1,099 research outputs found

    Scaling property of the critical hopping parameters for the Bose-Hubbard model

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    Recently precise results for the boundary between the Mott insulator phase and the superfluid phase of the homogeneous Bose-Hubbard model have become available for arbitrary integer filling factor g and any lattice dimension d > 1. We use these data for demonstrating that the critical hopping parameters obey a scaling relationship which allows one to map results for different g onto each other. Unexpectedly, the mean-field result captures the dependence of the exact critical parameters on the filling factor almost fully. We also present an approximation formula which describes the critical parameters for d > 1 and any g with high accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. to appear in EPJ

    Network growth models and genetic regulatory networks

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    We study a class of growth algorithms for directed graphs that are candidate models for the evolution of genetic regulatory networks. The algorithms involve partial duplication of nodes and their links, together with innovation of new links, allowing for the possibility that input and output links from a newly created node may have different probabilities of survival. We find some counterintuitive trends as parameters are varied, including the broadening of indegree distribution when the probability for retaining input links is decreased. We also find that both the scaling of transcription factors with genome size and the measured degree distributions for genes in yeast can be reproduced by the growth algorithm if and only if a special seed is used to initiate the process.Comment: 8 pages with 7 eps figures; uses revtex4. Added references, cleaner figure

    A high-resolution 43-year atmospheric hindcast for South America generated with the MPI regional model

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    An evaluation of the present-day climate in South America simulated by the MPI atmospheric limited area model, REMO, is made. The model dataset was generated by dynamical downscaling from the ECMWF-ERA40 reanalysis and compared to in-situ observations. The model is able to reproduce the low-level summer monsoon circulation but it has some deficiencies in representing the South American Low-Level Jet structure. At upper levels, summer circulation features like the Bolivian High and the associated subtropical jet are well simulated by the model. Sea-level pressure fields are in general well represented by REMO. The model exhibits reasonable skill in representing the general features of the mean seasonal cycle of precipitation. Nevertheless, there is a systematic overestimation of precipitation in both tropical and subtropical regions. Differences between observed and modeled temperature are smaller than 1.5A degrees C over most of the continent, excepting during spring when those differences are quite large. Results also show that the dynamical downscaling performed using REMO introduces some enhancement of the global reanalysis especially in temperature at the tropical regions during the warm season and in precipitation in both the subtropics and extratropics. It is then concluded that REMO can be a useful tool for regional downscaling of global simulations of present and future climates

    Case study for the assessment of the biogeophysical effects of a potential afforestation in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: A regional-scale sensitivity study has been carried out to investigate the climatic effects of forest cover change in Europe. Applying REMO (regional climate model of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology), the projected temperature and precipitation tendencies have been analysed for summer, based on the results of the A2 IPCC-SRES emission scenario simulation. For the end of the 21st century it has been studied, whether the assumed forest cover increase could reduce the effects of the greenhouse gas concentration change. RESULTS: Based on the simulation results, biogeophysical effects of the hypothetic potential afforestation may lead to cooler and moister conditions during summer in most parts of the temperate zone. The largest relative effects of forest cover increase can be expected in northern Germany, Poland and Ukraine, which is 15-20% of the climate change signal for temperature and more than 50% for precipitation. In northern Germany and France, potential afforestation may enhance the effects of emission change, resulting in more severe heavy precipitation events. The probability of dry days and warm temperature extremes would decrease. CONCLUSIONS: Large contiguous forest blocks can have distinctive biogeophysical effect on the climate on regional and local scale. In certain regions of the temperate zone, climate change signal due to greenhouse gas emission can be reduced by afforestation due to the dominant evaporative cooling effect during summer. Results of this case study with a hypothetical land cover change can contribute to the assessment of the role of forests in adapting to climate change. Thus they can build an important basis of the future forest policy

    Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of Dirac fermions in graphene

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    The speed of solid-state electronic devices, determined by the temporal dynamics of charge carriers, could potentially reach unprecedented petahertz frequencies through direct manipulation by optical fields, consisting in a million-fold increase from state-of-the-art technology. In graphene, charge carrier manipulation is facilitated by exceptionally strong coupling to optical fields, from which stems an important back-action of photoexcited carriers. Here we investigate the instantaneous response of graphene to ultrafast optical fields, elucidating the role of hot carriers on sub-100 fs timescales. The measured nonlinear response and its dependence on interaction time and field polarization reveal the back-action of hot carriers over timescales commensurate with the optical field. An intuitive picture is given for the carrier trajectories in response to the optical-field polarization state. We note that the peculiar interplay between optical fields and charge carriers in graphene may also apply to surface states in topological insulators with similar Dirac cone dispersion relations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well: mean-field chaos and multi-particle entanglement

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    A recent publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 140408 (2008)] shows that there is a relation between mean-field chaos and multi-particle entanglement for BECs in a periodically shaken double well. 'Schrodinger-cat' like mesoscopic superpositions in phase-space occur for conditions for which the system displays mean-field chaos. In the present manuscript, more general highly-entangled states are investigated. Mean-field chaos accelerates the emergence of multi-particle entanglement; the boundaries of stable regions are particularly suited for entanglement generation.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 jpg-figures, to be published in the proceedings of the LPHYS0

    Projektabwicklung und Ergebnisse des Bund-Länder-1000-Dächer-Photovoltaik-Programmes in Sachsen

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    Im Report werden die im Rahmen des Bund-Länder-1000-Dächer-Photovoltaik-Programmes in Sachsen erzielten Ergebnisse dargestellt. Insgesamt wurden auf Dächern von Ein- und Zweifamilienhäusern in den Jahren 1992 - 1994 150 netzgekoppelte Anlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 523 kWp errichtet. Dabei kamen Module und Wechselrichter von jeweils acht verschiedenen europäischen Herstellern zum Einsatz. Die beteiligten Fachfirmen erwarben ein breites Know-how zur Auslegung und Installation der Anlagen sowie zur architektonischen und bautechnischen Einbindung der Photovoltaikgeneratoren auf Dächern von Einfamilienhäusern. Entsprechende Ergebnisse werden zusammenfassend vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse des begleitenden Meßprogrammes werden im Detail diskutiert. Erstmals werden quantitative Zusammenhänge zwischen der solaren Energieproduktion und dem Eigenbedarf von Haushalten ermittelt. Der jährliche Elektroenergiebedarf von Haushalten kann durch dachmontierte PV-Anlagen unter mitteleuropäischen Bedingungen voll gedeckt werden. Die mögliche jährliche Energieproduktion einer Photovoltaikanlage in Sachsen beträgt 750 kWh/kWp, die weitere Minimierung der anlagenbedingten Verluste ist Gegenstand weiterführender Untersuchungen

    Gate Leakage Reduction by Clocked Power Supply of Adiabatic Logic Circuits

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    Losses due to gate-leakage-currents become more dominant in new technologies as gate leakage currents increase exponentially with decreasing gate oxide thickness. The most promising Adiabatic Logic (AL) families use a clocked power supply with four states. Hence, the full <i>V</i><sub><i>DD</i></sub> voltage drops over an AL gate only for a quarter of the clock cycle, causing a full gate leakage only for a quarter of the clock period. The rising and falling ramps of the clocked power supply lead to an additional energy consumption by gate leakage. This energy is smaller than the fraction caused by the constant <i>V</i><sub><i>DD</i></sub> drop, because the gate leakage exponentially depends on the voltage across the oxide. To obtain smaller energy consumption, Improved Adiabatic Logic (IAL) has been introduced. IAL swaps all n- and p-channel transistors. The logic blocks are built of p-channel devices which show gate tunneling currents significantly smaller than in n-channel devices. Using IAL instead of conventional AL allows an additional reduction of the energy consumption caused by gate leakage. Simulations based on a 90nm CMOS process show a lowering in gate leakage energy consumption for AL by a factor of 1.5 compared to static CMOS. For IAL the factor is up to 4. The achievable reduction varies depending on the considered AL family and the complexity of the gate
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