39 research outputs found

    Changes in the quality of cause-of-death statistics in Brazil : garbage codes among registered deaths in 1996–2016

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    Background: Registered causes in vital statistics classified as garbage codes (GC) are considered indicators of quality of cause-of-death data. Our aim was to describe temporal changes in this quality in Brazil, and the leading GCs according to levels assembled for the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. We also assessed socioeconomic differences in the burden of different levels of GCs at a regional level. Methods: We extracted data from the Brazilian Mortality Information System from 1996 to 2016. All three- and fourdigit ICD-10 codes considered GC were selected and classified into four categories, according to the GBD study proposal. GC levels 1 and 2 are the most damaging unusable codes, or major GCs. Proportionate distribution of deaths by GC levels according selected variables were performed. Age-standardized mortality rates after correction of underreporting of deaths were calculated to investigate temporal relationships as was the linear association adjusted for completeness between GC rates in states and the Sociodemographic Index (SDI) from the GBD study, for 1996–2005 and 2006–2016. We classified Brazilian states into three classes of development by applying tertiles cutoffs in the SDI state-level estimates. Results: Age-standardized mortality rates due to GCs in Brazil decreased from 1996 to 2016, particularly level 1 GCs. The most important GC groups were ill-defined causes (level 1) in 1996, and pneumonia unspecified (level 4) in 2016. At state level, there was a significant inverse association between SDI and the rate of level 1–2 GCs in 1996– 2005, but both SDI and completeness had a non-expected significant direct association with levels 3–4. In 2006– 2016, states with higher SDIs tended to have lower rates of all types of GCs. Mortality rates due to major GCs decreased in all three SDI classes in 1996–2016, but GC levels 3–4 decreased only in the high SDI category. States classified in the low or medium SDI groups were responsible for the most important decline of major GCs. Conclusion: Occurrence of major GCs are associated with socioeconomic determinants over time in Brazil. Their reduction with decreasing disparity in rates between socioeconomic groups indicates progress in reducing inequalities and strengthening cause-of-death statistics in the country


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    Objectives: the present study aims to generate estimates of mortality rates due to garbage codes (GC) for municipalities in Brazil by comparing direct and indirect methods, based on deaths registered in the Mortality Information System (SIM) between 2015 and 2017. Methods: Data from the SIM were used. The analysis was performed in groups of GC, levels 1 and 2, levels 3 and 4 and total GC. Mortality rates were estimated directly and indirectly, Empirical Bayesian Estimators. Results: about 38% of CG were estimated and regional differences in mortality rates were observed, higher in the Northeast and Southeast and lower in the South and Midwest. The Southeast presented similar rates for the two groups of CG analyzed. The smallest differences between direct and indirect estimates were observed in large cities, above 500 thousand. The municipalities in the north of Minas Gerais and the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia presented municipalities with high rates at levels 1 and 2. Conclusion: there are differences in the quality of the definition of the underlying causes of death, even with the use of indirect methodology which assists in smoothing rates. The quality of the definition of causes of death is important since they are associated with the access and quality of health services and offer subsidies for health planning.Objetivos: o presente estudo tem como objetivo gerar estimativas das taxas de mortalidade por causas garbage (CG) para os municípios do Brasil fazendo a comparação entre métodos diretos e indiretos, tendo como base os óbitos registrados no SIM entre 2015 e 2017. Métodos: Os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) foram utilizados. A análise foi realizada com grupos de GC, níveis 1 e 2, níveis 3 e 4 e total de GC. As taxas de mortalidade foram estimadas de forma direta e indireta, estimadores bayesianos empíricos. Resultados: observou-se cerca de 38% de CG e diferenças regionais nas taxas de mortalidade, maiores no Nordeste e Sudeste e menores no Sul e Centro-Oeste. O Sudeste apresentou taxas semelhantes para os dois grupos de CG analisados. As menores diferenças entre as estimativas diretas e indiretas foram observadas nas grandes cidades, acima de 500 mil. Os municípios do norte de Minas Gerais e estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Bahia apresentaram municípios com altas taxas nos níveis 1 e 2. Conclusão: existem diferenças na qualidade da definição das causas básicas de morte, mesmo com o uso de metodologia indireta que auxilia na suavização das taxas. A qualidade da definição das causas de morte é importante, uma vez que se mostram associadas com o acesso e qualidade dos serviços de saúde e oferecem subsídios para o planejamento em saúde

    A relação entre PIB per capita e os acidentes de transporte nos municípios brasileiros, 2005, 2010 e 2015

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    Objective: The main objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between GDP and three variables related to traffic accidents in Brazilian municipalities: traffic accident mortality, deaths per vehicle; and vehicles per inhabitant. Methods: 2005, 2010 and 2015 terrestrial traffic accident (ATT) mortality rates were estimated using a three years moving average and were standardized, then, we applied the empirical Bayes estimator (EBE). Fatality rates (deaths per vehicle) also were based on EBE. Vehicles per inhabitant considered the ratio between vehicle fleet and the population at municipal level. For every studied year, we estimated linear regression models between GDP and the interest variables.  Results: Variables distribution indicates that, between 2005 and 2015, GDP and vehicles per inhabitant kept the same rising relationship. Fatality rates show a decreasing association with GDP. TA mortality distribution with GDP presented a pattern close to an inverted-U. Model coefficients practically did not change for the vehicle per inhabitant. Estimated association between deaths per vehicle and GDP kept the same sign, but diminished between 2005 and 2015. Model coefficient sign changed in 2015 for TA mortality. Conclusion: Similarly to what was observed in developed countries, the relationship between mortality from traffic accidents and GDP changed in the analyzed period.Objetivo: O artigo pretende analisar a relação entre o PIB per capita e três variáveis relacionadas aos acidentes de transporte nos municípios brasileiros: a mortalidade por acidentes de transporte terrestre (ATT); as mortes por veículo; e o número de veículos por pessoa.  Métodos: As taxas de mortalidade por ATT foram estimadas (2005, 2010 e 2015) por meio do estimador bayesiano empírico (EBE). A taxa de mortalidade por veículo foi também estimada pelo EBE. O número de veículos por pessoa foi baseado na razão entre a frota de automóveis e a população residente.  Para os três anos em análise, estimamos um modelo de regressão linear entre o PIB per capita municipal e as três variáveis de interesse.  Resultados: A distribuição das variáveis mostra que a relação entre o PIB e número de veículos por pessoa se manteve crescente ao longo dos anos, e foi sempre negativa considerando  as mortes por veículo. A taxa mortalidade por ATT apresentou distribuição próxima a um U-invertido.  Os coeficientes do modelo de regressão praticamente não variaram para a relação entre PIB e os veículos por habitante. O sinal para o modelo com a taxa de mortalidade por veículo se manteve o mesmo (negativo), mas apresentou diminuição. A taxa mortalidade por ATT, por sua vez, apresentou inversão do sinal em 2015.  Conclusões: De modo similar ao observado nos países desenvolvidos, parece ter havido uma inversão na relação entre mortalidade por ATT e PIB nos municípios brasileiros entre 2005 e 2015

    Mortalidade prematura por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis nos municípios brasileiros, nos triênios de 2010 a 2012 e 2015 a 2017

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    Objective: To estimate premature mortality due to Noncommunicable Diseases in Brazilian municipalities. Methods: This ecological study estimated premature mortality rates due to cardiovascular, chronic respiratory diseases, neoplasms and diabetes in Brazilian municipalities, for the three-year periods of 2010 to 2012 and 2015 to 2017, and analyzed spatial and temporal distribution of these rates. Data treatment combined proportional redistribution of the missing data and ill-defined causes, and the application of coefficients for under-registration correction. Local empirical Bayesian estimator was used to calculate municipal mortality rates. Results: Rates for the set of chronic diseases reduced in Brazil between the three-year periods. The average rates for the total of NCDs declined in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions, stabilized in North and increased in Northeast. Mortality rates due to cardiovascular diseases were the highest in all regions, but showed the greatest declines between the periods. Neoplasms were the second leading group of causes of death. North and Northeast stood out for the increase in the average rates for this group of causes between the periods analyzed and for concentrating the highest averages of premature mortality rates due to diabetes in the 2015 to 2017 period. Conclusions: Spatial and temporal distribution of premature mortality rates due to NCDs differed among Brazilian municipalities and regions in the three-year periods evaluated. South and Southeast perceived a reduction in the rates due to cardiovascular, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, while North and Northeast had an increase in the rates due to neoplasms and Midwest due to diabetes.Objetivo: Estimar mortalidade prematura por Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis nos municípios brasileiros. Métodos: Estudo ecológico com estimativa das taxas de mortalidade prematura por doenças cardiovasculares, respiratórias crônicas, neoplasias e diabetes nos municípios brasileiros, nos triênios de 2010 a 2012 e 2015 a 2017, e análise da distribuição espacial e temporal dessas taxas. Realizou-se redistribuição proporcional dos dados faltantes e das causas mal definidas, e aplicou-se coeficientes para correção de sub-registro. As taxas municipais de mortalidade foram calculadas pelo estimador bayesiano empírico local. Resultados: No Brasil, houve redução das médias das taxas municipais para o conjunto das doenças crônicas entre os triênios. No Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste houve declínio das médias das taxas para o total das DCNTe acréscimo no Nordeste. As médias das taxas de mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares foram as mais altas em todas as regiões, mas apresentaram os maiores declínios entre os períodos. As neoplasias representaram o segundo principal grupo de causas. Norte e Nordeste se destacaram pelo aumento das taxas médias por esse grupo de causas entre os períodos analisados e por concentrarem as taxas mais altas de mortalidade prematura por diabetes no triênio 2015 a 2017. Conclusões: Diferenças na distribuição espaço-temporal das taxas de mortalidade prematura por DCNT foram identificadas entre municípios e regiões brasileiras. Houve redução das taxas por doenças cardiovasculares, respiratórias crônicas e diabetes no Sul e no Sudeste e aumento das taxas por neoplasias no Norte e no Nordeste, e por diabetes no Norte e no Centro-Oeste

    The burden of disease among Brazilian older adults and the challenge for health policies : results of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background: Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous nation, and is currently experimenting a fast demographic aging process in a context of scarce resources and social inequalities. To understand the health profile of older adults in Brazil is fundamental for planning public policies. Methods: The estimates were derived from data obtained through the collaboration between the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation of the University of Washington. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics provided the population estimates. Data on causes of death came from the Mortality Information System. To calculate morbidity, population-based studies on the prevalence of diseases in Brazil were comprehensively searched, in addition to information obtained from national databases such as the Hospital Information System, the Outpatient Information System, and the Injury Information System. We presented the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 estimates among Brazilian older adults (60+ years old) for life expectancy at birth (LE), healthy life expectancy (HALE), cause-specific mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), from 2000 to 2017. Results: LE at birth significantly increased from 71.3 years (95% UI to 70.9-71.8) to 75.2 years (95% UI 74.7-75.7). There was a trend of increasing HALE, from 62.2 years (95% UI 59.54-64.5) to 65.5 years (95% UI 62.6-68.0). The proportion of DALYs among older adults increased from 7.3 to 10.3%. Chronic noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death among middle aged and older adults, while Alzheimer’s disease is a leading cause only among older adults. Mood disorders, musculoskeletal pain, and hearing or vision losses are among the leading causes of disability. Conclusions: The increase in LE and the decrease of the DALYs rates are probably results of the improvement of social conditions and health policies. However, the smaller increase of HALE than LE means that despite living more, people spend a substantial time of their old age with disability and illness. Preventable or potentially controllable diseases are responsible for most of the burden of disease among Brazilian older adults. Health investments are necessary to obtain longevity with quality of life in Brazil

    Proposta metodológica para redistribuição de óbitos por causas garbage nas estimativas de mortalidade para Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis

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    Objective: to propose a method for improving mortality estimates from non-communicable chronic diseases (NCD), including the redistribution of garbage causes in the municipalities of Brazil. Methods: Information Mortality System (SIM) data was used in the three-year periods from 2010 to 2012 and 2015 to 2017, with comparison of age standardized rates before and after correction of NCDs (cardiovascular, chronic respiratory, diabetes and neoplasms). The treatment for data correction included missing data, under-registration and causes of garbage redistribution (CG). The trienniums and Bayesian method were used to estimate mortality rates by improving the fluctuation caused by small numbers at the municipal level. Results: The CG redistribution stage showed greater weight in the corrections, about 40% in 2000 and about 20% from 2007, with stabilization from this year.. Throughout the historical series, the quality of information on causes of death has improved in Brazil, with heterogeneous results being observed among the municipalities. Conclusions: methodological studies that propose the correction and improvement of the SIM are essential for monitoring the mortality rates due to NCDs at regional levels. The methodological proposal applied, for the first time in real data from Brazilian municipalities, is challenging and deserves further improvements. Despite the improvement in the data, the use of rates with raw data is not recommended, as the treatment in the data, the method used in this study for the treatment of raw data showed a great impact on the final estimates.Objetivo: propor método para melhoria das estimativas de mortalidade por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), incluindo a redistribuição de causas garbage nos municípios Brasileiros. Métodos: foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) nos triênios de 2010-2012 e 2015-2017, comparadas com as taxas padronizadas por idade, antes e após correção das DCNT (cardiovasculares, respiratória crônicas, diabetes e neoplasias). O tratamento para correção dos dados abordou dados faltantes, sub-registro e redistribuição de causas garbage (CG). Foram utilizados triênios e método bayesiano para estimar as taxas de mortalidade diminuindo o efeito da flutuação provocada pelos pequenos números no nível municipal. Resultados: a etapa de redistribuição CG mostrou maior peso nas correções, cerca de 40% em 2000 e cerca de 20% a  partir de 2007, com estabilização a partir deste ano. Ao longo da série histórica a qualidade da informação sobre causas de morte melhorou no Brasil, sendo observados resultados heterogêneos nos municípios. Observou-se clusters com as maiores proporções de correção nas regiões Nordeste e Norte. O diabetes foi a causa com maior proporção de acréscimo (mais de 40% em 2000). Conclusões: estudos metodológicos que propõem correção e melhoria do SIM são essenciais para o monitoramento das taxas de mortalidade por DCNT em níveis regionais. A proposta metodológica aplicada, pela primeira vez em dados reais de municípios brasileiros, é desafiadora e merece maiores aprimoramentos. Apesar da melhora nos dados, o método utilizado neste estudo para o tratamento dos dados brutos mostrou um grande impacto nas estimativas finais

    Evaluation of the achievement of the goals of the strategic action plan for coping with chronic diseases in Brazil, 2011-2022

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    Objetivo: avaliar o alcance das metas nas taxas de mortalidade e prevalência de exposição a fatores de risco e proteção definidas no plano de ações estratégicas para o enfrentamento das Doenças Crónicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) no Brasil, 2011-2022. Métodos: estudo avaliativo, sendo analisadas as tendências de mortalidade e de fatores de risco para as DCNT de acordo com dados do Global Burden of Disease e do inquérito Vigitel. Utilizou-se a regressão linear e considerou-se o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a variação na taxa de mortalidade prematura para todas as DCNT no período de 2011 a 2014 foi superior a meta de redução de 2% ao ano. Em 2015, o declínio foi menor e a partir de 2016 ocorreu aumento da mortalidade. Quanto aos fatores de risco, tendências favoráveis no período de 2010 a 2014, foram revertidas em 2015 a 2018. A partir das projeções, verificou-se que as metas de redução da obesidade, consumo abusivo de álcool, hipertensão e diabetes e o aumento da cobertura do exame papanicolau não deverão ser atingidas até 2022. Conclusão: algumas metas estabelecidas no plano para redução das DCNT e fatores de riscos poderão não ser atingidas. Assim, novos esforços governamentais e a retomada desta prioridade se tornam essenciais, considerando a carga de doenças do país. Objective: to evaluate the achievement of targets for mortality rates and prevalence of exposure to risk and protection factors defined in the Strategic Action Plan for Coping with Noncommunicable Diseases in Brazil, 2011-2022. Methods:evaluative study, analyzing trends in mortality and risk factors for NCD according to data from the Global Burden of Disease and the Vigitel survey. Linear regression and it was considered the significance level of 5% were used. Results: the premature mortality rate for all NCDs in the period of 2011 to 2014 was higher than the reduction target of 2% per year. In 2015, the decline was lower and as of 2016 there was an increase in mortality. Regarding the risk factors, favorable trends in the period from 2010 to 2014 were reversed in 2015 to 2018. It was verified from the data trends that the goals of reducing obesity, alcohol consumption, hypertension and diabetes as well as increased of the Papanicolau exam should not be met by 2022. Conclusion: some goals set in the plan to reduce NCD and risk factors may not be met. Thus, new government efforts and the resumption of this priority become essential, given the burden of disease in the countrypublishersversionpublishe

    A importância da vigilância de casos e óbitos e a epidemia da COVID-19 em Belo Horizonte, 2020

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    Objectives: This study aims to describe the actions carried out by the epidemiological surveillance system in Belo Horizonte to address the COVID-19 epidemic and the timeless of the data for detecting transmission in 2020. Methods: The sources of information used by the epidemiological surveillance of the municipality for COVID-19 were identified and the temporal distribution and interval for detection of confirmed cases of the disease were analyzed. Results: The city's epidemiological surveillance uses outpatient, hospital, public and private laboratory notifications as data sources. For reporting COVID-19 cases in official information systems, there is also an active search of laboratory results linked to suspected deaths investigated. From January to April 2020, 1,449 hospitalized cases of COVID-19 were reported, the first case being detected in late February 2020. Of the total 1,025 laboratory samples of cases hospitalized after the 8th epidemiological week, 87 (8.5%) of COVID-19 cases were confirmed. The median time between the onset of symptoms and the release of laboratory results was 12 days for the analyzed period. Conclusion: Epidemiological surveillance uses several data sources to monitor and analyze the transmission of COVID-19. The timeliness of this system to detect cases of the disease is compromised by the delay in the release of laboratory results, which has been a considerable challenge for adequate surveillance.Objetivos: Descrever as ações realizadas pela vigilância epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte para enfrentamento da epidemia de COVID-19 e avaliar a oportunidade para detecção precoce da transmissão da doença durante o período compreendido entre 1 de janeiro a 24 de abril de 2020. Métodos: Foram identificadas as fontes de informação utilizadas pela vigilância epidemiológica do município para a COVID-19 e analisadas a distribuição temporal e oportunidade para detecção dos casos confirmados da doença. Resultados: A vigilância epidemiológica do município utiliza fontes de notificações ambulatoriais, hospitalares, de laboratórios públicos e privados, além de busca ativa com cruzamento de dados laboratoriais na investigação de óbitos suspeitos, sendo os casos confirmados de COVID-19 informados em sistemas de informação oficiais. Foram notificados 1.449 casos internados, sendo o primeiro caso detectado no final de fevereiro de 2020. Do total de 1.025 amostras laboratoriais de casos internados após a semana epidemiológica 8, foram confirmados 87 casos (8,5%) por COVID-19. A mediana de tempo entre o início dos sintomas e liberação dos resultados laboratoriais foi de 12 dias. Conclusão: A vigilância epidemiológica utiliza várias fontes de dados para monitoramento e análise da transmissão da COVID-19. A oportunidade para detecção de casos da doença está comprometida pela demora na liberação dos resultados laboratoriais, sendo um desafio para a vigilância

    Evaluation of the health-related targets of the sustainable development goals in portuguese-speaking countries

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    Introdução: No contexto dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, torna-se importante o monitoramento do desempenho dos países signatários. Objetivo: analisar indicadores de saúde dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, estimados pelo Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation para os Estados que integram a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, referentes ao ano de 2017 e projeções para 2030. Materiais e métodos: Foram utilizadas as estimativas do estudo “Carga Global de Doenças”. Para cada país, e comparativamente entre eles, foram analisados um índice que sintetiza 41 indicadores de saúde dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, e os próprios indicadores, cujos valores foram transformandoos em escala de 0 a 100. Também se analisou a evolução do índice para cada país no período compreendido entre 1990 e 2017 e as tendências projetadas até o ano de 2030. Resultados: Os melhores desempenhos foram observados para Portugal e Brasil, nesta ordem. Nestes países, os maiores problemas de saúde referem-se às doenças crónicas não transmissíveis e fatores de risco correlatos, e, no Brasil,destaca-se também a violência. Nos demais países, observam-se: tripla carga de doenças, doenças infeciosas, problemas relacionados ao saneamento, elevadas taxas de mortalidade na infância, materna e por doenças crónicas não transmissíveis, além da violência sexual e agressões físicas. Conclusão: A CPLP apresenta assimetrias internas económico-sanitárias e na carga de doenças, o que torna premente o estabelecimento de uma rede de cooperação para o cumprimento da Agenda 2030. Introduction: In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, it is important to monitor the performance of the signatory countries. Objective: This study aims at analyzing the Sustainable Development Goals’s health indicators for 2017 and projections for 2030 estimated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, regarding the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. Materials and methods: Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study were used. In order to compare countries performances, it was analyzed an index that synthesizes 41 Sustainable Development Goals’s health indicators and also the values of each indicator, rescaled to a range from 0 through 100. The evolution of the index comprising the years of 1990 to 2017 and the projected trends until the year 2030 were analyzed for each country. Results: The best performances were observed for Portugal and Brazil, in that order. In these countries, the greatest health problems are related to and related risk factors, and in Brazil violence is also highlighted. In other countries, there is a triple burden of diseases, infectious diseases, problems related to water supply and sanitation, high infant and maternal mortality rates, and high mortality rates due to noncommunicable diseases, sexual violence and physical aggression. Conclusion: The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries presents internal disparities concerning economic and health status and the burden of diseases, which makes it urgent to establish a cooperation network to accomplish the 2030 agenda.publishersversionpublishe

    Trends in mortality due to noncommunicable diseases in the Brazilian adult population : national and subnational estimates and projections for 2030

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    Background: Monitoring and reducing premature mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a global priority of Agenda 2030. This study aimed to describe the mortality trends and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost due to NCDs between 1990 and 2017 for Brazil and to project those for 2030 as well as the risk factors (RFs) attributed deaths according to estimates of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Methods: We analyzed cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, neoplasms, and diabetes, and compared the mortality rates in 1990 and 2017 for all of Brazil and states. The study used the definition of premature mortality (30–69 years) that is used by the World Health Organization. The number of deaths, mortality rates, DALYs, and years of life lost (YLL) were used to compare 1990 and 2017. We analyzed the YLL for NCDs attributable to RFs. Results: There was a reduction of 35.3% from 509.1 deaths/100,000 inhabitants (1990) to 329.6 deaths/100,000 inhabitants due to NCDs in 2017. The DALY rate decreased by 33.6%, and the YLL rate decreased by 36.0%. There were reductions in NCDs rates in all 27 states. The main RFs related to premature deaths by NCDs in 2017 among women were high body mass index (BMI), dietary risks, high systolic blood pressure, and among men, dietary risks, high systolic blood pressure, tobacco, and high BMI. Trends in mortality rates due to NCDs declined during the study period; however, after 2015, the curve reversed, and rates fluctuated and tended to increase. Conclusion: Our findings highlighted a decline in premature mortality rates from NCDs nationwide and in all states. There was a greater reduction in deaths from cardiovascular diseases, followed by respiratory diseases, and we observed a minor reduction for those from diabetes and neoplasms. The observed fluctuations in mortality rates over the last 3 years indicate that if no further action is taken, we may not achieve the NCD Sustainable Development Goals. These findings draw attention to the consequences of austerity measures in a socially unequal setting with great regional disparities in which the majority of the population is dependent on state social policies