16 research outputs found

    Applications of graph theory to wireless networks and opinion analysis

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    La teoría de grafos es una rama importante dentro de la matemática discreta. Su uso ha aumentado recientemente dada la conveniencia de los grafos para estructurar datos, para analizarlos y para generarlos a través de modelos. El objetivo de esta tesis es aplicar teoría de grafos a la optimización de redes inalámbricas y al análisis de opinión. El primer conjunto de contribuciones de esta tesis versa sobre la aplicación de teoría de grafos a redes inalámbricas. El rendimiento de estas redes depende de la correcta distribución de canales de frecuencia en un espacio compartido. Para optimizar estas redes se proponen diferentes técnicas, desde la aplicación de heurísticas como simulated annealing a la negociación automática. Cualquiera de estas técnicas requiere un modelo teórico de la red inalámbrica en cuestión. Nuestro modelo de redes Wi-Fi utiliza grafos geométricos para este propósito. Los vértices representan los dispositivos de la red, sean clientes o puntos de acceso, mientras que las aristas representan las señales entre dichos dispositivos. Estos grafos son de tipo geométrico, por lo que los vértices tienen posición en el espacio, y las aristas tienen longitud. Con esta estructura y la aplicación de un modelo de propagación y de uso, podemos simular redes inalámbricas y contribuir a su optimización. Usando dicho modelo basado en grafos, hemos estudiado el efecto de la interferencia cocanal en redes Wi-Fi 4 y mostramos una mejora de rendimiento asociada a la técnica de channel bonding cuando se usa en regiones donde hay por lo menos 13 canales disponibles. Por otra parte, en esta tesis doctoral hemos aplicado teoría de grafos al análisis de opinión dentro de la línea de investigación de SensoGraph, un método con el que se realiza un análisis de opinión sobre un conjunto de elementos usando grafos de proximidad, lo que permite manejar grandes conjuntos de datos. Además, hemos desarrollado un método de análisis de opinión que emplea la asignación manual de aristas y distancias en un grafo para estudiar la similaridad entre las muestras dos a dos. Adicionalmente, se han explorado otros temas sin relación con los grafos, pero que entran dentro de la aplicación de las matemáticas a un problema de la ingeniería telemática. Se ha desarrollado un sistema de votación electrónica basado en mixnets, secreto compartido de Shamir y cuerpos finitos. Dicha propuesta ofrece un sistema de verificación numérico novedoso a la vez que mantiene las propiedades esenciales de los sistemas de votación

    The free-linking task: a graph-inspired method for generating non-disjoint similarity data with food products

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    "Free sorting", in which subjects are asked to sort a set of items into groups of "most similar" items, is increasingly popular as a technique for profiling sets of foods. However, free sorting implies an unrealistic model of sample similarity: that similarity is purely binary (is/is not similar) and that similarity is fully transitive (similarities {A, B} and {B, C} imply {A, C}). This paper proposes a new method of rapid similarity testing -- the "free-linking" task -- that solves both problems: in free linking, subjects draw a similarity graph in which they connect pairs of samples with a line if they are similar, according to the subject s individual criteria. This simple task provides a more realistic model of similarity which allows degrees of similarity through the graph distance metric and does not require transitive similarity. In two pilot studies with spice blends (10 samples, 58 subjects) and chocolate bars (10 samples, 63 subjects), free linking and free sorting are evaluated and compared using DISTATIS, RVb, and the graph parameters degree, transitivity, and connectivity; subjects also indicated their preferences and ease-of-use for the tasks. In both studies, the first two dimensions of the DISTATIS consensus were highly comparable across tasks; however, free linking provided more discrimination in dimensions three and four. RVb stability was equivalent for the two methods. Graph statistics indicated that free linking had greater discrimination power: on average subjects made similarity groupings with lower degree, lower transitivity, and higher connectivity for free linking in both studies. However, subjects did overall find free sorting easier and liked it more, indicating a higher cognitive difficulty of free linking. The free-linking task, therefore, provides more robust, realistic similarity maps at the cost of higher panelist effort, and should prove a valuable alternative for rapid sensory assessment of product sets.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Geometric and statistical techniques for projective mapping of chocolate chip cookies with a large number of consumers

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    The so-called rapid sensory methods have proved to be useful for the sensory study of foods by different types of panels, from trained assessors to unexperienced consumers. Data from these methods have been traditionally analyzed using statistical techniques, with some recent works proposing the use of geometric techniques and graph theory. The present work aims to deepen this line of research introducing a new method, mixing tools from statistics and graph theory, for the analysis of data from Projective Mapping. In addition, a large number of n=349 unexperienced consumers is considered for the first time in Projective Mapping, evaluating nine commercial chocolate chips cookies which include a blind duplicate of a multinational best-selling brand and seven private labels. The data obtained are processed using the standard statistical technique Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), the recently appeared geometric method SensoGraph using Gabriel clustering, and the novel variant introduced here which is based on the pairwise distances between samples. All methods provide the same groups of samples, with the blind duplicates appearing close together. Finally, the stability of the results is studied using bootstrapping and the RV and Mantel coefficients. The results suggest that, even for unexperienced consumers, highly stable results can be achieved for MFA and SensoGraph when considering a large enough number of assessors, around 200 for the consensus map of MFA or the global similarity matrix of SensoGraph.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    On the Benefits of Channel Bonding in Dense, Decentralized Wi-Fi 4 Networks

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    Channel bonding is a technique first defined in the IEEE 802.11n standard to increase the throughput in wireless networks by means of using wider channels. In IEEE 802.11n (nowadays also known as Wi-Fi 4), it is possible to use 40 MHz channels instead of the classical 20 MHz channels. Although using channel bonding can increase the throughput, the classic 802.11 setting only allows for two orthogonal channels in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, which is not enough for proper channel assignment in dense settings. For that reason, it is commonly accepted that channel bonding is not suitable for this frequency band. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any accurate study that deals with this issue thoroughly. In this work, we study in depth the effect of channel bonding in Wi-Fi 4 dense, decentralized networks operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. We confirm the negative effect of using channel bonding in the 2.4 GHz frequency band with 11 channels which are 20 MHz wide (as in North America), but we also show that when there are 13 or more channels at hand (as in many other parts of the world, including Europe and Japan), the use of channel bonding yields consistent throughput improvements. For that reason, we claim that the common assumption of not considering channel bonding in the 2.4 GHz band should be revised

    Distributed Remote E-Voting System Based on Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme

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    A number of e-voting systems have been proposed in the last decades, attracting the interest of the research community. The challenge is far from being fully addressed, especially for remote systems. In this work, we propose DiverSEC, a distributed, remote e-voting system based on Shamir secret sharing, operations in Galois field and mixnets, which enables end-to-end vote verification. Parties participate as nodes in the network, protecting their interests and ensuring process integrity due to the conflicting interests. The threat model is very conservative, not letting even the most privileged actors to compromise votes privacy or integrity. Security in depth is implemented, overlapping different mechanisms to offer guarantees even in the most adverse operating conditions. The main contributions of the resulting system are our proposal for secret-sharing among the political parties, which guarantees that no party can compromise the integrity of the ballot without being detected and identified in real time, and the computational and architectural scalability of the proposal, which make it easy to implement

    61 Diversec Voting - Votación remota distribuida para una seguridad en profundidad

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    En las últimas décadas se están proponiendo muchos sistemas de e-voting, que están suscitando un gran interés. No todos los problemas están resueltos todavía, especialmente si hablamos de sistemas remotos. En este trabajo se propone Diversec, un sistema de e-voting remoto y distribuido que utiliza el esquema de secreto compartido de Shamir, operaciones en el cuerpo de Galois y mixnets, y que ofrece verificación del voto de extremo a extremo. Los partidos participan como nodos en la red, protegiendo los intereses de su opción y garantizando la seguridad del proceso, al tener intereses enfrentados. El modelo de amenazas es lo más conservador posible y ni los actores más privilegiados tienen la capacidad de vulnerar la privacidad o la integridad de los votos. Se hace especial énfasis en la seguridad en profundidad, superponiendo diferentes mecanismos para ofrecer garantías incluso en condiciones más adversas de las esperadas

    Distributed Remote E-Voting System Based on Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme

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    [EN] A number of e-voting systems have been proposed in the last decades, attracting the interest of the research community. The challenge is far from being fully addressed, especially for remote systems. In this work, we propose DiverSEC, a distributed, remote e-voting system based on Shamir secret sharing, operations in Galois field and mixnets, which enables end-to-end vote verification. Parties participate as nodes in the network, protecting their interests and ensuring process integrity due to the conflicting interests. The threat model is very conservative, not letting even the most privileged actors to compromise votes privacy or integrity. Security in depth is implemented, overlapping different mechanisms to offer guarantees even in the most adverse operating conditions. The main contributions of the resulting system are our proposal for secret-sharing among the political parties, which guarantees that no party can compromise the integrity of the ballot without being detected and identified in real time, and the computational and architectural scalability of the proposal, which make it easy to implement.M.T.-R. is funded by a predoctoral grant from the University of Alcala. M.T.-R., I.M.-M. and J.M.G.-G. are partially funded by Project PID2019-104855RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, by Project SBPLY/19/180501/000171 of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and FEDER and by Project UCeNet (CM/JIN/2019-031) of the Comunidad de Madrid and University of Alcala. D.O. is partially supported by Project PID2019-104129GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by H2020-MSCA-RISE project 734922-CONNECT.Tejedor-Romero, M.; Orden, D.; Marsa-Maestre, I.; Junquera-Sanchez, J.; Gimenez-Guzman, JM. (2021). Distributed Remote E-Voting System Based on Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme. Electronics. 10(24):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10243075119102

    Democratic Wireless Channel Assignment: Fair Resource Allocation in Wi-Fi Networks

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    User experience is the ultimate quality of service criterion for modern WLAN networks. However, network configuration approaches are mainly network-centric. We envision a paradigm shift, empowering users in network management. We study how automated negotiation and collective intelligence can support the democratic configuration of a wireless network, leveraging client and provider interests. This new paradigm allows for flexible network configuration, which enables better exploitation of resources considering the clients real usage and needs, and a fair distribution of throughput among users.</p

    Distributed Multi-agent Negotiation for Wi-Fi Channel Assignment

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    Channel allocation in dense, decentralized Wi-Fi networks is a challenging due to the highly nonlinear solution space and the difficulty to estimate the opponent’s utility model. So far, only centralized or mediated approaches have succeeded in applying negotiation to this setting. We propose the first two fully-distributed negotiation approaches for Wi-Fi channel assignment. Both of them leverage a pre-sampling of the utility space with simulated annealing and a noisy estimation of the Wi-Fi utility function. Regarding negotiation protocols, one of the approaches makes use of the Alternating Offers protocol, while the other uses the novel Multiple Offers Protocol for Multilateral Negotiations with Partial Consensus (MOPaC), which naturally matches the problem peculiarities. We compare the performance of our proposed approaches with the previous mediated approach, based on simple text mediation. Our experiments show that our approaches yield better utility outcomes, better fairness and less information disclosure than the mediated approach.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Interactive Intelligenc

    Democratic Wireless Channel Assignment: Fair Resource Allocation in Wi-Fi Networks

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    User experience is the ultimate quality of service criterion for modern WLAN networks. However, network configuration approaches are mainly network-centric. We envision a paradigm shift, empowering users in network management. We study how automated negotiation and collective intelligence can support the democratic configuration of a wireless network, leveraging client and provider interests. This new paradigm allows for flexible network configuration, which enables better exploitation of resources considering the clients real usage and needs, and a fair distribution of throughput among users.Interactive Intelligenc