412 research outputs found


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    This research aims to find out how respondents perceived quality of smartphone android brand origin from Japan, Indonesia, and South Korea. The population in this research is the users of smartphone android in Yogyakarta. The sample used was 200 students of 5 universities in Yogyakarta, such as UAJY, UII, UNY, UMY and USD. Tools analyze for 4 hypotheses in this research use paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, and simple regression linear. The result of this research yields that the respondents use the perception of brand origin in deciding perceived quality of the product. The higher GDP of the brand origin country, the respondent evaluation of quality is better. This research shows that ethnocentrism has a good influence and significant toward the perception of the smartphone android from Indonesian brand origin. Practical implication from this research is smartphone companies which located in the countries that have positive associations should make the communication process that shows where the origin of their brand, so costumers know it

    Analysis of Neanderthal Biodistance using Non-Metric Features of the Dentition

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    The Neanderthals lived in small communities of hunters and gatherers and were present in a large geographical area extending from Portugal to Siberia. This expansive range implies that Neanderthals lived in a great diversity of climatic conditions. Paleoanthropologists agree, in their observations, that there are differences between European and Middle Eastern Neanderthals, and that this variation covers an east to west cline. Research based on mtDNA simulation has defined three subgroups, a Western subgroup, a Southern subgroup and an Eastern subgroup. This study of Neanderthal biodistance, based on non-metric features of the dentition, aims to address the dental character variability among Neanderthals. This point would permit to determine the presence of Neanderthal subgroups, and, if so, the existence of an east to west cline. From the dental data and the subgroup distribution, the Neanderthal population emigration can be estimated. Results of this research indicate that there is variation in the frequencies of Neanderthal dental characters, the molars showing the most variation, and that this variation can be used to identify four Neanderthal subgroups. This variation is consistent with an east to west, clinal distribution of Neanderthals, and provides evidence of movement patterns within this species

    Receptors of the pulmonary artery in birds

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    Urban trees – for better or for worse : differences in regulating and supporting ecosystem services between broadleaved and conifer trees in the urban environment

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    TrĂ€d har en viktig roll i att klimatanpassa stĂ€der genom att leverera ekosystemtjĂ€nster. I nordiska stĂ€der planteras mest lövtrĂ€d eftersom det historiskt funnits ett kulturellt motstĂ„nd mot barrtrĂ€d. Flera barrtrĂ€d tĂ„l dock stadens ogĂ€stvĂ€nliga stĂ„ndort och eftersom de flesta barrtrĂ€den Ă€r stĂ€dsegröna kan de leverera ekosystemtjĂ€nster Ă„ret om. I denna uppsats undersöks skillnader mellan löv- och barrtrĂ€d utifrĂ„n sex reglerande och stödjande ekosystemtjĂ€nster med hjĂ€lp av en systematisk litteraturstudie. Resultaten visar att barrtrĂ€d, som har komplexare bladstruktur, större sammanlagd bladyta och stĂ€dsegrön krona kan vara effektivare pĂ„ ekosystemtjĂ€nsterna luftrening, dagvattenhantering och vindskydd. LövtrĂ€d kan, med bredare kronor och lövfĂ€llning, vara effektivare pĂ„ temperaturreglering. Kolupptagning/kolinlagring kan anses vara likvĂ€rdiga för löv- och barrtrĂ€d och i stĂ€llet bero pĂ„ andra faktorer sĂ„som trĂ€dets biomassa, tillvĂ€xthastighet och vĂ€xtbĂ€ddsförhĂ„llanden. För biologisk mĂ„ngfald med avseende pĂ„ habitat och föda för andra organismer kunde det konstateras att löv- och barrtrĂ€d fyller olika funktioner och dĂ€rför behövs bĂ„da trĂ€dslag i staden. Lokal artsammansĂ€ttning och om trĂ€den Ă€r inhemska eller inte kan dock anses vara viktigare faktorer för denna ekosystemtjĂ€nst. Resultatet indikerar att skillnaden mellan löv- och barrtrĂ€d Ă€r större för luftrening men mindre för dagvattenhantering i det syd- och mellansvenska klimatet Ă€n vad internationell forskning visar. För svenskt klimat Ă€r det framför allt rumslig komposition som avgör skillnaden i temperaturreglering och vindskydd. TrĂ€dets förmĂ„ga att leverera de sex undersökta ekosystemtjĂ€nsterna beror pĂ„ fler faktorer sĂ„som platsen, vĂ€xtbĂ€dd, skötsel, artsammansĂ€ttning, komposition, förekomst och Ă„lder (tid) och dessa bör tas i beaktning vid trĂ€dval. Denna uppsats redogör för vilka ekosystemtjĂ€nster man kan förvĂ€ntas fĂ„ frĂ„n löv- och barrtrĂ€d i stadsmiljö och kan vĂ€gleda till ett medvetet trĂ€dval.Trees play a significant role in climate adaptation by delivering ecosystem services. Broadleaved trees are commonly planted in Nordic cities because of the historic cultural resistance towards conifers. Yet, many conifers tolerate the harsh urban environment and have potential to deliver ecosystem services all year round since most conifers are evergreen. This essay will investigate differences between broadleaved and conifer trees in six regulating and supporting ecosystem services through systematic literature studies. The results show that conifers, which have a more complex leaf structure, bigger total leaf area and evergreen canopies can be more effective at removing pollutants, managing storm water and to create wind protection. However, broadleaved trees can by being deciduous and by having broader canopies be more effective at mitigating temperature. Carbon sequestration and storage can be considered equal for broadleaved and conifer trees and depend more on other factors like biomass, growth rate and soil conditions. For biodiversity concerning habitat and food provisioning for other organisms, broadleaved and conifer trees have distinct roles and are both needed in urban areas. However, local species composition and whether the trees are native or not could be more crucial factors for this ecosystem service. The results indicate that the differences between broadleaved and conifer trees are bigger for air purification but smaller for storm water management in the climate of south and central Sweden than what international research shows. For Swedish climate, especially spatial composition decides the difference in temperature mitigation and wind protection. The trees’ capacity to deliver these ecosystem services depend on additional factors such site, soil, management, species and spatial composition, frequency and age (time) and these should be considered in tree selection. This essay covers which ecosystem services one can expect from broadleaved and conifer trees in urban areas and can guide a conscious tree selection

    StratĂ©gies de conservation pour l’aire d’estivage du papillon monarque (danaus plexippus)

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    Cet essai a pour objectif de proposer des stratĂ©gies de conservation pour l’aire d’estivage du papillon monarque (Danaus plexippus) et d’identifier les actions pertinentes pour sa conservation. La problĂ©matique de conservation du papillon monarque est prĂ©sentĂ©e, en particulier la question du dĂ©clin de l’espĂšce dans son aire d’estivage et l'identification des effets anthropiques ou naturels qui provoquent ce dĂ©clin, tout particuliĂšrement en ce qui a trait Ă  la population de l’est de l’AmĂ©rique du Nord. Ensuite, une analyse de l’historique et du contexte de conservation du papillon monarque Ă  partir des conventions internationales, des lĂ©gislations Ă  l’échelle trilatĂ©rale et des outils de protection actuels dans son aire d’estivage, aux Ă©chelles nationale et internationale, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©. Ceci a permis de proposer des actions pertinentes pour la conservation du papillon monarque dans un contexte trilatĂ©ral. Les stratĂ©gies suggĂ©rĂ©es permettent que l’espĂšce rencontre les ressources dont elle a besoin lors de son parcours migratoire. Les actions de conservation dans l’habitat du monarque sont proposĂ©es lĂ  oĂč elles sont rĂ©alisables. Ceci a pour but d’augmenter la connectivitĂ© entre les parcelles d’habitats dans l’aire d’estivage et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment dans le corridor migratoire. Ces actions prĂ©voient la restauration d’habitat par la promotion d’alternatives Ă©conomiques comme la production de la fibre d’asclĂ©piade pour l’industrie textile. De plus, ces actions incluent la valorisation de l’asclĂ©piade en tant qu’élĂ©ment clĂ© dans la lutte biologique contre les punaises nuisibles aux cultures de coton. On recommande l’utilisation des servitudes Ă©cologiques pour encourager, au moyen d’outils fiscaux, la restauration de zones spĂ©cifiques comme les droits de passage des services publics tels que les emprises des lignes Ă  haute tension et les bords des routes. Finalement, il est suggĂ©rĂ© de prĂ©voir la dĂ©signation, la restauration et la connectivitĂ© des habitats Ă  la limite de la distribution actuelle du papillon monarque et ce, en vue des changements climatiques

    La phytoremédiation des sols dans le Sertão brésilien

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    La contamination des sols est une problĂ©matique mondiale qui contribue Ă  leur dĂ©gradation. Les sols sont de plus en plus sollicitĂ©s par les activitĂ©s humaines qui les modifient et les endommagent par, entre autres, une utilisation agricole inadaptĂ©e et non durable. Au BrĂ©sil, particuliĂšrement dans la rĂ©gion semi-aride, ce phĂ©nomĂšne n’est pas exclu et touche de nombreux habitants qui n’ont pas nĂ©cessairement les ressources pour faire face Ă  cette problĂ©matique. De plus, les impacts environnementaux qui en dĂ©coulent peuvent avoir des rĂ©percussions majeures sur le bon fonctionnement des Ă©cosystĂšmes. Dans une optique de durabilitĂ© des Ă©cosystĂšmes et d’une prĂ©occupation de santĂ© mondiale, ce travail se veut une porte d’entrĂ©e vers des solutions qui peuvent ĂȘtre apportĂ©es concrĂštement sur le terrain et qui concernent les habitants. L’analyse d’une technique simple et peu coĂ»teuse est proposĂ©e: la phytoremĂ©diation. Celle-ci utilise la croissance naturelle des plantes dans le but de dĂ©contaminer les sols polluĂ©s. Ainsi, elle pourrait ĂȘtre implantĂ©e chez les petits et moyens propriĂ©taires de terres qui sont aux prises avec des sols contaminĂ©s, fruit de l’utilisation massive des produits phytosanitaires et des consĂ©quences de l’irrigation ayant entraĂźnĂ© la salinisation des terres. Afin de bien comprendre le contexte dans lequel cette technique doit Ă©voluer, l’accent est mis sur les paramĂštres biophysiques et sociaux de la rĂ©gion du SertĂŁo brĂ©silien, notamment le climat semi-aride, le biome particulier qui s’y trouve ainsi que la situation prĂ©caire des habitants, d’un point de vue financier et social. Ainsi, suite Ă  une analyse de faisabilitĂ© concernant les paramĂštres spĂ©cifiques Ă  la rĂ©gion, le SertĂŁo brĂ©silien serait propice Ă  l’implantation de la phytoremĂ©diation chez les petits et moyens propriĂ©taires de terres. Cependant, certaines limites et contraintes avec lesquelles les utilisateurs de la phytoremĂ©diation doivent composer restent Ă  ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©es. En fait, la dĂ©contamination des pesticides reste une voie Ă  explorer, bien que des Ă©tudes soient prometteuses. En ce qui concerne la salinisation, des projets devraient aller de l’avant, car de nombreuses informations sont dĂ©jĂ  disponibles. Les recommandations Ă©mergentes de ce travail suggĂšrent de poursuivre les recherches et l’éducation dans le domaine de la phytoremĂ©diation en sol semi-aride brĂ©silien ainsi que de crĂ©er des rĂ©seaux entre agriculteurs, experts et subventionnaires. De plus, en promouvant de nouvelles formes de pratiques agricoles qui sont respectueuses de l’environnement, comme avec l’agriculture biologique et en s’attaquant directement Ă  la source du problĂšme la dĂ©gradation des sols pourrait ĂȘtre ralentie. Enfin, l’implication du gouvernement par l’établissement de politiques publiques et de rĂšgles plus strictes devrait encourager les bonnes pratiques de gestion des terres


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    Build a people & performance culture: quality analysis of personal targets to optimize the learning and development journey

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    The main purpose of our ICP project at Vandemoortele entails a quality check of the personal targets of all staff associates to help develop the performance culture in the company. We distinguish three key objectives in this project; a short term, a mid-term and a long term. The short-term objective is to help people understand why and how they need to upgrade (and update) their personal targets. Secondly, the mid-term objective is to make sure leaders can help their teams in updating their targets while following up on their progress using the available tools such as ‘continuous feedback’. Lastly, the long-term objective is to build the right performance culture at Vandemoortele by integrating discipline throughout the whole organization. As a consequence of COVID-19, the given timeframe was shortened which forced us to speed up the goal scoring process and analysis of the personal targets. Since no quality checks were performed previously, our project should give the company an insight in the quality level of the personal targets in all layers of the company. By providing more insights into the current performance and development process we gained some critical knowledge about the current situation and what further development objectives there were planned out. As supporting tools, the OGSAM method was introduced to ensure a smooth and aligned top-to-bottom targets cascading. In addition, principles such as SMART have been introduced in an earlier stage to staff associates for them to be used as guideline when setting personal targets. We start our report by giving in depth information about both the OGSAM method and SMART principles to provide the correct framework in which this project took place. To provide as much valuable information as possible, we split the personal targets into ‘goal’ and ‘measure’, as is the case when the employees fill in their personal targets in SuccessFactors, and score them separately on a score of 5 to come to a total score on 10 for the personal target. One employee can have up to six different personal targets, so we take the average of all personal targets as the score for one employee. In total 2423 personal targets were analysed from a total of 606 staff associates. We developed a scoring system that took into account the relevant scoring criteria, which will be elaborately discussed in the methodology. We focussed the analysis of the data on four different levels; the individual level, the department level, the country level and Vandemoortele in total on a company level. By using the department and country averages, we could benchmark these with the total company average to show which departments and countries are doing good and which could improve the most. Furthermore, we could take the average of scores of the personal targets of one employee and categorise him/her into four different categories: highly improvable, improvable, acceptable and good quality. In the next stage of our project, every employee received a mail which described in which of these four categories they belonged, with specific tips and tricks per department to help them improve their personal target setting. We delivered a general report of the quality level of personal targets, which our project supervisor presented to the Exco. In addition, we delivered country and department specific reports that entailed both quantitative and qualitative information about the goal setting performance of those respective domains, alongside specific tips and tricks to improve the quality level. Lastly, we also delivered team specific results for managers on request, which provided a manager with detailed information of the quality of the personal targets of his/her team members. In our report we will go more in detail about the content of these reports. Regarding the results of the analysis, 53% of the goals are of good quality being that they score 4 or 5 out of 5. Both the country- and department-specific findings also indicate that goals are greatly aligned with SMART at Vandemoortele as they often meet the requirements. Country wise for the goal setting, Germany has the leading position with an average of 3.56, whereas the United Kingdom finds itself as most improvable country with an average of 2.70. To further improve, all countries are encouraged to keep up the good work and to continuously challenge themselves to ultimately generate better performance. Department wise, goals also appear to be correctly set following the required guidelines. Approximately 65% of the reviewed goals scored 3 (24%) or 4 (41%) out of 5. ENG and QA are the departments gathering the highest scores within 'goals’. For R&D and PROC on the other hand, there is a lot of room for improvement regarding the goal setting.Contrarily to the goals, only 37,8% of the measures are of good quality. Within the measures, Spain obtains the first place with an average of 3.61 and Germany closes the ranking with 2.55. On the other hand, HR is the best scoring department with an average of 3.67, meanwhile, LEG is ranked last with 2.00. One main conclusion is that measure setting seems to be a cross departmental challenge. Undoubtedly, setting correct measures that will track the progress towards goals appears to be more demanding when the department is mostly made of qualitative data. In order to improve the overall measure setting, every staff associate was asked to go a step further and set very clear qualitative and quantitative measures including a timebound element whenever possible. We believe that the necessary tools were giving to every concerned employee to support them in their learning and development journey. The current practices and principles were challenged in the discussion part where we performed a literature review on other existing methodologies regarding personal target setting and strategy execution. The two methodologies we considered were FAST and NLP driven frameworks, with regard to personal target setting. For strategy execution, the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy map are elaborated. Finally, these methodologies were compared to the prevailing practices at Vandemoortele to challenge the status quo and provide new insights for the compan

    Extreme ultraviolet laser excitation of isotopic molecular nitrogen: the dipole-allowed spectrum of Âč⁔N₂ and Âč⁎NÂč⁔N

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    Extreme ultraviolet+ultraviolet (XUV+UV) two-photonionizationspectra of the b ÂčΠu(v=0–9), c₃ÂčΠu(v=0,1), o ÂčΠu(v=0,1), câ€Č₄ÂčÎŁâșu(v=1) and bâ€ČÂčÎŁâșu(v=1,3–6) states of Âč⁔N₂ were recorded with a resolution of 0.3 cm⁻Âč full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). In addition, the b ÂčΠu(v=1,5–7) states of Âč⁎NÂč⁔N were investigated with the same laser source. Furthermore, using an ultranarrow bandwidth XUV laser [∌250 MHz (∌0.01 cm⁻Âč) FWHM], XUV+UV ionizationspectra of the b ÂčΠu(v=0–1,5–7), c₃ÂčΠu(v=0), o ÂčΠu(v=0), câ€Č₄ÂčÎŁâșu(v=0), and bâ€ČÂčÎŁâșu(v=1) states of Âč⁔N₂ were recorded in order to better resolve the band-head regions. For Âč⁎NÂč⁔N, ultrahigh resolution spectra of the bÂčΠu(v=0–1,5–6), c₃ÂčΠu(v=0), and bâ€ČÂčÎŁâșu(v=1) states were recorded. Rotational analyses were performed for each band, revealing perturbations arising from the effects of Rydberg-valence interactions in the ÂčΠu and ÂčÎŁâșu states, and rotational coupling between the ÂčΠu and ÂčÎŁâșumanifolds. Finally, a comprehensive perturbation model, based on the diabatic-potential representation used previously for Âč⁎N₂, and involving diagonalization of the full interaction matrix for all Rydberg and valence states of ÂčÎŁâșu and 1Πu symmetry in the energy window 100 000–110 000 cm⁻Âč, was constructed. Term values for Âč⁔N₂ and Âč⁎NÂč⁔N computed using this model were found to be in good agreement with experiment.The work was supported by the European Community, under the Access to Research Infrastructures initiative of the Improving Human Potential Program, Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00064. K.G.H.B. was supported by the Scientific Visits to Europe Program of the Australian Academy of Science
