1,197 research outputs found

    The measurement of lubricant-film thickness using ultrasound

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    Ultrasound is reflected from a liquid layer between two solid bodies. This reflection depends on the ultrasonic frequency, the acoustic properties of the liquid and solid, and the layer thickness. If the wavelength is much greater than the liquid-layer thickness, then the response is governed by the stiffness of the layer. If the wavelength and layer thickness are similar, then the interaction of ultrasound with the layer is controlled by its resonant behaviour. This stiffness governed response and resonant response can be used to determine the thickness of the liquid layer, if the other parameters are known. In this paper, ultrasound has been developed as a method to determine the thickness of lubricating films in bearing systems. An ultrasonic transducer is positioned on the outside of a bearing shell such that the wave is focused on the lubricant-film layer. The transducer is used to both emit and receive wide-band ultrasonic pulses. For a particular lubricant film, the reflected pulse is processed to give a reflection-coefficient spectrum. The lubricant-film thickness is then obtained from either the layer stiffness or the resonant frequency. The method has been validated using fluid wedges at ambient pressure between flat and curved surfaces. Experiments on the elastohydrodynamic film formed between a sliding ball and a flat surface were performed. Film-thickness values in the range 50-500 nm were recorded, which agreed well with theoretical film-formation predictions. Similar measurements have been made on the oil film between the balls and outer raceway of a deep-groove ball bearing

    Adriamycin/cyclophosphamide and adriamycin/melphalan in advanced L1210 leukaemia.

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    Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide are active agents in human and experimental tumours. Using the L1210 murine leukaemia, their effectiveness alone and in combination was studied. The combination is highly synergistic in this tumour, resulting in a greater than 50% survival rate when the agents used alone at optimal doses are not curative. DNA synthesis by tumour cells is substantially inhibited and the total ascitic population much reduced. In contrast, DNA synthesis in sensitive host tissues is less disturbed. There is no major difference in the pharmacology of the agents whether given alone or in combination. In very advanced disease the combination is no better than treatment with cyclophosphamide alone. The combination of adriamycin and melphalan in L1210 leukaemia also produces superior results to those obtained using either drug alone at its optimal dosage

    How can field margin management contribute to invertebrate biodiversity?

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    Farmland invertebrates are vital for healthy ecosystem functioning. Many groups have declined due to agricultural intensification. Arable field margins potentially can increase food resources and provide winter refuges for invertebrates. They might also buffer them from agrochemical applications and farm operations. This chapter describes a series of field and farm-scale experiments which show that ways in which arable field margins are established and managed can have profound effects on their invertebrate assemblages. Field margin swards established by sowing with a grass and wildflower seed mixture attracted more butterflies than naturally regenerated swards. In the short term, larger and more species-rich invertebrate assemblages were fostered on unmanaged margins than on those managed by cutting. The timing of cutting was critical, with mid-summer cutting having the most persistent, negative effects on invertebrates, while cutting in spring and autumn was generally less damaging and may help maintain sward species richness. Fallowed land (set-aside) configured as blocks rather than margins constituted qualitatively different habitats for invertebrates. Margin width had complex effects on invertebrate abundance and species richness. Boundary hedgerows increased numbers of most invertebrate groups in the adjacent margin. The chapter suggests that blanket management approaches for invertebrates at the farm scale are not optimal. A diverse farmed landscape, with margins of different sizes and different sward structures, will provide for the different ecological requirements of invertebrate populations, and promote their diversity in the characteristically unstable environment of arable systems

    Similarities and differences of pumping conventional and self-compacting concrete

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    In Practice, Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is Considered as a Simple Extension of Conventional Vibrated Concrete (CVC) When Pumping is Concerned. the Same Equipment, Materials, Pumping Procedures and Guidelines Used for CVC Are Applied When Pumping SCC. on the Other Hand, It Has Been Clearly Shown that the Rheological Properties and the Mix Design of SCC Are Different Than CVC. Can the Same Pumping Principles Employed for CVC Be Applied for SCC? This Paper Compares the Some Published Results of Pumping of CVC with Those for SCC. a First Striking Difference between Pumping of CVC and SCC is the Flow Behaviour in the Pipes. the Flow of CVC is a Plug, Surrounded by a Lubricating Layer, While during the Flow of SCC, Part of the Concrete Volume itself is Sheared Inside the Pipe. as a Result, the Importance of Viscosity Increases in Case of SCC. Due to the Low Yield Stress of SCC, the Behaviour in Bends is Different, But Quite Complex to Study. Due to the Lower Content of Aggregate and Better Stability of SCC, as It is Less Prone to Internal Water Migration, Blocking is Estimated to Occur at Lower Frequency in Case of SCC. © RILEM 2010
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