1,782 research outputs found
FDI, income inequality and poverty : a time series analysis of Portugal, 1973–2016
Using time series data for Portugal between 1973 and 2016, this paper examines to what extent, inward FDI contributes to income inequality and poverty in the long-run. It was found that increased flows of inward FDI are associated with a less unequal income distribution and lower poverty rates. The results further suggest that, in the Portuguese case there is mutual causality between inward FDI and poverty in the long run, i.e., FDI significantly reduces poverty, and lower levels of poverty lead to higher inward FDI flows. In the case of inequality, the evidence shows that FDI does not contribute to higher (or lower) income inequality. Instead, more unequal income distributions significantly and negatively impact on inward FDI in the long run. Finally, human capital emerged as a key determinant to mitigate income inequality and circumvent poverty, contributing, indirectly, to fostering additional FDI inflows. Such results call for integrated public policy interventions that emphasize social and institu- tional dimensions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Biopolymeric matrices for structural and functional stabilization of bacteriophages
In the recent past years, bacteriophage research has experienced a renaissance due to their potential application in the pharmaceutical field, especially with the increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the possibility to take part in new methods of early detection and diagnosis of bacterial infections. In that context, the structural and functional stabilization of bacteriophages using biopolymeric microporous hydrogels represents a promising research focus with a broad potential biomedical/ biopharmaceutical application. The scope of this work was to develop biopolymeric non-toxic phage-hydrogels of agar and sodium alginate, obtained at neutral pH and mild polymerization conditions, in order to offer adequate characteristics to the maintenance of phage’s lytic activity. Disc-like phage-hydrogels were prepared, with a phage and polymer concentration of 1.3x108 PFU/ml and 1.5% (w/v), respectively. Regarding the alginate hydrogels, CaCO3 (22.5 mM) and GDL (48 mM) were also included in the formulation. Agar hydrogels were prepared naturally by jellification, as a function of temperature lowering, and alginate hydrogels were prepared by internal gelation. The matrices were inoculated with a suspension of susceptible (host) bacteria and incubated at 37 ºC for 24h. Observation of bacterial lawn’s lysis demonstrated that bacteriophages kept their lytic activity, being the method of physical entrapment able to promote their stabilization. Cryo-SEM analysis revealed that both types of phage-hydrogels present interconnective microporous network, which guaranties a facilitated access of the phages to the bacteria, ensuring an efficient lysis of the host bacteria present in the surface of the hydrogels.The developed hydrogels also present appropriate physical and chemical properties for a wider variety of applications in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, such as controlled release of (macro)molecules, cell immobilization and 3D support for tissue regeneration
The effect of bovine milk lactoferrin on human breast cancer cell lines
The evidence that biologically active food components are key environmental factors
affecting the incidence of many chronic diseases is overwhelming. However, the full
extent of such components in our diet is unknown, as well as our understanding of their mechanisms of action. Beyond their interaction with the gut and intestinal immune
functions, more benefits are being tested for whey proteins such as lactoferrin, namely
as anti-cancer agents. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that has been reported to
inhibit several types of cancer. In the present work, the effects of bovine milk lactoferrin
on human breast cancer HS578T and T47D cells were studied. The cells were either
untreated or submitted to lactoferrin concentrations ranging from 0. 125 to 125 μM.
Lactoferrin decreased 47% and 54% the cell viability of HS578T and T47D,
respectively, and increased apoptosis about twofold for both cell lines. Proliferation
rates decreased between 40.3 and 63.9% for HS578T and T47D, respectively. T47D cell
migration decreased in the presence of the protein. Although the mechanisms of action
have still not been unrevealed, the results gathered in this work suggest that lactoferrin
interferes with some of the most important steps involved in cancer development.(undefined
Biological treatment of solid wastes from the tobacco industry for enzyme production
Aiming at the production of enzymes using solid wastes from the tobacco industry, the solid fermentation
kinetics of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus terreus using waste of dark tobacco and Virginia tobacco as
substrate were characterized.
The efficiency of the fermentation process was evaluated by determining the enzymatic activity of the three
enzymes that constitute the cellulose enzymatic system (CMCase, PFase and Xylanase).
The results obtained led to the establishment of the best initial conditions of fermentation and the selection
of the most efficient microorganism for enzyme production. The best results were obtained with
Aspergillus terreus for both tobacco residues. In the case of black tobacco, the best incubation temperature
was 31 ºC for the enzymes CMCase and Xylanase and 36 ºC for the PFase and initial pH 5.5 for the three
enzymes. For the Virginia tobacco, the best incubation temperature and initial pH are the same for the three
enzymes, 36 ºC and 5.5 respectively.
The biological activity of the fermented tobacco residues was evaluated being the highest rate of inhibition
of microbial growth – 72% - obtained with the residue of Virginia tobacco treated with Aspergillus niger
Internal variation temperature analysis and thermal mapping of a central processing unit (CPU)
This work aims to analyze the internal temperature variation of the central processing unit (CPU) of a personal computer, through the development of three distinct scenarios: one for reference and two aiming at its performance improvement. The finite volume method (FVM) was applied. Thus, Hypermesh 13.0 software was used for geometric model development and for surface mesh generation. For model contour conditions configuration, virtual simulation and post-processing, Starccm+ software was used. The results of this work indicated hot spots due to the heat dissipated during the operation of the CPU components. As expected, the processor region presented the highest temperatures in all proposed scenarios. The opening on the side of the cabinet, proposed in scenario 2, allowed a temperature reduction of about 18 °C in the processor region. In turn, scenario 3, in which heat exchangers were used in order to minimize the temperature of the hot air from the recirculation in the processor region, showed a minimum temperature reduction (about 3 °C) when compared to scenario 1
Budd-chiari syndrome and unsuspected gastric adenocarcinoma
A síndrome de Budd-Chiari não tem sido descrita em pacientes jovens portadores de câncer gástrico. Relata-se caso de síndrome de Budd-Chiari e linfangite carcinomatosa em homem branco de 28 anos, portador de câncer gástrico insuspeito, apresentando icterícia, hematêmese e dispnéia. O estudo de autopsia revelou adenocarcinoma gástrico infiltrando vasos das camadas submucosa e serosa, com sangramento do estômago e intestino, além de metástases hepáticas e pulmonares. Múltiplos microtrombos mistos (fibrina, plaquetas e células tumorais) foram observados em pequenos vasos sangüíneos pulmonares e tanto os vasos linfáticos subpleurais quanto o interstício pulmonar continham células tumorais metastáticas.The Budd-Chiari syndrome has not been described in young patients with gastric cancer. A case of Budd-Chiari syndrome and carcinomatous lymphangitis is reported in a 28 years-old white man with unsuspected gastric cancer, presenting jaundice, hematemesis and dyspnea. Autopsy disclosed gastric adenocarcinoma invading vessels of the submucous and serous layers, with gastric and intestinal bleeding, liver and lung metastases. Multiple mixed (fibrin, platelets and tumor cells) microthrombi were observed in small pulmonary blood vessels, and both subpleural lymph vessels and lung interstitium contained metastatic tumor cells
Development of tools to support the production planning in a textile company
Technologies are constantly evolving and so with advances in industry 4.0, its intelligent technologies with production planning and control (PPC) give rise to a smart PPC. Nowadays, one of the fundamental systems in a company is the ERP, since it allows the integration of various information from the different areas belonging to an organization, which allows access to data in real time, among other things. Through a work carried out in a textile company, it was noticeable the need to develop a tool to support its installed ERP system and the respective data control. Thus, it is noted that PPC systems, which include the integration of all areas of a company, must be adapted to its environment, work method and characteristics. With the application of this tool, it was possible to perceive an increase in efficiency and speed in obtaining the desired results, being that it is still under development and could evolve even more.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/00319/2020
Chemical Functionalization of Cellulosic Materials — Main Reactions and Applications in the Contaminants Removal of Aqueous Medium
The cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world and presents a higher chemical variability for presence of several hydroxyl groups. These hydroxyl groups allow surface modification of biomaterials, with insertion of several chemical groups which change cellulose characteristics. This natural biopolymer and its derivatives have been used a lot as adsorbent, from several contaminants of aqueous medium due to biocompatibility, chemical degradability, and variability. Therefore, this chapter has the objective to review the literature about several cellulose surfaces or cellulosic material (incorporation of carboxymethyl, phosphorus, carboxyl, amines, and sulfur), presenting the main characteristics of reactions and showing its adsorption in application of aqueous medium (metals, dyes, and drugs), locating the main interactions between biomaterial/contaminant
Consenso Técnico para a determinação do status da proteína HER2 por imunocitoquímica em carcinoma da mama
A determinação do status da proteína HER2 por imunocitoquímica é uma metodologia fundamental para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e indicação terapêutica no carcinoma da mama, nomeadamente para o encaminhamento terapêutico com Herceptin®/trastuzumab. O estabelecimento desta terapêutica nas vertentes adjuvante ou neoadjuvante, e até em doença metastática, tem vindo a acentuar a importância da determinação do referido status de modo a melhor responder às necessidades dos doentes. Sendo a imunocitoquímica o método validado para determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama, é de extrema importância definir linhas de orientação para a sua correta performance como tem sido estabelecido em diversos países em todo o mundo. A área científica de Anatomia Patológica, Citológica e Tanatológica da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (APCT-ESTeSL) e a Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Anatomia Patológica (APTAP) reuniram um painel de especialistas para a construção e estabelecimento de linhas de orientação técnica para a determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama para a realidade portuguesa. Pretende-se com este consenso criar linhas de orientação técnicas para a construção, validação e manutenção do teste imunocitoquímico para determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama, no que diz respeito à realidade portuguesa. Todas as orientações aqui descritas têm em conta o estado da arte atual no que diz respeito à determinação do status HER2 por imunocitoquímica em carcinoma da mama, bem como a experiência pessoal e académica de cada um dos membros do painel de especialistas que a subscrevem
Ohmic heating extract of vine pruning residue has anti-colorectal cancer activity and increases sensitivity to the chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU
Vine pruning residues are by-products of the wine industry that have not received much attention in the past, in spite of being rich in bioactive compounds. In this study, we aimed to test whether an ohmic extract of vine pruning residue (VPE) has anti-colorectal cancer (CRC) properties, and whether responses differ according with cell’s mutation profile. VPE decreased human CRC cell proliferation, accompanied by DNA effects and cell cycle modulation. VPE also increased cell sensitivity to the chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU. Our results suggest that tumors harboring BRAF mutations may be more responsive to VPE than KRAS mutated tumors. These effects of the extract were not completely reproduced by the most abundant constituents tested individually at the concentrations present in the effective dose of VPE. Globally, our results indicate that VPE, a polyphenol enriched extract produced by ohmic heating of vine pruning residue, has anti-colorectal cancer potential, including sensitizing to a chemotherapeutical drug, and its use in functional foods or nutraceuticals could be exploited in personalized anti colorectal cancer dietary strategies. Valorization of this lignocellulosic residue should encourage bio-waste recycling, adding value to this agricultural by-product and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under thescope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004)funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020-Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. MSJ was supported by the International Cooperation Program CNPq/CSF at the University of Minho, financed by CNPq-Brazilian Federal Agency and ACC by the INTERACT project–“Integrated ResearchEnvironment, Agro-Chain and Technology”, no. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000017, in its line of research entitledISAC, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through NORTE 2020 (North RegionalOperational Program 2014/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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