3 research outputs found

    Беларускія і польскія замовы: ад паралеляў да агульнай сюжэтна-матыўнай прасторы

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    Spells from the western territories are an organic part of the folk magic compendium of Belarus, which are included in the general ethnic piggy bank with the main and frequent plots, motifs and images, but at the level of priorities and development of individual elements they make up a slightly different and at the same time complete picture. There are a lot of formulas, images, and motifs that continue the Polish spell tradition and then „dissipate”, point-by-point fixed in places of compact residence of the Catholic population. At the same time, several motifs and even complexes associated with individual functional spell groups fall out of the border zone. The Polish folk magic tradition has become a kind of conductor of Western European influences for Belarusian ones, while direct borrowings from Polish texts are rare. In general, comparative studies give grounds to express the idea of the existence of a common Western Belarusian-Polish plot and motif spell space.Krótkie słowne zaklęcia zwane zamowami stanowią integralną część folkloru zachodniej Białorusi. Cechuje je bogactwo linii fabularnych, motywów i wątków obecnych od dawna w białoruskiej kulturze ludowej. Jednak hierarchia poszczególnych składowych oraz ich zbadanie wykazują obraz nieco niejednorodny, mimo że stanowią pewną całość. W niniejszym artykule poddano analizie pochodzące z folkloru polskiego formuły, postacie, motywy ludowe, które są rozrzucone w otoczeniu białoruskim i które nadal notujemy w osobnych punktach w regionach zamieszkanych przez ludność wyznania katolickiego. Jednocześnie niektóre motywy oraz ich zespoły funkcjonujące w zamowach na pograniczu nie występują. Poprzez polską tradycję zaklęć słownych do białoruskiej przedostały się elementy zachodnioeuropejskie, tymczasem bezpośrednie zapożyczenia z folkloru polskiego należą do rzadkości. Przeprowadzone studium porównawcze dowodzi tezy o istnieniu wspólnej polsko-białoruskiej przestrzeni fabularnej zamów i zaklęć ludowych.Замовы з заходніх тэрыторый – арганічная частка замоўна-заклінальнага кампендыума Беларусі, асноўнымі і частотнымі сюжэтамі, матывамі і вобразамі ўваходзяць у агульнаэтнічную скарбонку, аднак на ўзроўні прыярытэтаў і распрацаванасці асобных элементаў складаюць некалькі адрозную і ў той жа час цэласную карціну. Выяўляецца шэраг формулаў, вобразаў, матываў, якія працягваюць польскую замоўную традыцыю і далей „рассейваюцца”, кропкава фіксуюцца ў месцах кампактнага пражывання каталіцкага насельніцтва. У той жа час некалькі матываў і нават комплексаў, звязаных з асобнымі функцыянальнымі замоўнымі групамі, выпадае з зоны памежжа. Польская замоўная традыцыя стала для беларускай своеасаблівым правадніком заходнееўрапейскіх уплываў, у той час як прамыя запазычанні з польскіх тэкстаў рэдкія. У цэлым параўнальныя штудыі даюць падставы выказваць думку аб існаванні агульнай заходнебеларуска-польскай сюжэтна-матыўнай замоўнай прасторы

    Use of cultivated plants and non-plant remedies for human and animal home-medication in Liuban district, Belarus

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    Background: To use any domestic remedy, specific knowledge and skills are required. Simple logic dictates that the use of wild plants in the context of limited interaction with nature requires prior identification, while in the case of non-plant remedies and cultivated plants this step can be omitted. This paper aims to document the current and past uses of non-plant remedies and cultivated plants in the study region for human/animal medication; to analyze the human medicinal and veterinary use areas in the context of the remedy groups; to qualitatively compare the results with relevant historical publications; and to compare the intensity and purpose of use between the remedy groups. Methods: During field studies 134 semi-structured interviews were conducted with locals from 11 villages in the LiubaÅ\u84 district of Belarus. Currently used home-remedies as well as those used in the past were documented by employing the folk history method. The subject was approached through health-related uses, not by way of remedies. Interview records were digitalized and structured in Detailed Use Records in order to ascertain local perceptions. An Informant Consensus Factor (FIC) was calculated for remedy groups as well as for different use categories. Results: In the human medication area the use of nearby remedies was neither very diverse nor numerous: 266 DUR for 45 taxa belonging to 27 families were recorded for cultivated plants along with 188 DUR for 58 different non-plant remedies. The FIC values for both remedy groups were lower than for wild plants. In the ethnoveterinary medicine use area there were 48 DUR referring to the use of 14 cultivated plant taxa from 12 families and 72 DUR referring to the use of 31 non-plant remedies. The FIC value for the whole veterinary use area of cultivated plants was relatively low, yet similar to the FIC of wild plants. Conclusions: Differences between remedy groups were pronounced, indicating that in domestic human medicine cultivated plants and non-plant remedies are either remarkably less important than wild ones or not considered worth talking about. In ethnoveterinary medicine non-plant remedies are almost equally important as wild plants, while cultivated plants are the least used. People in study area seem to still more often rely on, or are more willing to talk to strangers about, wild plants, as promoted by both official medicine and popular literature

    Tradycje bajkowe w świecie współczesnym. Uwagi na marginesie II Forum Badaczy Białoruskiej Bajki

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    Omówienie: II Forum Badaczy Białoruskiej Bajki (Mińsk, 27–29 maja 2021 r.).Discussion on: II Forum for Researchers of Belarusian Fairy Tales (Minsk, May 27–29, 2021)