106 research outputs found

    Relationship between Organizational Climate, Employee Psychological Empowerment, and Innovation in Market Research Firms in Kenya

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between Organizational Climate (OC), Employee Psychological Empowerment (EPE) and innovation in Market and Social Research Firms (MSRFs) in Kenya. This was motivated by inconsistent empirical findings of the previous scholars on the effect of organizational climate on innovation. Besides, it was inspired by the omission of the employee psychological empowerment as intervening variable between OC and innovation. This study therefore, investigated the effect of OC on EPE and EPE on innovation. Further, direct effect of OC on innovation was also assessed. To address these objectives, this study used cross-sectional research design. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study found the effect of training support on EPE and innovation was positive but insignificant while work place support on EPE had partial effect but insignificant effect on innovation. However, transformational leadership was found to be significant on both EPE and innovation. Further, the EPE had partial mediating effect between leadership and innovation. The findings offer more insights to the theorists of intrinsic motivation that intrinsic motivation taps on some organizational climate factors to promote innovation. The results could be helpful to human resources practitioners and policy makers when deciding on a mix of organizational climate factors to promote innovation in institutions. Consideration of multiple organizational factors as opposed to a single factor to enhance innovation at micro level in their work place is hinted

    Top Management Team Demographic Diversities, Generic Strategy and Firm Performance in Marketing Social Research Association (MSRA) in Kenya

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    This study investigated the relationship between Top Management Team (TMT) demographic diversities and firm performance using generic strategies as intervening variable in the Marketing and Social Research Association (MSRA) firms in Kenya. First, the relationship between TMT characteristics diversities and generic strategy was analyzed. Second, the link between generic strategy and firm performance was estimated. Mixed methods research design was used to critically investigate the relationship between the latent exogenous and endogenous variables of this study. The mixed research design used in this study was triangulation design, which was mainly transformation design model. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling analysis, using IBM SPSS AMOS version 21. The study found out that the homogenous demographic diversities among the top management team members had statistically significant effect on cost leadership strategy (p = 0.012). Besides, cost leadership strategy showed a statistically significant positive relationship on firm performance (p = 0.005). The findings of this study implied that organizations need to know and develop the best composition of top management team based on their demographic diversities in relation to the environment. Besides, the organizations need to empower the TMT members using monetary and nonmonetary incentives to further improve performance. Last but not least, the compositions of TMT in marketing research firms need to embrace gender diversity

    Gramene QTL database: development, content and applications

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    Gramene is a comparative information resource for plants that integrates data across diverse data domains. In this article, we describe the development of a quantitative trait loci (QTL) database and illustrate how it can be used to facilitate both the forward and reverse genetics research. The QTL database contains the largest online collection of rice QTL data in the world. Using flanking markers as anchors, QTLs originally reported on individual genetic maps have been systematically aligned to the rice sequence where they can be searched as standard genomic features. Researchers can determine whether a QTL co-localizes with other QTLs detected in independent experiments and can combine data from multiple studies to improve the resolution of a QTL position. Candidate genes falling within a QTL interval can be identified and their relationship to particular phenotypes can be inferred based on functional annotations provided by ontology terms. Mutations identified in functional genomics populations and association mapping panels can be aligned with QTL regions to facilitate fine mapping and validation of gene-phenotype associations. By assembling and integrating diverse types of data and information across species and levels of biological complexity, the QTL database enhances the potential to understand and utilize QTL information in biological research

    Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource

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    Gramene (www.gramene.org) is a curated resource for genetic, genomic and comparative genomics data for the major crop species, including rice, maize, wheat and many other plant (mainly grass) species. Gramene is an open-source project. All data and software are freely downloadable through the ftp site (ftp.gramene.org/pub/gramene) and available for use without restriction. Gramene's core data types include genome assembly and annotations, other DNA/mRNA sequences, genetic and physical maps/markers, genes, quantitative trait loci (QTLs), proteins, ontologies, literature and comparative mappings. Since our last NAR publication 2 years ago, we have updated these data types to include new datasets and new connections among them. Completely new features include rice pathways for functional annotation of rice genes; genetic diversity data from rice, maize and wheat to show genetic variations among different germplasms; large-scale genome comparisons among Oryza sativa and its wild relatives for evolutionary studies; and the creation of orthologous gene sets and phylogenetic trees among rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, maize, poplar and several animal species (for reference purpose). We have significantly improved the web interface in order to provide a more user-friendly browsing experience, including a dropdown navigation menu system, unified web page for markers, genes, QTLs and proteins, and enhanced quick search functions

    The Sol Genomics Network (SGN)—from genotype to phenotype to breeding

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    The Sol Genomics Network (SGN, http://solgenomics.net) is a web portal with genomic and phenotypic data, and analysis tools for the Solanaceae family and close relatives. SGN hosts whole genome data for an increasing number of Solanaceae family members including tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco and Nicotiana benthamiana. The database also stores loci and phenotype data, which researchers can upload and edit with user-friendly web interfaces. Tools such as BLAST, GBrowse and JBrowse for browsing genomes, expression and map data viewers, a locus community annotation system and a QTL analysis tools are available. A new tool was recently implemented to improve Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) constructs called the SGN VIGS tool. With the growing genomic and phenotypic data in the database, SGN is now advancing to develop new web-based breeding tools and implement the code and database structure for other species or clade-specific databases

    A Family of Helminth Molecules that Modulate Innate Cell Responses via Molecular Mimicry of Host Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Over the last decade a significant number of studies have highlighted the central role of host antimicrobial (or defence) peptides in modulating the response of innate immune cells to pathogen-associated ligands. In humans, the most widely studied antimicrobial peptide is LL-37, a 37-residue peptide containing an amphipathic helix that is released via proteolytic cleavage of the precursor protein CAP18. Owing to its ability to protect against lethal endotoxaemia and clinically-relevant bacterial infections, LL-37 and its derivatives are seen as attractive candidates for anti-sepsis therapies. We have identified a novel family of molecules secreted by parasitic helminths (helminth defence molecules; HDMs) that exhibit similar biochemical and functional characteristics to human defence peptides, particularly CAP18. The HDM secreted by Fasciola hepatica (FhHDM-1) adopts a predominantly Ξ±-helical structure in solution. Processing of FhHDM-1 by F. hepatica cathepsin L1 releases a 34-residue C-terminal fragment containing a conserved amphipathic helix. This is analogous to the proteolytic processing of CAP18 to release LL-37, which modulates innate cell activation by classical toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We show that full-length recombinant FhHDM-1 and a peptide analogue of the amphipathic C-terminus bind directly to LPS in a concentration-dependent manner, reducing its interaction with both LPS-binding protein (LBP) and the surface of macrophages. Furthermore, FhHDM-1 and the amphipathic C-terminal peptide protect mice against LPS-induced inflammation by significantly reducing the release of inflammatory mediators from macrophages. We propose that HDMs, by mimicking the function of host defence peptides, represent a novel family of innate cell modulators with therapeutic potential in anti-sepsis treatments and prevention of inflammation

    Novel Anti-bacterial Activities of Ξ²-defensin 1 in Human Platelets: Suppression of Pathogen Growth and Signaling of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation

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    Human Ξ²-defensins (hBD) are antimicrobial peptides that curb microbial activity. Although hBD's are primarily expressed by epithelial cells, we show that human platelets express hBD-1 that has both predicted and novel antibacterial activities. We observed that activated platelets surround Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), forcing the pathogens into clusters that have a reduced growth rate compared to S. aureus alone. Given the microbicidal activity of Ξ²-defensins, we determined whether hBD family members were present in platelets and found mRNA and protein for hBD-1. We also established that hBD-1 protein resided in extragranular cytoplasmic compartments of platelets. Consistent with this localization pattern, agonists that elicit granular secretion by platelets did not readily induce hBD-1 release. Nevertheless, platelets released hBD-1 when they were stimulated by Ξ±-toxin, a S. aureus product that permeabilizes target cells. Platelet-derived hBD-1 significantly impaired the growth of clinical strains of S. aureus. hBD-1 also induced robust neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation by target polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), which is a novel antimicrobial function of Ξ²-defensins that was not previously identified. Taken together, these data demonstrate that hBD-1 is a previously-unrecognized component of platelets that displays classic antimicrobial activity and, in addition, signals PMNs to extrude DNA lattices that capture and kill bacteria

    Delineation of the Innate and Adaptive T-Cell Immune Outcome in the Human Host in Response to Campylobacter jejuni Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Campylobacter jejuni is the most prevalent cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. Despite the significant health burden this infection presents, molecular understanding of C. jejuni-mediated disease pathogenesis remains poorly defined. Here, we report the characterisation of the early, innate immune response to C. jejuni using an ex-vivo human gut model of infection. Secondly, impact of bacterial-driven dendritic cell activation on T-cell mediated immunity was also sought. METHODOLOGY: Healthy, control paediatric terminal ileum or colonic biopsy tissue was infected with C. jejuni for 8-12 hours. Bacterial colonisation was followed by confocal microscopy and mucosal innate immune responses measured by ELISA. Marked induction of IFNΞ³ with modest increase in IL-22 and IL-17A was noted. Increased mucosal IL-12, IL-23, IL-1Ξ² and IL-6 were indicative of a cytokine milieu that may modulate subsequent T-cell mediated immunity. C. jejuni-driven human monocyte-derived dendritic cell activation was followed by analyses of T cell immune responses utilising flow cytometry and ELISA. Significant increase in Th-17, Th-1 and Th-17/Th-1 double-positive cells and corresponding cytokines was observed. The ability of IFNΞ³, IL-22 and IL-17 cytokines to exert host defence via modulation of C. jejuni adhesion and invasion to intestinal epithelia was measured by standard gentamicin protection assay. CONCLUSIONS: Both innate and adaptive T cell-immunity to C. jejuni infection led to the release of IFNΞ³, IL-22 and IL-17A; suggesting a critical role for this cytokine triad in establishing host anti-microbial immunity during the acute and effectors phase of infection. In addition, to their known anti-microbial functions; IL-17A and IL-17F reduced the number of intracellular C. jejuni in intestinal epithelia, highlighting a novel aspect of how IL-17 family members may contribute to protective immunity against C. jejuni

    Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Inhibits Adhesion of Candida albicans by Interacting with Yeast Cell-Wall Carbohydrates

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    Candida albicans is the major fungal pathogen of humans. Fungal adhesion to host cells is the first step of mucosal infiltration. Antimicrobial peptides play important roles in the initial mucosal defense against C. albicans infection. LL-37 is the only member of the human cathelicidin family of antimicrobial peptides and is commonly expressed in various tissues and cells, including epithelial cells of both the oral cavity and urogenital tract. We found that, at sufficiently low concentrations that do not kill the fungus, LL-37 was still able to reduce C. albicans infectivity by inhibiting C. albicans adhesion to plastic surfaces, oral epidermoid OECM-1 cells, and urinary bladders of female BALB/c mice. Moreover, LL-37-treated C. albicans floating cells that did not adhere to the underlying substratum aggregated as a consequence of LL-37 bound to the cell surfaces. According to the results of a competition assay, the inhibitory effects of LL-37 on cell adhesion and aggregation were mediated by its preferential binding to mannan, the main component of the C. albicans cell wall, and partially by its ability to bind chitin or glucan, which underlie the mannan layer. Therefore, targeting of cell-wall carbohydrates by LL-37 provides a new strategy to prevent C. albicans infection, and LL-37 is a useful, new tool to screen for other C. albicans components involved in adhesion

    Current Status and Future Prospects of Next-Generation Data Management and Analytical Decision Support Tools for Enhancing Genetic Gains in Crops

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    Agricultural disciplines are becoming data intensive and the agricultural research data generation technologies are becoming sophisticated and high throughput. On the one hand, high-throughput genotyping is generating petabytes of data; on the other hand, high-throughput phenotyping platforms are also generating data of similar magnitude. Under modern integrated crop breeding, scientists are working together by integrating genomic and phenomic data sets of huge data volumes on a routine basis. To manage such huge research data sets and use them appropriately in decision making, Data Management Analysis & Decision Support Tools (DMASTs) are a prerequisite. DMASTs are required for a range of operations including generating the correct breeding experiments, maintaining pedigrees, managing phenotypic data, storing and retrieving high-throughput genotypic data, performing analytics, including trial analysis, spatial adjustments, identifications of MTAs, predicting Genomic Breeding Values (GEBVs), and various selection indices. DMASTs are also a prerequisite for understanding trait dynamics, gene action, interactions, biology, GxE, and various other factors contributing to crop improvement programs by integrating data generated from various science streams. These tools have simplified scientists’ lives and empowered them in terms of data storage, data retrieval, data analytics, data visualization, and sharing with other researchers and collaborators. This chapter focuses on availability, uses, and gaps in present-day DMASTs
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