30 research outputs found

    Analisa Dan Perbandingan PC Cloning Menggunakan Software Softxpand Dengan Software Aster V7

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    Personal Computer (PC) Cloning merupakan suatu konsep jaringan komputer yang menekankan pada proses komputasi di sisi server dan sisi client yang berkinerja seminimal mungkin. Software PC Cloning tersedia dalam beberapa versi, antara lain Softxpand dan Aster V7. Analisa ini bertujuan agar mengetahui software yang lebih mumpuni dalam kinerjanya sebagai PC Cloning sehingga komputer server dapat bekerja secara optimal. Metodologi penelitian “Analisa dan Perbandingan Pc cloning menggunakan software softxpand dengan software Aster v7" ini melalui beberapa proses, hal ini bertujuan agar hasil dapat maksimal. Tahapan yang dimulai dengan analisa kebutuhan, pengumpulan perlengkapan, uji coba aplikasi, pengumpulan data, percobaan analisa, hasil analisa sampai dengan tahapan paling akhir adalah pembuatan laporan. Hasil yang telah dicapai dari penelitian tentang analisa dan perbandingan pc cloning menggunakan software softxpand dengan software aster v7. Dengan membandingkan beberapa parameter seperti setting konfigurasi, pemakaian memori, kinerja software saat aplikasi dijalankan secara bersamaan. Dan kinerja software saat implementasi adalah untuk menentukan software yang mumpuni dalam penggunaannya sebagai PC Cloning. Hasil yang didapat yaitu software Softxpand lebih unggul dari pada software Aster V7

    Estimating the long-term effects of mass screening for latent and active tuberculosis in the Marshall Islands

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    BACKGROUND: Ambitious population-based screening programmes for latent and active tuberculosis (TB) were implemented in the Republic of the Marshall Islands in 2017 and 2018. METHODS: We used a transmission dynamic model of TB informed by local data to capture the Marshall Islands epidemic's historical dynamics. We then used the model to project the future epidemic trajectory following the active screening interventions, as well as considering a counterfactual scenario with no intervention. We also simulated future scenarios including periodic interventions similar to those previously implemented, to assess their ability to reach the End TB Strategy targets and TB pre-elimination in the Marshall Islands. RESULTS: The screening activities conducted in 2017 and 2018 were estimated to have reduced TB incidence and mortality by around one-third in 2020, and are predicted to achieve the End TB Strategy milestone of 50% incidence reduction by 2025 compared with 2015. Screening interventions had a considerably greater impact when latent TB screening and treatment were included, compared with active case finding alone. Such combined programmes implemented at the national level could achieve TB pre-elimination around 2040 if repeated every 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our model suggests that it would be possible to achieve TB pre-elimination by 2040 in the Marshall Islands through frequent repetition of the same interventions as those already implemented in the country. It also highlights the importance of including latent infection testing in active screening activities

    The Financial Burden of Tuberculosis for Patients in the Western-Pacific Region

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    The End Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy has the ambitious goal of ending the global TB epidemic by the year 2030, which is aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. One of three high level indicators of the Strategy is the 'catastrophic costs' indicator, which aims to determine the proportion of TB-affected households that incur TB-care related costs equivalent to 20% or more of their annual household income. The target is that zero percentage of TB-affected households will incur catastrophic costs related to TB care by the year 2020. In the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization, it is a priority to determine the financial burden of TB and then act to mitigate it. To date, eight countries in the Region have conducted nationally representative TB patient cost surveys to determine the costs of TB care. The results from four countries that have completed these surveys (i.e., Fiji, Mongolia, the Philippines, and Vietnam) indicate that between 35% and 70% of TB patients face catastrophic costs related to their TB care. With these results in mind, significant additional efforts are needed to ensure financial risk protection for TB patients, expand Universal Health Coverage, and improve access to social protection interventions. A multi-sectoral approach is necessary to achieve this ambitious goal by the year 2020.Kerri Viney is funded by a Sidney Sax Early Career Fellowship, National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia, GNT1121611

    Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan TransaksiONAL, Stres Kerja, dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Bank Jawa Barat,Tbk Cabang Makassar

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    Literatur mengindikasikan bahwa sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu aset yang berharga bagi suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. Ini dibuktikan bahwa banyaknya kajian dilakukan terkait peran dari tata kelola sumber daya manusia terhadap kinerja karyawan. Namun, studi ini menemukan celah dalam literatur bahwa terdapat sedikit penelitian yang menjelaskan pengaruh parsial serta simultan dari variabel kepemimpinan transaksional, stres kerja, serta kepuasan karyawan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Berangkat dari temuan ini, studi kemudian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk menjelaskan peran variabel tersebut pada kinerja karyawan. Sebagai kontribusi teoritis, studi ini menawarkan temuan riset yang terbarukan bahwa secara parsial, stres kerja tidak signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan. Namun menariknya, secara simultan, stres kerja serta dua variabel bebas lainnya berpengaruh signifikan. Dari perspektif kontribusi manajerial, studi ini menawarkan beberapa saran serta pedoman bagi praktisi yang dijelaskan secara detail pada bagian tertentu di artikel ilmiah ini