252 research outputs found

    El gatito solo

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Dose–response effect of a whey protein preload on within-day energy intake in lean subjects

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    The effect of consuming different amounts of whey protein on appetite and energy intake was investigated in two separate studies using randomised, crossover designs. Healthy-weight men and women (range: BMI 19·0–25·0 kg/m2, age 19·4–40·4 years) consumed one of four 400 ml liquid preloads, followed by an ad libitum test meal 90 min later. In study 1, preloads were 1675 kJ with 12·5, 25 or 50 % of energy from protein, and in study 2, preloads were 1047 kJ with 10, 20 or 40 % energy from protein. Flavoured water was used as the control in both the studies. Appetite ratings were collected immediately before 30, 60 and 90 min after consuming the preloads; and immediately, 30 and 60 min after consuming the test meal. In study 1, energy intake following the control preload (4136 (sem 337) kJ) was significantly higher than each of the 12·5 % (3520 (sem 296) kJ), 25 % (3384 (sem 265) kJ) and 50 % (2853 (sem 244) kJ) protein preloads (P < 0·05). Intake after the 12·5 % preload was significantly higher than following 25 and 50 % preloads (P < 0·05). In study 2, energy intake following the control preload (4801 (sem 325) kJ) was higher than following the 10 % (4205 (sem 310) kJ), 20 % (3988 (sem 250) kJ) and 40 % (3801 (sem 245) kJ) protein preloads (P < 0·05). There were no differences in subjective appetite ratings between preloads in either study. These findings indicate a dose–response effect of protein content of the preload on energy intake at a subsequent meal

    Proyección turística: turismo como forma de identificación y revalorización de la historia local

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    El proyecto se trata de la realización de una planificación turística, coherente con las identidades locales, que proporcione un producto turístico atractivo y promocionable; pero sobre las bases de un reconocimiento de las características propias de la comunidad local, sus costumbres, prácticas y sobre todo su historia, rasgos comunes, productos y expresiones que hacen ala conformación de su particularidad identitaria y sus posibilidades de fortalecimiento.La planificación constará de un momento de diagnóstico, y otro de planificación propiamente dicho. Si bien esta instancia apunta a generar una posterior gestión, sabemos que eso no depende solo de nuestra intención, por lo tanto esa instancia no formará parte de este trabajo. Por último delinearemos la forma en que esta planificación se evaluaría en caso de concretarse.Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Virtual “La tesis. Recorridos conceptuales por el campo de la comunicación”, evento realizado por la cátedra Seminario Permanente de Tesis de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la UNLP del 30 de mayo al 10 de junio de 2005.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Provocaciones para pensar un nuevo mapa comunicacional

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    El presente artículo abarca los resultados parciales del proyecto “TV regional e identidad”, enmarcado en el Programa Nacional de Incentivos a la Investigación, en donde se indaga principalmente la relación de las televisoras locales del interior del país con la identidad regional de su zona de influencia. Aquí se presentan las reflexiones surgidas sobre el caso de Canal 5 de Rosario, seleccionado por ser una de las señales más importantes en el interior del país, dada su historia por un lado y su gran audiencia por el otro. La programación es emitida en la ciudad que posee el segundo lugar entre las más grandes del país y que tiene una serie de rasgos culturales que la caracterizan (el “ser rosarino”), por lo que puede considerarse un caso con una gran riqueza para reflexionar sobre la realidad de la TV en el interior de la Argentina.The present article it includes the partial results of the “Regional TV and identity project”, framed in the National Program and Incentives to the Investigation, where there is investigated principally the relation of the local broadcasts of the whole country by the regional identity of each zone of influence. In this case appears the reflections arisen on Channel 5 of Rosario City, selected for being one of the most important signs of the country, because of its history and on the other side because of its great number of audience. The programming is emitted in the city which is the second among the largest in the country and that it has a serie of cultural features that characterize it (“to be rosarino”), which it can be considered to be a case by a great wealth to think about the reality of the TV inside the Argentina.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Provocaciones para pensar un nuevo mapa comunicacional

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    El presente artículo abarca los resultados parciales del proyecto “TV regional e identidad”, enmarcado en el Programa Nacional de Incentivos a la Investigación, en donde se indaga principalmente la relación de las televisoras locales del interior del país con la identidad regional de su zona de influencia. Aquí se presentan las reflexiones surgidas sobre el caso de Canal 5 de Rosario, seleccionado por ser una de las señales más importantes en el interior del país, dada su historia por un lado y su gran audiencia por el otro. La programación es emitida en la ciudad que posee el segundo lugar entre las más grandes del país y que tiene una serie de rasgos culturales que la caracterizan (el “ser rosarino”), por lo que puede considerarse un caso con una gran riqueza para reflexionar sobre la realidad de la TV en el interior de la Argentina.The present article it includes the partial results of the “Regional TV and identity project”, framed in the National Program and Incentives to the Investigation, where there is investigated principally the relation of the local broadcasts of the whole country by the regional identity of each zone of influence. In this case appears the reflections arisen on Channel 5 of Rosario City, selected for being one of the most important signs of the country, because of its history and on the other side because of its great number of audience. The programming is emitted in the city which is the second among the largest in the country and that it has a serie of cultural features that characterize it (“to be rosarino”), which it can be considered to be a case by a great wealth to think about the reality of the TV inside the Argentina.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia


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    El proyecto se trata de la realización de una planificaciónturística, coherente con las identidades locales, que proporcioneun producto turístico atractivo y promocionable; pero sobre lasbases de un reconocimiento de las características propias de lacomunidad local, sus costumbres, prácticas y sobre todo suhistoria, rasgos comunes, productos y expresiones que hacen ala conformación de su particularidad identitaria y susposibilidades de fortalecimiento.La planificación constará de un momento de diagnóstico, y otrode planificación propiamente dicho. Si bien esta instanciaapunta a generar una posterior gestión, sabemos que eso nodepende solo de nuestra intención, por lo tanto esa instanciano formará parte de este trabajo. Por último delinearemos laforma en que esta planificación se evaluaría en caso deconcretarse

    Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth and their relationship to coping and self-efficacy in Northwest Australian Cyclone communities

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    The main focus of disaster research conducted to date has been on providing insights into the negative consequences of experiencing a serious threat or adversity. The present study extends this research endeavor by investigating the positive posttrauma resiliency experiences of 512 survey respondents living in four cyclone-prone communities in Northwest Australia. The findings reveal that disaster stress is often accompanied by disaster growth and, thus, provides an alternative resilience-based way of viewing postdisaster interventions

    Proyección turística: turismo como forma de identificación y revalorización de la historia local

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    El proyecto se trata de la realización de una planificación turística, coherente con las identidades locales, que proporcione un producto turístico atractivo y promocionable; pero sobre las bases de un reconocimiento de las características propias de la comunidad local, sus costumbres, prácticas y sobre todo su historia, rasgos comunes, productos y expresiones que hacen ala conformación de su particularidad identitaria y sus posibilidades de fortalecimiento.La planificación constará de un momento de diagnóstico, y otro de planificación propiamente dicho. Si bien esta instancia apunta a generar una posterior gestión, sabemos que eso no depende solo de nuestra intención, por lo tanto esa instancia no formará parte de este trabajo. Por último delinearemos la forma en que esta planificación se evaluaría en caso de concretarse.Trabajo presentado en el I Congreso Virtual “La tesis. Recorridos conceptuales por el campo de la comunicación”, evento realizado por la cátedra Seminario Permanente de Tesis de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la UNLP del 30 de mayo al 10 de junio de 2005.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Limiting antenatal weight gain improves maternal health outcomes in severely obese pregnant women: findings of a pragmatic evaluation of a midwife-led intervention

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    Background: Antenatal obesity in pregnancy is associated with complications of pregnancy and poor obstetric outcomes. Although most guidance on pregnancy weight is focused on the pre-pregnancy period, pregnancy is widely viewed as a period where women are open to lifestyle change to optimise their health. Method: The hospital-based Bumps and Beyond intervention invited all pregnant women with a BMI of over 35 kg/m2 to take part in a programme of health education around diet and exercise, accompanied by one-to-one guidance and monitoring of dietary change. This service evaluation compares 89 women who completed at a programme of 7 sessions with healthy lifestyle midwives and advisors (intervention) with a group of 89 women who chose not to attend (non-intervention). Results: Weight gain in the intervention group (4.5±4.6 kg) was less than in the non-intervention group (10.3±4.4 kg) between antenatal booking and 36 weeks gestation (<0.001). This was associated with a 95% reduction in the risk of gestational hypertension during pregnancy and a general reduction in pregnancy complications. There was no effect of the intervention upon gestational diabetes or complications in labour other than post-partum haemorrhage (reduced 55%). The impact of the intervention on gestational weight gain was greater in women with BMI over 40 kg/m2 at booking. There were no adverse effects of the intervention, even though 21% of the intervention group lost weight during their pregnancy. Conclusion: Intensive, personalised weight management intervention may be an effective strategy for prevention of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy

    Beneficial effect of high energy intake at lunch rather than dinner on weight loss in healthy obese women in a weight-loss program: a randomized clinical trial

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    ABSTRACT Background: The association between the time of nutrient intake and health has been described in a few studies. To our knowledge, no study has evaluated the relation between high energy intakes at lunch compared with at dinner on weight loss in overweight and obese subjects. Objective: We compared the effect of high energy intake at lunch with that at dinner on weight loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in women during a weight-loss program. Design: Overweight and obese women [n = 80; body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2): 27–35; age: 18–45 y] were asked to eat either a main meal at lunch (LM) or a main meal at dinner (DM) for 12 wk while in a weight-loss program. Results: A total of 80 participants were randomly assigned to one of 2 intervention groups. Sixty-nine subjects (86%) completed the trial (34 subjects in the DM group, and 35 subjects in the LM group). Baseline variables were not significantly different between groups. A significant reduction in anthropometric measurements and significant improvements in cardiometabolic risk characteristics were observed over 12 wk in both groups. Compared with the DM group, the LM group had greater mean 6 SD reductions in weight (LM: 25.85 6 1.96 kg; DM: 24.35 6 1.98 kg; P = 0.003), BMI (LM: 2.276 0.76; DM: 1.68 6 0.76; P = 0.003), homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (LM: 20.66 6 0.33; DM: 20.46 6 0.24; P = 0.001), and fasting insulin (LM: 22.01 6 1.10 mIU/mL; DM: 21.16 6 0.72 mIU/mL; P , 0.001) after 12 wk. However, there were no significant differences for fasting plasma glucose and lipid profiles within both groups after 12 wk. Conclusions: The consumption of higher energy intake at lunch compared with at dinner may result in favorable changes in weight loss in overweight and obese women after a weight-loss program of 12 wk. The consumption may also offer clinical benefits to improve insulin resistance. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02399280. Am J Clin Nutr doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.134163