28 research outputs found

    Analysis of the evolution of hake (Merluccius hubbsi and Merluccius australis) catch and effort by Spanish vessels operating in the Patagonian shelf area since the beginning of this industrial fishery

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    The hake fishery (Merluccius hubbsi and Merluccius australis) is one of the most important ones for Spanish vessels operating in the Southwest Atlantic. Both species are widely distributed along the Patagonian shelf, although M. australis occupies mainly more southern waters. This paper presents a historical review of fishery data on the Spanish fishing fleet operating in the SW Atlantic collected and collated during the EC Study Project 99/016 “Data collection for stock assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and M. australis) in International and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic”, in order to analyse the evolution of catch and effort in the hake fishery since 1983 to 2000. Data on landings and effort by Spanish vessels from 1983 onwards were utilised to study trends and shifts within the fishery. These data were provided by Asociación Nacional de Armadores de Buques Congeladores de Pesca de Merluza (ANAMER), the most important Spanish ship-owners fishing association operating in distant fishing grounds. Catch and effort data collected by observer’s programmes carried out by Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) and the Falkland Islands Government Fisheries Department (FIGFD), as well as by observers provided by the project were used to estimate CPUE by area and season.The data included landings in kgs by commercial size category of hake (both species together) and effort made by vessels appertaining to ANAMER in number of fishing days and number of vessels by vessel size category. Conversion factors obtained by scientific observers onboard of these vessels were used to obtain the whole catch from landings. Total effort of the Spanish fleet was estimated from ANAMER logbooks, assuming a similar pattern for the whole fleet and taking into account the different ratio of ANAMER fleet compared to the total Spanish fleet. An increase of the catches and effort was observed from 1983 to a maximum in 1990 coinciding with the closure of Namibian fisheries. After that, catches and effort decreased corresponding to the development of the Greenland halibut fishery in the NW Atlantic, until its stabilisation from 1993. CPUE showed different patterns of fishing activity by area and season

    Preliminary study of the variations on the spatio-temporal distribution of a potentially exploitable species (Patagonotothen spp.) in the southwest Atlantic, using GIS techniques

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    The genus Patagonotothen is the most common Nototheniid on the Patagonian Shelf and slope and is part of the by-catch species in the bottom trawl fisheries. This paper presents preliminary results from the EC CRAFT project “Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea”, aiming to develop the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity by taking profit from a finfish species (Rockcod, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Historical fishery data series (26 168 commercial hauls of which 12 745 were positive), including effort, catches and discards, as well as biological and environmental information, from 1988 onwards was used to describe and quantify patterns and spatio-temporal changes in the rockcod fishery. These data was collected by scientific observers on board commercial vessels.GIS analysis was carried out in order to study the seasonal geographical changes in the distribution of abundance, SST and densities calculated from CPUE. Fishery and environmental data as well as SST data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), were analysed in order to find monthly variations in spatial and depth distribution of Patagonotothen spp. Preliminary results demonstrated that, within areas of occurrence, there are significant correlations between fish abundance (CPUE), the oceanographic conditions of the area (SST gradients) and depth in certain months

    Data collection for stock assessment of two Hakes (Merluccius Hubbsi and M. Australis) in international and Falkland Waters of the SW Atlantic

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    Study Project 99/016 “Data collection for stock assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and M. australis) in international and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic” ran from January 2000 to December 2001. The main objective of the project was the collection and collation of already existing and newly acquired fishery and biological data needed for preliminary assessment of two hake species occurring in the study area. In addition to this basic remit, additional objectives included the creation of a common database, study of spawning seasons and areas, discard pattern and length-frequency composition of target and non-target species, estimation of annual by-catch rates, analysis of trophic relationships, marine mammals by-catch and sightings, morphometric analysis for stock differentiation, and developing GIS applications for analysis of the data collected. Historical fishery and biological data series available from IEO and FIGFD (since 1988 and 1987 respectively) were provided to the project. New fishery and biological data were collected by scientific observers provided by IEO, ANAMER and FIGFD, and placed on board Spanish fishing vessels operating in the study area during the project period. Data on fishing activity included effort, catches and discards of target and non-target species on a haul-by-haul basis. Biological information (size, sex, maturity stage, etc) of target and non-target species was recorded on a daily basis. Data on landings and effort were provided by ANAMER to its subcontractor (MG OTERO) for processing and estimation of total catch and effort of the whole Spanish fishing fleet in the area; MG OTERO was also responsible for organisation of observers in collaboration with ANAMER staff in Vigo and Port Stanley. Ancillary data on location, time of fishing, depth, SST, SBT, sea roughness, wind, etc, was recorded on a haul-by-haul basis. This type of information was essential for development of GIS at AU to relate the species distribution to physical and environmental factors. Other information collected was about by-catches and sightings of small cetaceans and seabirds, and biological samples such as otoliths, stomachs and whole specimens of hakes for subsequent studies on growth (IEO, FIGFD), diet and morphometrics (AU). All the historical and new data collected during the project were collated and integrated into a common database designed by all participants and built at IEO. The information was used for preliminary assessment of two hake populations co-ordinated by RRAG during a workshop held in London in July 2001. All these data will be analysed and written up for future publications. Discard rates of target species were generally low in all areas and seasons with the highest discard rate for Notothen sp. (around 100% of the catch). Illex squid was found to be the major by-catch for hake fishery in the 46 S area. IEO observers reported data on incidental catches of marine mammals and sea birds since 1993 and the analysis of this information was made by AU. The observed mortality in the fishing gears comprised small numbers of black-browed albatross, gentoo penguin and the hourglass dolphin. The species most frequently sighted was the Peale’s dolphin, although this species did not appear in by-catches, followed by the hourglass dolphin. The project provided an opportunity to collect and integrate for the first time at European level the necessary fishery and biological data for the development of partial stock assessment for the future rational management of the fisheries in the area. Such management is needed for the sustainability of the commercial fisheries, the conservation of the onshore and offshore jobs and the supply of fish to the most important markets worldwide.EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE GENERAL FISHERIES – DG XI

    Overview of the Spanish fisheries in the Patagonian Shelf

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    The fishing grounds of the Patagonian Shelf support some of the most important fisheries in the world. The great abundance of marine resources among parallels 35º and 54º South, is associated with the Subtropical Convergence formed by the Brazil and Falkland/Malvinas currents. The mixing of the flow of La Plata River and the western branch of the Falkland/Malvinas Current generates areas of high plankton production on the shelf. Hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and Merluccius australis) and cephalopods (Illex argentinus and Loligo gahi) have been found the main commercial species, with important amounts of accompanying species in the catches such as Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), Kingclip (Genypterus blacodes), Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus), Red cod (Salilota australis), Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), etc. These fisheries are currently among the most important to the Spanish bottom trawler freezing fleet that has around 40 vessels fishing in this area, besides another 20 that operate in joint ventures sailing Falkland flag. It is estimated that this fleet generates approximately 2,000 direct offshore jobs, and more than 10,000 indirect onshore jobs. This paper presents results from the EC Study Project 99/016 “Data collection for stock assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and M. australis) in international and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic”. Historical fishery and biological data series available from the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) and the Falkland Islands Fishery Department (FIFD) were used during the project to describe fishing patterns and spatio-temporal changes in the abundance and distribution of target and accompanying species, as well as to give an overview of these important fisheries

    Data collection for stock assessment of two Hakes (Merluccius Hubbsi and M. Australis) in international and Falkland Waters of the SW Atlantic

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    Study Project 99/016 “Data collection for stock assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and M. australis) in international and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic” ran from January 2000 to December 2001. The main objective of the project was the collection and collation of already existing and newly acquired fishery and biological data needed for preliminary assessment of two hake species occurring in the study area. In addition to this basic remit, additional objectives included the creation of a common database, study of spawning seasons and areas, discard pattern and length-frequency composition of target and non-target species, estimation of annual by-catch rates, analysis of trophic relationships, marine mammals by-catch and sightings, morphometric analysis for stock differentiation, and developing GIS applications for analysis of the data collected. Historical fishery and biological data series available from IEO and FIGFD (since 1988 and 1987 respectively) were provided to the project. New fishery and biological data were collected by scientific observers provided by IEO, ANAMER and FIGFD, and placed on board Spanish fishing vessels operating in the study area during the project period. Data on fishing activity included effort, catches and discards of target and non-target species on a haul-by-haul basis. Biological information (size, sex, maturity stage, etc) of target and non-target species was recorded on a daily basis. Data on landings and effort were provided by ANAMER to its subcontractor (MG OTERO) for processing and estimation of total catch and effort of the whole Spanish fishing fleet in the area; MG OTERO was also responsible for organisation of observers in collaboration with ANAMER staff in Vigo and Port Stanley. Ancillary data on location, time of fishing, depth, SST, SBT, sea roughness, wind, etc, was recorded on a haul-by-haul basis. This type of information was essential for development of GIS at AU to relate the species distribution to physical and environmental factors. Other information collected was about by-catches and sightings of small cetaceans and seabirds, and biological samples such as otoliths, stomachs and whole specimens of hakes for subsequent studies on growth (IEO, FIGFD), diet and morphometrics (AU). All the historical and new data collected during the project were collated and integrated into a common database designed by all participants and built at IEO. The information was used for preliminary assessment of two hake populations co-ordinated by RRAG during a workshop held in London in July 2001. All these data will be analysed and written up for future publications. Discard rates of target species were generally low in all areas and seasons with the highest discard rate for Notothen sp. (around 100% of the catch). Illex squid was found to be the major by-catch for hake fishery in the 46 S area. IEO observers reported data on incidental catches of marine mammals and sea birds since 1993 and the analysis of this information was made by AU. The observed mortality in the fishing gears comprised small numbers of black-browed albatross, gentoo penguin and the hourglass dolphin. The species most frequently sighted was the Peale’s dolphin, although this species did not appear in by-catches, followed by the hourglass dolphin. The project provided an opportunity to collect and integrate for the first time at European level the necessary fishery and biological data for the development of partial stock assessment for the future rational management of the fisheries in the area. Such management is needed for the sustainability of the commercial fisheries, the conservation of the onshore and offshore jobs and the supply of fish to the most important markets worldwide.EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE GENERAL FISHERIES – DG XIVN

    Overview of the Spanish fisheries in the Patagonian Shelf

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    The fishing grounds of the Patagonian Shelf support some of the most important fisheries in the world. The great abundance of marine resources among parallels 35º and 54º South, is associated with the Subtropical Convergence formed by the Brazil and Falkland/Malvinas currents. The mixing of the flow of La Plata River and the western branch of the Falkland/Malvinas Current generates areas of high plankton production on the shelf. Hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and Merluccius australis) and cephalopods (Illex argentinus and Loligo gahi) have been found the main commercial species, with important amounts of accompanying species in the catches such as Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), Kingclip (Genypterus blacodes), Hoki (Macruronus magellanicus), Red cod (Salilota australis), Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), etc. These fisheries are currently among the most important to the Spanish bottom trawler freezing fleet that has around 40 vessels fishing in this area, besides another 20 that operate in joint ventures sailing Falkland flag. It is estimated that this fleet generates approximately 2,000 direct offshore jobs, and more than 10,000 indirect onshore jobs. This paper presents results from the EC Study Project 99/016 “Data collection for stock assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and M. australis) in international and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic”. Historical fishery and biological data series available from the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) and the Falkland Islands Fishery Department (FIFD) were used during the project to describe fishing patterns and spatio-temporal changes in the abundance and distribution of target and accompanying species, as well as to give an overview of these important fisheries

    Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea

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    This project aimed to the development of the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity. This is to be achieved by obtaining profit from a finfish species (“Rockcod”, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Use of this species, caught as a by-catch in the existing fisheries targeting hakes and cephalopods, should also increase the profitability of the fleet, contribute to maintaining employment and help to counterbalance the negative effects of fishing activity and discards in the ecosystem. The main scientific-technological objectives and expected achievements were the following: - Description of the fisheries - Improved knowledge of the biology of the species - Biomass assessment - Estimation of catches and discards - Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the resource. Fishery forecasting and testing - Sensorial, Microbiological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Rock cod - Development of the technical modifications on board commercial vessels - Development of new processed products from frozen Rock codEuropean Commission Cooperative Research (CRAFT

    Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea

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    This project aimed to the development of the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity. This is to be achieved by obtaining profit from a finfish species (“Rockcod”, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic, in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Use of this species, caught as a by-catch in the existing fisheries targeting hakes and cephalopods, should also increase the profitability of the fleet, contribute to maintaining employment and help to counterbalance the negative effects of fishing activity and discards in the ecosystem. The main scientific-technological objectives and expected achievements were the following: - Description of the fisheries - Improved knowledge of the biology of the species - Biomass assessment - Estimation of catches and discards - Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the resource. Fishery forecasting and testing - Sensorial, Microbiological, Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Rock cod - Development of the technical modifications on board commercial vessels - Development of new processed products from frozen Rock codEuropean Commission Cooperative Research (CRAFT)N

    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children

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    Fever is the most common reason that children present to Emergency Departments. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection are often non-specific, and there is no definitive test for the accurate diagnosis of infection. The 'omics' approaches to identifying biomarkers from the host-response to bacterial infection are promising. In this study, lipidomic analysis was carried out with plasma samples obtained from febrile children with confirmed bacterial infection (n = 20) and confirmed viral infection (n = 20). We show for the first time that bacterial and viral infection produces distinct profile in the host lipidome. Some species of glycerophosphoinositol, sphingomyelin, lysophosphatidylcholine and cholesterol sulfate were higher in the confirmed virus infected group, while some species of fatty acids, glycerophosphocholine, glycerophosphoserine, lactosylceramide and bilirubin were lower in the confirmed virus infected group when compared with confirmed bacterial infected group. A combination of three lipids achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.911 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.98). This pilot study demonstrates the potential of metabolic biomarkers to assist clinicians in distinguishing bacterial from viral infection in febrile children, to facilitate effective clinical management and to the limit inappropriate use of antibiotics

    Identification of regulatory variants associated with genetic susceptibility to meningococcal disease

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    Non-coding genetic variants play an important role in driving susceptibility to complex diseases but their characterization remains challenging. Here, we employed a novel approach to interrogate the genetic risk of such polymorphisms in a more systematic way by targeting specific regulatory regions relevant for the phenotype studied. We applied this method to meningococcal disease susceptibility, using the DNA binding pattern of RELA - a NF-kB subunit, master regulator of the response to infection - under bacterial stimuli in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. We designed a custom panel to cover these RELA binding sites and used it for targeted sequencing in cases and controls. Variant calling and association analysis were performed followed by validation of candidate polymorphisms by genotyping in three independent cohorts. We identified two new polymorphisms, rs4823231 and rs11913168, showing signs of association with meningococcal disease susceptibility. In addition, using our genomic data as well as publicly available resources, we found evidences for these SNPs to have potential regulatory effects on ATXN10 and LIF genes respectively. The variants and related candidate genes are relevant for infectious diseases and may have important contribution for meningococcal disease pathology. Finally, we described a novel genetic association approach that could be applied to other phenotypes