521 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Learning In Teachers' Education: Continuity Between The Certainties Of Action And Discursive Arrangements

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    This article discusses the possibility of evolutionary learning in teachers' education, having as a reference Habermas' purposes of world action continuation and discursive world. The study, of a reconstructive nature, analyzed the paradigmatic-epistemological approaches that underlie the doctoral theses on teachers' education, defended in Brazilian federal universities, in Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) triennial assessment (2007-2009). It has been sought to identify the elements that characterize the approaches: historical-materialist, phenomenological-hermeneutics, practice epistemology, complex epistemology, social representation and poststructuralist theory. It was concluded that what lingers in the different research approaches is a common axis of objectivity characterized by shared certainties and the focus on the same problematizations, making explicit the possibility of an evolutionary continuation between what reality teaches about experience with the world and what is learned in argumentative interaction.216534736

    Economic Fluctuations and Diffusion

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    Stock price changes occur through transactions, just as diffusion in physical systems occurs through molecular collisions. We systematically explore this analogy and quantify the relation between trading activity - measured by the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} - and the price change GΔtG_{\Delta t}, for a given stock, over a time interval [t,t+Δt][t, t+\Delta t]. To this end, we analyze a database documenting every transaction for 1000 US stocks over the two-year period 1994-1995. We find that price movements are equivalent to a complex variant of diffusion, where the diffusion coefficient fluctuates drastically in time. We relate the analog of the diffusion coefficient to two microscopic quantities: (i) the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the number of collisions and (ii) the local variance wΔt2w^2_{\Delta t} of the price changes for all transactions in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the local mean square displacement between collisions. We study the distributions of both NΔtN_{\Delta t} and wΔtw_{\Delta t}, and find that they display power-law tails. Further, we find that NΔtN_{\Delta t} displays long-range power-law correlations in time, whereas wΔtw_{\Delta t} does not. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the pronounced tails of the distribution of GΔtareduetoG_{\Delta t} are due to w_{\Delta t},andthatthelongrangecorrelationspreviouslyfoundfor, and that the long-range correlations previously found for | G_{\Delta t} |aredueto are due to N_{\Delta t}$.Comment: RevTex 2 column format. 6 pages, 36 references, 15 eps figure

    Comprehensive Analysis of Market Conditions in the Foreign Exchange Market: Fluctuation Scaling and Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    We investigate quotation and transaction activities in the foreign exchange market for every week during the period of June 2007 to December 2010. A scaling relationship between the mean values of number of quotations (or number of transactions) for various currency pairs and the corresponding standard deviations holds for a majority of the weeks. However, the scaling breaks in some time intervals, which is related to the emergence of market shocks. There is a monotonous relationship between values of scaling indices and global averages of currency pair cross-correlations when both quantities are observed for various window lengths Δt\Delta t.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Statistical Properties of Share Volume Traded in Financial Markets

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    We quantitatively investigate the ideas behind the often-expressed adage `it takes volume to move stock prices', and study the statistical properties of the number of shares traded QΔtQ_{\Delta t} for a given stock in a fixed time interval Δt\Delta t. We analyze transaction data for the largest 1000 stocks for the two-year period 1994-95, using a database that records every transaction for all securities in three major US stock markets. We find that the distribution P(QΔt)P(Q_{\Delta t}) displays a power-law decay, and that the time correlations in QΔtQ_{\Delta t} display long-range persistence. Further, we investigate the relation between QΔtQ_{\Delta t} and the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} in a time interval Δt\Delta t, and find that the long-range correlations in QΔtQ_{\Delta t} are largely due to those of NΔtN_{\Delta t}. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the large equal-time correlation previously found between QΔtQ_{\Delta t} and the absolute value of price change GΔt| G_{\Delta t} | (related to volatility) are largely due to NΔtN_{\Delta t}.Comment: 4 pages, two-column format, four figure

    A Practical, Accurate, Information Criterion for Nth Order Markov Processes

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    The recent increase in the breath of computational methodologies has been matched with a corresponding increase in the difficulty of comparing the relative explanatory power of models from different methodological lineages. In order to help address this problem a Markovian information criterion (MIC) is developed that is analogous to the Akaike information criterion (AIC) in its theoretical derivation and yet can be applied to any model able to generate simulated or predicted data, regardless of its methodology. Both the AIC and proposed MIC rely on the Kullback–Leibler (KL) distance between model predictions and real data as a measure of prediction accuracy. Instead of using the maximum likelihood approach like the AIC, the proposed MIC relies instead on the literal interpretation of the KL distance as the inefficiency of compressing real data using modelled probabilities, and therefore uses the output of a universal compression algorithm to obtain an estimate of the KL distance. Several Monte Carlo tests are carried out in order to (a) confirm the performance of the algorithm and (b) evaluate the ability of the MIC to identify the true data-generating process from a set of alternative models

    The Economic Adjustment Program for Portugal : assessing welfare impact in a heterogeneous-agent framework

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    The sovereign debt crisis, triggered by the 2007-08 global financial cri- sis, has affected several European Union (EU) countries, leading to unprecedented financial assistance programs. In May 2011, the Portuguese Government set an agreement with the Troika (a supranational institution composed by the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)), through which, in exchange for external help, the Portuguese author- ities committed to an Economic Adjustment Program (EAP). In order to assess the impacts of the EAP on welfare and, in particular, on inequality, this paper simulates the debt consolidation strategy proposed by the Troika using a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents. The model enables to explore the impacts of the fiscal adjustment on the endogenous cross-section distribution of income, wealth and welfare. Our results predict a positive net welfare gain, despite the existence of sig- nificant transition costs in terms of output losses and inequality, especially during the first years of implementation. Overall, the net positive welfare gains are biased towards the poorer, which means that the consolidation plan will be, in the end, equality-enhancing. These results reflect the instruments involved in the consolida- tion strategy: productive and unproductive expenditure cuts combined with a slight increase in social transfers. Furthermore, the simulation predicts a positive impact on the Portuguese net foreign asset (NFA) position. Assuming this prediction is correct, this strongly supports the motivation for the adoption of the Economic Adjustment Program which considers the large external indebtedness of Portugal as a central issue in the economic diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio