42 research outputs found

    Critical Evaluation of Soybean Role in Animal Production Chains Based on the Valorization of Locally Produced Feedstuff

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    Aim of the present article is to critically evaluate the effects of the large diffusion of soybean on the international market concerning aspects related to the evolution of soybean trade, the effects on agricultural systems where soybean cannot be cultivated, the present dependence from soybean of intensive animal farming systems and the consequences on small or medium farms applying not-intensive animal production chains. An experience under way in the Marche Region (Central Italy) will also be illustrated as an attempt to make agricultural activity both profitable and integrated within local soil and climatic characteristics

    Intercropping Systems for Sustainable Agriculture

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    Increasing sustainability in agriculture is an imperative target for whole food and feed production and transformation chains [...

    Exploitation of Tenebrio molitor larvae as biological factories for human probiotics, an exploratory study

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    The exploitation of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae for the bioaugmentation of probiotic Bacillus clausii strains was evaluated during a 7-day rearing period. qPCR was applied to evaluate the persistence and growth of B. clausii in the rearing substrate and larvae (washed and non-washed). Moreover, the effect of freeze-drying of larvae on B. clausii viability was evaluated. The results demonstrated the suitability of yellow mealworm as biological factories for the multiplication of B. clausii through a simple and inexpensive procedure, in view of the further application of larvae as foods and food ingredients. In more detail, an increase in the load of B. clausii was observed during the 7-day rearing of larvae fed wheat middlings spiked with 1 Log cells g−1. Further research is needed to evaluate the most suitable technologies and processing parameters for obtaining yellow mealworm-based ingredients with a stable and active population of probiotic B. clausii

    Grain Yield Stability of Cereal-Legume Intercrops Is Greater Than Sole Crops in More Productive Conditions

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    The intercropping of two or more crop species on the same piece of land at a given time has been hypothesized to enhance crop yield stability. To address this hypothesis, we assessed the grain yield stability of various barley-pea and wheat-faba bean mixtures grown in seven experimental field trials (locations) across Europe during two years with contrasting weather (2017 and 2018). Three different yield stability measures were used, all based on the expected yield variability of the mixture components grown as sole crops, and the corresponding observed yield variability of the same components grown in 50:50 mixtures in a replacement design. Stability indices were calculated as ratios between the expected and observed variabilities, with values > 1 indicating greater stability of the intercrops. Mean grain yields tended to be higher in intercrops than sole crops. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, the observed (intercrop) yield stability was similar or lower than the expected (sole crop) stability in most locations except one. Furthermore, yield stability significantly increased with increasing mean yields when assessed across differentially productive locations. The results are relevant for the designing of intercropping systems as a means to increase yield stability and the resilience of cropping systems.This research was funded by the DIVERSify project, a grant from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727284. MR was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—420661662. A.J.K. and A.C.N. are also supported by the strategic research programme funded by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division.Peer reviewe

    Investigation of the Dominant Microbiota in Ready-to-Eat Grasshoppers and Mealworms and Quantification of Carbapenem Resistance Genes by qPCR

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    In this study, 30 samples of processed edible mealworms (Tenebrio molitor L.) and 30 samples of grasshoppers (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) were obtained from producers located in Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands) and Asia (Thailand) and subjected to PCR-DGGE analyses. The PCR-DGGE analyses showed that species in the genus Staphylococcus were predominant in the samples of mealworms from Belgium and grasshoppers from the Netherlands; species in the genus Bacillus were detected in the samples of mealworms and grasshoppers from Thailand. Moreover, Weissella cibaria/confusa/spp. was found in grasshoppers from Belgium. Since data concerning the role of novel foods such as edible insects in the dissemination of carbapenem resistance are currently lacking, the quantification of five carbapenemase encoding genes (blaNDM−1, blaVIM, blaGES, blaOXA−48, and blaKPC) by qPCR was also carried out in all the samples under study. The genes coding for GES and KPC were not detected in the analyzed samples. A very low frequency of blaOXA−48 (3%) and blaNDM−1 (10%) genes was detected among mealworms. In contrast, grasshoppers were characterized by a high incidence of the genes for OXA-48 and NDM-1, accounting for 57 and 27% of the overall grasshopper samples, respectively. The blaVIM gene was detected exclusively in two grasshopper samples from Thailand, showing only 7% positivity. The analysis of variance showed that all the effects (producers, species, and producers × species) were statistically significant for blaNDM−1, whereas for blaOXA−48 and blaVIM, no significant effects were detected for the same source of variation. Further studies are necessary to assess the possible role of edible insects as reservoirs for the resistance to carbapenems and to understand the correlation with the insect microbiota. Furthermore, an intensified surveillance plan examining the occurrence of carbapenemase encoding genes in the food chain and in environmental compartments is needed for a proper risk assessment. In such a context, the appropriate use of antimicrobials represents the main preventive action that should always be applied

    Comparisons among barley–pea mixed crop combinations in a replacement design as related to N fertilization and soil variation

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    Abstract Two field trials (2017 and 2018) evaluated the performance of barley–pea mixed cropping by comparing different sowing densities (replacement design) and tailoring N fertilization on barley sowing density (split-plot design). High and Low N inputs were applied to whole plots whereas barley and pea, as pure and in mixed crops, were applied to subplots. The 2017 trial suggested the occurrence of an interaction between soil physical properties and N fertilization. Therefore, in 2018 a pedological survey allowed the soil effect to be included in the ANOVA model applied to evaluate crop performance parameters, showing that N fertilization positively affected barley performance only in the soil unit located downslope. A significantly lower presence of weeds was observed in mixed crops rather than in pea pure crops. Overall, increasing pea density and reducing barley density in mixed crops, and tailoring N fertilization were effective approaches to obtain a more balanced mixed grain at harvest. The combination of crop performance evaluation and assessments of soil conditions suggested that more sustainable agricultural systems, based on mixed cropping and a significant reduction of N fertilizers and herbicides, can be achieved with barley–pea mixed cropping as an alternative to pure cropping systems

    Effect on durum wheat and quality parameters of mixed intercropping with faba bean

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    In Central and Southern Italy durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) are important crops and recently the need of increasing biodiversity to realise more sustainable agricultural systems has been widely suggested in several agricultural sectors (Bedoussac and Justes 2010; Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen 2001). This research aimed at testing the effect of mixed durum wheat and faba bean crops on durum wheat traits that are of utmost importance to drive farmers toward innovative production systems based on intercropping and breeding research to selection programs specifically aimed at increasing the performance of mixed cereal-legume crops

    Evaluation of the HACCP System in a University Canteen: Microbiological Monitoring and Internal Auditing as Verification Tools

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    Food safety is essential in mass catering. In Europe, Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 requires food business operators to put in place, implement and maintain permanent procedures based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles. Each HACCP plan is specifically implemented for the processing plant and processing methods and requires a systematic collection of data on the incidence, elimination, prevention, and reduction of risks. In this five-year-study, the effectiveness of the HACCP plan of a University canteen was verified through periodic internal auditing and microbiological monitoring of meals, small equipment, cooking tools, working surfaces, as well as hands and white coats of the canteen staff. The data obtained revealed no safety risks for the consumers, since Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes were never detected; however, a quite discontinuous microbiological quality of meals was revealed. The fluctuations in the microbial loads of mesophilic aerobes, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and sulphite-reducing clostridia were mainly ascribed to inadequate handling or processing procedures, thus suggesting the need for an enhancement of staff training activities and for a reorganization of tasks. Due to the wide variety of the fields covered by internal auditing, the full conformance to all the requirements was never achieved, though high scores, determined by assigning one point to each answer which matched with the requirements, were achieved in all the years