146 research outputs found

    Evidencias magdalenienses de industria en materias óseas del yacimiento de Legunova (Biel, Zaragoza)

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    El abrigo de Legunova es un yacimiento que se localiza en el tramo medio de la cuenca del Ebro, en las estribaciones pirenaicas. En su nivel q, Magdaleniense superior, se recuperaron en 2004 tres elementos trabajados en materia ósea: azagaya, punzón y candil de cérvido de dudosa manipulación, que se estudian en detalle. Su valor reside no tanto en su tipología, habitual en conjuntos de esta cronología, como en el hecho de haberse conservado en un tipo de sitio arqueológico, los abrigos rocosos, cuyos restos óseos, incluida la fauna, suelen verse profunda y negativamente afectados por procesos naturales que conllevan su destrucción.L’abri de Legunova est un gisement situé dans la partie moyenne du basin de l’Ebre, dans les premiers contreforts des Pyrénées. Pendant la campagne de fouilles de 2004, dans le niveau Magdalénien supérieur (n. q), ont été récupérés trois éléments travaillés en matières osseuses: une armature de sagaie, un poinçon et un andouiller de cerf possiblement modifié par l’homme. L’étude détaillée de ces pièces est présentée dans cet article. Même si ce type de vestiges sont présents de façon habituelle dans les sites de cette chronologie, l’intérêt des pièces analysées dans ce travail est dû à la difficulté de conservation liée aux abris sous roches près des cours fluviaux, où les vestiges d’exploitation des matières osseuses, voire la faune, sont couramment affectés par des processus naturels qui contribuent à leur disparition

    Revaluation of the Portable Art of Northern Iberia: a Magdalenian Decorated Bone Tube from Torre (Basque Country, Spain)

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    [eng] A decorated ulna of a gannet (Morus bassanus) was found in 1966 during the exploration of the archaeological site of Torre cave (Gipuzkoa, northern Iberian Peninsula). The present study ofers a new appraisal of this truly outstanding art object through a technological and stylistic analysis enriched by more recent fnds. What makes this object extraordinary is the fact that it is one of the most complete specimens in the Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, the Torre tube is one of the few remains with peri-cylindrical decoration displaying a complex combination of motifs. It is profusely decorated with fgurative representations (deer, horse, ibex, chamois, aurochs and an anthropomorph) and signs (single lines, parallel lines, zigzags, etc.) in two rows in opposite directions. The tube resembles objects from other Magdalenian sites in Cantabrian Spain and the Pyrenees, which corroborate the exchange of technical and iconographic behaviour

    Evidencias magdalenienses de industria en materias óseas del yacimiento de Legunova (Biel, Zaragoza)

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    El abrigo de Legunova es un yacimiento que se localiza en el tramo medio de la cuenca del Ebro, en las estribaciones pirenaicas. En su nivel q, Magdaleniense superior, se recuperaron en 2004 tres elementos trabajados en materia ósea: azagaya, punzón y candil de cérvido de dudosa manipulación, que se estudian en detalle. Su valor reside no tanto en su tipología, habitual en conjuntos de esta cronología, como en el hecho de haberse conservado en un tipo de sitio arqueológico, los abrigos rocosos, cuyos restos óseos, incluida la fauna, suelen verse profunda y negativamente afectados por procesos naturales que conllevan su destrucción

    A new microfluidic method enabling the generation of multi-layered tissues-on-chips using skin cells as a proof of concept

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    Microfluidic-based tissues-on-chips (TOCs) have thus far been restricted to modelling simple epithelia as a single cell layer, but likely due to technical difficulties, no TOCs have been reported to include both an epithelial and a stromal component despite the biological importance of the stroma for the structure and function of human tissues. We present, for the first time, a novel approach to generate 3D multilayer tissue models in microfluidic platforms. As a proof of concept, we modelled skin, including a dermal and an epidermal compartment. To accomplish this, we developed a parallel flow method enabling the deposition of bilayer tissue in the upper chamber, which was subsequently maintained under dynamic nutrient flow conditions through the lower chamber, mimicking the function of a blood vessel. We also designed and built an inexpensive, easy-to-implement, versatile, and robust vinyl-based device that overcomes some of the drawbacks present in PDMS-based chips. Preliminary tests indicate that this biochip will allow the development and maintenance of multilayer tissues, which opens the possibility of better modelling of the complex cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions that exist in and between the epithelium and mesenchyme, allowing for better-grounded tissue modelling and drug screening.This work was supported by the "Programa de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid" project S2018/BAA-4480, Biopieltec-CM and the Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces

    Atmospheric dispersion of airborne pollen evidenced by near-surface and columnar measurements in Barcelona, Spain

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    Hourly measurements of pollen near-surface concentration and lidar-derived profiles of particle backscatter coefficients and of volume and particle depolarization ratios during a 5-day pollination event observed in Barcelona, Spain, between 27 – 31 March, 2015, are presented. Maximum hourly pollen concentrations of 4700 and 1200 m-3 h-1 were found for Platanus and Pinus, respectively, which represented together more than 80 % of the total pollen. Everyday a clear diurnal cycle caused by the vertical transport of the airborne pollen was visible on the lidar-derived profiles of the backscatter coefficient with maxima usually reached between 12 and 15 UT. A method based on the lidar polarization capabilities was used to retrieve the contribution of the pollen to the total signal. On average the diurnal (9 – 17 UT) pollen aerosol optical depth (AOD) was 0.05 which represented 29 % of the total AOD, the volume and particle depolarization ratios in the pollen plume were 0.08 and 0.14, respectively, and the diurnal mean of the height of the pollen plume was found at 1.24 km. The dispersion of the Platanus and Pinus in the atmosphere was simulated with the Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Meteorological Model on the B grid at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center with a newly developed Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM). Model near-surface daily concentrations were compared to our observations at two sites: in Barcelona and Bellaterra (12 km NE of Barcelona). Model hourly concentrations were compared to our observations in Barcelona.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Biosensado con redes de nanoagujeros en oxido de aluminio

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    Se presenta la explotación analítica de redes de nanoagujeros de óxido de aluminio fabricados sobre sustratos de policarbonato.1 Este novedoso dispositivo se basa en la resonancia de plasmón superficial para monitorizar procesos de bioreconocimiento sin marcaje. El bajo coste de los materiales empleados (policarbonato y aluminio) y la compatibilidad de este dispositivo con las tecnologías de disco compacto encierra un gran potencial para el desarrollo de biosensores