298 research outputs found

    Bibliotecas universitárias na modernidade: contributo para a compreensão de uma identidade educativa

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    O objetivo desta comunicação é tornar explícito, num arco temporal que abrange os séculos XVIII a XX, e dentro da moldura temática da educação, que lógicas atravessam a constituição das bibliotecas universitárias, no sentido em que estas são representantes e resultantes de uma materialidade da cultura escolar, e mais particularmente, de uma cultura biblioteconómica cujas características atuais emergiram na sobreposição do tempo e do discurso escolares

    Engaging distance online students through active methods: the example of concept maps

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    Distance learning gained publicity and exposure with the pandemic context, attracting more students and the interest of research, consolidating its position of relevance, namely in higher education. This study seeks to reflect on the use of the conceptual map as an active learning strategy, with a view to greater student involvement in a distance university. From the context of a curricular unit with different strategies, which includes, in addition to the traditional reading of documents, the inclusion of videos and or activities in which each student participates in a committed way, it was proposed to use concept maps as powerful tools to engage students. This strategy was aligned with peer feedback. The testimonies left by the students who participated in this case study prove what the literature has said: that the active learning approach based on concept maps positively achieves the objectives and results that aim at successful learning and that the feedback from peers reinforces student self-regulation, enabling insights that improve their learning as a whole.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bibliotecas da UL: campus de pesquisa, espaços de encontro

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    As diversas Bibliotecas da Universidade de Lisboa funcionam como um sistema essencialmente agregado pelo catálogo comum. Organizam-se como estruturas de suporte à investigação e ao ensino, servindo assim a missão da sua instituição acolhedora – a Universidade. Apresenta-se uma observação transversal desta realidade, a fim de contribuir para a reflexão e debate sobre o futuro das bibliotecas da UL. Contando com colaboração dos responsáveis em cada Unidade Orgânica, através de uma curta entrevista nos locais (Abril de 2012), bem como de um pequeno inquérito, apresenta-se a recolha de informação relativamente a: Estrutura e administração das bibliotecas; Desenvolvimento de Coleções; Serviços aos Utilizadores; Apoio à Aprendizagem; Suporte à Investigação; Tecnologias e desenvolvimento; Instrumentos de gestão; Programas e Projetos. A ideia de realizar um “estado da arte” assente nas ideias de partilha, comunicação, conhecimento, interação e melhoria de práticas, serve de inspiração para perspetivar o futuro do trabalho a desenvolver nas Bibliotecas da UL

    Do campo da pesquisa ao campus do conhecimento: Instrumentalização da literacia de informação em meio académico

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    This study seeks to explain how information literacy can contribute effectively to the construction and production of knowledge in academic context, ie, as from this domain and its instrumentalization is possible to prepare the time when the college student feels able to produce and record new knowledge through writing. Based on the ideas of emancipation and empowerment of the third cycle student's, principles guaranteed by the university pedagogy, it is proposed that the university library can contribute with training in information literacy, not only for research, evaluation and selection of information, but also for the production and presentation of scientific knowledge by the university student, ambition and goal of higher education.Este estudo procura justificar como a literacia de informação pode contribuir de forma efetiva para a construção e produção de conhecimento em âmbito académico, isto é, como, a partir deste domínio e da sua instrumentalização é possível preparar o momento em que o aluno universitário se sente capacitado para produzir e registar novo conhecimento através da escrita. Partindo das ideias de emancipação e autonomização do aluno de terceiro ciclo, princípios assegurados pela pedagogia universitária, propõe-se que a biblioteca universitária possa contribuir, através da formação em literacia de informação, não só para a pesquisa, seleção e avaliação da informação, mas também para a produção e apresentação do conhecimento científico, por parte do aluno universitário, ambição e meta deste nível de ensino

    Digital fluency and ethical use of information: the role of higher education librarians

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    In the current digital context, there is an increased concern with access to information, as it has become exponentially mediated by technologies. Several problems can emerge: from restrictions on freedom of access to information or freedom of expression, due to the lack of knowledge to deal with technologies and digital information sources, vulnerability and lack of preparation regarding privacy management, to digital traps, fallacies, misinformation, or fake news. Are Portuguese librarians responding to these challenges? What actions and strategies have libraries been developed to promote digital fluency? What actions should be pursued, since young audiences are not only consumers, but also producers of online information and, at the same time, the internet has become a privileged resource for searching for easy and immediate information? It is important to reinforce skills with strategies that make it possible to detect, with quality criteria, the origin of the information, its diversity, and credibility, without forgetting, at the same time, under what circumstances and in what way the information can be reused ethically and legally. This is the basis for this exploratory study. To this end, a questionnaire survey base on the "European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu" is carried out to those responsible for higher education libraries, to understand the pedagogic strategies that have been used with the academic community. Based on the results, we seek to observe the active involvement of librarians, particularly in the training of students, to enhance their critical thinking in the face of digital information, the evaluation of digital information sources, or the problem resolution. They must develop skills to be able to observe and compare information in a critical, creative, and conscious way, particularly in digital media. In this process, the social and ethical premises that support teaching and learning in the mission of higher education libraries should be promoted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information skills and library knowledge for higher education teachers

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    The explosion of information, not only in print, but in a digital context has become a fertile area for exploring, transmitting, and disseminating information, enabling learning and teaching, transforming and creating new knowledge. Higher education teachers need to be aware of how to train and guide their students in multiple ways to knowledge, including the ability to deal with information in print and digital contexts, so information literacy training should be a priority. This paper aims to list the skills to be developed by these teachers, preferably integrated into their professional development. Starting from the framework of tried-and-tested models, a flexible and comprehensive content structure is proposed, considering the need for their transfer to students. The importance of collaborative work with higher education libraries is stressed.Sanches, T. (2020). Information skills and library knowledge for higher education teachers. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):237-245. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11027OCS23724530-05-202

    From tradition to innovation: exploring administration practices in four Portuguese university libraries

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    The purpose of this comprehensive study is to conduct a cross-sectional observation of four Portuguese university libraries, thus contributing to the knowledge of this reality and achieving an overview of the administrative structure, resources and user instruction in these university libraries. The overall contribution to the field is mainly a focus on the state of the art of university libraries in Portugal

    Improving academic and professional engagement in higher education online students through video-making: school librarians on the screen

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    There is an increasing offer of online training in higher education, which develops the interest in educational research and consolidates new conceptual practices applied to e-learning. This study seeks to reflect on the use of video creation by students as an active learning strategy, with a view to greater student involvement in a distance university. From the context of a curricular unit that uses different strategies beyond the traditional reading of documents, including active learning, it is intended that the student participates in a committed way, preparing future professional practices. Thus, the creation of videos was proposed as a powerful tool to engage students. The strategy was aligned with feedback. Achievements granted by the students who participated in the activity proved what the literature has stated: that the active learning approach based on videos positively achieves the objectives and results that aim at successful learning. Also, feedback reinforces student self-regulation, enabling insights that improve their experiential learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Connecting New Trends and New Skills for Academic Librarians

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    Guiding documents of professional associations are revealing the main future trends around the globe in information science. This study seeks to systematize and identify the skills expressed in them and aimed at information professionals. Thus, the content of the guiding documents is analyzed to find the trends for the area, systematizing them in areas of interest. The skills needed by the professionals that emanate from it are identified. In addition, a survey of future professionals (graduate students) is carried out to try to understand what skills are valued in the future performance of their profession. It is noted that it is important to be aware of current trends and recommendations for the sector. Therefore, the preparation of students in information science for the prospects for the future will be more appropriate and meaningful, bringing benefits to themselves and to the academic communities in which they operate, if future librarians in higher education become aware of a changing world in which they will have to act.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathways to cooperation networks: the case of university libraries in Portugal

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    In the world of libraries, the idea of cooperation is nothing new. Actually it is both a cause and a consequence of the manner of organising and standardising access to knowledge. The international standardisation of cataloguing rules, globally accepted classification systems, system interoperability and the standardisation of metadata are some of the ways found to unite libraries worldwide. However, cooperation networks can go beyond data and information. They can take effect through common goals, sharing experiences, joining efforts, and enhancing economies of scale. In this paper, I will address three paths being developed in Portugal regarding cooperation between university libraries. The first path is at national level and concerns the activities of the professional association of librarians, archivists and documentalists, in particular of the working group on higher education libraries. Here we find transversal cooperation projects between libraries and the beginnings of a Network of University Libraries, currently in the making. The second path shows how a Portuguese university – the University of Lisbon – has worked as a consortium with its 18 libraries. Focused on standardising document treatment systems – the common catalogue and the discovery system –, pro-cooperation work is essential for the service provided to users. The third path show how the author’s research within the scope of higher education libraries is in itself a reflection of cooperation networks. Once a research project is outlined, opportunities for partnerships and cooperation emerge, thus enriching librarians and the libraries where they work. Cooperation networks in the context of higher education libraries add to efforts to improve, in that they provide more strength and flexibility, because they involve different partners seeking to bring out the best of each one to achieve common goals, with tangible results which benefit all.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio