29 research outputs found

    Isolation and identification of ubiquitin-related proteins from Arabidopsis seedlings

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    The majority of proteins in eukaryotic cells are modified according to highly regulated mechanisms to fulfill specific functions and to achieve localization, stability, and transport. Protein ubiquitination is one of the major post-translational modifications occurring in eukaryotic cells. To obtain the proteomic dataset related to the ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent regulatory system in Arabidopsis, affinity purification with an anti-Ub antibody under native condition was performed. Using MS/MS analysis, 196 distinct proteins represented by 251 distinct genes were identified. The identified proteins were involved in metabolism (23.0%), stress response (21.4%), translation (16.8%), transport (6.7%), cell morphology (3.6%), and signal transduction (1.5%), in addition to proteolysis (16.8%) to which proteasome subunits (14.3%) is included. On the basis of potential ubiquitination-targeting signal motifs, in-gel mobilities, and previous reports, 78 of the identified proteins were classified as ubiquitinated proteins and the rest were speculated to be associated proteins of ubiquitinated proteins. The degradation of three proteins predicted to be ubiquitinated proteins was inhibited by a proteasome inhibitor, suggesting that the proteins were regulated by Ub/proteasome-dependent proteolysis

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    Clinical characteristics on the sample populatio


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    Two strategies to alleviate symptom employed by LSS patient

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    Multiple linear regression analysis of lumbar spinal stenosis patient dat


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    Two strategies to alleviate symptom employed by LSS patient

    Kinetic and kinematic variables affecting trunk flexion during level walking in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.

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    Lumbar spinal stenosis causes cauda equina and nerve root compression, resulting in neurological symptoms. Although trunk flexion during level walking may alleviate these symptoms by enabling spinal canal decompression, some patients do not use this strategy. We aimed to identify the kinetic and kinematic variables that affect trunk flexion in patients during level walking. Gait was recorded in 111 patients using a three-dimensional motion capture system and six force plates. From the data recorded, walking velocity, bilateral step length, cycle time, maximum trunk flexion angle, forward pelvic tilt angle, pelvic rotation angle, maximum and minimum joint angles, and moment and power of the lower limb were calculated. Then a step-wise multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify kinetic and kinematic variables affecting trunk flexion. The maximum hip extension angle (β = 0.416), maximum hip flexion moment (β = -0.348), and step length (β = 0.257) were identified as variables significantly affecting the trunk flexion angle. The coefficient of determination adjusted for the degree of freedom was 0.294 (p < 0.05). Our results suggest that patients with lumbar spinal stenosis choose one of two strategies to alleviate symptoms during walking. One strategy is gait with trunk flexion posture to increase step length and hip extension angle. The other strategy is gait with trunk upright posture to decrease step length and hip extension angle

    The Short and Intensive Rehabilitation (SHAiR) Program Improves Dropped Head Syndrome Caused by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Report

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    Background and Objectives: Dropped head syndrome (DHS) is a syndrome that presents with correctable cervical kyphotic deformity as a result of weakening cervical paraspinal muscles. DHS with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a relatively rare condition, and there is no established treatment. This is the first case report describing the improvement of both dropped head (DH) and cervical pain after the short and intensive rehabilitation (SHAiR) program in an ALS patient with DHS. Case Report: After being diagnosed with ALS in June 2020, a 75-year-old man visited our hospital in October 2020 to receive treatment for DHS. At the initial visit, the patient&rsquo;s DH was prominent during standing and walking. The pain intensity of the neck was 9 out of 10 on the numerical rating scale (NRS), which was indicative of severe pain. The patient was hospitalized for 2 weeks and admitted into the SHAiR program. DH began to decrease one week after undergoing the SHAiR program and improved two weeks later. Neck pain decreased from 9 to 6 on the NRS. Results: The SHAiR program is a rehabilitation program aimed at improving DH in patients with idiopathic DHS. The program was designed to improve neck extensor and flexor function and global spinal alignment, and the program may have contributed to the improvement of DH and neck pain. Currently, reports of conservative therapies for this disease are limited to the use of cervical orthosis. Although further research is needed on the safety and indications of treatment, the SHAiR program may be a viable treatment option