43 research outputs found


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    La revue Transalpina, depuis sa fondation dans le cadre de l’équipe de recherche caennaise Identités, Représentations, Échanges (France-Italie), s’est régulièrement intéressée à la problématique de la réception de la littérature italienne en France. Dans les numéros précédents, l’attention des chercheurs s’était portée sur la traduction et la vie des productions italiennes dans le contexte français, sur l’histoire de la circulation des t..

    Non-surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa: the role of cryotherapy

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    Background. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic and recurrent inflammatory disease with a great impact on a patient's quality of life, due to the painful involvement of very sensitive areas, such as the groin, mammary area, and genitals, with malodourous discharge. Multiple treatment options are available; however, no single treatment is effective for all patients, and usually, a combination of medical therapy with various surgical and physical procedures is provided. Cryotherapy is not a routine technique to treat HS, although usually available in the majority of medical clinics, and is cheaper than laser and surgical treatments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cryotherapy on persistent HS nodules, to reduce the burden of local disease. Materials and methodsRetrospective observational study in all patients treated with liquid nitrogen cryotherapy for persistent nodules of hidradenitis suppurativa in the last 2 years, with at least 6 months of follow-up after the procedure. Disease severity was assessed with Hurley staging and sonographic staging according to SOS-HS (18 MHz probe, Esaote-MyLab (TM)). The results were scored with a 0-3 points scale, as complete remission (3), partial response (2 to 1), or no response (0), after one session of treatment. Local cleansing and antiseptic treatment after the procedure was the same as previously performed in each patient, not to influence recovery. ResultsIn total, 23 patients were included, with a total of 71 persistent nodules treated with a single cryotherapy session. The treatment has been effective in 63 out of 71 nodules treated (88.7%), and the patients attested that they recommend the treatment, the discomfort during recovery was minimal, and the management was not different from daily routine. Persistence was considered as having a failure rate (11.3% overall) and occurred in 7.5% of the nodules of the axillary region, 18.2% on the groin, and 11.2% for nodules of the gluteal region. ConclusionCryotherapy is a simple and effective procedure for the treatment of persistent nodules of HS not responding to medical therapy, and it is a valid alternative to local surgery or laser ablation

    Introduction. France et Italie au XVIIIe si\ue8cle: enjeux litt\ue9raires des relations diplomatiques

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    Riflessioni introduttive a "La diplomatie des lettres au dix-huiti\ue8me si\ue8cle: France et Italie. La diplomazia delle lettere nel secolo diciottesimo: Francia e Italia Sous la direction de Christian Del Vento, Pierre Musitelli, Silvia Tatti et Duccio Tongiorgi, "Actes du deuxi\ue8me colloque bilat\ue9ral de la Soci\ue9t\ue9 fran\ue7aise d\u2019\uc9tude du Dix-huiti\ue8me Si\ue8cle et de la Societ\ue0 Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (Paris, 7, 8 et 9 d\ue9cembre 2017

    Lymphatic endothelium stimulates melanoma metastasis and invasion via MMP14-dependent Notch3 and beta 1-integrin activation

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    Lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis correlate with poor clinical outcome in melanoma. However, the mechanisms of lymphatic dissemination in distant metastasis remain incompletely understood. We show here that exposure of expansively growing human WM852 melanoma cells, but not singly invasive Bowes cells, to lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) in 3D co-culture facilitates melanoma distant organ metastasis in mice. To dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms, we established LEC co-cultures with different melanoma cells originating from primary tumors or metastases. Notably, the expansively growing metastatic melanoma cells adopted an invasively sprouting phenotype in 3D matrix that was dependent on MMP14, Notch3 and beta 1-integrin. Unexpectedly, MMP14 was necessary for LEC-induced Notch3 induction and coincident beta 1-integrin activation. Moreover, MMP14 and Notch3 were required for LEC-mediated metastasis of zebrafish xenografts. This study uncovers a unique mechanism whereby LEC contact promotes melanoma metastasis by inducing a reversible switch from 3D growth to invasively sprouting cell phenotype.Peer reviewe

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 4

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Campylopus, Paludella, Tortula, and Conocephalum, the fungal genera Agonimia, Buelliella, Entorrhiza, Filicupula, Poronia, and Sporisorium, the lichen genera Cladonia, Dibaeis, Lasallia, and Rhizocarpon

    Lymphatic endothelium stimulates melanoma metastasis and invasion via MMP14-dependent Notch3 and beta 1-integrin activation

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    Lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis correlate with poor clinical outcome in melanoma. However, the mechanisms of lymphatic dissemination in distant metastasis remain incompletely understood. We show here that exposure of expansively growing human WM852 melanoma cells, but not singly invasive Bowes cells, to lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) in 3D co-culture facilitates melanoma distant organ metastasis in mice. To dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms, we established LEC co-cultures with different melanoma cells originating from primary tumors or metastases. Notably, the expansively growing metastatic melanoma cells adopted an invasively sprouting phenotype in 3D matrix that was dependent on MMP14, Notch3 and beta 1-integrin. Unexpectedly, MMP14 was necessary for LEC-induced Notch3 induction and coincident beta 1-integrin activation. Moreover, MMP14 and Notch3 were required for LEC-mediated metastasis of zebrafish xenografts. This study uncovers a unique mechanism whereby LEC contact promotes melanoma metastasis by inducing a reversible switch from 3D growth to invasively sprouting cell phenotype

    Czynnik Zesłania W Kulturze Okresu Risorgimento: Analiza 150 I Więcej Lat Później

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    The article investigates the new interpretations (associated with the celebrations of the 150 years of Unità) of Italian exile during the Risorgimento, and it offers three perspectives: a geographical mapping of Italian exiles’ different generations; a reflection about topics of poems and writings; the relationship between politics and literary tradition

    Retorica e politica nel Risorgimento: la Repubblica romana del 1849

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    The essay aims to illustrate how a revolutionary rhetoric was built in the years 1848-49. Poetry continues the tradition of political and civil language of the late eighteenth century - early nineteenth, but revolutionary events, even the Roman Republic of 1849, push to a greater attention to the popularity

    Scrittrici in esilio tra Ottocento e Novecento

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    Il volume indaga il lavoro di molte autrici, da Cristina di Belgiojoso a Erminia Fuà Fusinato, Maria Zambrano, Agota Kristof, che tra Ottocento e Novecento hanno vissuto l’esilio per motivi politici e hanno dovuto ricostruire un’identità, anche linguistica e letteraria, in condizioni profondamente diverse da quelle consuete. Nei loro scritti e nelle loro tragiche vicende si evidenzia tutto il significato profondo e la forza reattiva che la scrittura riveste come elemento di resistenza contro la negatività del trauma. Il linguaggio esiliaco, d’altronde, soprattutto nel caso di donne scrittrici, esprime non solo una dimensione di alterità comune a tutte le esperienze di allontanamento forzato o volontario dalla patria (come avviene ancora in Clementina de Como, Louise Hamilton o Elisa Chimenti), ma dà anche voce, in casi come quello di Emma o Anna Maria Ortese, a una condizione di esclusione e di non appartenenza condivisa, indipendentemente dallo sradicamento territoriale, da tante scrittrici vissute tra Ottocento e Novecento

    Scrittrici italiane tra Otto e Novecento. Un'antologia: diari, memorie, lettere, viaggi, teatro, poesia, narrativa, saggistica, biografie, giornalismo

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    Nell’Ottocento e nel primo Novecento in Italia la produzione letteraria femminile ha conosciuto una grande vivacità, confrontandosi con la totalità dei generi: la narrativa, le scritture personali (lettere e diari), la saggistica, la poesia, le narrazioni di viaggio, il teatro, le biografie, il giornalismo. Questa raccolta propone, per la prima volta nell’editoria italiana, testi di quasi cento autrici, alcune più note, altre sconosciute. Ci sono le donne del Risorgimento, come Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, che hanno colto le opportunità offerte da una vita di trasferimenti e sradicamenti come ispirazione per la loro scrittura e quelle della generazione successiva, dell’Italia unita, pronte a dare un respiro universale a realtà locali (la Napoli di Matilde Serao, la Sardegna di Grazia Deledda…) descritte con uno sguardo che abbina indagine esistenziale e interpretazione sociale e storica. Le scrittrici del primo Novecento, poi, vivono spesso il peso di forti condizionamenti in una società in mutamento: Sibilla Aleramo ce ne offre un esempio nella dimensione asfissiante del piccolo paese che mortifica l’esistenza della protagonista di Una donna. La prima parte del volume ospita due saggi: il primo, di Silvia Tatti, affronta le costanti, le specificità e le sfasature della scrittura delle donne nel lungo arco cronologico preso in considerazione; il secondo, di Chiara Licameli, ricostruisce il lavoro d’archivio e documentazione necessario per restituire la memoria dell’importante produzione del periodo. La ricca raccolta di brani presenta, per ognuno, una breve presentazione biografica dell’autrice e un’analisi critica del testo, per consentire al lettore di coglierne gli aspetti più significativi