3,458 research outputs found

    Mechanical Characterization of the Heat Affected Zone of Gold Wirebonds Using Nanoindentation

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    With increasing miniaturization in microelectronics the wirebonds used in IC packages are witnessing a thrust towards fine pitch wirebonding. To have a precise control over loop height of the wirebond for fine pitch wirebonding, it is imperative to do mechanical characterization of the wirebond. The present work studies the mechanical properties of gold wire and wirebond using nanoindentation. The wirebond specimen surface was planarized using mechanical polishing. The loop height of the gold wirebond is directly proportional to the length of the heat affected zone (HAZ) above the ball of gold wirebond. Metallographic preparation of gold wirebond cross section reveals the presence of undesirable coarse grain structure in HAZ due to recrystallization and grain growth in the gold wire adjacent to the ball. The recrystallization temperature of our gold wire was found using D.S.C. to be 340.66°C. The doping elements present in the gold wire used, were identified using TOF-SIMS. Nanoindentation of the gold wire was done at different maximum loads to observe the hardness variation with load. The nanoindentation of gold wirebond has confirmed a v-shaped hardness profile in the HAZ. The hardness minima for the particular gold wire used with a ball size ratio of 2.4 was observed at distance of 160-170 µm from the neck of the ball. The elastic modulus was found to vary randomly and to be independent of the microstructure in the wirebond. A yield stress profile based on empirical hardness-yield strength correlation has been predicted for the gold wirebond.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Hydrochemical Evolution of Ground and Surface Water within the Amansie and Adansi Districts of the Ashanti Region, Ghana

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    Source–rock deductions of major ions and saturation states of minerals in groundwater were employed to determine the origin of dissolved ions and the thermodynamic controls on the groundwater composition respectivelyin groundwater within the Amansie and Adansi Districts. Results show that, silicate weathering and ion-exchange reactions are the major processes influencing groundwater chemistry within the Districts. The main objective of this study is to characterize groundwater and delineate soil-water-rock interactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater within the districts. Fifty-nine boreholes, twelve wells and two stream samples were collected for quality assessment. Results also show that groundwater within the districts is strongly to moderately acidic as, 62 % of the groundwaters has pH that range 3.6 - 6.0. Acidity in ground and surface water within the districts is attributable predominantly to natural processes than mining activities; however, the groundwaters still have the potential to neutralize acids due to the presence of silicates/aluminosilicates. The waters are fresh (EC< 500 μS/cm) with conductivity values which ranged 22.8 – 473 μS/cm, and a mean value of 172.9 μS/cm. TDS of the groundwaters ranged 14.9 – 309.8 mg/L with a mean value of 112.6 mg/L. The relative abundance of cations and anions are in the order: Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3- > Cl- > SO42-respectively. The states of saturation of the groundwaters with respect to major minerals using hydrogeochemical transport model Phreeqc for Windows suggest that, anhydrite and gypsum are subsaturated and indicates that, groundwater within the districts originates from a formation with insufficient amount of these minerals in solution or short residence time of these minerals with groundwater within the districts.Two principal hydrochemical water types; Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Na–Cl have been delineated, with Ca-Mg-SO4, Na-Mg-Ca-HCO3 and Na- Cl-SO4 as minor water types. Groundwater within the districts principally evolves from fresh Ca–Mg–HCO3 type water into Na–HCO3 type water into Ca–Mg–Cl type water into Na–Cl type water along its flow path due to ion-exchange reactions and therefore, largely characterized by recharge processes through mixing with waters of geochemically different ionic signatures

    Assessment of Nutrients Levels in Groundwater within the Lower Pra Basin of Ghana

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    The level of concentration of nitrates, phosphates, and sulphates was determined in groundwater within the Pra Basin to ascertain the degree of anthropogenic influence via the application of fertilizer and other agro-chemical to farmlands by farmers. Sixty-five (65) boreholes in forty-five (45) communities were analysed between January and April 2012 to cover the dry season and between June and October 2012 to cover the wet season. The results show that nitrate for both seasons range between 0.011 mg/l and 5.01 mg/l and therefore within the WHO (2006) guideline value of 10 mg/l, whilst that of phosphate range between 0.01 mg/l and 3.08 mg/l and therefore outside the USEPA guideline value of 2.5 mg/l. Sulphate recorded a range between 1.60 and 96.2 mg/l and therefore within the WHO (2006) guideline value of 250 mg/l. The concentration levels of the two nutrients of the parameters, nitrates and phosphate were correlated against borehole depth and the results show a weak positive and negative correlation for nitrate and phosphate respectively. There was thus, an indication that the levels of all parameters, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate are not yet a threat to groundwater in the basin

    Adaptive and coupled continuum-molecular mechanics simulations of amorphous materials

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    A method to reduce the degrees freedom in molecular mechanics simulation is presented. Although the approach is formulated for amorphous materials in mind, it is equally applicable to crystalline materials. The method can be selectively applied to regions where molecular displacements are expected to be small while simultaneously using classical molecular mechanics (MM) for regions undergoing large deformation. The accuracy and computational efficiency of the approach is demonstrated through the simulation of a polymer-like substrate being indented by a rigid hemispherical indentor. The region directly below the indentor is modelled by classical molecular mechanics while the region further away has the degrees of freedom (DOFs) reduced by about 50 times. The results of automatically reverting regions of reduced DOFs back to classical MM also demonstrate the capability of performing adaptive simulations

    Assessment of trace metal contamination by geochemical normalisation in sediments of two lagoons: A comparative study of the Kpeshie and Muni lagoons, Ghana

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    Heavy metal contamination status of bottom sediments of two lagoons was compared by the employment of Enrichment Factor (EF) analysis for Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Cupper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Silver (Ag), Zinc (Zn) and Mercury (Hg). Kpeshie Lagoon recorded enrichment (EF ≥ 1) for Cd, Pb, Ag, Hg and Zn, whilst Muni Lagoon recorded enrichment for Cd, Mn, Ag, Hg and Zn as metals of anthropogenic influence. Kpeshie, situated in a highly urbanized area, has 75% spatial distribution of Pb enrichment. The assessment shows that Ag and Hg are the most enriched metals in the sediments of both Lagoons, reaching extremely severe levels. Only Mn showed statistically significant difference in mean concentration of metals for both Lagoons. Pearson correlation matrix indicated that Pb had a strong relation with Ag, Hg and Zn (r = 0.956; p < 0.05) which is significant in Kpeshie. It also had a strong association with Ag and Hg but not with Zn (r = 0.240) in the Muni. The study clearly delineates Pb as a pollutant that designates the urban status of Kpeshie. Its associated metals; Ag, Hg and Zn which may be coming from a common source are from industrialized zones

    Simulation of Internal Undular Bores Propagating over a Slowly Varying Region

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    Internal undular bores have been observed in many parts of the world. Studies have shown that many marine structures face danger and risk of destruction caused by internal undular bores due to the amount of energy it carries. This paper looks at the transformation of internal undular bore in two-layer fluid flow under the influence of variable topography. Thus, the surface of the bottom is considered to be slowly varying. The appropriate mathematical model is the variable-coefficient extended Korteweg-de Vries equation. We are particularly interested in looking at the transformation of KdV-type and table-top undular bore over the variable topography region. The governing equation is solved numerically using the method of lines, where the spatial derivatives are first discretised using finite difference approximation so that the partial differential equation becomes a system of ordinary differential equations which is then solved by 4th order Runge-Kutta method. Our numerical results show that the evolution of internal undular bore over different types of varying depths regions leads to a number of adiabatic and non-adiabatic effects. When the depth decreases slowly, a solitary wavetrain is observed at the front of the transformed internal undular bore. On the other hand, when the depth increases slowly, we observe the generation of step-like wave and weakly nonlinear trailing wavetrain, the occurrence of multi-phase behaviour, the generation of transformed undular bore of negative polarity and diminishing transformed undular bore depending on the nature of the topography after the variable topography

    Instantons of M(atrix) Theory in PP-Wave Background

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    M(atrix) theory in PP-wave background possesses a discrete set of classical vacua, all of which preserves 16 supersymmetry and interpretable as collection of giant gravitons. We find Euclidean instanton solutions that interpolate between them, and analyze their properties. Supersymmetry prevents direct mixing between different vacua but still allows effect of instanton to show up in higher order effective interactions, such as analog of v^4 interaction of flat space effective theory. An explicit construction of zero modes is performed, and Goldstone zero modes, bosonic and fermionic, are identified. We further generalize this to massive M(atrix) theory that includes fundamental hypermultiplets, corresponding to insertion of longitudinal fivebranes in the background. After a brief comparison to their counterpart in AdS\times S, we close with a summary.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, references added, section 5 update

    Health risk assessment and source identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in commercially available singed cowhide within the Greater Accra Region, Ghana

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    This study ascertains the sources and potential carcinogenic threats of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in singed cowhide. The objective was to assess the sources of PAHs and the health threats singed cowhide possess to the consuming public. A total of fifty-four (54) cowhide samples from selected markets within the Greater-Accra Region of Ghana were analyzed using Agilent GC 6890N, MS5975B Series gas chromatography in a splitless mode. The study shows that, singed cowhide within the Greater Accra Region is dominated by positive genotoxicity PAHs classified as carcinogens (1) and possible carcinogens (2B) as well as positive and questionable genotoxic PAHs that are not classifiable (3). The [B(a)P]eq and PEC results suggest that consumption of singed cowhide at the rate of 25.2 g/day poses potential adverse health effects such as cancer, mutations and birth defects in terms of B(a)P to humans. Results further show that, the HQ/HI < 1, thus, there is no concern for potential human health risks caused by exposure to non-carcinogenic PAHs in singed cowhide. However, the carcinogenic toxic equivalent (TEQs) values for both adults and children were greater than the screening values and therefore, there is concern for potential human health risks caused by exposure to carcinogenic PAHs in singed cowhide. Source assessment of PAHs in singed cowhide shows that, PAH sources in singed cowhide is predominantly from pyrolitic rather than petrogenic origins. Thus, the PAHs in singed cowhide within the Greater Accra Region originate primarily from incomplete combustion and of petroleum origin due to singeing.&nbsp