12 research outputs found


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    To clarify the morphological and phylogenetic differentiation of Bandona boninensis Suzuki 1974 in Chichi-jima Island of the Bonin (Ogasawara) group of Islands, we studied the external morphological characters and performed sequencing of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 28S rRNA of nuclear DNA (nrDNA). The sequences of COI and 28S rRNA were identical among the individuals of B. boninensis. These results suggest that B. boninensis experienced a rapid expansion of its distribution in Chichi-jima Island without undergoing any morphological and molecular differentiation.著者らは小笠原諸島の父島に生息するムニンカケザトウムシBandona boninensis の形態的および系統的分化を明らかにするために、父島の4 地点から採集を行い、体長、触肢腿節の長さ、背甲長および背甲幅、鋏角長、第1~4 脚の腿節長といった形態計測を実施し、ミトコンドリアDNA のCOI 領域および核DNA の28SrRNA 領域に基づく系統樹を作成した。その結果, ムニンカケザトウムシのCOI および28S において塩基置換は見られなかった。この結果は、ムニンカケザトウムシが父島内で系統的分化をほぼ起こしていないことを示す。また、採集を行った個体がすべて雌個体であったことから、これまでの報告の通り、父島においては単為生殖種として生息している可能性が高い

    高知県産無毛型ネジバナ(ラン科) の系統的背景について

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    Spiranthes sinensis, a terrestrial orchid, has morphological and ecological variations such as plant size, flowering season, floral colour, and hair density on the inflorescence stems and ovaries. Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena has been described as having puberulous inflorescence stems and ovaries, while these in S. sinensisvar. sinensis are considered to be glabrous. In Japan, S. sinensis var. amoena grows on a wide area of the mainland (the Northern Ryukyus and northward). By contrast, the distribution of S. sinensis var. sinensis is limited to the Central and Southern Ryukyus. We found a glabrous individual of S. sinensis in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, which has identical DNA sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear DNA and trnL-F intergenic spacer region of chloroplast DNA to S. sinensis var. amoena. Thus, this glabrous individual should be included in S. sinensis var. amoena.ネジバナ(Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena)には,個体サイズ,花色,開花期,花の形態,花序の毛の多寡など多くの変異が報告されているが,日本本土(トカラ海峡以北)において花序に毛のないネジバナが稀に発見されている。花序の毛の有無に関して,日本本土に産する有毛花序を持つものがネジバナ,奄美大島以南に産する無毛花序を持つものがナンゴクネジバナ(S. sinensis var. sinensis)として識別される。近年の遺伝的解析により,本土産のネジバナと沖縄産のナンゴクネジバナは遺伝的に異なることが示されているが,本土産の無毛型ネジバナ(ナンゴクネジバナ)の遺伝的解析は行われておらず,系統的位置が不明なままである。そこで,高知県南国市で発見した無毛型ネジバナの遺伝的解析を行うことによって,本土産の無毛型ネジバナが,ナンゴクネジバナの隔離分布であるのか,ネジバナの形態変異であるのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果,高知県産の無毛型ネジバナはネジバナと核遺伝子ITS領域および葉緑体遺伝子trnL-F領域において同一の塩基配列を持っていたため,本土に稀産する無毛型ネジバナはネジバナの形態変異である可能性が高いことがわかった。したがって,両変種の同定形質である毛の有無のみではネジバナとナンゴクネジバナを完全には識別できないため,形態的,生理的,生態的,遺伝的調査を改めて行う必要がある

    Host Suitability of House Fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), Pupae Killed by High or Low Temperature Treatment for a Parastoid, Spalangia endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)

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    The objective of this study was to establish a high quality progeny production system for the house fly parasitoid, Spalangia endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), by stockpiling hosts. We performed two host killing methods before host storage: (i) heat-killed by 30 min exposure to 50°C or (ii) freeze-killed by 10 min exposure to −80°C. The average number of parasitoids that emerged from nonstored house fly pupae after heat- or freeze-killing was not significantly different from live pupae. When house fly pupae stored at −20°C after heat-killing were supplied to S. endius, progeny production was significantly less than live pupae. Moreover, productivity became very low when house fly pupae refrigerated at 3°C after heat- or freeze-killing were supplied to S. endius. On the other hand, when house fly pupae stored at −80°C for 1 year after heat-killing were supplied to S. endius, the average number of parasitoids that emerged was not significantly different from live pupae. The average number of parasitoids that emerged from freeze-killed hosts kept for more than 8 weeks at −80°C was significantly fewer than live pupae. Thus, this study clarified that a higher-quality host can be maintained not only by simply storing at –80°C but also by adding heat treatment before storage

    Antifeedants of Indian Barnyard Millet, Echinochloa frumentacea Link, against Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stå l)

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    Eight compounds isolated from Indian barnyard millet have been identified as l-malic acid, trans-aconitic acid, (+)-isocitric acid, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid, isocarlinoside, 2Љ-O-rhamnosylisoorientin, and 7-O-(2Љ-O-glucuronosyl)glucuronosyltricin, respectively. These compounds showed high antifeeding activity against brown planthopper only when they were combined

    Induced accumulation of tyramine, serotonin, and related amines in response to <i>Bipolaris sorokiniana</i> infection in barley

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    <p>The inducible metabolites were analyzed in barley leaves inoculated with <i>Bipolaris sorokiniana</i>, the causal agent of spot blotch of barley. HPLC analysis revealed that <i>B. sorokiniana</i>-infected leaves accumulated 4 hydrophilic compounds. They were purified by ODS column chromatography and preparative HPLC. Spectroscopic analyses revealed that they were tyramine (1), 3-(2-aminoethyl)-3-hydroxyindolin-2-one (2), serotonin (3), and 5,5′-dihydroxy-2,4′-bitryptamine (4). Among these, 2 and 4 have not been reported as natural products. They showed antifungal activity in an assay of inhibition of <i>B. sorokiniana</i> conidia germination, suggesting that they play a role in the chemical defense of barley as phytoalexins. The accumulation of 1–4 was examined also in the leaves of rice and foxtail millet. Rice leaves accumulated 2, 3, and 4, whereas foxtail millet leaves accumulated 3 and 4 in response to pathogen attack, suggesting the generality of accumulation of 3 and 4 in the Poaceae species.</p