34 research outputs found

    Diversity and Copepods’composition off Moroccan Atlantic Coast (Northwest Africa): A Review

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    This overview sums up the results of main investigations and knowledge about zooplankton off Moroccan Atlantic coast. Copepods diversity, spatial distribution, seasonal variability and hydrology off Moroccan Atlantic coast are given. A compilation of taxonomic list of copepods’ species found therein was established from published studies, they accounted for 210. Diversity and richness varied strongly between seasons, an onshore offshore gradient was observed as well. Species composition differed from northern to southern Moroccan Atlantic coast although most dominant species off Morocco’s coasts were Calanus helgolandicus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia clausi and Corycaeus typicus. In addition, the largest number of species was found in upwelling regions. A synthesis study was established in order to spatial distribution of copepods along Moroccan Atlantic coast. The Factorial Correspondence Analysis of copepod species characterizing the most important sectors has shown different patterns of copepods distribution across Moroccan Atlantic coast; three main areas were clearly segregated according to their taxonomic composition (Northern, Central and Southern Atlantic)

    Incontinence urinaire rĂ©vĂ©lant une fistule vĂ©sico-utĂ©rine: Ă  propos d’un cas

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    La fistule vésico-utérine (FVU) est une lésion rare et ne représente que 4% de toutes les fistules uro-génitales. Elle est le plus souvent consécutive à une césarienne et réalise une communication entre la vessie et l'utérus. Nous rapportons un cas d'une jeune patiente qui présentait une FVU suite à une césarienne. Le but de ce travail était d'analyser les aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques de cette affection

    The RasGAP-associated endoribonuclease G3BP assembles stress granules

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    Stress granules (SGs) are formed in the cytoplasm in response to various toxic agents, and are believed to play a critical role in the regulation of mRNA metabolism during stress. In SGs, mRNAs are stored in an abortive translation initiation complex that can be routed to either translation initiation or degradation. Here, we show that G3BP, a phosphorylation-dependent endoribonuclease that interacts with RasGAP, is recruited to SGs in cells exposed to arsenite. G3BP may thus determine the fate of mRNAs during cellular stress. Remarkably, SG assembly can be either dominantly induced by G3BP overexpression, or on the contrary, inhibited by expressing a central domain of G3BP. This region binds RasGAP and contains serine 149, whose dephosphorylation is induced by arsenite treatment. Critically, a phosphomimetic mutant (S149E) fails to oligomerize and to assemble SGs, whereas a nonphosphorylatable G3BP mutant (S149A) does both. These results suggest that G3BP is an effector of SG assembly, and that Ras signaling contributes to this process by regulating G3BP dephosphorylation

    Embryonic paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: An embryonic paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is a very rare mesenchymal tumor. It is an intrascrotal tumor that is localized in paratesticular structures such as the epididymis or spermatic cord. Rhabdomyosarcoma is most often observed in children and adolescents, presenting as a painless scrotal mass. CASE PRESENTATION: Our patient was an 18-year-old Moroccan man who presented with a painless left scrotal mass that had evolved over four months. An inguinal orchiectomy was performed. A histological examination of the excised tissue revealed an embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. Our patient had three sessions of chemotherapy with vincristine, actinomycin C and cyclophosphamide. Each chemotherapy session was conducted over five days, with a cycle of 21 days. Our patient was assessed two months after the last chemotherapy session and demonstrated good clinical improvement. CONCLUSION: Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare aggressive tumor manifesting in children and very young adults. Localized forms have a good prognosis whereas metastatic tumors show very poor results. A well-defined treatment based on surgery and chemotherapy yields good results

    Bilateral testicular self-castration due to cannabis abuse: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The self-mutilating patient is an unusual psychiatric presentation in the emergency room. Nonetheless, serious underlying psychiatric pathology and drug abuse are important background risk factors. A careful stepwise approach in the emergency room is essential, although the prognosis, follow-up, and eventual rehabilitation can be problematic.</p> <p>We present a unique and original case of bilateral self-castration caused by cannabis abuse.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a 40-year-old Berber man, who was presented to our emergency room with externalization of both testes using his long fingernails, associated with hemodynamic shock. After stabilization of his state, our patient was admitted to the operating room where hemostasis was achieved.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The clinical characteristics of self-mutilation are manifold and there is a lack of agreement about its etiology. The complex behavior associated with drug abuse may be one cause of self-mutilation. Dysfunction of the inhibitory brain circuitry caused by substance abuse could explain why this cannabis-addicted patient lost control and self-mutilated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report which presents an association between self-castration and cannabis abuse.</p

    1532 Colorectal Metastasis of Ovarian Cancer: A Case Report

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    Deficiency of G3BP1, the stress granules assembly factor, results in abnormal synaptic plasticity and calcium homeostasis in neurons.

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    International audienceRas-GAP SH3-domain-binding protein, G3BP, is an important component in the assembly of stress granules (SGs), which are cytoplasmic aggregates assembled following translational stress. To assess the physiological function of G3BP, we generated viable G3bp1-knockout (KO) mice, which demonstrated behavioral defects linked to the CNS-associated with ataxia phenotype. Immunohistochemistry pinpointed high expression of G3BP in the cytoplasm of hippocampal neurons and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of wild-type mice. Also, electrophysiological measurements revealed that the absence of G3BP1 leads to an enhancement of short-term potentiation (STP) and long-term depression in the CA1 area of G3bp1 KO mice compared with wild-type mice. Consistently, G3BP1 deficiency in neurons leads to an increase in intracellular calcium and calcium release in response to (S)-3,5-Dihydroxyphenylglycine, a selective agonist of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. These results show, for the first time, a requirement for G3BP1 in the control of neuronal plasticity and calcium homeostasis and further establish a direct link between SG formation and neurodegenerative diseases

    Cause rare d’insuffisance rĂ©nale aigue: gĂ©ant calcul de vessie chez une jeune femme

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    Géant calcul de vessie se définit par un poids supérieur à 100 g, c'est une pathologie rare chez la femme, environ 2%. La localisation vésicale ne dépasse pas 5% de l'ensemble des voies urinaires. Chez la femme l'apparition de calcul de vessie est souvent secondaire à un facteur prédisposant notamment un corps étranger intra vésical, vessie neurogene, les infections urinaires à répétition, ATCDS de chirurgie de l'incontinence urinaire d'effort. Mais on retrouve des calculs de vessie sans causes évidentes dits calculs primaires idiopathiques. On rapporte un cas d'une jeune patiente de 31 ans avec un géant calcul de vessie qui a retenti sur le haut appareil urinaire entrainant une insuffisance rénale aigue. La patiente a bénéficié initialement d'un drainage de haut appareil urinaire par des néphrostomies bilatérales puis elle a bénéficié d'une cystolithotomie à ciel ouvert d'un gros calcul de vessie. Un bilan étiologique a été demandé pourtant n'a pas identifié de cause évidente