18,100 research outputs found

    Off-Road Vehicle Recreation in the West: Implications of a Wyoming Analysis

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A spatial covariance (123)I-5IA-85380 SPECT study of α4β2 nicotinic receptors in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by widespread degeneration of cholinergic neurons, particularly in the basal forebrain. However, the pattern of these deficits and relationship with known brain networks is unknown. In this study, we sought to clarify this and used 123I-5-iodo-3-[2(S)-2-azetidinylmethoxy] pyridine (1235IA-85380) single photon emission computed tomography to investigate spatial covariance of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in AD and healthy controls. Thirteen AD and 16 controls underwent 1235IA-85380 and regional cerebral blood flow (99mTc-exametazime) single photon emission computed tomography scanning. We applied voxel principal component (PC) analysis, generating series of principal component images representing common intercorrelated voxels across subjects. Linear regression generated specific α4β2 and regional cerebral blood flow covariance patterns that differentiated AD from controls. The α4β2 pattern showed relative decreased uptake in numerous brain regions implicating several networks including default mode, salience, and Papez hubs. Thus, as well as basal forebrain and brainstem cholinergic system dysfunction, cholinergic deficits mediated through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors could be evident within key networks in AD. These findings may be important for the pathophysiology of AD and its associated cognitive and behavioral phenotypes

    A Compilation of Data on Feline Nutrient Requirements

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    The basis of this compilation is to present the inquisitive with a ready reference for feline nutrition. We will cover the known suggested amounts for each nutrient in prose and in the more readily accessible table form. For additional spice, the known clinical effects for each deficiency and toxicity will also be included. In the last portion of the paper the data will be assimilated into a practical from with suggested stock diets for the cat

    On the cross-section of Dark Matter using substructure infall into galaxy clusters

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    We develop a statistical method to measure the interaction cross-section of Dark Matter, exploiting the continuous minor merger events in which small substructures fall into galaxy clusters. We find that by taking the ratio of the distances between the galaxies and Dark Matter, and galaxies and gas in accreting sub-halos, we form a quantity that can be statistically averaged over a large sample of systems whilst removing any inherent line-of-sight projections. In order to interpret this ratio as a cross-section of Dark Matter we derive an analytical description of sub-halo infall which encompasses; the force of the main cluster potential, the drag on a gas sub-halo, a model for Dark Matter self-interactions and the resulting sub-halo drag, the force on the gas and galaxies due to the Dark Matter sub-halo potential, and finally the buoyancy on the gas and Dark Matter. We create mock observations from cosmological simulations of structure formation and find that collisionless Dark Matter becomes physically separated from X-ray gas by up to 20h^-1 kpc. Adding realistic levels of noise, we are able to predict achievable constraints from observational data. Current archival data should be able to detect a difference in the dynamical behaviour of Dark Matter and standard model particles at 6 sigma, and measure the total interaction cross-section sigma/m with 68% confidence limits of +/- 1cm2g^-1. We note that this method is not restricted by the limited number of major merging events and is easily extended to large samples of clusters from future surveys which could potentially push statistical errors to 0.1cm^2g^-1.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Docking protein domains in contact space

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    BACKGROUND: Many biological processes involve the physical interaction between protein domains. Understanding these functional associations requires knowledge of the molecular structure. Experimental investigations though present considerable difficulties and there is therefore a need for accurate and reliable computational methods. In this paper we present a novel method that seeks to dock protein domains using a contact map representation. Rather than providing a full three dimensional model of the complex, the method predicts contacting residues across the interface. We use a scoring function that combines structural, physicochemical and evolutionary information, where each potential residue contact is assigned a value according to the scoring function and the hypothesis is that the real configuration of contacts is the one that maximizes the score. The search is performed with a simulated annealing algorithm directly in contact space. RESULTS: We have tested the method on interacting domain pairs that are part of the same protein (intra-molecular domains). We show that it correctly predicts some contacts and that predicted residues tend to be significantly closer to each other than other pairs of residues in the same domains. Moreover we find that predicted contacts can often discriminate the best model (or the native structure, if present) among a set of optimal solutions generated by a standard docking procedure. CONCLUSION: Contact docking appears feasible and able to complement other computational methods for the prediction of protein-protein interactions. With respect to more standard docking algorithms it might be more suitable to handle protein conformational changes and to predict complexes starting from protein models

    Serodiagnosis of Mycobacterium abscessus complex infection in cystic fibrosis

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    Early signs of pulmonary disease with Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MABSC) can be missed in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). A serological method could help stratify patients according to risk. The objective of this study was to test the diagnostic accuracy of a novel method for investigating IgG activity against MABSC. A prospective study of all patients attending the Copenhagen CF Centre was conducted by culturing for MABSC during a 22-month period and then screening patients with an anti-MABSC IgG ELISA. Culture-positive patients had stored serum examined for antibody kinetics before and after culture conversion. 307 patients had 3480 respiratory samples cultured and were then tested with the anti-MABSC IgG ELISA. Patients with MABSC pulmonary disease had median anti-MABSC IgG levels six-fold higher than patients with no history of infection (434 versus 64 ELISA units; p<0.001). The test sensitivity was 95% (95% CI 74–99%) and the specificity was 73% (95% CI 67–78%). A diagnostic algorithm was constructed to stratify patients according to risk. The test accurately identified patients with pulmonary disease caused by MABSC and was suited to be used as a complement to mycobacterial culture