19 research outputs found

    Polymorphism of some genes of bone tissue metabolism (VDR Bsm1 c.IVS7G>A, LCT 13910 T>C, COL1A 12046 G->T) among the representatives of Russian and Buryat nationalities

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    Aim: to study the frequency of genotypes of the polymorphous markers of bone remodeling (vita-min D receptor gene Bsm1 c.IVS7G A, the lactase gene LCT 13910 T C and collagen gene COL1A 12046 G- T) in healthy people and patients with osteopo-rosis (OP) among the indigenous population of Trans-baikalia of Russian and Buryat nationalities. Methods: 97 women with OP were examined: 49 Russian and 48 Buryat women aged from 50 to 80 years. 123 healthy women of the same age group were included in the control group. DNA sam-ples for molecular genetic analysis were taken from peripheral venous blood. Results: The recessive allele A of the VDR Bsm1c.IVS7G A polymorphism was accumulated in women of Buryat nationality, but the statistical significance was not observed (OR = 1.04, CI [0 68, 1.6]). C al-lele of LCT -13910 T C polymorphism was associated with the development of OP among the representa-tives of Buryat nationality. Conclusion: The gene allele VDR Bsm1 c.IVS7G Aand the LCT -13910 TC leads to a higher risk of OP in women of Buryat nationality. The genotypes G/Tand T/T of COL1A12046 G- T are associated with the development of OP in people of both nationalities

    Preventive Tuberculosis Services Reduces the Risk of Local Forms of Tuberculosis Development in Children on Immunosuppressive Therapy: Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background. Long-term immunosuppressive therapy in children (including genetically engineered biologic drugs, GEBD) is associated with a high risk of local tuberculosis (TB) development. Objective. The aim of the study was to examine efficacy of tuberculosis services in children with high risk of developing tuberculosis associated with immunosuppressive therapy.Methods. The study included children at the age from 0 to 17 years on immunosuppressive therapy due to autoimmune disease and who were referred to phthisiatrician consultation. The incidence of TB was estimated one year after in groups receiving preventive TB services (isoniazid and pyrazinamide for 3–6 months) due to the high risk of TB development (contact with TB patients and/or controversial or positive test results with tubercular recombinant allergen) or not receiving such therapy (no indications for preventive treatment, parents’ refusal). The source of any data was medical documentation.Results. Preventive tuberculosis service was performed in 167 (60%) out of 279 children included in the study, 112 children did not receive such treatment (5 cases — parents’ refusal, 107 cases — lack of indications for preventive treatment). TB was detected in 1 (0.6%) child after one year in the preventive treatment group, and in 14 (12.5%) children (p < 0.001) in the group without preventive treatment. Thoracic lymph nodes tuberculosis was diagnosed in 4 (27%) patients among all who has developed TB, tuberculous primary complex — in 3 (20%) patients, focal tuberculosis in 7 (46%) patients, disseminated tuberculosis in 1 (7%) patient.Conclusion. Preventive tuberculosis service reduces the risk of tuberculosis in children on administration of immunosuppressive drugs, including GEBD

    Barbronia borealis sp. nov., the first salifid leech discovered in Russia, with a global checklist of this genus

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    Bolotov, Ivan N., Eliseeva, Tatyana A., Kondakov, Alexander V., Gofarov, Mikhail Y., Aksenova, Olga V., Bespalaya, Yulia V., Kropotin, Alexander V., Travina, Oksana V., Vinarski, Maxim V. (2023): Barbronia borealis sp. nov., the first salifid leech discovered in Russia, with a global checklist of this genus. Ecologica Montenegrina 63: 24-38, DOI: 10.37828/em.2023.63.3, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.37828/em.2023.63.

    Figure 4 in Barbronia borealis sp. nov., the first salifid leech discovered in Russia, with a global checklist of this genus

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    Figure 4. Dorsal (D) and ventral (V) views of the holotype of Barbronia borealis sp. nov. (RMBH Hir_0405). Abbreviations: PI, prey item (an oligochaete specimen); AS, anterior sucker; PS, posterior sucker; map, male accessory pore; fap, female accessory pore; mg, male gonopore; fg, female gonopore; an, anus. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Photos: Tatyana A. Eliseeva.Published as part of Bolotov, Ivan N., Eliseeva, Tatyana A., Kondakov, Alexander V., Gofarov, Mikhail Y., Aksenova, Olga V., Bespalaya, Yulia V., Kropotin, Alexander V., Travina, Oksana V. & Vinarski, Maxim V., 2023, Barbronia borealis sp. nov., the first salifid leech discovered in Russia, with a global checklist of this genus, pp. 24-38 in Ecologica Montenegrina 63 on page 31, DOI: 10.37828/em.2023.63.3, http://zenodo.org/record/808290