67 research outputs found

    The Impact of Edmodo Assisted Education on Project Evaluation Achievement Scores and Determination of Opinions for use in Education

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    In this study, the aim was to determine the effects of pre-school 4th grade teacher candidates who have been studying in blended education supported by Edmodo on the project evaluation success scores and their opinions about the use of Edmodo in education. The research is based on a semi-experimental model, designed according to two groups of experimental and control models. In the experiment group, lessons were given face to face in both online and classroom environment supported by Edmodo. The control group was only face-to-face in the classroom environment. Both groups consisted of 53 participants who were 4th grade teacher candidates from Near East University Preschool Teaching Department. Systematic sampling selection method was applied when students were assigned to groups. Students with an odd number, as the last digit of their school number, made up the control group while the students with an even number, at the end of their school number, created the experimental group. As a result of the findings obtained from this research, both groups were found to be statistically significant in favor of the experimental group supported by Edmodo between the project evaluation success scores at the end of the study, and also the results of the experiment group students' opinions on the use of Edmodo in education were found to be positive

    Observation of 46Cr and testing and isobaric multiplet mass equation at high spin

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    An experimental study was carried out to observe excited states in 46Cr using the 12C(36Ar,2n) reaction with GAMMASPHERE and the FMA. The yrast band in 46Cr and the T=1 states in 46V were established up to (tentatively) 12+, the highest spin T=1 triplet unknown. The results were used to test f p-shell model calculations

    RED. Revista de educación a distancia

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en españolSe busca determinar la ansiedad de los estudiantes de posgrado que reciben educación basada en escenarios digitales hacia la investigación científica. La investigación fue un estudio cuantitativo y el experimento y grupo de control fueron diseñados de acuerdo con el pre-test y el modelo de investigación post-prueba. En ambos grupos, los cursos se llevaron a cabo en forma de aprendizaje mixto (educación a distancia y cara a cara) a través del sistema NEU-DEC (Near East University). El grupo de experimentos también fue apoyado por escenarios digitales. Los materiales del curso se compartieron en el sistema con cada grupo creado en la sección. Los hallazgos obtenidos de esta investigación revelaron que, al final de la aplicación, disminuyeron los niveles de ansiedad de los estudiantes, tanto en el grupo experimental como en el grupo control. Aunque no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos, se determinó que el nivel medio de ansiedad del grupo experimental soportado por escenarios digitales disminuyó más que los del grupo control. De acuerdo con este resultado, se puede decir que la educación dada con escenarios digitales tuvo un efecto positivo de reducir las ansiedades de los estudiantes acerca de la investigaciónES

    Kronik anal fissür tedavisinde sfinkterotomi seviyesinde ince ayar: Basınç kontrollü mü? klasik mi? prospektif randomize kontrollü çalışma

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    KAF toplumda sık rastlanan bir hastalıktır. Tedavisinde cerrahi sfinkterotomi dışında kimyasal sfinkterotomi (t-GTN, topikal kalsiyum kanal blokörü, botilunum toksini enjeksiyonu) uygulanmasına rağmen bugün için hastalığın altın standart tedavisi lateral internal sfinkterotomidir. Sfinkterotomi ilk kez 1951 yılında uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. İlk uygulandığından beri; posterior-lateral, lokal-spinal-genel anestezi kullanımı, sfinkter seviyesi gibi sorulara yanıt aranmıştır. Cerrahi sonrası komplikasyonlardan olan anal inkontinense çözüm bulmak, en aza indirgemek amaçlı çalışmalar devam etmiştir. Fakat çoğu hastada hangi seviyeye kadar sfinkterotominin yapıldığının bile belirlenemediği fark edilmiştir. Cerrahi tedavide sfinkterotomi seviyesi konusunda standart bir yöntem gelişmemiş olması halen ciddi bir sorundur. LİS sonrası ortaya çıkan anal inkontinens ya da tedavide başarısızlık olarak kabul edilen iyileşmeme ve rekürrens gibi durumlara çözüm bulunmalıdır. Biz çalışmamızda KAF'lı hastalardaki preoperatif MİB değerlerinin yüksekliği göz önüne alarak basınç kontrollü sfinkterotomi ile oldukça faydalı ve pratik bir yöntem geliştirmeyi amaçladık. Çalışmanın sonunda BKG'da inkontinens oranlarının daha düşük saptanması ve sadece 1 hastada rekürrens olması sfinkterotomi seviyesinin belirlenmesinde basınç ölçümünün faydalı olduğunu desteklemektedir.The aim of this study was to investigate and individualize the ideal level of lateral internal sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure and decrease the complications of surgery. Chronic anal fissure a common disorder, and it has traditionally been managed with lateral internal sphincterotomy. The first sphincterotomy was performed in 1951 first and it has evolved in time. The level of sphincterotomy is controversial. Surgical sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure can cause anal incontinence over one third of the patients. This has led to the investigation of sphincterotomy level that may avoid permanent damage to the internal anal sphincter. There is evidence demonstrating that the incontinence rate is related to the extent of the lateral internal sphincterotomy. Most studies have showed that the accurate sphincterotomy level is unknown. Nonsurgical treatment options such as chemical sphincterotomy (nitroglycerine or diltiazem ointment and botulinum toxin injections, e.g.) can be a treatment option but they are not superior to surgery. In the present study, we suggest pressure-controlled LIS is a good choice to determine high anal resting pressure and to navigate the extent of sphincterotomy for a given patient. pressure controlled sphincterotomy is more effective and secured. We found that healing rates are significantly higher, recovery is earlier and complications are fewer in the pressure-controled group, compared with the fissure apex sphincterotomy grou