14 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Joint Meta-Analysis of SNP and SNP-by-Smoking Interaction Identifies Novel Loci for Pulmonary Function

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    Day-ahead forecasting of wholesale electricity pricing using extreme learning machine

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    In a deregulated electricity market where consumers can prepare bidding plans and purchase electricity directly from supplies, consumers can expect the price to fluctuate based on the demand. The consumers can also make economic beneficial decision to use electricity when the price is low. In this context, accurate forecast of the electricity price enable the consumers to plan and make such decisions. This paper proposes a methodology to forecast day-ahead electricity pricing using extreme learning machine. An artificial neural network forecasting model enables inputs variables that affect the output variable. The forecasting model is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink software. The proposed methodology is compared with a simple moving average model, and empirical evidence shows that the proposed methodology has a higher accuracy

    Factors influencing the activation of the rapid response system for clinically deteriorating patients by frontline ward clinicians: A systematic review

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    10.1093/intqhc/mzx149International Journal for Quality in Health Care298981-99

    An evaluation of noninvasive sampling techniques for Malayan sun bears

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    Traditional mark-recapture studies to estimate abundance and trends of Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) populations are impeded by logistics of live-trapping wild individuals. The development of noninvasive sampling techniques for monitoring sun bear populations is therefore crucial for targeted conservation action. Sun bears have short fur, and conventional hair-snagging devices are ineffective. Moreover, scats are rapidly decomposed by the warm, humid environment, as well as by invertebrates. In combination with camera-sampling, we tested 2 designs of hair traps (n = 45) in situ at Tabin Wildlife Reserve in Sabah, Malaysia, during April-October 2017, to obtain hair samples from wild sun bears. We also deployed 4 types of hair traps in rainforest enclosures with captive sun bears to evaluate hair-capture success and the effects of weathering, lure, and adhesive on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification success. Wild adult male sun bears displayed back-rubbing behavior at hair traps and 6 individuals were identified based on unique chest marks. We collected 30 hair samples from wild sun bears, including 15 chest mark images of 6 individuals over 1,260 trap-nights. We detected adult males at hair traps more frequently than females and subadults. We obtained 39 hair samples in the captive trials. Extracted DNA from hair roots successfully amplified with mitochondrial (wild bears: 95%; captive bears: 97%) and microsatellite primers (wild bears: 100%; captive bears 87%). Adhesive and lure type did not affect PCR amplification, but weathering reduced amplification of microsatellite loci. This study is the first successful attempt to obtain genetic samples from wild sun bears using inexpensive, readily available materials such as duct tape, polybutyl glue, and locally sourced lures. The quality of genetic material from these genetic samples should be suitable for studies of population size and gene flow

    A SPectroscopic Survey of Biased Halos in the Reionization Era (ASPIRE): JWST Discovers an Overdensity around a Metal Absorption-selected Galaxy at z ∼ 5.5

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    The launch of JWST opens a new window for studying the connection between metal-line absorbers and galaxies at the end of the Epoch of Reionization. Previous studies have detected absorber-galaxy pairs in limited quantities through ground-based observations. To enhance our understanding of the relationship between absorbers and their host galaxies at z > 5, we utilized the NIRCam wide-field slitless spectroscopy to search for absorber-associated galaxies by detecting their rest-frame optical emission lines (e.g., [O III] + Hβ). We report the discovery of a Mg ii-associated galaxy at z = 5.428 using data from the JWST ASPIRE program. The Mg ii absorber is detected on the spectrum of quasar J0305-3150 with a rest-frame equivalent width of 0.74 Å. The associated galaxy has an [O III] luminosity of 1042.5 erg s−1 with an impact parameter of 24.9 pkpc. The joint Hubble Space Telescope-JWST spectral energy distribution (SED) implies a stellar mass and star formation rate of M * ≈ 108.8 M ⊙, star-formation rate ≈ 10 M ⊙ yr−1. Its [O III] equivalent width and stellar mass are typical of [O III] emitters at this redshift. Furthermore, connecting the outflow starting time to the SED-derived stellar age, the outflow velocity of this galaxy is ∼300 km s−1, consistent with theoretical expectations. We identified six additional [O III] emitters with impact parameters of up to ∼300 pkpc at similar redshifts (∣dv∣ < 1000 km s−1). The observed number is consistent with that in cosmological simulations. This pilot study suggests that systematically investigating the absorber-galaxy connection within the ASPIRE program will provide insights into the metal-enrichment history in the early Universe. © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    The bovine genome map

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