33 research outputs found

    15.73 Gb/s Visible Light Communication with off-the-shelf LEDs

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    The Impact of PMD on Single-Polarization Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    Advanced optical fibre communication via nonlinear Fourier transform

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    Optical fibre communication using the Nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) is one of the potential solutions to tackle the so-called capacity crunch problem in long-haul optical fibre networks. The NFT transforms the nonlinear propagation of temporal signal, governed by the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE), into simple linear evolutions of continuous and discrete spectra in the so-called nonlinear spectral domain. These spectra and the corresponding nonlinear spectral domain, defined by the NFT, are the generalized counterparts of the linear spectrum and frequency domain defined by the ordinary Fourier transform. Using the NFT, the optical fibre channel is effectively linearised, and the basic idea is to utilize degrees of freedom in the nonlinear spectral domain for data transmission. However, many aspects of this concept require rigorous investigation due to complexity and infancy of the approach. In this thesis, the aim is to provide a comprehensive investigation of data transmission over mainly the continues spectrum (CS) and partly over of the discrete spectrum (DS) of nonlinear optical fibres. First, an optical fibre communication system is defined, in which solely the CS carries the information. A noise model in the nonlinear spectral domain is derived for such a system by asymptotic analysis as well as extensive simulations for different scenarios of practical interest. It is demonstrated that the noise added to the signal in CS is severely signal-dependent such that the effective signalling space is limited. The variance normalizing transform (VNT) is used to mathematically verify the limits of signalling spaces and also estimate the channel capacity. The numerical results predict a remarkable capacity for signalling only on the CS (e.g., 6 bits/symbol for a 2000-km link), yet it is demonstrated that the capacity saturates at high power. Next, the broadening effect of chromatic dispersion is analysed, and it is confirmed that some system parameters, such as symbol rate in the nonlinear spectral domain, can be optimized so that the required temporal guard interval between the subsequently transmitted data packets is minimized, and thus the effective data rate is significantly enhanced. Furthermore, three modified signalling techniques are proposed and analysed based on the particular statistics of the noise added to the CS. All proposed methods display improved performance in terms of error rate and reach distance. For instance, using one of the proposed techniques and optimized parameters, a 7100-km distance can be reached by signalling on the CS at a rate of 9.6 Gbps. Furthermore, the impact of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) is examined for the first time, as an inevitable impairment in long-haul optical fibre links. By semi-analytical and numerical investigation, it is demonstrated that the PMD affects the CS by causing signal-dependent phase shift and noise-like errors. It is also verified that the noise is still the dominant cause of performance degradation, yet the effect of PMD should not be neglected in the analysis of NFT-based systems. Finally, the capacity of soliton communication with amplitude modulation (part of the degrees of freedom of DS) is also estimated using VNT. For the first time, the practical constraints, such as the restricted signalling space due to limited bandwidth, are included in this capacity analysis. Furthermore, the achievable data rates are estimated by considering an appropriately defined guard time between soliton pulses. Moreover, the possibility of transmitting data on DS accompanied by an independent CS signalling is also validated, which confirms the potentials of the NFT approach for combating the capacity crunch

    Spatial and Wavelength Division Joint Multiplexing System Design for Visible Light Communications

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    The low-pass characteristics of front-end elements including light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodiodes (PDs) limit the transmission data rate of visible light communication (VLC) and Light Fidelity (LiFi) systems. Using multiplexing transmission techniques, such as spatial multiplexing (SMX) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), is a solution to overcome bandwidth limitation. However, spatial correlation in optical wireless channels and optical filter bandpass shifts typically limit the achievable multiplexing gain in SMX and WDM systems, respectively. In this paper, we consider a multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) joint multiplexing VLC system that exploits available degrees-offreedom (DoFs) across space, wavelength and frequency dimensions simultaneously. Instead of providing a new precoder/post-detector design, we investigate the considered joint multiplexing system from a system configuration perspective by tuning system parameters in both spatial and wavelength domains, such as LED positions and optical filter passband. We propose a novel spatial clustering with wavelength division (SCWD) strategy which enhances the MIMO channel condition. We propose to use a state-of-the-art black-box optimization tool: Bayesian adaptive direct search (BADS) to determine the desired system parameters, which can significantly improve the achievable rate. The extensive numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over conventional SMX and WDM VLC systems

    Impact of Device Orientation on Error Performance of LiFi Systems

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    Most studies on optical wireless communications (OWCs) have neglected the effect of random orientation in their performance analysis due to the lack of a proper model for the random orientation. Our recent empirical-based research illustrates that the random orientation follows a Laplace distribution for a static user equipment (UE). In this paper, we analyze the device orientation and assess its importance on system performance. The reliability of an OWC channel highly depends on the availability and alignment of line-of-sight (LOS) links. In this study, the effect of receiver orientation including both polar and azimuth angles on the LOS channel gain are analyzed. The probability of establishing a LOS link is investigated and the probability density function (PDF) of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a randomly-oriented device is derived. By means of the PDF of SNR, the bit-error ratio (BER) of DC-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels is evaluated. A closed-form approximation for the BER of UE with random orientation is presented which shows a good match with Monte-Carlo simulation results. Furthermore, the impact of the UE's random motion on the BER performance has been assessed. Finally, the effect of random orientation on the average signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in a multiple access points (APs) scenario is investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, journa

    OFDM-Based Optical Spatial Modulation

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    Spatial modulation (SM) has proven to be a promising multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technique which provides high energy efficiency and reduces system complexity. In SM, only one transmitter is active at any given time while the rest of them remain silent. The index of the active transmitter carries information. This spatial information is in addition to the data carried by the constellation symbols in the signal domain. Therefore, SM increases the transmission rate of the communication system compared to single-input-single-output and space-time block coding (STBC)-MIMO. For signal domain data encoding, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely adopted. The key benefits in multi-carrier intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IM/DD) systems are: i) the capability to achieve high spectral efficiency and ii) the ability to effectively mitigate direct-current (DC) wander effects and the impact of ambient light. However, current off-the shelf light emitting diodes (LEDs) which are used as transmit entities are primarily bandwidth limited. Thus, there are benefits of combining SM and OFDM to enhance transmission speeds while maintaining low complexity. In this paper, the two most common OFDM-based SM types, namely frequency domain SM (FD-SM) and time domain SM (TD-SM), are investigated for optical wireless communications (OWC). Moreover, proof-ofconcept experimental results are presented to showcase practical feasibility of both techniques. The obtained results are also compared with Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that TDSM with an optimal maximum-a-posteriori-probability (MAP) detector significantly outperforms FD-SM. It can be inferred from the results that TD SM is a strong candidate among OFDM-based optical SM systems for future optical IM/DD wireless communication systems

    Invoking Deep Learning for Joint Estimation of Indoor LiFi User Position and Orientation

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    Light-fidelity (LiFi) is a fully-networked bidirectional optical wireless communication (OWC) that is considered a promising solution for high-speed indoor connectivity. Unlike in conventional radio frequency wireless systems, the OWC channel is not isotropic, meaning that the device orientation affects the channel gain significantly. However, due to the lack of proper channel models for LiFi systems, many studies have assumed that the receiver is vertically upward and randomly located within the coverage area, which is not a realistic assumption from a practical point of view. In this paper, novel realistic and measurement-based channel models for indoor LiFi systems are proposed. Precisely, the statistics of the channel gain are derived for the case of randomly oriented stationary and mobile LiFi receivers. For stationary users, two channel models are proposed, namely, the modified truncated Laplace (MTL) model and the modified Beta (MB) model. For LiFi users, two channel models are proposed, namely, the sum of modified truncated Gaussian (SMTG) model and the sum of modified Beta (SMB) model. Based on the derived models, the impact of random orientation and spatial distribution of LiFi users is investigated, where we show that the aforementioned factors can strongly affect the channel gain and system performance

    The movement-rotation (MR) correlation function and coherence distance of VLC channels

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    Adaptive transmission based on instantaneous channel state information is an important methodology to improve data rates of mobile users, which requires the periodic update of channel variations. Different from radio frequency (RF) channels, whose variations are governed by Doppler and multi-path effects, visible light communication (VLC) channel variations are mainly related to receiver movements and rotations. In this article, a movement-rotation (MR) correlation function is proposed to measure VLC channel variations with the changes in receiver location and orientation. The correlation function of VLC channel gain in the time domain can then be approximated by the MR correlation function, which is an important criterion for the design of data transmission frames. It is verified that the approximation by MR correlation function can approach the actual simulation and experiment results of VLC channel gain correlation function in the time domain. In addition, experiment and simulation results are presented to investigate variation characteristics of VLC channels in different scenarios. It is shown that a receiver movement of several decimeters or a change of 10-20 degrees in the inclined angle of the receiver is required in a typical scenario in order to observe a distinguishable change of VLC channel gain

    Hybrid multiplexing in OFDM-based VLC systems

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    In conventional visible light communication (VLC) systems with multiple light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and multiple photodiodes (PDs), high data rate transmission with limited modulation bandwidth can be achieved via spatial multiplexing (SMP) or wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). However, the number of multiplexing channels is limited by the strong spatial correlation in SMP and by the inter-colour crosstalk in WDM. In this paper, we propose a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid multiplexing (HMP) VLC system which avoids the disadvantages of SMP/ WDM and explores the degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) in space and wavelength domains jointly. With appropriate system configuration, a MIMO channel matrix with a better channel condition in HMP can be obtained. Eventually, it is able to increase the number of multiplexing channels and support higher data rate transmission

    Physical Layer Security for Visible Light Communication Systems:A Survey

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    Due to the dramatic increase in high data rate services and in order to meet the demands of the fifth-generation (5G) networks, researchers from both academia and industry are exploring advanced transmission techniques, new network architectures and new frequency spectrum such as the visible light spectra. Visible light communication (VLC) particularly is an emerging technology that has been introduced as a promising solution for 5G and beyond. Although VLC systems are more immune against interference and less susceptible to security vulnerabilities since light does not penetrate through walls, security issues arise naturally in VLC channels due to their open and broadcasting nature, compared to fiber-optic systems. In addition, since VLC is considered to be an enabling technology for 5G, and security is one of the 5G fundamental requirements, security issues should be carefully addressed and resolved in the VLC context. On the other hand, due to the success of physical layer security (PLS) in improving the security of radio-frequency (RF) wireless networks, extending such PLS techniques to VLC systems has been of great interest. Only two survey papers on security in VLC have been published in the literature. However, a comparative and unified survey on PLS for VLC from information theoretic and signal processing point of views is still missing. This paper covers almost all aspects of PLS for VLC, including different channel models, input distributions, network configurations, precoding/signaling strategies, and secrecy capacity and information rates. Furthermore, we propose a number of timely and open research directions for PLS-VLC systems, including the application of measurement-based indoor and outdoor channel models, incorporating user mobility and device orientation into the channel model, and combining VLC and RF systems to realize the potential of such technologies