23 research outputs found

    Entre a poeira e o silêncio: sobre exposições e construções da memória no Museu do Ceará (1932-1997)

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    This article discusses some manners to construct the meanings of the past into Museu do Ceará's exhibitions between 1932 and 1997. Based on issues of Social History of Memory, the meanings of dust and silence are highlighted in a way that the past is configured in the space of the exhibitions. The artifacts are treated taking into account underlying values and expectations that guide, in certain circumstances, connections and separations between past and present

    Entre o oficial e o costumeiro: o exercício dos poderes e a espacialização da ruralidade no centro da América do Sul (primeira metade do século XVIII)

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    Analisamos aqui a relação entre o sistema administrativo português e a formação de ambientes rurais no centro da América do Sul, em territórios que, na primeira metade do século XVIII, integravam o extremo oeste do Estado do Brasil, no âmbito administrativo da capitania de São Paulo. A partir de um enfoque local, examinando correspondências entre autoridades metropolitanas e cartas de sesmarias, este artigo dialoga com a produção histórica sobre a administração portuguesa na América, buscando reconstruir aspectos generalizantes que possam revelar características estruturais da conquista da terra e da formação de ambientes rurais nos territórios portugueses na América.In this article we analyze the relationship between the Portuguese administrative system and formation of rural environments in the center of South America, in territories that in the first half of the eighteenth century comprised the extreme western part of the State of Brazil, under the administrative captaincy of Sao Paulo. From a local focus, analizing letters of metropolitan authorities and documentation of possession of land, this article dialogue with the historical production of the Portuguese administration in America, seeking rebuild generalizing aspects that may prove structural characteristics of the conquest of land and training of rural environments in Portuguese territories in America

    Rio de Janeiro de antanho: impressões de viajantes estrangeiros

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    Visitantes do Brasil colonial: (séculos XVI-XVIII)

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    Pedro II

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    Os Jesuitas e as Coloniais

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    Ornamentação do Museu Paulista para o Primeiro Centenário: construção de identidade nacional na década de 1920

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    In the last decades, several studies have focused Museu Paulista, the collections, the monument building and Afonso de Escragnole Taunay's term, helping for the development of the historical knowledge and the architectural, artistic and cultural patrimony of São Paulo. The museum's ornamentation, organized by Taunay, for the commemorations of the First Centennial of Independence, in 1922, composed essentially of paintings and sculptures, aiming to narrate the colonial period up to the independence, is the focus of studies. The sources allowed us to understand the way the themes were selected, the making and the disposition of the works, in various levels, in the Hall, the Stairway and the Honour Room. The initial years of Taunay's term (1917 - 1945) were propitious for the making of the ornamentation, given the official support and the financial resources obtained, including the ones from the society of São Paulo. The finalization of the ornamentation, nevertheless, took two decades, due to the exiguity of the income, after the Centennial festivities. The ornamentation was granted as concluded by Taunay, with the placing of the last amphora on the Stairway, in 1931, and the publishing of the Guide of the Historical Section of Museu Paulista (Guia da Secção Histórica do Museu Paulista), in 1937. However, the last paintings were made and incorporated in the 1960's

    O Monumento à Independência: registros de arquitetura

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    Thanks to the care of the architect Tommaso Gaudencio Bezzi (1844-1915) in filing documents and countless newspaper articles related to the matters that involved himself directly and the Monument to Brazil's Independence, it was possible for us to rescue relevant facts to the understanding of the monument-building conceived by him. Many descriptions of that time enable us to have visions as much of the power of representation of the work and its repercussions on the city São Paulo's society as in the work and activities of the architect. In this sense the text reproduces articles published in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro's main newspapers in the end of the second half of the 19th century. The articles describe the work in that historical moment and valorize the architect's activity, reminding us of the importance and complexity of architecture as an artistic production. "[…] The foundations and the ground floor have are already built. The brick of homogen contexture and great hardness is handmade, making on it, as if it was to be uncovered, all the moldings with a perfection whose secret only the Italian workers have. Hundreds of workers are in the labor, a number that should increase later when the distribution of work allows for that. An inclined plan, of great extension and powered by steam, takes the material to the top of the hill. It is expected that the sculptor Bernadelli is the responsible for moulding the statue of D. Pedro I and the others that shall decorate the building, which should, in a short time, be appreciated by the model in relief, which is carefully making Mr. Bezzi.