
analysis, the Kruskal Wallis Test, the one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) test and the Tukey test to find the differences
among the groups. The SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) programme was used to find the accounted values
and to evaluate the data. According to the results of this study, regarding the education level variable, while there was a
meaningful difference between the continuous anger sub-dimension and anger control sub-dimension than continuous
anger – anger expression styles, no significant difference was found among personality type sub-dimensions (psychoticism,
extrovert, neurotic, false). In addition, a significant relationship was found between psychoticism, extrovert, neurotic,
and lie sub-dimensions and the personality type sub-dimensions of professional players’ constant anger-anger expression
Satellite Imagery Supported GIS Methodologies on Geological Analysis: Example from Yeni Foça (İzmir)
Çalışma alanı İzmir ili KB'sında Yeni Foça'nın güneyinde yer alan Ilıpınar köyü ve çevresini kapsamaktadır. Bu bölge kuzeyde Sakarya kıtası, güneydoğuda Menderes masifi arasında Paleotektonik dönemin önemli tektonik yapılarından olan İzmir-Ankara Zonu (Brinkmann, 1966) üzerinde yer alır. Yaklaşık 72 km²'lik bir harita alanında çalışılarak, sahada yüzlek veren volkanik/volkanoklastik kayaçlar ve bu kayaçlarla dokanağa sahip karasal (akarsu, göl vb.) tortullar arasındaki stratigrafik ve yapısal ilişkiler incelenmiş, saha gözlemleri yanında, sahadan alınan çeşitli kayaç örneklerinin petrografik/petrolojik incelemeleri yapılmış ve uydu görüntüleri destekli Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) teknikleri kullanılarak yörenin 1/25.000 ölçekli yerel jeolojik haritası yeniden düzenlenerek güncellenmiştir.Çalışma sonucu yörenin jeolojik haritası büyük ölçüde değişikliğe uğramış, stratigrafik istif yeniden düzenlenmiş, yöresel stratigrafi yeniden yorumlanmıştır. Buna göre, yörede Erken-Orta Miyosen'de püskürmeli bir volkanik etkinliğin de yoğun olarak katıldığı karasal/gölsel bir çökelimin oluştuğu; bu çökelimin, Orta Miyosen'de gölsel tortullaşmanın volkanoklastik katkının sona erdiği son evrelerini temsil eden gölsel kireçtaşları ile tamamlandığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, tüm bu birimlerin daha sonra (Orta Miyosen) oluşan yeni bir volkanizmanın ürünü karasal bazalt sokulumları tarafından uyumsuz olarak kesildiği belirlenmiştir.Yerbilimlerinde geniş bir kullanım alanına sahip uydu görüntüleri ve CBS günümüz jeolojik haritalama veya harita güncelleme çalışmalarında, farklı gruplara ait formasyonların, güncel tortullar içerisindeki eski ve yeni oluşumların sınırlarının belirlenmesinde ve tektonik süreksizliklerin saptanması ve yorumlanmasına ilişkin çalışmalarda yoğun olarak kullanılmaktır. Bu çalışmada da CBS yöntemleri yanında, farklı çözünürlükte uydu görüntüleri ile Google Earth programının sunduğu güncel uydu görüntüleri birlikte kullanılmıştır.Study area covers Ilıpınar Village and its surrounding area between Aliağa, Menemen and Foça districts, NW of İzmir city. This region is located on İzmir-Ankara Zone (Brinkmann,1966) which is an important tectonic structure of Paleotectonic era between Sakarya Continent in the North and Menderes Massif in the South East. Stratigraphic and structural relations between volcanic/volcanoclastic rocks and terrestrial sediments (mainly river and lake deposits) were studied within approximately 72 km² area. 1/25.000 scaled geological map of the area prepared by previous researchers was revised by using Geographic Information Technologies (GIS) and petrographic/petrologic investigations of hand specimens were also analysed.Within this study, previous geological maps underwent changes, stratigraphical column was revised and local stratigraphy was re-evaluated. Accordingly, it was determined that; there happened a terrestrial/lacustrine sedimentation with extensive volcanic activity in Early/Mid Miocene. In Mid-Miocene, lacustrine sedimentation was completed with the sedimentation of limestones of Lacustrine origin. Besides, it was determined that all these units were cut by basalts which is a product of Mid-Miocene volcanism. Benefits of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which is very popular tool in earth sciences, were extensively used. When determining boundaries of different stratigraphic units in geological mapping, tectonic discontinuities and their interpretation, in addition to GIS applications, different resolution satellite images and Google Earth were widely used
Plasma miRNA (miR: microribonucleic acid) Levels in Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure: Can miRNA Be an Indicator of the Effectiveness of the Treatment?
29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000329858400047Turkish Soc Cardio
Subacute THYROiditis Related to SARS-CoV-2 VAccine and Covid-19 (THYROVAC Study): A Multicenter Nationwide Study.
Context The aims of the study are to compare characteristics of subacute thyroiditis (SAT) related to different etiologies, and to identify predictors of recurrence of SAT and incident hypothyroidism. Methods This nationwide, multicenter, retrospective cohort study included 53 endocrinology centers in Turkey. The study participants were divided into either COVID-19-related SAT (Cov-SAT), SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-related SAT (Vac-SAT), or control SAT (Cont-SAT) groups. Results Of the 811 patients, 258 (31.8%) were included in the Vac-SAT group, 98 (12.1%) in the Cov-SAT group, and 455 (56.1%) in the Cont-SAT group. No difference was found between the groups with regard to laboratory and imaging findings. SAT etiology was not an independent predictor of recurrence or hypothyroidism. In the entire cohort, steroid therapy requirement and younger age were statistically significant predictors for SAT recurrence. C-reactive protein measured during SAT onset, female sex, absence of antithyroid peroxidase (TPO) positivity, and absence of steroid therapy were statistically significant predictors of incident (early) hypothyroidism, irrespective of SAT etiology. On the other hand, probable predictors of established hypothyroidism differed from that of incident hypothyroidism. Conclusion Since there is no difference in terms of follow-up parameters and outcomes, COVID-19- and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-related SAT can be treated and followed up like classic SATs. Recurrence was determined by younger age and steroid therapy requirement. Steroid therapy independently predicts incident hypothyroidism that may sometimes be transient in overall SAT and is also associated with a lower risk of established hypothyroidism