64 research outputs found

    Comparison of the utilization of 110 °C and 120 °C heat sources in a geothermal energy system using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with R245fa, R123, and mixed-ratio fluids as working fluids

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    © 2019 by the authors. Binary cycle experiment as one of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technologies has been known to provide an improved alternate scenario to utilize waste energy with low temperatures. As such, a binary geothermal power plant simulator was developed to demonstrate the geothermal energy potential in Dieng, Indonesia. To better understand the geothermal potential, the laboratory experiment to study the ORC heat source mechanism that can be set to operate at fixed temperatures of 110 °C and 120 °C is conducted. For further performance analysis, R245fa, R123, and mixed ratio working fluids with mass flow rate varied from 0.1 kg/s to 0.2 kg/s were introduced as key parameters in the study. Data from the simulator were measured and analyzed under steady-state condition with a 20 min interval per given mass flow rate. Results indicate that the ORC system has better thermodynamic performance when operating the heat source at 120 °C than those obtained from 110 °C. Moreover, the R123 fluid produces the highest ORC efficiency with values between 9.4% and 13.5%

    The implementation of agent based complaint management system

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    Complaint management system is a system to enable customers channel the issues about the organization for immediate action. Thus responsive complaint system is essential for the organization to ensure customers satisfaction in managing complaints. This paper introduces the agent-based Complaint Management System (ACM). The objective of the system is autonomously accepted the complaints and forward to the respective responsibility. Initial result, shows the system is able to entertain users complaint with minimal intervention by human. Keyword recognition was proposed as an intelligent element for the system. Future efforts are looking for complete agent- based complaint management system with more intelligent features

    Peranan Sultan Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali al-Marini dalam kerajaan Banu Marin di Fas, al-Maghrib (1331-1351M) / Mariam Farhana Md Nasir … [et al.]

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    Pencapaian tamadun dalam Kerajaan Banu Marin era Sultan Abu Sa’id ‘Uthman II menyaksikan perkembangan yang berlaku secara perlahan dan mendatar. Namun begitu, pemerintahan Sultan Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali pada 731H/1331M telah menyaksikan beberapa perubahan yang berlaku dalam pemerintahan, sekaligus menjadikan era kegemilangan Kerajaan Banu Marin di al-Maghrib. Kerajaan Islam yang pernah bertapak sekitar tahun 1215M hingga 1465M di wilayah al-Maghrib, telah diperintah oleh 26 orang sultan yang mempunyai sejarah kecemerlangan dan kehebatan yang tersendiri. Oleh itu, kajian ini membincangkan mengenai ketokohan Sultan Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali (731-751H/1331-1351M) sebagai sultan teragung dalam Kerajaan Banu Marin sehingga kerajaan tersebut mencapai era kegemilangan dan kemasyhurannya di al-Maghrib al-Aqsa pada abad pertengahan. Di samping itu, kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji latar belakang Sultan Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali daripada pelbagai aspek, selain peranan yang dimainkan oleh beliau dalam mengangkat Kerajaan Banu Marin sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang gemilang. Metode kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, iaitu penyelidikan perpustakaan sepenuhnya melalui sumber bertulis sama ada sumber primer atau sekunder. Hasil kajian ini dapat mendedahkan kepada masyarakat usaha Sultan Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali dalam memastikan kerajaan yang dipimpin menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang berjaya dan cemerlang. Beliau merupakan pemerintah yang paling cemerlang dalam pemerintahan Kerajaan Banu Marin sehingga kerajaan tersebut mencapai ketamadunan yang tinggi dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, seni bina dan juga perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan

    SQL Injection attack roadmap and fusion

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    With SQL Injection, an attacker can change the intended effect of dynamically generated query in a web Application. This can lead to unauthorized access to the database underlying web application, and harmful transactions on the potentially sensitive information contained in the database. Clear understanding of a problem always assists in finding stronger solution to the problem. In this paper, we conducted an extensive review of several empirical studies on SQL injection attacks and vulnerabilities, with the goal of providing the research community with better insight into possible relationship that exists between different types of SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs), and the types of vulnerabilities exploited by each. Consequently, the result of our study is presentation of SQLIAs fusion which shows how different types of SQLIAs lead to one another, and also presentation of step by step SQLIA roadmap. We are very optimistic that our study can help the research community with clearer understanding of SQL Injections, and thus facilitates emergence of stronger solutions to the long standing problem

    Akhlak terbina komunikasi sempurna / S.Salahudin Suyurno … [et al.]

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    Hampir 1/5 daripada ayat-ayat al-Quran ayat menyentuh secara langsung berkenaan akhlak manusia. Hal ini menggambarkan bahawa kesempurnaan akhlak amat dititikberatkan oleh Islam. Akhlak boleh dimaksudkan sebagai keperibadian, sahsiah dan sifat-sifat yang merujuk kepada perbuatan mulia. Ia juga merupakan ajaran-ajaran dan tingkah laku yang lebih tinggi kedudukannya daripada moral. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan erti akhlak secara mendalam serta keperluan akhlak dalam komunikasi manusia. Kedudukan dan prinsip akhlak dalam kehidupan seharian manusia turut disentuh. Gagasan komunikasi berakhlak yang menjadi asas hubungan sesama manusia dikemukakan agar ia menjadi rujukan setiap komunikator

    Payment issues in Malaysia industrialised building system (IBS): Literature visit

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    The development of Industrialized Building System (IBS) project involves close relationship between various players such as clients, contractors and manufactures. A good payment mechanism will lead an effective integration and collaboration among player automatically will efficiently achieve the project goal.Although efforts has been undertaken to enhance the IBS practice in Malaysia, the adoption of IBS is still not achieve the government target.This is due to some issues regarding of current payment mechanism. Unlike the conventional approach, the adoption of IBS required a strong cash flow among the project stakeholders especially the contractors in order to ensure project on progress.Current practice, unfortunately, some of the IBS projects are still use the traditional payment method (which is based on in-situ progress claim).This practice is one of the main barriers that affect to the IBS implementation in Malaysia.Therefore, the purpose of this paper through literature review is to explore the issue of payment mechanism in order to enhance the adoption of Malaysian IBS projects in future

    Enhanced pushdown automaton based static analysis for detection of SQL injection Hotspots in web application

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    SQL injection Hotspots (SQLiHs) are Application’s Entry Points (AEPs) through which SQL injection is possible, subject to the application’s internal sanitization or validation capabilities. Since not all AEPs are SQLiHs, one serious challenge during testing of very large web application for detection of SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (SQLIVs) is how to reliably decide which AEPs to consider for the test and which AEPs are unnecessary? In this paper, we propose a new Pushdown Automaton (PDA) based static analysis technique for detection of SQLiHs in web applications. The goal is to produce concrete information that can reliably and confidently guide both human tester/developer and SQLIVs detection tools/techniques as to which part of the source code to concentrate their efforts during detection and fixing of SQL injection flaws in an application. The proposed technique is an integral part of an on-going research on automated method for detection and removal of SQLIVs in web application. Experimental evaluation of the method is in progress. However, preliminary results show that the proposed technique is both feasible and effective

    Advances in computer forensics

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    Constant developments in information technology and communication have posed challenges for those policing cyber crimes. Due to the application of computer used to investigate computer-based crime has led to development of a new field called computer forensics. This paper discusses the research category in computer forensics and identifies key research issues of each of the category. Hopefully this paper would provide foundation and new ideas for the researcher to better understand the concepts of computer forensic. The outcome presents in this paper came from thoroughly review of recent computer forensic literatures

    MALIM - a new computational approach of Malay morphology

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    Malay is categorized as an Austronesian language, a group which also contains Bahasa Indonesia and Tagalog. Quite number of morphological analyzers has been developed for Malay, including based on two-level formalism, stemming/conflation model, or even specific model. The obvious weaknesses are incompleteness and incapability of handling ambiguity which affect the accuracy of analysis. So we introduced a new technique called S-A-P-I to handle them in our analyzer - MALIM. In this paper we describe about MALIM and the empirical study to its usage. Our results proved that by using our technique increase the accuracy of morphological analysis up to 98.99% which covers 99.99% of sample data. Thus we believe this approach is the most suitable in handling morphological analysis for Malay