204 research outputs found

    Local Victory: Assessing Interspecific Competition in Seagrass From a Trait-Based Perspective

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    Tropical seagrass meadows are formed by an array of seagrass species that share the same space. Species sharing the same plot are competing for resources, namely light and inorganic nutrients, which results in the capacity of some species to preempt space from others. However, the drivers behind seagrass species competition are not completely understood. In this work, we studied the competitive interactions among tropical seagrass species of Unguja Island (Zanzibar, Tanzania) using a trait-based approach. We quantified the abundance of eight seagrass species under different trophic states, and selected nine traits related to light and inorganic nutrient preemption to characterize the functional strategy of the species (leaf maximum length and width, leaves per shoot, leaf mass area, vertical rhizome length, shoots per meter of ramet, rhizome diameter, roots per meter of ramet, and root maximum length). From the seagrass abundance we calculated the probability of space preemption between pairs of seagrass species and for each individual seagrass species under the different trophic states. Species had different probabilities of space preemption, with the climax species Thalassodendron ciliatum, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and the opportunistic Cymodocea serrulata having the highest probability of preemption, while the pioneer and opportunistic species Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis, and Cymodocea rotundata had the lowest. Traits determining the functional strategy showed that there was a size gradient across species. For two co-occurring seagrass species, probability of preemption was the highest for the larger species, it increased as the size difference between species increased and was unaffected by the trophic state. Competitive interactions among seagrass species were asymmetrical, i.e., negative effects were not reciprocal, and the driver behind space preemption was determined by plant size. Seagrass space preemption is a consequence of resource competition, and the probability of a species to exert preemption can be calculated using a trait-based approach

    New class of inhibitors of amyloid-beta fibril formation. Implications for the mechanism of pathogenesis in Alzheimer's disease

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    The amyloid hypothesis suggests that the process of amyloid-beta protein (Abeta) fibrillogenesis is responsible for triggering a cascade of physiological events that contribute directly to the initiation and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Consequently, preventing this process might provide a viable therapeutic strategy for slowing and/or preventing the progression of this devastating disease. A promising strategy to achieve prevention of this disease is to discover compounds that inhibit Abeta polymerization and deposition. Herein, we describe a new class of small molecules that inhibit Abeta aggregation, which is based on the chemical structure of apomorphine. These molecules were found to interfere with Abeta1-40 fibrillization as determined by transmission electron microscopy, Thioflavin T fluorescence and velocity sedimentation analytical ultracentrifugation studies. Using electron microscopy, time-dependent studies demonstrate that apomorphine and its derivatives promote the oligomerization of Abeta but inhibit its fibrillization. Preliminary structural activity studies demonstrate that the 10,11-dihydroxy substitutions of the D-ring of apomorphine are required for the inhibitory effectiveness of these aporphines, and methylation of these hydroxyl groups reduces their inhibitory potency. The ability of these small molecules to inhibit Abeta amyloid fibril formation appears to be linked to their tendency to undergo rapid autoxidation, suggesting that autoxidation product(s) acts directly or indirectly on Abeta and inhibits its fibrillization. The inhibitory properties of the compounds presented suggest a new class of small molecules that could serve as a scaffold for the design of more efficient inhibitors of Abeta amyloidogenesis in vivo

    Terahertz underdamped vibrational motion governs protein-ligand binding in solution

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    Low-frequency collective vibrational modes in proteins have been proposed as being responsible for efficiently directing biochemical reactions and biological energy transport. However, evidence of the existence of delocalized vibrational modes is scarce and proof of their involvement in biological function absent. Here we apply extremely sensitive femtosecond optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy to study the depolarized Raman spectra of lysozyme and its complex with the inhibitor triacetylchitotriose in solution. Underdamped delocalized vibrational modes in the terahertz frequency domain are identified and shown to blue-shift and strengthen upon inhibitor binding. This demonstrates that the ligand-binding coordinate in proteins is underdamped and not simply solvent-controlled as previously assumed. The presence of such underdamped delocalized modes in proteins may have significant implications for the understanding of the efficiency of ligand binding and protein–molecule interactions, and has wider implications for biochemical reactivity and biological function

    A trait-based framework for seagrass ecology: Trends and prospects

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    In the last three decades, quantitative approaches that rely on organism traits instead of taxonomy have advanced different fields of ecological research through establishing the mechanistic links between environmental drivers, functional traits, and ecosystem functions. A research subfield where trait-based approaches have been frequently used but poorly synthesized is the ecology of seagrasses; marine angiosperms that colonized the ocean 100M YA and today make up productive yet threatened coastal ecosystems globally. Here, we compiled a comprehensive trait-based response-effect framework (TBF) which builds on previous concepts and ideas, including the use of traits for the study of community assembly processes, from dispersal and response to abiotic and biotic factors, to ecosystem function and service provision. We then apply this framework to the global seagrass literature, using a systematic review to identify the strengths, gaps, and opportunities of the field. Seagrass trait research has mostly focused on the effect of environmental drivers on traits, i.e., “environmental filtering” (72%), whereas links between traits and functions are less common (26.9%). Despite the richness of trait-based data available, concepts related to TBFs are rare in the seagrass literature (15% of studies), including the relative importance of neutral and niche assembly processes, or the influence of trait dominance or complementarity in ecosystem function provision. These knowledge gaps indicate ample potential for further research, highlighting the need to understand the links between the unique traits of seagrasses and the ecosystem services they provide

    Macrophyte abundance in Waquoit Bay : effects of land-derived nitrogen loads on seasonal and multi-year biomass patterns

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Estuaries and Coasts 31 (2008): 532-541, doi:10.1007/s12237-008-9039-6.Anthropogenic inputs of nutrients to coastal waters have rapidly restructured coastal ecosystems. To examine the response of macrophyte communities to land-derived nitrogen loading, we measured macrophyte biomass monthly for six years in three estuaries subject to different nitrogen loads owing to different land uses on the watersheds. The set of estuaries sampled had nitrogen loads over the broad range of 12 to 601 kg N ha-1 y-1. Macrophyte biomass increased as nitrogen loads increased, but the response of individual taxa varied. Specifically, biomass of Cladophora vagabunda and Gracilaria tikvahiae increased significantly as nitrogen loads increased. The biomass of other macroalgal taxa tended to decrease with increasing load, and the relative proportion of these taxa to total macrophyte biomass also decreased. The seagrass, Zostera marina, disappeared from the higher loaded estuaries, but remained abundant in the estuary with the lowest load. Seasonal changes in macroalgal standing stock were also affected by nitrogen load, with larger fluctuations in biomass across the year and higher minimum biomass of macroalgae in the higher loaded estuaries. There were no significant changes in macrophyte biomass over the six years of this study, but there was a slight trend of increasing macroalgal biomass in the latter years. Macroalgal biomass was not related to irradiance or temperature, but Z. marina biomass was highest during the summer months when light and temperatures peak. Irradiance might, however, be a secondary limiting factor controlling macroalgal biomass in the higher loaded estuaries by restricting the depth of the macroalgal canopy. The relationship between the bloom-forming macroalgal species, C. vagabunda and G. tikvahiae, and nitrogen loads suggested a strong connection between development on watersheds and macroalgal blooms and loss of seagrasses. The influence of watershed land uses largely overwhelmed seasonal and inter-annual differences in standing stock of macrophytes in these temperate estuaries.This research was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technologies (CICEET-UNH#99-304, NOAA NA87OR512), NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship NERRS GRF, #NA77OR0228), and an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR Fellowship for Graduate Environmental Study (U-915335-01-0) awarded to J. Hauxwell. S. Fox was supported by a NOAA NERRS GRF (#NA03NOS4200132) and an EPA STAR Graduate Research Fellowship. We also thank the Quebec-Labrador Foundation Atlantic Center for the Environment's Sounds Conservancy Program and the Boston University Ablon/Bay Committee for their awarding research funds

    Glutamate regulation of calcium and IP3 oscillating and pulsating dynamics in astrocytes

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    Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in neuron-glia communication. This interest stems from the realization that glia participates in cognitive functions and information processing and is involved in many brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. An important process in neuron-glia communications is astrocyte encoding of synaptic information transfer: the modulation of intracellular calcium dynamics in astrocytes in response to synaptic activity. Here, we derive and investigate a concise mathematical model for glutamate-induced astrocytic intracellular Ca2+ dynamics that captures the essential biochemical features of the regulatory pathway of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). Starting from the well-known two-state Li-Rinzel model for calcium-induced-calcium release, we incorporate the regulation of the IP3 production and phosphorylation. Doing so we extended it to a three-state model (referred as the G-ChI model), that could account for Ca2+ oscillations triggered by endogenous IP3 metabolism as well as by IP3 production by external glutamate signals. Compared to previous similar models, our three-state models include a more realistic description of the IP3 production and degradation pathways, lumping together their essential nonlinearities within a concise formulation. Using bifurcation analysis and time simulations, we demonstrate the existence of new putative dynamical features. The cross-couplings between IP3 and Ca2+ pathways endows the system with self-consistent oscillator properties and favor mixed frequency-amplitude encoding modes over pure amplitude modulation ones. These and additional results of our model are in general agreement with available experimental data and may have important implications on the role of astrocytes in the synaptic transfer of information.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, 1 table. Figure filenames mirror figure order in the paper. Ending "S" in figure filenames stands for "Supplementary Figure". This article was selected by the Faculty of 1000 Biology: "Genevieve Dupont: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 4 Sep 2009" at http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1163674/evaluatio
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