11 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to show the advantages innovative technologies provide in education. The advent of the technological era has indelibly changed the face of education. When appropriately applied in classrooms, technology affects how instruction is delivered, how students access and process information, and how learning is assessed.Эта статья призвана показать преимущества инновационных технологий представленных в образовании. Приход технологической эры изменил лицо образования. При соответствующем применяется в классах, технологии являются инструкцией по доставке информации и тому как студенты получают доступ и обрабатывают информацию и как обучение оценивается


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    The problem of getting the analytical de pendence of the output value of the controllable electrochemical resistance (CER) on the control current is considered and solved. The mathematical simulation of the transient process in the CER output circuit involving linear inductance or linear permitta nce is carried out, too


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    The initial boundary value problem on the mathematical simulation of the electrolyte concentration f ield in the controllable electrochemical resistance (CER) with plane electrodes is considered and solved. The mo del permits to conduct a complete r esearch of the electrochemical processes in full - blast CER. The check computation of space - time concentration distribution at the constant control current of CER is performed

    Mental hygiene of interpersonal relations of student-managers in a megapolis

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    The article presents a psychological analysis of the behavior features and interpersonal relations of students-managers in a metropolis. The relevance of the present work is determined by the fact that for young people, higher education is associated with a change in their social status when they move from direct dependence on their parents to independent actions and active life in a big city. The specifics of the urban space of a metropolis have a strong influence on their mental state and understanding of the world around them. The popularity of the manager’s profession among young people entering universities has also contributed to the relevance of the study. Young people set themselves the goal of “learning to manage and lead.” The conditions of the big city impose special requirements on future managers, focusing them on the implementation of adaptive psychological functions. The manager’s ability to conform to social attitudes, to create a pleasant impression for others becomes for him a professionally important quality. As a result, students face a paradoxical situation involving a system of “double standards”. In this regard, they encounter difficulties in social adaptation and the formation of stable interpersonal relationships. To solve this problem, an empirical study was conducted, which allowed determining the values of the main strategies of interpersonal relations based on a comparative analysis of the basic ideas of first-year students. Empirical data were obtained based on the psychological method by L.N. Sobchik “Diagnostics of interpersonal relations” (DIR). The results obtained make it possible to carry out preventive psychohygienic activities with students to form their social adaptability and maintain mental health

    Effect of geometric and physical parameters on resonant frequencies of ultrasonic vibrations of elastic and piezoelectric element system<

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    Introduction. Resonance frequencies of the longitudinal oscillations are investigated for a system consisting of diverse geometrical and physical elements - piezoceramic, elastic, and acoustic ones. The results are compared in COMSOL and ACELAN packages. The dependence of the first eigenfrequency value on the geometric parameters is evaluated. The dynamic viscosity effect on the longitudinal oscillations FRF is studied. Materials and Methods. The system of elastic and acoustic elements which allows describing the operation of an ultrasonic cutting device is selected for the study. The oscillator is a piezoelectric transducer which oscillates in thickness. An oscillation concentrator and a rod element are specified as elastic elements. They are made from stainless steel. The cutting element simulator is acoustic fluid. Modal and harmonic analysis of a complex system consisting of diverse physical elements is carried out. Research Results . Axisymmetric and three-dimensional finite-element models of the investigated system are constructed. Various types of curvature and thickness of the link with changeable surface shape are proposed for the oscillation concentrator. The first eigenfrequencies of the longitudinal vibrations of the rod element contacting with the acoustic liquid are obtained. Good agreement with the results of the ACELAN finite-element package is established. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the end oscillations near the first resonance frequency are obtained. It is notable that the acoustic medium viscosity has little effect on the oscillation amplitude of the elastic rod, and does not affect the resonance frequency at all. Discussion and Conclusions . Harmonic and modal analysis has shown that the high-frequency longitudinal vibrations of the rod element depend significantly on the dissipation factor of the elastic elements, and depend weakly on the viscosity of the contacting acoustic medium. The results obtained may be of interest under designing ultrasonic cutting medical devices

    Розробка нового суспензійного електроліту на основі метансульфонової кислоти для електроосадження композитів Cu–TiO2

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    Electrodeposition of composite coatings based on copper is a promising direction in the creation of advanced materials for multifunctional purposes. An important area of composites application is to use them in the treatment systems for gas emissions and wastewater. It is advisable to use semiconductor oxide materials, in particular titanium dioxide, as the photocatalysts in the photo destruction of organic pollutants of wastewater. The structural features of wastewater treatment equipment require that titanium dioxide particles should be fixed in a rigid matrix. Resolving the task of fixing photosensitive elements at the surface of a certain configuration implies the electrodeposition of coatings by composites, in particular Cu–TiO2. An important factor affecting the functional characteristics of composites and their manufacturing technology is the nature of the electrolyte. It has been shown that the electrodeposition of Cu–TiO2 composites from methane-sulfonate electrolytes makes it possible to reduce the coagulation of the dispersed phase and to obtain coatings with a high content of titanium dioxide from a suspension solution containing no more than 4 g/l of TiO2. It was established that the content of the dispersed phase in the composite made at a current density of 2 A/dm2 and the concentration of titanium dioxide in the electrolyte at the level of 4 g/l is 1.3 % by weight, which is twice as much as when using a sulfate electrolyte. It has been shown that the increase in the content of the dispersed phase in the coatings from 0.1 to 1.3 % by weight is accompanied by an increase in the degree of photo destruction of the colorant from 6 to 15.5 %. The micro-hardness of coatings increases, in this case, by 30 %. The proposed electrolyte to make the Cu–TiO2 composites is an important contribution to the development of the synthesis of wear-resistant high-performance photocatalysts for treating wastewater from organic pollutantsЭлектроосаждение композиционных покрытий на основе меди является перспективным направлением создания новейших материалов полифункционального назначения. Важным направлением применения композитов является использование их в системах очистки газовых выбросов и сточных вод. В качестве фотокатализаторов фотодеструкции органических загрязнителей сточных вод целесообразно использовать полупроводниковые оксидные материалы, в частности титан диоксид. Конструкционные особенности оборудования для очистки сточных вод предполагают фиксацию частиц титан диоксида в жесткой матрице. Решением задачи по фиксации фоточувствительных элементов на поверхности определенной конфигурации является электроосаждение покрытий композитами, в частности Cu–TiO2. Важным фактором, влияющим на функциональные характеристики композитов и технологическое оформление их получения, является природа электролита. Показано, что электроосаждение композитов Cu–TiO2 из метансульфонатных электролитов позволяет уменьшить коагуляцию дисперсной фазы и получить покрытия с высоким содержанием титан диоксида из суспензионного раствора, содержащего не более 4 г/л TiO2. Установлено, что содержание дисперсной фазы в композите, полученном при плотности тока 2 А/дм2 и концентрации титан диоксида в электролите на уровне 4 г/л, составляет 1,3 мас. %, что вдвое больше чем при использовании сульфатного электролита. Показано, что увеличение содержания дисперсной фазы в покрытиях с 0,1 до 1,3 мас. % сопровождается ростом степени фотодеструкции с 6 до 15,5 %. Микротвердить покрытий возрастает при этом на 30%. Разработанный электролит для получения композитов Cu–TiO2 является важным вкладом в развитие синтеза износостойких высокоэффективных фотокатализаторов для очистки сточных вод от органических загрязнителейЕлектроосадження композиційних покривів на основі міді є перспективним напрямком створення новітніх матеріалів поліфункціонального призначення. Важливим напрямком застосування композитів є використання їх у системах очистки газових викидів та стічних вод. В якості фотокаталізаторів фотодеструкції органічних забруднювачів стічних вод доцільно використовувати напівпровідникові оксидні матеріали, зокрема титан діоксид. Конструкційні особливості обладнання для очищення стічних вод потребують фіксації частинок титан діоксиду в жорсткій матриці. Вирішенням задачі з фіксації фоточутливих елементів на поверхні певної конфігурації є електроосадження покривів композитами, зокрема Cu–TiO2. Важливим фактором, що впливає на функціональні характеристики композитів і технологічне оформлення їх одержання є природа електроліту. Показано, що електроосадження композитів Cu–TiO2 із метансульфонатних електролітів дозволяє зменшити коагуляцію дисперсної фази і одержати покриви з високим вмістом титан діоксиду із суспензійного розчину, що містить не більше 4 г/л TiO2. Встановлено, що вміст дисперсної фази в композиті, одержаному при густині струму 2 А/дм2 і концентрації титан діоксиду в електроліті на рівні 4 г/л, становить 1,3 мас.%, що вдвічі більше ніж при використанні сульфатного електроліту. Показано, що збільшення вмісту дисперсної фази в покривах з 0,1 до 1,3 мас.% супроводжується зростанням ступеню фотодеструкції барвника з 6 до 15,5 відсотків. Мікротвердість покривів зростає при цьому на 30 %. Розроблений електроліт для одержання композитів Cu–TiO2 є важливим внеском у розвиток синтезу зносостійких високоефективних фотокаталізаторів для очистки стічних вод від органічних забруднювачі

    A pyridine adduct of bis(di-iso-butyldithiocarbamato-S,S′)cadmium(II) : multinuclear (13C, 15N, 113Cd) CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy, crystal and molecular structure, and thermal behaviour

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    Crystalline bis(N, N-di-iso-butyldithiocarbamato-S,S')(pyridine)cadmium(II) - adduct 1 was prepared and studied by means of multinuclear (13)C, (15)N, (113)Cd CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray diffraction and simultaneous thermal analysis (STA). In molecular structure 1, the cadmium atom coordinates with four sulphur atoms and one nitrogen atom of pyridine, forming a coordination polyhedron [CdS(4)N], whose geometry is an almost ideal tetragonal pyramidal (C(4v)). The coordinated py molecule is in the apical position, while two structurally non-equivalent di-iso-butyldithiocarbamate ligands, playing the same terminal S,S'-chelating function, define the basal plane. To characterise additionally the structural state of the cadmium atom in this fivefold coordination, (113)Cd chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) parameters, delta(aniso) and eta, were calculated from experimental MAS NMR spectra that revealed an almost axially symmetric (113)Cd chemical shift tensor. From a combination of TG and DSC measurements taken under an argon atmosphere, we found that the mass of adduct 1 is lost in two steps involving initial desorption of coordinated py molecules with subsequent thermal destruction of liberated cadmium(II) di-iso-butyldithiocarbamate, with yellow-orange, fine-powdered solid CdS as the final product. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Development of A New Suspension Electrolyte Based on Methane-sulphonic Acid for the Electrodeposition of Cu–TiO2 Composites

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    Electrodeposition of composite coatings based on copper is a promising direction in the creation of advanced materials for multifunctional purposes. An important area of composites application is to use them in the treatment systems for gas emissions and wastewater. It is advisable to use semiconductor oxide materials, in particular titanium dioxide, as the photocatalysts in the photo destruction of organic pollutants of wastewater. The structural features of wastewater treatment equipment require that titanium dioxide particles should be fixed in a rigid matrix. Resolving the task of fixing photosensitive elements at the surface of a certain configuration implies the electrodeposition of coatings by composites, in particular Cu–TiO2. An important factor affecting the functional characteristics of composites and their manufacturing technology is the nature of the electrolyte. It has been shown that the electrodeposition of Cu–TiO2 composites from methane-sulfonate electrolytes makes it possible to reduce the coagulation of the dispersed phase and to obtain coatings with a high content of titanium dioxide from a suspension solution containing no more than 4 g/l of TiO2. It was established that the content of the dispersed phase in the composite made at a current density of 2 A/dm2 and the concentration of titanium dioxide in the electrolyte at the level of 4 g/l is 1.3 % by weight, which is twice as much as when using a sulfate electrolyte. It has been shown that the increase in the content of the dispersed phase in the coatings from 0.1 to 1.3 % by weight is accompanied by an increase in the degree of photo destruction of the colorant from 6 to 15.5 %. The micro-hardness of coatings increases, in this case, by 30 %. The proposed electrolyte to make the Cu–TiO2 composites is an important contribution to the development of the synthesis of wear-resistant high-performance photocatalysts for treating wastewater from organic pollutant

    Fixation modes of gold(III) from solutions using cadmium(II) dithiocarbamates. Preparation, supramolecular structure and thermal behaviour of polynuclear and heteropolynuclear gold(III) complexes: Bis(N,N-dialkyldithiocarbamato-S,S′)gold(III) polychlorometallates, [Au(S2CNR2)2]nX (n=1: X=[AuCl4]−; n=2: X=[CdCl4]2−, [Cd2Cl6]2−)

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    Four novel heteropolynuclear and polynuclear complexes of the general formulae [Au(S2CNR2)2]2X (X = [CdCl4]2−, R = CH3 (1); X = [Cd2Cl6]2−, R = C3H7 (2)) and [Au(S2CNR2)2][AuCl4] (R = iso-C3H7 (3); R = iso-C4H9 (4)) were prepared using heterogeneous reactions between appropriate freshly precipitated binuclear cadmium(II) dialkyldithiocarbamates and AuCl3 in 2 M hydrochloric acid. The isolated complexes were studied by 13C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray diffraction and simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) under an argon atmosphere. In all molecular structures (1–4), one of the gold atoms coordinates two dialkyldithiocarbamate ligands in the S,S′-bidentate mode, forming a square-planar coordination polygon [AuS4], while the other gold atom (in 3 and 4) has four neighbouring chlorine atoms [AuCl4]. At the supramolecular level, compounds 1 and 2 comprise binuclear cations, [Au2{S2CN(CH3)2}4]2+ and polynuclear chains, ([Au{S2CN(C3H7)2}2]+)n in a combination with [CdCl4]2− and [Cd2Cl6]2− anions, respectively. Unexpected structural distinctions at the supramolecular level were discovered for the chemically related compounds 3 and 4. In these ionic complexes, there are either cationic trinuclear formations, {[Au{S2CN(iso-C3H7)2}2]2[AuCl4]}+, or polynuclear chains, ([Au{S2CN(iso-C4H9)2}2]+)n, both combined with [AuCl4]− anions, in the structural basis of compounds 3 and 4, respectively