105 research outputs found

    Extreme ultraviolet laser excitation of isotopic molecular nitrogen: the dipole-allowed spectrum of ¹⁵N₂ and ¹⁴N¹⁵N

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    Extreme ultraviolet+ultraviolet (XUV+UV) two-photonionizationspectra of the b ¹Πu(v=0–9), c₃¹Πu(v=0,1), o ¹Πu(v=0,1), c′₄¹Σ⁺u(v=1) and b′¹Σ⁺u(v=1,3–6) states of ¹⁵N₂ were recorded with a resolution of 0.3 cm⁻¹ full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). In addition, the b ¹Πu(v=1,5–7) states of ¹⁴N¹⁵N were investigated with the same laser source. Furthermore, using an ultranarrow bandwidth XUV laser [∼250 MHz (∼0.01 cm⁻¹) FWHM], XUV+UV ionizationspectra of the b ¹Πu(v=0–1,5–7), c₃¹Πu(v=0), o ¹Πu(v=0), c′₄¹Σ⁺u(v=0), and b′¹Σ⁺u(v=1) states of ¹⁵N₂ were recorded in order to better resolve the band-head regions. For ¹⁴N¹⁵N, ultrahigh resolution spectra of the b¹Πu(v=0–1,5–6), c₃¹Πu(v=0), and b′¹Σ⁺u(v=1) states were recorded. Rotational analyses were performed for each band, revealing perturbations arising from the effects of Rydberg-valence interactions in the ¹Πu and ¹Σ⁺u states, and rotational coupling between the ¹Πu and ¹Σ⁺umanifolds. Finally, a comprehensive perturbation model, based on the diabatic-potential representation used previously for ¹⁴N₂, and involving diagonalization of the full interaction matrix for all Rydberg and valence states of ¹Σ⁺u and 1Πu symmetry in the energy window 100 000–110 000 cm⁻¹, was constructed. Term values for ¹⁵N₂ and ¹⁴N¹⁵N computed using this model were found to be in good agreement with experiment.The work was supported by the European Community, under the Access to Research Infrastructures initiative of the Improving Human Potential Program, Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00064. K.G.H.B. was supported by the Scientific Visits to Europe Program of the Australian Academy of Science

    HD as a probe for detecting mass variation on a cosmological time scale

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    The strong electronic absorption systems of the B-1 Sigma(+)(u)-X-1 Sigma(+)(g) Lyman and the C-1 Pi(u)-X-1 Sigma(+)(g) Werner bands can be used to probe possible mass-variation effects on a cosmological time scale from spectra observed at high redshift, not only in H-2 but also in the second most abundant hydrogen isotopomer HD. High resolution laboratory determination of the most prominent HD lines at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths is performed at an accuracy of Delta lambda/lambda similar to 5x10(-8), forming a database for comparison with astrophysical data. Sensitivity coefficients K-i=dln lambda(i)/dln mu are determined for HD from quantum ab initio calculations as a function of the proton-electron mass ratio mu. Strategies to deduce possible effects beyond first-order baryon/lepton mass ratio deviations are discussed

    Fundamental Physics from Observations of White Dwarf Stars

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    Variation in fundamental constants provide an important test of theories of grand unification. Potentially, white dwarf spectra allow us to directly observe variation in fundamental constants at locations of high gravitational potential. We study hot, metal polluted white dwarf stars, combining far-UV spectroscopic observations, atomic physics, atmospheric modelling and fundamental physics, in the search for variation in the fine structure constant. This registers as small but measurable shifts in the observed wavelengths of highly ionized Fe and Ni lines when compared to laboratory wavelengths. Measurements of these shifts were performed by Berengut et al (2013) using high-resolution STIS spectra of G191-B2B, demonstrating the validity of the method. We have extended this work by; (a) using new (high precision) laboratory wavelengths, (b) refining the analysis methodology (incorporating robust techniques from previous studies towards quasars), and (c) enlarging the sample of white dwarf spectra. A successful detection would be the first direct measurement of a gravitational field effect on a bare constant of nature. We describe our approach and present preliminary results.Leverhulme Trus

    Constraining the magnetic field on white dwarf surfaces; Zeeman effects and fine structure constant variation

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    ABSTRACT White dwarf (WD) atmospheres are subjected to gravitational potentials around 105 times larger than occur on Earth. They provide a unique environment in which to search for any possible variation in fundamental physics in the presence of strong gravitational fields. However, a sufficiently strong magnetic field will alter absorption line profiles and introduce additional uncertainties in measurements of the fine structure constant. Estimating the magnetic field strength is thus essential in this context. Here, we model the absorption profiles of a large number of atomic transitions in the WD photosphere, including first-order Zeeman effects in the line profiles, varying the magnetic field as a free parameter. We apply the method to a high signal-to-noise, high-resolution, far-ultraviolet Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph spectrum of the WD G191−B2B. The method yields a sensitive upper limit on its magnetic field of B &amp;lt; 2300 G at the 3σ level. Using this upper limit, we find that the potential impact of quadratic Zeeman shifts on measurements of the fine structure constant in G191−B2B is 4 orders of magnitude below laboratory wavelength uncertainties.</jats:p

    Extreme ultraviolet laser calibration of D-2 Lyman and Werner transitions

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    - X-1 Sigma(+)(g)(0,0) Werner band of the D-2 molecule were measured using a narrowband tunable extreme-ultraviolet laser source, at an unprecedented accuracy of Delta lambda/lambda = 6 x 10(-8). The results bear relevance for future use in the calibration of dense classical spectra obtained for the HD and D-2 hydrogen isotopologues

    Probing the Gravitational Dependence of the Fine-Structure Constant from Observations of White Dwarf Stars

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    Hot white dwarf stars are the ideal probe for a relationship between the fine-structure constant and strong gravitational fields, providing us with an opportunity for a direct observational test. We study a sample of hot white dwarf stars, combining far-UV spectroscopic observations, atomic physics, atmospheric modelling, and fundamental physics in the search for variation in the fine structure constant. This variation manifests as shifts in the observed wavelengths of absorption lines, such as quadruply ionized iron (FeV) and quadruply ionized nickel (NiV), when compared to laboratory wavelengths. Berengut et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 111, 010801) demonstrated the validity of such an analysis using high-resolution Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) spectra of G191-B2B. We have made three important improvements by: (a) using three new independent sets of laboratory wavelengths; (b) analysing a sample of objects; and (c) improving the methodology by incorporating robust techniques from previous studies towards quasars (the Many Multiplet method). A successful detection would be the first direct measurement of a gravitational field effect on a bare constant of nature. Here we describe our approach and present preliminary results from nine objects using both FeV and NiV.This project is funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Grant. WULTB wishes to acknowledge support from the LABEX Plas@par managed by the French ANR (ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02). J.D. Barrow is supported by the STFC of the UK

    VUV spectroscopic study of the D1Piu state of molecular deuterium

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    The D^1\Pi_u - X^1\Sigma_g^+ absorption system of molecular deuterium has been re-investigated using the VUV Fourier -Transform (FT) spectrometer at the DESIRS beamline of the synchrotron SOLEIL and photon-induced fluorescence spectrometry (PIFS) using the 10 m normal incidence monochromator at the synchrotron BESSY II. Using the FT spectrometer absorption spectra in the range 72 - 82 nm were recorded in quasi static gas at 100 K and in a free flowing jet at a spectroscopic resolution of 0.50 and 0.20 cm^{-1} respectively . The narrow Q-branch transitions, probing states of \Pi^- symmetry, were observed up to vibrational level v = 22. The states of \Pi^+ symmetry, known to be broadened due to predissociation and giving rise to asymmetric Beutler-Fano resonances, were studied up to v = 18. The 10 m normal incidence beamline setup at BESSY II was used to simultaneously record absorption, dissociation, ionization and fluorescence decay channels from which information on the line intensities, predissociated widths, and Fano q-parameters were extracted. R-branch transitions were observed up to v = 23 for J = 1-3 as well as several transitions for J = 4 and 5 up to v = 22 and 18 respectively. The Q-branch transitions are found to weakly predissociate and were observed from v = 8 to the final vibrational level of the state v = 23. The spectroscopic study is supported by two theoretical frameworks. Results on the \Pi^- symmetry states are compared to ab initio multi-channel-quantum defect theory (MQDT) calculations, demonstrating that these calculations are accurate to within 0.5 cm^-1.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, supplemental material with an additional tabl

    Molecular excitation in the Interstellar Medium: recent advances in collisional, radiative and chemical processes

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    We review the different excitation processes in the interstellar mediumComment: Accepted in Chem. Re