122 research outputs found

    Osteology and relationships of Rhinopycnodus gabriellae gen. et sp. nov. (Pycnodontiformes) from the marine Late Cretaceous of Lebanon

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    The osteology of Rhinopycnodus gabriellae gen. and sp. nov., a pycnodontiform fish from the marine Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Lebanon, is studied in detail. This new fossil genus belongs to the family Pycnodontidae, as shown by the presence of a posterior brush-like process on its parietal. Its long and broad premaxilla, bearing one short and very broad tooth is the principal autapomorphy of this fish. Within the phylogeny of Pycnodontidae, Rhinopycnodus occupies an intermediate position between Ocloedus and Tepexichthys

    Gladiopycnodontidae, a new family of pycnodontiform fi shes from the Late Cretaceous of Lebanon, with the description of three genera

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    The osteology of Gladiopycnodus karami gen. et sp. nov., of Monocerichthys scheuchzeri gen. et sp. nov. and of Rostropycnodus gayeti gen. et sp. nov., three new fossil fishes from the marine Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Lebanon, is studied in detail. Some of their cranial characters and the presence of a postcoelomic bone clearly refer these fishes to the order Pycnodontiformes. However, they differ from all other described Pycnodontiformes by two important characters. Their snout is elongated as a rostrum, formed by the enlarged prefrontal and the toothless premaxilla, with this premaxilla sutured by its upper margin to the lower margin of the prefrontal. Their pectoral fin is replaced by a strong spine articulated with the cleithrum. These two apomorphies justify the erection of a new family, the Gladiopycnodontidae. The skull of Monocerichthys scheuchzeri sp. nov. does not differ greatly from a classical pycnodontiform skull and this species seems to be the more primitive member of this new family. Gladiopycnodus karami gen. et sp. nov. and Rostropycnodus gayeti gen. et sp. nov. are much more specialized. They share some apomorphies not present in Monocerichthys scheuchzeri gen. et sp. nov., i. e., an extremely long rostrum and an elongated first anal pterygiophore that sustains with the postcoelomic bone a strong and long anal spine. Gladiopycnodontidae fam. nov. and Coccodontidae share a series of apomorphies that justify the erection of a new superfamily, Coccodontoidea, grouping these two families

    Revision of ionoscopus petrarojae (ionoscopiformes, osteichthyes) from the albian of Pietraroja (Campania, southern Italy)

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    EnThe skeleton of Ionoscopus petrarojae, an ionoscopiform fish (Halecomorphi) from the marine Albian of Pietraroja (Campania, southern Italy), is studied in details. The fish exhibits all the anatomical features that characterize the family Ionoscopidae, a maxillary sensory canal, a dermosphenotic fused to the skull roof and bearing an innerorbital flange, a dermopterotic longer than the parietal, pitted infraorbitals, onospondylous vertebrae, fossae on the lateral faces of the vertebrae, more than 15 supraneurals and amioid-like scales. Ionoscopus petrarojae differs from the well known Ionoscopus cyprinoides by numerous osteological characters. The erection of a new genus for I. cyprinoides is suggested. Comparisons are done between I. petrarojae and the ionoscopid species Oshunia brevis and Quetzalichthys perrilliatae.Comments are given on the systematic position of I. petrarojae within Ionoscopidae. I. petrarojae is the plesiomorphic member of the family. It still has a large dermosphenotic that covers the autosphenitic, as in Ophiopsidae.“Ionoscopus” cyprinoides, O. brevis and Q. perrilliatae share a new derived character. The dermosphenotic is reduced. The autosphenotic is no more hidden and becomes a visible part of the skull roof

    Considérations sur la position systématique des genres fossiles Leptolepis et Allothrissops au sein des Téléostéens primitifs

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    Summary. — The author shows on osteological basis that Leptolepis could not be the ancestor of the teleost super-orders Osteoglossomorpha, Clupeomorpha and Elopomorpha but represents an early ofshoot of the teleost super-order Protacanthopterygii. It is also established that Allothrissops is not a primitive osteoglossomorph fish nor the ancestor of the Ichthyodectiformes but a close relative of Leptolepis belonging also to the Leptolepioidei. Elopomorpha and Protacanthopterygii seem to arise from the Pholidophoridae and Osteoglossomorpha and Clupeomorpha from the Ichthyokentemidae ancestors of Ichthyokentema.Taverne Louis. Considérations sur la position systématique des genres fossiles Leptolepis et Allothrissops au sein des Téléostéens primitifs. In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 61, 1975. pp. 336-371

    Note sur l'ostéologie du genre Gymnarchus Cuvier (Pisces Mormoryformes)

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    Taverne Louis. Note sur l'ostéologie du genre Gymnarchus Cuvier (Pisces Mormoryformes). In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 56, 1970. pp. 63-78

    Tselfatia formosa, téléostéen marin du Crétacé (Pisces, Actinopterygii), et la position systématique des Tselfatiiformes ou Bananogmiiformes

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    Taverne, Louis (2000): Tselfatia formosa, téléostéen marin du Crétacé (Pisces, Actinopterygii), et la position systématique des Tselfatiiformes ou Bananogmiiformes. Geodiversitas 22 (1): 5-22, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.537599

    Ostéologie et position systématique du genre Platinx (Pisces, Teleostei) de l'éocène du Monte Bolca (Italie)

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    The author describes the skeleton of Platinx macropterus and proves on osteological basis that Platinx is an eocene survivor of the cretaceous teleostean family Pachyrhizodontidae.Taverne Louis. Ostéologie et position systématique du genre Platinx (Pisces, Teleostei) de l'éocène du Monte Bolca (Italie). In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 66, 1980. pp. 873-889

    Ostéologie de Pentanogmius evolutus (Cope, 1877) n. comb. (Teleostei, Tselfatiiformes) du Crétacé supérieur marin des États-Unis. Remarques sur la systématique du genre Pentanogmius Taverne, 2000

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    Taverne, Louis (2004): Ostéologie de Pentanogmius evolutus (Cope, 1877) n. comb. (Teleostei, Tselfatiiformes) du Crétacé supérieur marin des États-Unis. Remarques sur la systématique du genre Pentanogmius Taverne, 2000. Geodiversitas 26 (1): 89-113, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.537689

    Les Autopiformes (Pisces, Teleostei) du Crétacé supérieur de la Mésogie eurafricaine. I. Ostéologie et affinités systématiques de Rharbichthys Arambourg, C., 1954

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    The author describes the skeleton of Rharbichthys from the Cenomano-Turonian of the eurafrican Tethys and discusses its relationships within primitive Neoteleosts.L'auteur décrit le squelette de Rharbichthys du Cénomano-Turonien de la Mésogée eurafricaine et en discute les affinités au sein des Néotéléostéens primitifs.Taverne Louis. Les Autopiformes (Pisces, Teleostei) du Crétacé supérieur de la Mésogie eurafricaine. I. Ostéologie et affinités systématiques de Rharbichthys Arambourg, C., 1954. In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 71, 1985. pp. 26-46

    Ostéologie et position systématique d'Aethalionopsis robustus (Pisces, Teleostei) du Crétacé inférieur de Bernissart (Belgique) considérations sur les affinités des Gonorhynchiformes

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    The author describes the skeleton of Aethalionopsis robustus and proves on osteological basis that Aethalionopsis is a primitive Chanidae and not an Elopidae or a Leptolepidae as previously thought. The relationships of the Gonorhynchiformes are also discussed.Taverne Louis. Ostéologie et position systématique d'Aethalionopsis robustus (Pisces, Teleostei) du Crétacé inférieur de Bernissart (Belgique) considérations sur les affinités des Gonorhynchiformes . In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 67, 1981. pp. 958-982