7 research outputs found


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    Abstract.The article reveals the influence of Pre-existing (precedent) visual phenomena presented innewspaper article illustrations upon the consciousness of readers. The analysis of the research material is based on the theory of manipulation and neuro-semantic programming. The authors emphasize the specificity of precedent phenomena: semantic two-planarity of precedent phenomena, i.e. the availability of two semantic layers (literal and connotative) in their content; high pragmatic charge of precedent phenomena stipulated by the fact that they represent a concentration of cultural landmarks, ethnic and social stereotypes. The authors prove that precedent visual phenomenon appears to be a trigger activating the devices for a journalistic article perception being pre-arranged by the sender. Theprocess of visual precedent phenomenon interpretation takes place in three stages. At the first stage of flipping through the newspaper in search of material for reading precedent visual phenomenon attracts the reader, activates his memory mechanisms, triggers associative forms of thinking and emotional experience of the visible. The next step is to establish semantic links between a precedent image presented in an illustration and strong positions of the verbal text (title, subtitle, lead) where the process of probabilistic forecasting takes place – a reader decides whether to read further themain text of the article or not. The last stage is the stage of acquaintance with the main verbal journalistic text of the newspaper where the interplay of verbal and visual information is promoted and their final merging takes place. Due to the verbal text the connotative meanings translated by the precedent visual text are updated. The whole message is interpreted in the key specified by the sender. Thus, necessary information is embedded into the reader's consciousness and thanks to its figurativeness, associative connections and emotional intension will be fixed in his memory for a longtime.Key words: Pre-existing visual images, implicit messages, multimodal texts, mass-media, neuro-semantic programmin

    Влияние динамического компонента внешнего облика на восприятие визуальных презентаций возраста другого человека

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    Introduction. The systematization of perceived age studies has revealed a disproportion in the following: (a) factors of perceived age (characteristics of the object of perception are well studied, while little attention has been devoted to characteristics of the subject of perception); (b) components of physical appearance (considerable attention has been paid to the influence of the static component of physical appearance on the person’s perceived age, while few data are available on the dynamic component). The present study reveals the influence of the dynamic component of physical appearance on the perceived age of the object of perception and also the perceiving subject’s socio-psychological characteristics as factors for Another’s age perception. Materials and Methods. The objects of age perception (models) comprised 7 persons aged 21–23 years and one person aged 45 years. The photos and videos of the models’ spontaneous dancing were used. The study involved 108 subjects of perception (aged 14–78 years). The study employed (a) V. A. Labunskaya’s technique for the Evaluation/Content Interpretation of Appearance and Its Correspondence with Gender/Age Constructs, (b) V. Schutz Interpersonal Relations Questionnaire, and (c) the Demographic Questionnaire. Results. The dynamic component of a person’s physical appearance influences his/her perceived age. Thus, the observers perceive them as being younger than in the photos. If age visual presentations were contradictory, the observer relied on the static component of physical appearance. The study draws a conclusion that the perceiving subject’s relation to his/her own physical appearance influences the perceived age of the object of perception. Discussion. The present study confirms the leading role of the static component of physical appearance in perceiving the person’s age, which is noted in numerous studies. The perceiving subject’s psychological characteristics (relation to his/her own physical appearance) determine another person’s perceived age. The study findings expand the knowledge of the complex and multifactorial determination of the process of constructing another person’s age.Введение. Авторами проведена систематизация исследований воспринимаемого возраста, которая показала диспропорцию в изучении: 1) факторов воспринимаемого возраста (изучены характеристики объекта восприятия, характеристики субъекта восприятия практически не изучены); 2) компонентов внешнего облика (изучено влияние на воспринимаемый возраст человека устойчивого компонента его внешнего облика, данные относительно динамического компонента малочисленны и противоречивы). Актуальность и новизна исследования заключаются в изучении влияния динамического компонента внешнего облика на воспринимаемый возраст объекта восприятия, а также социально-психологических характеристик субъекта восприятия в качестве факторов восприятия возраста Другого. Материалы и методы. В качестве объектов восприятия возраста («моделей») выступили семь человек в возрасте 21–23 года и один человек в возрасте 45 лет. Были использованы фотографии и видеозаписи спонтанного танца «моделей». Субъектами восприятия являлись 108 человек (от 14 до 78 лет). В работе использованы методика «Оценочно-содержательная интерпретация своего внешнего облика и его соответствия гендерно-возрастным конструктам» В. А. Лабунской, опросник межличностных отношений В. Шутца и демографическая анкета. Результаты. Авторами показано, что наличие для анализа динамического компонента внешности человека влияет на его воспринимаемый возраст: он воспринимается наблюдателем моложе, чем на фото. Если визуальные презентации возраста несут противоречивую информацию, то наблюдатель опирается на устойчивый компонент внешнего облика. В работе сделаны выводы о влиянии отношения к своему внешнему облику субъекта восприятия на воспринимаемый возраст объекта восприятия. Обсуждение результатов. Авторами подтверждена ведущая роль устойчивого компонента внешнего облика при восприятии возраста человека, зафиксированная в многочисленных исследованиях. Также доказано, что воспринимаемый возраст другого человека обусловлен психологическими особенностями субъекта восприятия (его отношением к своему внешнему облику), что расширяет представления о сложной и многофакторной детерминации процесса конструирования возраста другого человека

    Imagens de pôsteres em um novo contexto lingüístico e extralinguístico

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    The article is focused on the mechanisms of a creatively recreated figurative reality inclusion in the semiotic space of newspaper texts. Analyzing the specifics of poster image transposition in multimodal newspaper texts, the authors draw attention to such method of verbal-iconic writing as stylistic transformation. The material of the study was the poster text by I. Toidze "Motherland Calls!", created by the artist in June 1941 during the Second World War. Using the example of the stylistic poster image transformation analysis, pre-existing for the Russian society, in the modern newspaper text, it is proved that this kind of transformation is an effective method of a comic element creation. The article also has the dynamics of reality satirical interpretation ways: today the feuilleton genre is replaced by a special aggressive genre of communication, termed as banter in Russian society. This form of communication appears in the denial and the trampling of sacred symbols for a part of society. The basis of bantering as a pseudo-satirical mockery of reality is an absolute nihilism, the trampling of universal human values. The paper concludes that this form of social mockery, originally associated with exposure and social assessment of negative phenomena in society, is actively introduced into mass communication and into mass consciousness and turns into an unjustifiable, evil, insulting mockery.El artículo se centra en los mecanismos de una inclusión de realidad figurativa recreados creativamente en el espacio semiótico de los textos periodísticos. Analizando los detalles de la transposición de la imagen del póster en los textos periodísticos multimodales, los autores llaman la atención sobre dicho método de escritura verbal-icónica como transformación estilística. El material del estudio fue el texto del cartel de I. Toidze "Motherland Calls!", Creado por el artista en junio de 1941 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Usando el ejemplo del análisis estilístico de transformación de imágenes de carteles, preexistente para la sociedad rusa, en el texto de un periódico moderno, se demuestra que este tipo de transformación es un método efectivo de creación de elementos cómicos. El artículo también tiene la dinámica de las formas de interpretación satírica de la realidad: hoy el género feuilleton es reemplazado por un género de comunicación agresivo especial, denominado bromas en la sociedad rusa. Esta forma de comunicación aparece en la negación y el pisoteo de símbolos sagrados para una parte de la sociedad. La base de bromas como una burla pseudo-satírica de la realidad es un nihilismo absoluto, el pisoteo de los valores humanos universales. El documento concluye que esta forma de burla social, originalmente asociada con la exposición y la evaluación social de los fenómenos negativos en la sociedad, se introduce activamente en la comunicación de masas y en la conciencia de las masas y se convierte en una burla injustificable, malvada e insultante.O artigo centra-se nos mecanismos de uma inclusão figurativa recriada criativamente no espaço semiótico dos textos dos jornais. Analisando as especificidades da transposição da imagem do cartaz em textos de jornais multimodais, os autores chamam a atenção para tal método de escrita verbal-icônica como transformação estilística. O material do estudo foi o texto do pôster de I. Toidze "Motherland Calls!", Criado pelo artista em junho de 1941, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Usando o exemplo da análise estilística de transformação de imagem de cartaz, preexistente para a sociedade russa, no texto de jornal moderno, está provado que esse tipo de transformação é um método efetivo de criação de elementos cômicos. O artigo também tem a dinâmica das formas de interpretação satírica da realidade: hoje o gênero feuilleton é substituído por um gênero agressivo especial de comunicação, denominado como brincadeira na sociedade russa. Essa forma de comunicação aparece na negação e no atropelo dos símbolos sagrados para uma parte da sociedade. A base do gracejar como zombaria pseudo-satírica da realidade é um absoluto niilismo, o atropelo dos valores humanos universais. O artigo conclui que esta forma de zombaria social, originalmente associada à exposição e avaliação social de fenômenos negativos na sociedade, é ativamente introduzida na comunicação de massa e na consciência de massa e se transforma em uma zombaria injustificável, má e insultante

    The eéect of the dynamic component of physical appearance on perceived visual presentations of another person’s age

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    Introduction. The systematization of perceived age studies has revealed a disproportion in the following: (a) factors of perceived age (characteristics of the object of perception are well studied, while little attention has been devoted to characteristics of the subject of perception); (b) components of physical appearance (considerable attention has been paid to the influence of the static component of physical appearance on the person’s perceived age, while few data are available on the dynamic component). The present study reveals the influence of the dynamic component of physical appearance on the perceived age of the object of perception and also the perceiving subject’s socio-psychological characteristics as factors for Another’s age perception. Materials and Methods. The objects of age perception (models) comprised 7 persons aged 21–23 years and one person aged 45 years. The photos and videos of the models’ spontaneous dancing were used. The study involved 108 subjects of perception (aged 14–78 years). The study employed (a) V. A. Labunskaya’s technique for the Evaluation/Content Interpretation of Appearance and Its Correspondence with Gender/Age Constructs, (b) V. Schutz Interpersonal Relations Questionnaire, and (c) the Demographic Questionnaire. Results. The dynamic component of a person’s physical appearance influences his/her perceived age. Thus, the observers perceive them as being younger than in the photos. If age visual presentations were contradictory, the observer relied on the static component of physical appearance. The study draws a conclusion that the perceiving subject’s relation to his/her own physical appearance influences the perceived age of the object of perception. Discussion. The present study confirms the leading role of the static component of physical appearance in perceiving the person’s age, which is noted in numerous studies. The perceiving subject’s psychological characteristics (relation to his/her own physical appearance) determine another person’s perceived age. The study findings expand the knowledge of the complex and multifactorial determination of the process of constructing another person’s age