45 research outputs found

    Creative trans-border cooperation in the field of operations research and sustainable development in civil engineering

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    The paper presents an overview of the history and achievements of trans-border cooperation in the Lithuania-Germany-Poland triangle in planning instruments in Construction Management, decision-making theory, application of Operational Research, and Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods in Civil Engineering and sustainable development. The cooperation and results of the Colloquiums with 35 years of tradition, their multidimensional nature is underlined. The research instruments, methods, studied phenomena are reviewed and characteristic applications in engineering and economics are presented. The knowledge and combined efforts of three academic centers have created a synergy which set in motion many original methods and spectacular implementations. The Colloquium calendar and the evolution of organizational forms are presented along with the inclusion of the informal EURO Working Group on Operations Research in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering

    Operations research in areas of civil engineering and sustainable development: EURO working group activities

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    The viewpoint presented in this paper promotes the collaboration, partnering and exchange of best practice knowledge as key factors to reap benefits for construction excellence and sustainability. The approach uses the example of EURO Working Group “OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering” activities. EURO is the \u27Association of European Operational Research Societies\u27 within IFORS, the \u27International Federation of Operational Research Societies\u27

    The Conceptual Model of the BIM4NZEB-DS System for Selecting Technological Variants of Rational Passive Energy Efficiency Measures for a Sustainable Building

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    Implementing sustainable solutions in building design is one of the significant elements in achieving the transition to sustainability. The diversity of structural elements, construction materials, and the various preferences of interested parties complicate the decision-making process. Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides a wide range of available technological solutions and methods for automated decision support and can make decision-making more efficient. This study presents the conceptual model for BIM4NZEB-DS system for the automated selection of rational variants of passive energy efficiency measures. The algorithm of this system will integrate the solutions for data transfer from the BIM model and multi-criteria methods for the analysis of variants. The assessment of variants is based on economic and environmental criteria. The purpose of the system is to increase the reliability of the assessment, optimise the technological and human resources required, and minimise the time of decision-making. The developed system will be validated using the BIM model of real-case buildin

    The new development trend of operational research in civil engineering and sustainable development as a result of collaboration between german‐Lithuanian‐Polish scientific triangle

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    In this article the scientific cooperation between the three academic centres from Germany, Lithuania and Poland, represented by Prof. F. Peldschus (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences), Prof. E. K. Zavadskas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University), and Prof. O. Kapliński (Poznan University of Technology), is presented. Formal meetings have been called Colloquia, and were organized every two years in different academic centres. The research achievements and activities during the period of 2007–2009 are presented. The main research fields of OR in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development of three academic centres are surveyed. As a result of productive collaboration in the period between the 11th and 12th Colloquiums, several postdoctoral theses and doctoral dissertations were defended, research papers and books were published and conferences were organized with published proceedings, etc. On the basis of these achievements EURO Working Group OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering (EWG‐ORSDCE) was established. Santrauka Straipsnyje apžvelgiami mokslinio bendradarbiavimo rezultatai tarp Vokietijos, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos akademiniu centru. Šiu centru susitikimai buvo vadinami kolokviumais, kurie buvo organizuojami kas antrus metus skirtingame akademiniame centre. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiami moksliniai pasiekimai ir nuveikti darbai 2007–2009 m., pateikiami Vokietijos, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos akademiniu centru atlikti darbai operaciniu tyrimu, statybos inžinerijos ir subalansuotos pletros temomis. Produktyvaus bendradarbiavimo rezultatai nuo 11‐ojo iki 12‐ojo kolokviumo yra: apgintos habilitaciniu darbu tezes bei daktaro disertacijos, paskelbti moksliniai straipsniai ir išleistos knygos, suorganizuotos mokslines kon‐ferencijos ir išspausdinti konferenciju straipsniu rinkiniai. Remiantis šiais pasiekimais buvo isteigta darbo grupe " OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering” (EWG‐ORSDCE). First Published Online: 09 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: bendradarbiavimas, darna, operaciju tyrimai, statybos inžinerija, pletr

    A quantitative evaluation of theoretical renewable energy potential of the building site

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    Modern building design process is becoming more complex. Local conditions and future constructions are computer-simulated. The aim of this simulation is to evaluate theoretical RE potential for the successful and efficient exploitation of the new building. As usual, in the simulation process of local conditions, the assessment of the renewable energy potential is one of the key elements. This article presents and analyses the idea of the quantitative evaluation of renewable energy (RE) theoretical potential of the building site and the approach on how to prepare initial data file for further process of site energy development concept creation. The study describes a building site that is undergoing the RE evaluation in terms of thermodynamic and descriptive statistics characteristics. The applicability of the offered approach was verified in the case study. The specified evaluation of the combined energy fluctuation throughout the year provides new and potentially crucial information about the issues of the RE hybrid energy transformation systems’ modelling and about the efficient use of resources to ensure the same level of energy services

    Decision model for selection of modernization measures: public building case

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    The aim of our study is to present the decision model for selection of optimal combinations of modernization measures. the presented algorithm of decision synthesis method comprises method for integrated significance determination of efficiency indicators and multiple criteria decision methods. the paper also presents the case study illustrating the application of proposed model. as the alternative modernization measures can generate many alternative combinations the decision tree model was proposed as an efficient tool facilitating the analysis of big data and included in algorithm. three multiple criteria decision support methods based on quantitative measurements included in algorithm used to increase the reliability of the decision. the proposed algorithm is very suitable for evaluation of modernization decisions of the building and enables decision-maker to select the best performing alternative in terms of energy consumption, cost of instalment and other relevant criteria

    Multicriteria evaluation of apartment blocks maintenance contractors: Lithuanian case study

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    The paper presents the comparative analysis of dwelling maintenance contractors aimed at determining the degree of their utility for users and bidding price of services by applying the method of multicriteria complex proportional assessment. To compare the performance of various maintenance contractors, the data from 15 dwelling maintenance organizations was used. A questionnaire survey of dwelling owners was conducted. Contractors were evaluated by a set of 44 criteria characterizing them from various perspectives. The analysis was made taking into account the standpoints of building owners (clients). The initial weights of qualitative criteria were calculated by expert methods. Then they were coordinated with the calculated values of quantitative criteria using the method of multicriteria complex proportional assessment. Multicriteria analysis of the performance of maintenance contractors allows us to determine the importance of particular contractor characteristics for achieving the aim to meet the needs of different participants of the maintenance process. Santruka Straipsnyje pateikta daugiabučius namus administruojančiu imoniu lyginamoji analize. Tyrimo tikslas — nustatyti daugiabučius namus administruojančiu imoniu paslaugu naudinguma namo naudotojams. Pavyzdžiui išspresti buvo naudoti penkiolikos daugiabučius namus administruojančiu imoniu paslaugu rodikliai. Imones pagal 44 juos apibūdinančius kriterijus vertino daugiabučiu namu gyventojai. Pradiniai kokybiniu rodikliu reikšmingumai nustatyti taikant ekspertini metoda. Kokybiniu ir kiekybiniu rodikliu reikšmingumai suderinti, optimalus variantas ir variantu naudingumai nustatyti daugiakriterinio kompleksinio proporcingo vertinimo metodu (angl. method of COmplex PRoportional ASsessment, COPRAS). Pagal taikyta metoda derybu metu galima koreguoti pasiūlymu kainas, atsižvelgiant i nustatyta alternatyvu naudinguma. Daugiakriterine analize leidžia nustatyti konkretaus rangovo rodikliu reikšmingumus, ivertinus skirtingus daugiabučiu namu priežiūros proceso dalyviu poreikius

    A method to predict change propagation within building information model

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     This study examines problem of the management of design changes caused by the complexity of the design process and the lack of knowledge of all aspects of the design dependencies. This paper addresses the subject of design changes management in the context of a multidisciplinary collaborative environment of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Due to evolving role of BIM in designing of building projects and the increasing complexity of the design process a need to develop change management based on BIM methodology aroused. The application of BIM to construction projects has the potential to enhance the quality of information provided for making critical design decisions. Trusted change propagation is the key for successful change management. Paper describes developed method to predict the propagation of change through the building information model and provides the concept of visual technology to help designers to predict the change in the construction industry. The developed method includes the use of parameter-based Design Structure Matrix (DSM) as a tool for predicting change propagation. The novelty of research is the proposed integration of DSM with BIM to support the visual representation of predicting change within BIM. Case study demonstrates the possibilities of method in BIM environment

    Automated Processing of Subcontractor Work Performance Data to Improve the Quality Control and Support the Subcontractor Selection Process

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    The paper presents the research aimed to find the way for efficient monitoring and control of subcontractor performance in large construction projects. As a result the procedure for recording and processing the nonconformities is proposed. Procedure consists of the following stages: the identification of nonconformity (defect, work performed is at variance with project, the requirements of work or environment safety are violated, etc.); construction manager or engineer fills the nonconformity report for subcontractor; engineer puts the information about the nonconformity in the register were it is automatically processing and visualizing in form of tables and diagrams. For processing the data the classifier of nonconformities for register was proposed. According to classifier the nonconformities are sorting by the following attributes: 1) nonconformity to quality requirements; 2) nonconformity to requirements of work safety; 3) nonconformity to requirements of environment safety. Each of these groups has the subgroups for classifying, which let to gain the more precise information about the nature of nonconformity. Information of register is regular, up to date and useful for different company activities involved in construction process. For example, procurement department could use this information in subcontractor prequalification and selection process for further construction projects, construction managers could organize the monitoring of subcontractors works more effectively, for the information in register gives the awareness of how frequently and what kind of nonconformities are usually done by subcontractors

    Quantitative View Assessment (QUVIAS) method for window visibility analysis utilizing BIM, GIS and Web environments

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    The developers of the construction project assess the economic feasibility of the project at the early stages of project development and analyse possible alternative solutions. This research focuses on the assessment of property attractiveness and building location problems at an early stage of project development and proposes the original method for visibility analysis based on the utilization of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Web environments. The proposed Quantitative View Assessment (QUVIAS) method allows to assess the view mathematically and presents it as a quantitative parameter. The proposed method considers the mathematical shape of the view as a sphere and utilizes spherical coordinates that remove distortions and increase the accuracy of the analysis. The presented approach determines quantitative view coefficients for alternatives of windows, premises and buildings, including their comparison. The way of determining the view proposed in the QUVIAS method can help decision-makers to make more accurate decisions during the selection of a project development strategy. The experimental analysis proved the usefulness of the proposed QUVIAS method in the assessment of the rational building location and prediction of project revenues as well as potential usefulness in the estimation of property attractiveness