656 research outputs found

    Wild life recreation: Utilizing wilderness adventure therapy to prevent delinquency in minors

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    In this study the functionality of wilderness adventure therapy on eliminating and preventing delinquency in minors was investigated based on available literature. The first issue handled in the paper is defining wilderness adventure therapy. Second is the mechanism between juvenile delinquency and wilderness adventure therapy. As the results of this study, the people who participate in wilderness adventure therapy commit lower offence when compared with non-participants. The positive effect of recreation on decreasing and preventing delinquency is still not certain and clear considering the earlier researches. Although it is possible to reach many studies which result in positive outcomes there is a need for further researches to understand whether wild life recreation can be used as a therapy to decrease or prevent delinquency in a therapeutic way. In this study the functionality of wilderness adventure therapy on eliminating and preventing delinquency in minors was investigated based on available literature. The first issue handled in the paper is defining wilderness adventure therapy. Second is the mechanism between juvenile delinquency and wilderness adventure therapy. As the results of this study, the people who participate in wilderness adventure therapy commit lower offence when compared with non-participants. The positive effect of recreation on decreasing and preventing delinquency is still not certain and clear considering the earlier researches. Although it is possible to reach many studies which result in positive outcomes there is a need for further researches to understand whether wild life recreation can be used as a therapy to decrease or prevent delinquency in a therapeutic way.&nbsp

    The effect of ripening medium (goat skin bag or plastic barrel) on the volatile profile, color parameter and sensory characteristics of Tulum cheese

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    The objective of this study was to determine volatile compounds, color parameters and sensory characteristics in raw sheep milk cheeses ripened up to 270 days using different packaging materials such as goat’s skin bag or plastic barrel. Volatile compounds extracted by solid-phase microextraction were separated, identified and quantified using a gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectrometry detector (MS). Butanoic acid, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, ethanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl butanoate, ethyl hexanoate, 2-butanol, 2-butanone and 2-heptanone were the predominant compounds in the volatile fraction of the cheeses. Among these, ethanol was the most abundant at the first 180 days of cheese ripening but there were 2-butanol and 2-butanone for cheese in plastic barrel (PB) and 2-heptanone for cheese in goat’s skin bag (GS) at the 270 days. To best acknowledge, m-cimene, alpha-cubebene, trans-caryophylene, delta-cadinene and 16-oxasalutaridine were identified for the first time in sheep milk and its cheese. Discriminant analysis based on volatile compounds classified the cheeses according to their ripening times and also packaging materials. At the end of the ripening the differentiation between GS and PB cheeses was more evident. The results showed that GS cheese was more preferred by panelists. Cheeses ripened for more 180 days, in particular PB cheese, were much less acceptable to panelists. Therefore, in terms of optimum overall acceptability, 90 and 180 days ripening periods could be advised for the producers for PB and GS cheeses, respectively


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    We investigate the change in adjustment speed of debt maturity for East Asian firms between 1990 and 2017 by including two exogenous shocks: the Asian Financial Crisis 1997-1998 (AFC) and the Global Financial Crisis 2007-2009 (GFC). We employ the least square dummy variable correction and find that East Asian firms have a slower adjustment of long-term debt over time. Besides, the decrease in adjustment speed of long-term debt after the GFC is more compared to the decrease after the AFC. Further analysis shows the optimal debt maturity differs across countries and industries. Another important implication of our results is that firms in high governance countries are more likely to close the gap between the actual and target debt maturity in time. Overall, debt holders and investors should consider financial uncertainties

    Comparison of Performances of Various Rehabilitation Approaches for a Hospital Building

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    In this study, the seismic performance of the Merkez Efendi hospital building in Manisa is determined with SAP2000 computer program according to the Turkish Earthquake Code-2007. The building and its footings do not provide sufficient performance level. So the superstructure is rehabilitated by converting some of the brick infill walls to RC shear walls. The seismic performance of the building reaches to the satisfactory level. Secondly, the same infill walls are strengthened with steel profiles according to Turkish Earthquake Code-2007. Thirdly, the same infill walls are strengthened with CFRP plates to get the required seismic performance level. The seismic performances of the hospital building are compared for the four cases

    Cotton flow

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    Using the conformally invariant Cotton tensor, we define a geometric flow, the "Cotton flow", which is exclusive to three dimensions. This flow tends to evolve the initial metrics into conformally flat ones, and is somewhat orthogonal to the Yamabe flow, the latter being a flow within a conformal class. We define an entropy functional, and study the flow of nine homogeneous spaces both numerically and analytically. In particular, we show that the arbitrarily deformed homogeneous 3-sphere flows into the round 3-sphere. Two of the nine homogeneous geometries, which are degenerated by the Ricci flow, are left intact by the Cotton flow.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, exact solutions of two geometries given, exposition of several parts expanded, references update

    On the Meanıng of the Qur and the Concept of Fıtrat in Hadıth

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    Kavramlar doğru anlamlandırılmadığı takdirde meselelerin anlaşılması noktasında yanlış sonuçlara varmanın kaçınılmaz olduğu bir hakikattir. Fıtrat kavramı bu manada insanın mahiyeti bağlamında başat kavram olarak hala önemini korumaktadır. İnsanın, gerek kendisini var eden Allah ile olan ilişkisi gerekse hemcinsleriyle ve içerisinde yaşadığı âlemle ilişkisi çerçevesinde bu kavramın anlam alanının tespiti yine ait olduğu dünya üzerinden yapıldığı zaman konu hakkında doğru sonuçların elde edilmesine imkân tanıyacaktır. İslâm ilim geleneğinde söz konusu kavram hakkında -çoğu zaman dönemin daha çok itikâdî tartışmalarının da etkisiyle- farklı değerlendirmeler söz konusu olabilmiştir. Çalışmada amaçlanan; bugün de birçok vesileyle kullanılan fıtrat kavramının tarihsel süreçte hangi anlamlarda ele alındığı ve ne tür tartışmalara yol açtığı vb. konularda bir durum tespiti yapmak ve gelinen noktada nasıl anlaşıldığı ve yorumlandığının görülmesini sağlamaktır. Kur’ân ve hadislerde yerini bulan fıtrat kavramının anlamına yönelik bir çalışmada söz konusu kavramın, gerek yer aldığı Kur’ân âyetinin gerekse hadis metinlerinin, kendi iç bütünlükleri ve birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri bağlamında ele alınması en sağlıklı yol olacaktır. Bu düşünceden hareketle bu çalışmada söz konusu kavramın önce sözlük anlamı, türevleri üzerinden ele alınmış daha sonra Kur’ân ve hadislerde geçtiği durumları, belirtilen usûl üzerinden değerlendirmeye tâbi tutulmuştur. Bu yapılırken tefsir literatüründen, hadis musannefâtından, şerh geleneğinden, garîbü’l hadis edebiyatından ve konu ile ilgili çalışmalardan mümkün olduğunca istifade edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak sözlük anlamı da dikkate alınarak fıtrat kavramı ile Kur’ân’da; insanın Allah’la ilişkisine, hadislerde ise -Kur’ân’daki anlamından tamamen bağımsız düşünülmeksizin- insanın doğasındaki sâfiyete ve bu yönüyle hak din İslâm’ı kabullenmeye yatkın olduğuna ve ayrıca onun insanlarla olan ilişkisindeki etkileşim yönüne vurgu yapıldığı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.Abd al-Ghanī ibn Ismāʻīl al-Nāblusī who is a strict follower of Ibn al-Arabī, is accepted as one of the leading sufis of his time. The treatise “Risāla Ḥablullah al-Metîn fī Akīde eš- Šayḫ al-Ekber Muḥyī l-Dīn” - which was written by one of his students- shows the position of a significant sufi movement in Damascus gathered around the views of Ibn al- Arabī in the 18th century. It is understood from the beginning of the risalah that Nâblusî had a special lecture circle in Damascus in order to teach theological views of Ibn al-Arabī. In this circle, Ibn al-Arabī’s views were read and tried to be proved as they are appropriate to Sharia’h. This shows us the most important feature of sufi environment in Damascus at that time; that al-tariqah and al-sharia’h were taken together, in other words they were compromised. For this reason, in Sufi environments of Damascus we cannot witness rituals / practices which appeared in other sufi movements. The fact that the author criticizes behaviours of some sufis of his time -which they exhibited with the aim of reaching Allah although they contradict to Sharia’h- also confirms this situation. Due to this sensitivity, when he was asked about his opinion, he was attentive to evidence it with the verses of Quran and narrations of Prophet (pbuh), to present his loyalty to Islamic legal texts. The author who was one of the significant sheikhs of Damascus, wrote the aforementioned manuscript-as he also stated at the beginning- in order to correct misperceptions, to teach his disciples authentic knowledge about faith before they take sufi training and to express the true belief sytem of sufis in the light of evidences. We understand that he recommends his disciples to reach the khawas rank which Ibn al- Arabī reached, to be able to divide the faith of awam (commons) and khawas (exclusives). The author emphasizes the importance of conversation with righteous believers in order to settle true principles of faith in the hearts of disciples and explain the truth in the face of their troublesome situations and discourses. After applying the true faith, the author concludes his treatise by mentioning righteous deeds which a sufi disciple needs, by documenting them with the verses and ahadith

    Serbest zamanlarda yapılan fiziksel egzersizin üniversite öğrencilerinin depresyon ve atılganlık düzeylerine etkisi

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     The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the recreational physical exercise on depression and assertiveness levels of the university students who had never participated in regular physical exercise before. There were 15 male and 15 female totally 30 students in control group and 15 male and 15 female students in exercise group of research. The students in control group carried on their usual life during the research while the students in exercise group participated in a 8 week exercise program including folk dances and step for an hour 3 times a week. The data collecting materials were the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for depression scores, and the Rathus Assertiveness Inventory (RAI) for the scores of assertiveness. Both Inventories were applied to the control group for 2 times as first and last measurement (at first week before exercise and last week after exercise) and to the exercise group for 3 times as first, mid and last measurement (at first week before exercise, at eighth week after exercise, and last week after exercise). Mean, frequency, percent, standart deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey HSD Post Hoc tests scores were given in texts, figures, and tables. The results showed that participation in physical exercise in leisure affects the depression and assertiveness levels of students in both sex positivelyBu çalışmanın amacı rekreasyonel amaçlı fiziksel egzersizin, daha önce düzenli olarak fiziksel egzersize hiç katılmamış üniversite öğrencilerinin depresyon ve atılganlık düzeylerine etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Araştırmanın kontrol grubunda 15 kız 15 erkek toplam 30 öğrenci yer alırken, 15 kız 15 erkek toplam 30 öğrenci araştırmanın egzersiz grubunu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın kontrol grubunda yer alan öğrenciler araştırma boyunca 8 hafta normal yaşantılarını sürdürmeye devam ederlerken, egzersiz grubunda yer alan katılımcılar step ve halk oyunlarından oluşan 8 haftalık egzersiz programına, haftada 3 gün 1 er saat katılmışlardır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, depresyon puanlarını belirlemek için Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) ve atılganlık puanlarını belirlemek için Rathuss Atılganlık Envanteri (RAE) kullanılmıştır. Her iki envanter kontrol grubuna ilk ve son ölçüm olarak 2 kez uygulanırken, egzersiz grubuna egzersiz programının başladığı ilk hafta, 4. hafta sonunda ve bitirildiği hafta, ilk, orta ve son ölçüm olmak üzere toplam 3 kez uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi yapılmış, ortalama puan, frekans, yüzde dağılımlar, t-test, varyans analizi ve Tukey HSD sonuçları, metin, grafik ve tablolarla sunulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları serbest zamanlarda fiziksel egzersize katılımın, öğrencilerin depresyon ve atılganlık düzeylerini her iki cinsiyette de olumlu etkilediğini göstermektedir