129 research outputs found

    Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Tinggi dan Makna Kuliah Bagi Mahasiswa

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    The quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia to date is still is low. This can be known when compared with institutions higher education in other countries. It is also known that there is the gap between the existing reality with the goals and standards of graduate competence universities that have been formulated in laws and regulations government and related universities. Many factors play a role in it. One is the paradigm education - including higher education - is becoming a community benchmark. This growing paradigm will then determine how students give meaning to the lecture that is being pursued. Meanwhile, meaning and any understanding they have about college, will determine their attitudes, behaviors, actions and activities in the process learning. And it will ultimately determine their success within learn. After quite a while, in the recent paradigm behavioristik become displaced by a new paradigm. The developing and the will be more established lately is a constructive paradigm. With referring to this paradigm, students become the central point in the process learning. Therefore, whatever meaning is given by the students of lectures will determine their attitudes and actions in following learning process. Furthermore, this meaning will determine success educational goals as will be achieved together

    Implementasi Weighted Product Pengklasifikasian Lahan Pertanian

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    Untuk kegiatan pertanian memerlukan lahan yang terbaik untuk bercocok tanam, sehingga hasil pangan yang dihasilkan juga berkualitas. Lahan merupakan salah satu komoditi penting yang merupakan mata pencaharian para penduduk Indonesia. Penentuan pengklasifikasian lahan meliputi penilaian kriteria-kriteria suatu daerah. Adapun kriteria-kriteria suatu daerah yaitu jenis lahan, tekstur lahan, curah hujan, suhu, lokasi, dan nilai. Pemanfaatan sistem pendukung keputusan sangat membantu dalam penentuan kelayakan daerah pertanian, dan disertai dengan metode Weighted Product. Dengan adanya sistem pendukung keputusan akan lebih mempermudah penduduk dalam memilih lahan untuk bercocok tanam. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pemanfaatan metode Weighted Product  setelah melakukan pembobotan dari empat alternatif yang dipilih terdapat pada alternatif ke empat dengan bobot terbesar, maka alternative ini bisa dijadikan acuan untuk lahan terbai

    Perbandingan Keberhasilan Implementasi Program Desa Dan Kelurahan Siaga Aktifdesa Nyalembeng Dan Desa Gambuhan Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2015

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    Program of active standby village and active standby urban village are development from active standby program that is launched by The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. The core idea of this project is empowering society so they want and be able to solving health problem. The aims of this research is to describe the difference in successful implementation of active standby village and urban village program in Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village, Pulosari Sub-district, Pemalang Regency of the year 2015. Beside that, this research also aims to identify any factors that causing difference in successful implementation active standby village and urban village program in Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village in 2015.The method of the research that be used is qualitative approach with collecting data technic consist of observation, interview, and documentation. Informants in this research are Head of Section of Health Promotion and Health Care Insurance of Public Health Pemalang Health Department, Head of Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village, Midwife of Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village, Head of FKD (Village Health Forum) Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village, Health Cadre of Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village, and also society of Nyalembeng and Gambuhan Village.The result of the research showed that the implementation of active standby village and urban village program in Nyalembeng Village of the year 2015 have been running optimally. The implementation that have been optimally running was supported by existing resources whom have already adequate to supporting the implementation of active standby village and urban village program in Nyalembeng Village. While, the implementation of active standby village and urban village program in Gambuhan Village have not optimally running yet caused by less adequate resources which hamper the implementation of active standby village and urban village program in Gambuhan Village

    Kualitas Pelayanan Program Jamkesmas Dan Jamkesda Di RSUD Prof.dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Jamkesda Jamkesmas health program and a health program for the poor people afford the government. But in Indonesia there is the fact that they are often discriminated against and got poor service even if the payment is guaranteed by the government. Found many gov-ernment hospitals provide services that are not fair to the participants Jamkesmas and Jam-kesda. Based on the background of the researchers interested in examining the quality care of Jamkesmas and Jamkesda in RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto Kabupaten Banyumas Central Java Provincial Government owned.The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data in this study come from interviews with respondents and the data obtained from these reports, books, jour-nals, magazines, and so on. The data was then compiled with the stages of examining the data obtained from the field, analyzing the data and information and then draw conclusions and verification. Thus generating descriptive data to portray the quality of services and programs Jamkesmas Jamkesda Hospital Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Navan.In this research it was found since 2011 the government launched the program Jam-persal and treatment of Thalassaemia Major as one of the tangible evidence of improved quality of care Jamkesmas, while Jamkesda not. Cause groove referral patterns that do not work well due to the lack of clear regulations regarding patient referral grouping and no so-cialization about it. The government is not transparent about the data base Jamkesmas and Jamkesda participants. Special Jamkesda, Central Java Provincial Government and Regency/City Government lacks transparency regarding the availability of funds for participants Jam-kesda claims and a weak distribution system because it is only through an agreement. How-ever, the Hospital Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo able to be professional in providing services Jamkesmas or Jamkesda and do not discriminate. Terms administration service that is easy to understand, clearly, not berbelli the bush, cleanliness is always awake, officers were friendly and tolerant, and sophisticated equipment is a testament to the quality of service in hospitals Jamkesmas and Jamkesda Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo.The conclusion of this research is Jamkesmas servicesSome regency/city in Central Java providing health facilities vary in Jamkesda. These3programs should apply to the whole people of Indonesia if it holds the principle of justice. Recommendation in this research is the Government needs to empower the participants Jam-kesmas or Jamkesda regarding referral patterns is good and true healthy living to the partici-pants Jamkesmas and Jamkesda be more concerned because it can reduce the cost of claims and considering high occupancy room space for class III participants Jamkesmas and Jam-kesda

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Kabupaten Pemalang Pada Periode 2006-2010

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    This study was conducted to explain the results of the evaluation of Human Development Index (HDI) in Pemalang. Human Development Index is one measure of UNDP to determine the progress of development in an area especially of human development. The indicators for measuring the Human Development Index is the life expectancy index, education index and the income index. In Pemalang, the achievement that gained was 69.89% in 2010 with a ranking of 34 from all district / city in Central Java. When compared with Pekalongan District in ranking 23 and Tegal District in ranking 8, Pemalang very far behind. So the question is why the Human Development Index in Pemalang low? What the programs of increasing the Human Development Index was according to the target? Human Resources was available? Was the amount of budget also supporting?In order to explain the evaluation of Human Development Index in Pemalang, then used the evaluation method and descriptive analysis with using a quantitative approach. Where the source data obtained from secondary data sources. The coverage of analysis through a qualitative approach that aimed to relevant agencies namely Education, Health, Labor and Transmigration, Bappeda, public hospital, Economy, Doctors, Midwives and School principal.The results showed that when viewed from criteria of the Dunn evaluation, improvement programs of Human Development Index has been fairly good. Although in terms of funds allocated is also still an obstacle due to the increasing needs of the community. The low rankingof Pemalang also not free from the causes therein, the awareness factor of the community in accessing services from the government and the lack of investment development in Pemalang district. Moreover, with substantial funds in education sector reached 58%, medical of 13% and purchasing power of 7%. It showed that Pemalang District was seriously in the increase of Human Development Index. Although ranking that obtained still ranking of 34 but each year the percentage of Human Development Index showed an increasing of 67.4% in 2006 to 69.89% in 2010. This is also evidenced by the superiority of several indicators with Tegal district in education and health sector.Recommendations for this study are to develop an active standby village, improving healthcare, optimizing procurement scholarship, Packet, infrastructure and economic development, increasing local investment, and all that

    Kajian Potensi Kualitas Kayu Melalui Uji Marka Anatomi Pada Tanaman Puspa (Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth. Sebagai Tanaman Revegetasi Lahan Pascatambang

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    Revegetation is one of the way to remedy polluted area. Some plants have been applied as revegetation plant due to it has the fast-growing rate and adaptive to the critical area. Plant species which potential for revegetation has ability to live and survive and some are pioneer species. Puspa tree (Schima wallichii (D.C.) Korth.) is a pioneer species that commonly found at either primary or secondary forest and even at savana area. Puspa can be used as revegetation plant also because it is easy propagated and belonging to a semi-fire proof plant species. Therefore, ecologically, puspa suit to be used as revegetation plant species candidate for the land after mining. Besides of matching with environment, that plant should also meet with the economic use. Anatomical study had been conducted to ensure the wood use precisely based on its quality. Three samples from different locations revealed no significant differentiation by their anatomy characters. The result of observation showed the Puspa wood had a small (50-100 πm) to very small ( 1600 µm) with thick wall and tight lumen. The result of anatomical comparison study between Puspa’s wood with commercial wood showed Puspa belonged to hardwood group grade 1 and 2. These data should be used as a considerable report for a recommendation reference of using puspa as a plant species for the reclamation of after mining area and anyway provides economic benefit

    1 Implikasi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 109 Tahun 2012 terhadap Industri Rokok Kecil di Kudus

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    Kudus cigarette industry experienced a long journey, over 120 years old. From day to day the number of the Kudus tobacco industry in decline, especially small cigarette industry. In 2010 the number of small cigarette industry in the Kudus reach 209 business units and in 2013 jumalahnya stay 33 business units. Coupled with the enactment of Government Regulation No. 109 of 2012 on Safety Materials Containing addictive substances such as tobacco products for Health will make a small cigarette industry in Kudus more screaming. This study aims to determine the impact ditimbukan from the Government Regulation No. 109 of 2012. It also wants to know how the efforts of the tobacco industry are small and Kudus District Government in overcoming the impact of the enactment of Government Regulation No. 109 of 2012 so that it can survive to date.This research method using descriptive qualitative research. Source of data in will come from direct interviews with a small cigarette industry players in the Kudus and the Department of Labor, Industry, Cooperatives and SMEs district. Kudus and secondary data. The selected sampling is purposive sampling system, the sampling technique with a certain consideration. Data collection techniques that can be used in this study were interviews, and literature.The impact of the imposition of PP 109 Year 2012 will make a small cigarette industry or group 3 increasingly difficult to continue its efforts. Since the content in PP 109 Year 2012 mostly regulates the marketing of the tobacco industry as well as in the aspect of packaging, additives, and the content of which will have an impact on production costs rise. Kudus District Government\u27s role in addressing these impacts and maintain the existence of a small cigarette industry is by way of guidance and vocational training programs and the establishment of LIK-IHT.Realizing the enormity of the role of the tobacco industry for the economy of the Kudus society, the government must protect the small cigarette industry in Kudus by issuing regulations that favor small cigarette industry .. The government needs to participate in regulating the tobacco trade regulation mechanisms to protect them from the game of speculators price of course the producers of small cigarette
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