11 research outputs found

    Random forest algorithm for algorithm for prediction of high school science students acceptance snmptn based on students assesment report

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    National Selection for State University (SNMPTN) is one of the selectionlines for admission of new students in Indonesia to enter State Universities byinvitation. Report card grades are one component of the assessment ofadmission of new students to enter state universities on this pathway. Thedifference in standards between universities in determining the admission ofSNMPTN applicants, causing the need to predict based on several relatedfactors. This research uses data mining techniques with Random forestalgorithm. From the results of research that has been done, it was found thatthe Random Forest algorithm can be used to predict students who are acceptedat SNMPTN based on report card grades, obtained from the results of theclassification process with the student report card report survey datasetreceived by SNMPTN, This is indicated by the accuracy, precision, and recallvalues of 93%. Optimization of the random forest algorithm using theoversampling technique with the SMOTE method can improve the classifier'sperformance due to the imbalanced class problem

    Forecasting chicken meat and egg in indonesia using ARIMA and SARIMA

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    Abstract. Chicken meat and eggs are part of the main commodities in Indonesia. Indonesian people's consumption of chicken meat per capita per year continues to increase. Indonesian government is trying to lure investments to help fund these growing needs. However, inflation has never been positively affected investments. Furthermore, the price of chicken meat and eggs in Indonesia are vulnerable to such a fluctuation. This price hike causes losses to society, due to higher costs, and to the country: inflation affects the future of investment. So, if ones can forecast both commodities, could help decision makers optimizing their policies. This research forecasts the price of chicken meat and egg using the ARIMA and SARIMA methods. Price forecasting is done on chicken meat and egg because they are interrelated, as seen from the Pearson Correlation Test of 0.92 in the datasets and 0.87 in the forecasting results. The selection of the best model is based on the smallest MSE, MAE, and MAPE. The best chicken meat price forecasting results using the ARIMA(3, 1, 2) with MAPE value of 2.31%, while the best chicken egg price forecasting results is the SARIMA[(2, 1, 1)(2, 0, 2, 0), n] with MAPE value of 3.44%

    Teknologi Pemanen Kabut (Fog Harvesting) sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Masalah Kekeringan pada Dataran Tinggi

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    Drought occur in Ngoho Plateu, Semarang and always happened in dry season. However, the plateu has a big potential of fog, which always occur in wet and dry season. This research purposes to determine the potential of fog harvesting, 4 models of standard fog collectors (SFC) were installed in two locations. Each location were installed 2 models with azimuth of 90o and 180o. Data collected for 4 months, on condition where foggy day only. Equipment that harvested largest amount of fog water was model 4 which were mounted on highest land of plateu azimuth of 90o. Model 4 was capable to harvest water 8 liter/m2 in fog duration of 8 hours

    Perancangan Film Pendek Fiksi Layang Angkara Adaptasi Kisah Pewayangan Jawa Dewa Ruci dan Air Kehidupan sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya

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    Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman suku bangsa dan budaya yang sangat luas. Kebudayaan memiliki peran dan fungsi sebagai karakter atau identitas yang membentuk suatu bangsa sehingga harus dilestarikan. Budaya wayang dan kisah Pewayangan Dewa ruci mengandung pesan dan ajaran kebatinan dan pedoman yang digunakan masyarakat Jawa hingga kini. Pesan dan nilai yang terkandung kemudian diadaptasi menjadi media film pendek. Tahapan dalam proses perancangan ini dimulai dengan melakukan analisis dan observasi terhadap media eksisting dan studi literatur yang berkaitan dengan unsur naratif dan sinematik yang diterapkan. Melakukan eksplorasi yang dilengkapi dengan depth interview sebagai landasan menyusun unsur-unsur film dalam perancangan ini. Melakukan tahap pra-produksi, produksi, dan paska-produksi sesuai dengan kaidah dalam pembuatan film. Luaran dari perancangan ini adalah sebuah film pendek berdurasi 17 menit dengan pendekatan fiksi beserta media pendukung lainnya yang dikemas dengan latar belakang seorang laki-laki yang terjebak dalam arus urbanisasi di lingkungannya sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian budaya Indonesia dengan mengangkat pesan dan nilai moral yang terkandung melalui adaptasi dari kisah Pewayangan Jawa Dewa Ruci sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian

    Random forest algorithm for algorithm for prediction of high school science students acceptance snmptn based on students assesment report

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    National Selection for State University (SNMPTN) is one of the selectionlines for admission of new students in Indonesia to enter State Universities byinvitation. Report card grades are one component of the assessment ofadmission of new students to enter state universities on this pathway. Thedifference in standards between universities in determining the admission ofSNMPTN applicants, causing the need to predict based on several relatedfactors. This research uses data mining techniques with Random forestalgorithm. From the results of research that has been done, it was found thatthe Random Forest algorithm can be used to predict students who are acceptedat SNMPTN based on report card grades, obtained from the results of theclassification process with the student report card report survey datasetreceived by SNMPTN, This is indicated by the accuracy, precision, and recallvalues of 93%. Optimization of the random forest algorithm using theoversampling technique with the SMOTE method can improve the classifier'sperformance due to the imbalanced class problem

    Forecasting chicken meat and egg in indonesia using ARIMA and SARIMA

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    Abstract. Chicken meat and eggs are part of the main commodities in Indonesia. Indonesian people's consumption of chicken meat per capita per year continues to increase. Indonesian government is trying to lure investments to help fund these growing needs. However, inflation has never been positively affected investments. Furthermore, the price of chicken meat and eggs in Indonesia are vulnerable to such a fluctuation. This price hike causes losses to society, due to higher costs, and to the country: inflation affects the future of investment. So, if ones can forecast both commodities, could help decision makers optimizing their policies. This research forecasts the price of chicken meat and egg using the ARIMA and SARIMA methods. Price forecasting is done on chicken meat and egg because they are interrelated, as seen from the Pearson Correlation Test of 0.92 in the datasets and 0.87 in the forecasting results. The selection of the best model is based on the smallest MSE, MAE, and MAPE. The best chicken meat price forecasting results using the ARIMA(3, 1, 2) with MAPE value of 2.31%, while the best chicken egg price forecasting results is the SARIMA[(2, 1, 1)(2, 0, 2, 0), n] with MAPE value of 3.44%

    Citarum Harum Project: A Restoration Model of River Basin

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    ‘Citarum Harum' is a program to restore the Citarum River. The problem of waste and sewage and the existence of the strategic Citarum River by splitting West Java Province are very supportive of economic growth, especially labour-intensive industries that can absorb a lot of labour into serious problems. Citarum, which is known as one of the dirtiest rivers in the world, urges the government to immediately issue regulations to start the restoration of the Citarum River Basin (DAS Citarum). Citarum watershed pollution and damage mitigation measures in an integrated strategic pace for control and law enforcement that integrate authority between government agencies and stakeholders related to Citarum watershed recovery based on Presidential Regulation No. 15 of 2018 concerning Acceleration of Pollution and Damage Control in the Citarum River Basin. Various steps and methods were taken to restore the Citarum watershed, as well as communication and coordination of the central government with various related parties such as the Environmental Service Office (DLH) of the West Java Provincial Government and Kodam III Siliwangi to be enhanced to immediately realize Harum Citarum

    Phenotypic diversity in beta-HbE thalassemia patients

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    Background Thalassemia is a monogenic disease, yet the clini- cal manifestations (phenotype) are variable although they have the same genotype. The clear-cut correlation between genotype and phenotype in β-thalassaemia/HbE patients remains unex- plained. There are several factors that play a role in the severity of the clinical manifestations, i.e. two alpha-gene deletion, homozy- gote Xmn1 polymorphism +/+, -+-++, ++-++ haplotype, and hemo- globin Constant Spring. Objective To understand the clinical diversity of patients with HbE/ α thalassemia and to determine whether it is possible to predict phenotypic severity from genetic factors. Methods A descriptive study on clinical presentations and hema- tological data of beta-HbE thalassemia patients. DNA analysis was performed to detect β-thalassemia mutations and the ameliorating factors (alpha-globin genes deletions and Xmn1 restriction site poly- morphism at position –158 upstream of the G γ-globin gene) which were already known. Results Thirty patients with HbE/β thalassemia (4 to 29 years old) were recruited. IVS1-nt5 (G>C) severe β + mutation was detected in 20 patients. Eighteen of 20 patients with positive IVS1-nt5 mu- tation group were heterozygous for Xmn1 restriction site polymor- phism and none of the patients was co-inherited with two á-globin gene deletion. Almost all patients (19/20) with positive IVS1-nt5 mutation group required regular transfusions, yet the mean age at first blood transfusion was older in negative IVS1-nt5 mutation group than that of positive IVS1-nt5 mutation group (5.7 vs 4 years). Mean hemoglobin before initial transfusion was higher in negative IVS1- nt5 mutation group than that of positive IVS1-nt5 mutation group (5.88 vs 5.39 g/dl). The mean total transfusion per year was lower in the negative IVS1-nt5 mutation group than that of positive IVS1- nt5 mutation group (190.6 vs 215.1 ml/year). Conclusions Beta-HbE thalassemia patients with identical beta thalassemia mutation (IVS1-nt5) show remarkable clinical diver- sity. Neither two alpha-gene deletion, nor the Xmn1- G γ polymor- phism can explain the phenotypic variation. Other ameliorating determinants or genetic modifications responsible for the variable clinical severity remain to be explored