12 research outputs found

    Al-Insijām bayna al-‘Urf wa al-Sharī‘ah al-Islāmiyyah fī Taqlīd Ngarunghal bi Majalengka, Indūnisiyā

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    The harmonization of shari’a and tradition becomes an important issue, especially in a country with legal pluralism such as Indonesia. This paper discusses the harmonization of Islamic law and tradition in Majalengka, Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, this paper focuses on ngarunghal tradition, including the pelangkah present. The differences between tradition and shari’a can be a new configuration that can continue to be preserved in Indonesia. The data was obtained from interviews with local figures. The research shows that shari’a accepts the richness of indigenous entities. At the same time, the tradition accepts the principle of Islamic law as an effort to reconstruct the traditions to be in line with shari’a. Abstrak:Harmonisasi hukum Islam dan  adat yang merupakan dua entitas hukum berbeda sangat dinantikan, terutama di Indonesia sebagai negara hukum plural yang memiliki keberagaman suku bangsan, adat,  dan budaya. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan harmonisasi hukum Islam  dan adat  yang terjadi di wilayah Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Dengan  menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan  pendekatan kajian hukum Islam, penelitian ini mengungkapkan rangkaian adat ngarunghal, termasuk di dalamnya pemberian pelangkah. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan penelitian-penelitian terdahulu. Hasil  penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hukum Islam menerima kekayaan entitas adat, dan adat juga menerima prinsip Islam sebagai upaya rekonstruksi adat sejalan dengan ajaran Islam. Hasil harmonisasi dari perbedaan kedua entitas dalam permasalahan tersebut dapat menjadi bentuk kekayaan Islam Indonesia yang dapat terus dilestarikan. 


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    The development of syariah compliant banking products can not be separated from the use of classical Islamic methods. One of them is the method called hilah which is literally meant to make something lawful according to Islam. In its development, this concept exists and becomes one of the methods used in the making of fatwa of the DSN-MUI. This article describes the use of hilah in the implementation of syariah compliant banking products such as syariah charge card.The development of syariah compliant banking products can not be separated from the use of classical Islamic methods. One of them is the method called hilah which is literally meant to make something lawful according to Islam. In its development, this concept exists and becomes one of the methods used in the making of fatwa of the DSN-MUI. This article describes the use of hilah in the implementation of syariah compliant banking products such as syariah charge card

    Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah

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    Abstract: The Concept of Family, istilhâq, and civil rights of children born out of wedlock. One of the basic rights that all newborns have is the right to family. This means that the moment a child is born it immediately gets the right to belong to his parents’ family, in addition to other rights that relate to being related to that family. However, not all children are born with as good a lot as that. If that is the case, Islam has several ways for that child to get to have family. A family can be sought through iqrâr (declaration), evidence, and istilhâq. Once that family has been linked, civil rights, which he gets from having that father, automatically apply to that child. Children born out of wedlock can be linked to a family with people who are willing to be compassionate towards the child’s mother, when that birth doesn’t happen as a result of adultery. In that case, it is permissible if the nature of the birth is either uncertain or didn’t happen through adultery. A child born to a married couple considered unlawful can be linked to another family and with them get his or her civil rights as needed from the father of that family.Keyword: family, istilhâq, civil right, children born ouy of wedlockAbstrak: Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah. Anak yang terlahir ke dunia memiliki hak nasab sebagai salah satu hak dasar yang dimilikinya. Ini berarti bahwa saat anak terlahir langsung mendapatkan hak nasab dari ayahnya dengan hak-hak lain yang melekat akibat adanya kaitan nasab itu. Akan tetapi, tidak semua anak terlahir dengan nasib sebaik itu. Dalam hal ini, Islam memiliki beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan nasab itu. Nasab bisa didapat melalui iqrâr (pengakuan), pembuktian, dan istilhâq. Bila nasab itu sudah terkait, maka hak-hak perdata anak secara otomatis melekat pada anak itu yang dapat diperolehnya dari ayahnya. Anak luar nikah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan orang yang menanam benihnya ke rahim ibu si anak, bila hal itu terjadi bukan karena zina. Dalam hal ini, bisa karena syubhât atau hal lain selain zina. Anak yang terlahir dalam pernikahan yang dinggap tidak sah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan ayahnya dan mendapatkan hak perdata sebagaimana mestinya, bila hal itu dilakukan oleh ayahnya.Kata Kunci: nasab, istilhâq, hak perdata, anak luar nikahDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i1.966</p

    The Use of Maxims (al-Qawāʿid al-Uṣūliyyah wa al-Fiqhiyyah) in Legal Argumentation of Sharia Economic Court Decisions in Indonesia

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    All sharia economic court decisions in Indonesia are supposed to include sharia principles as the basis for adjudicating the case. Therefore, the judges must be able to understand the legal norms of sharia economics. This study aimed to explore how fundamentalistic maxims (al-qawāʿid al-uṣūliyyah) and jurisprudential maxims (al-qawāʿid al-fiqhiyyah) as parts of sharia economic legal norms or sharia principles were used by judges as legal argumentation in court decisions. We analyzed 384 court decisions categorized as sharia economic cases on the Indonesian Supreme Court website from April 20, 2016, to April 20, 2020, and set them as a universe of cases. Each decision that contained the maxim (qāʿidah) in its legal consideration was selected as relevant case sample and was then analyzed to find how the maxim was used as legal argumentation to respond to a petition and/or demurrer. Then, we found 15 legal maxims from 28 legal argumentations of 14 decisions (3.65% of the universe of cases). In general, the use of those maxims as legal argumentation has already conformed to their conventional usage with a few notes related to specific legal findings (rechtsvinding) in sharia economic cases.Putusan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia harus memuat prinsip-prinsip syariah yang dijadikan dasar untuk mengadili, dan hakim ekonomi syariah harus mampu memahami norma-norma hukum ekonomi syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana kaidah usul dan kaidah fikih (kaidah-kaidah) sebagai bagian dari norma-norma hukum ekonomi syariah atau prinsip syariah digunakan oleh hakim sebagai argumentasi hukum dalam putusan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia. Metode: Kami mengambil 384 putusan dengan klasifikasi ekonomi syariah periode 20 April 2016 (teregistrasi) - 20 April 2020 (unggahan terakhir) di laman Mahkamah Agung RI sebagai semesta kasus. Putusan yang memuat kaidah usul dan atau kaidah fikih dalam pertimbangan hukum menjadi sampel kasus relevan untuk dianalisis bagaimana kaidah-kaidah tersebut digunakan sebagai argumentasi hukum oleh hakim untuk menjawab petitum dan atau eksepsi. Hasil: Ditemukan 15 kaidah dari 28 argumentasi hukum dalam 14 putusan (3,65% dari semesta kasus). Umumnya penggunaan kaidah-kaidah tersebut sebagai argumentasi hukum oleh hakim telah sesuai dengan sesuai kelaziman peruntukkan, dengan sejumlah catatan terkait penemuan hukum khas perkara ekonomi syariah. Kesimpulan: Sebagai argumentasi hukum, kaidah usul dan kaidah fikih telah diambil oleh hakim dari sumber hukum tidak tertulis dan terindikasi sebagai hasil penemuan hukum prinsip syariah menggunakan ilhâq sebagai bagian dari ijtihād tathbiqi dalam menemukan hukum taklîfî pada perkara ekonomi syariah. Terdapat bukti kaidah usul dan kaidah fikih dapat bercampur baur atau tertukar dalam penggunaannya, juga bukti kaidah yang sama digunakan sebagai argumentasi hukum terhadap jenis perkara yang tidak jauh berbeda pada beberapa kesempatan oleh hakim yang sam

    Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah

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    Abstract: The Concept of Family, istilhâq, and civil rights of children born out of wedlock. One of the basic rights that all newborns have is the right to family. This means that the moment a child is born it immediately gets the right to belong to his parents’ family, in addition to other rights that relate to being related to that family. However, not all children are born with as good a lot as that. If that is the case, Islam has several ways for that child to get to have family. A family can be sought through iqrâr (declaration), evidence, and istilhâq. Once that family has been linked, civil rights, which he gets from having that father, automatically apply to that child. Children born out of wedlock can be linked to a family with people who are willing to be compassionate towards the child’s mother, when that birth doesn’t happen as a result of adultery. In that case, it is permissible if the nature of the birth is either uncertain or didn’t happen through adultery. A child born to a married couple considered unlawful can be linked to another family and with them get his or her civil rights as needed from the father of that family.Keyword: family, istilhâq, civil right, children born ouy of wedlockAbstrak: Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah. Anak yang terlahir ke dunia memiliki hak nasab sebagai salah satu hak dasar yang dimilikinya. Ini berarti bahwa saat anak terlahir langsung mendapatkan hak nasab dari ayahnya dengan hak-hak lain yang melekat akibat adanya kaitan nasab itu. Akan tetapi, tidak semua anak terlahir dengan nasib sebaik itu. Dalam hal ini, Islam memiliki beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan nasab itu. Nasab bisa didapat melalui iqrâr (pengakuan), pembuktian, dan istilhâq. Bila nasab itu sudah terkait, maka hak-hak perdata anak secara otomatis melekat pada anak itu yang dapat diperolehnya dari ayahnya. Anak luar nikah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan orang yang menanam benihnya ke rahim ibu si anak, bila hal itu terjadi bukan karena zina. Dalam hal ini, bisa karena syubhât atau hal lain selain zina. Anak yang terlahir dalam pernikahan yang dinggap tidak sah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan ayahnya dan mendapatkan hak perdata sebagaimana mestinya, bila hal itu dilakukan oleh ayahnya.Kata Kunci: nasab, istilhâq, hak perdata, anak luar nikahDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i1.96


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    Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital is a hospital with management based on sharia principles, which is equipped with modern health facilities and equipment. However, based on the author's preliminary observations, that there are several implementations in the operation of hospitals based on sharia principles that contradict the basic reference, namely the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) Number 107 of 2016. This research has purposed to: first, how the management evaluation and compliance in implementing management and service based on sharia principles? Second, how Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital apply Islamic principles in management and service based on sharia principles? This research is juridical empirical research with Islamic law regulation approach, which then carried out a quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics and inferencing statistics, then analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of this research is Sari Asih Ciledug Hospital management has met the aspect of sharia compliance with a percentage of 87,5%. As for the difference of that percentage is 12,5% found in the practice that the hospital civitas has not yet embodied good morals with image brand which build by the hospital that is smiling and greeting in service to the patient, have not cooperated with Islamic education institute in human capital recruitment and the surrounding community has not felt the impact of social activities carried out by the hospital. Besides, the limited number of medicines that are halal-certified by the organizing agency for guaranteeing halal products (BPJPH) is an obstacle for hospitals in grouping formularies containing haram elements

    Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah

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    Konsep Nasab, Istilhâq, dan Hak Perdata Anak Luar Nikah. Anak yang terlahir ke dunia memiliki hak nasab sebagai salah satu hak dasar yang dimilikinya. Ini berarti bahwa saat anak terlahir langsung mendapatkan hak nasab dari ayahnya dengan hak-hak lain yang melekat akibat adanya kaitan nasab itu. Akan tetapi, tidak semua anak terlahir dengan nasib sebaik itu. Dalam hal ini, Islam memiliki beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan nasab itu. Nasab bisa didapat melalui iqrâr (pengakuan), pembuktian, dan istilhâq. Bila nasab itu sudah terkait, maka hak-hak perdata anak secara otomatis melekat pada anak itu yang dapat diperolehnya dari ayahnya. Anak luar nikah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan orang yang menanam benihnya ke rahim ibu si anak, bila hal itu terjadi bukan karena zina. Dalam hal ini, bisa karena syubhât atau hal lain selain zina. Anak yang terlahir dalam pernikahan yang dinggap tidak sah bisa dikaitkan nasabnya dengan ayahnya dan mendapatkan hak perdata sebagaimana mestinya, bila hal itu dilakukan oleh ayahnya


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    Thesis with the title "The Effect of Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Share Price" written by Muhammad Ahsan Taufiki NIM 126406201053, supervisor Mrs Wahyu Dwi Warsitasari, M.Pd. This research is motivated by the mining sector which is one of the main pillars in contributing revenue to the country's economic development. Mining is one of the company sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which has a very important role for the national economy, both in the fiscal, monetary and real sectors. The performance of mining companies is a major concern for investors and stakeholders in the financial markets. So that companies need to improve financial performance so that later it can have an effect on the increase in stock prices. A rising share price will increase investor interest in investing in this sector. The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) is there an effect of the variable return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and net profit margin (NPM) simultaneously on stock prices? (2) is there an effect of the variable return on assets (ROA) on stock prices? (3) is there an effect of the variable return on equity (ROE) on stock prices? (4) is there an effect of the net profit margin (NPM) variable on stock prices. This study uses a quantitative approach, the type of associative research and the data source is secondary data. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, data processing in this study using eviews 13 with panel data regression analysis techniques. The results of this study can be concluded that simultaneously the variables of return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and net profit margin (NPM) on stock prices have a significant effect, return on assets (ROA) has a significant positive effect on stock prices, return on equity (ROE) has no significant effect on stock prices, net profit margin (NPM) has no significant effect on stock prices