9 research outputs found

    Influence of sanitation on the physico-chemical and microbiological quality of organic and conventional broccoli

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    The present study was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of chlorinated and ozonized water on the physico-chemical characteristics of broccoli, produced under organic and conventional cultivation procedures. Organic and conventional broccolis were subjected to two sanitation treatments, using chlorine and ozone, and were kept under cold storage for seven days. Analyses of pH, titrable acidity, soluble solids and weight loss were performed and the content of Cu, Mn and Zn was determined. In addition, the presence of pesticides was verified. The results show no influence of the cultivation method or the sanitation treatment on sample weight loss. Cultivation methods and sanitizing treatments affected broccoli pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids during the evaluation period. No differences regarding the metal content on organic and conventional broccoli were observed. Furthermore, the presence of organochlorine compounds, nor other pesticides, was not detected both in organic and conventional vegetables.Keywords: Brassica oleracea var. Italica, pesticide residues, titrable acidity, soluble solids, pH, metals, ozone, sanitation treatment African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(18), pp. 2456-246

    Ozonated water and chlorine effects on the antioxidant properties of organic and conventional broccoli during postharvest.

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    There is growing interest in studies on sanitizers other than chlorine that can maintain the quality of organic products without affecting their phytochemical content. The effects of using chlorinated and ozonized water treatments, as sanitizing procedures, on the post-harvest quality of organic and conventional broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) cv. Italica was evaluated. The biochemical parameters (chlorophyll, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity) of the broccoli samples were analyzed at day 0 (arrival of the plant from the field, original features), and 1, 4 and 7 days after harvest. The polyamine analysis was performed on arrival of the plant from the field and on the first and seventh days. The cultivation procedure influenced polyphenol, vitamin C and total chlorophyll content, and the highest value was observed in organic broccoli after the fourth day. Flavenoid content was higher in organic broccoli. The use of ozone appears not to have had an influence on the amount of polyphenolic, flavonoids and vitamin C during storage. Total chlorophyll content was less affected by ozonized water than by the chlorine treatment as at the first and fourth days of storage. The highest content of putrescine was found in conventional broccoli, while the highest levels of spermidine and spermine were found in organic broccoli. Antioxidant capacity was highest in organic broccoli after day 4 of storage and was affected by the bioactive compounds analyzed. Methods of cultivation influenced natural antioxidant and chlorophyll contents in broccoli under cold storage

    Comportamento fisiológico de sementes de Cordia verbenacea DC sob diferentes substratos, temperaturas e luz

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    O interesse na propagação da Cordia verbenacea é devido aos seus metabólicos secundários de importância farmacológica, sendo eles o α-humuleno e β-cariofileno. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a curva de embebição, avaliar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação e do substrato na emergência de plântulas desta espécie. O trabalho foi realiza do na Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – Campus Botucatu, com sementes sedidas pelo Centro de Pesquisa Químicas, Biológicas e Agronômicas (CPQBA) de Campinas. Determinou-se a curva de embebição pelo método da semente submersa, com 8 repetições de 100 sementes. O teste de germinação foi realizado sob diferentes temperaturas (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C), iluminação constante e ausência de iluminação, com 4 repetições de 100 sementes em fatorial 6X2 . O teste de emergência foi conduzido com três substratos: areia; areia e substrato comercial (1:1) e substrato comercial, com 4 repetições de 100 sementes. Os resultados foram avaliados pelo teste Tukey a 5%, sendo os dados da emergência transformados em raiz de X + 0,5. Conclui-se que as sementes em contato com a água superam o estágio I da curva de embebição em 1 hora, germinam sob luz constante, sob temperatura entre 15 a 30 °C e o substrato comercial é indicado para a emergência

    Antioxidante em pós-colheita de Brassica aleracea var. Italica cultivada em sistema orgânico e convencional submetidos a tratamentos de sanitização e enzimas oxidativas em diferentes variedades de Chicorium intybus L

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    Este trabalho objetivou determinar o efeito de diversos tratamentos de sanitização na qualidade físico-química, fitossanitária e o teor de antioxidantes (poliaminas, fenóis, flavonóides, ácido ascórbico, clorofila) além do potencial antioxidante de brócolis orgânicos e convencionais e qualidade enzimática de trinta e uma variedades de radicchio. Os brócolis orgânicos e convencionais foram adquiridos de produtores locais do município de Botucatu/SP. Os vegetais foram lavados, higienizados com água clorada e ozonizada por 5 e 10 minutos e armazenados em câmara fria a 6±1°C por sete dias. As coletas foram realizadas a cada três dias. O modo de cultivo aliado aos tratamentos de lavagem influenciou significativamente AT e os SS. Os tratamentos com água ozonizada por 5 e 10’ foram eficazes na diminuição da carga microbiana nos brócolis tratados. Não houve influencia do modo de cultivo nos teores de Cu, Zn e Mn. O uso do ozônio não alterou as qualidades físico-químicas dos brócolis, independente do modo de cultivo, o que pode ser promissor, como alternativa para uso como sanitizante. Houve influencia dos tratamentos de sanitização no período de avaliação para os antioxidantes, poliaminas e capacidade antioxidante nos brócolis orgânicos e convencionais. Os brócolis orgânicos apresentaram maiores teores de antioxidantes. Verificou-se que as variedades T e T 506 Chioggia e Chioggia 706 foram as que apresentaram maior atividade enzimática. A variedade Castellano Lucrezia apresentou maior atividade da polifenoloxidade. Para o teor de proteínas solúveis totais a 5070 F1 Chioggia foi a variedade que apresentou maior teor de proteínas solúveis totaisThis study investigated the effect of various sanitization treatments on the physicochemical, plant and content of antioxidants (polyamines, phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll) addition of the antioxidant potential of organic and conventional broccoli and quality of enzymatic thirty-one varieties of radicchio. The organic and conventional broccoli were purchased from local producers of Botucatu / SP. The vegetables were washed, sanitized with chlorinated water and ozonated for 5 and 10 minutes and stored in cold storage at 6 ± 1 ° C for seven days. Samples were collected every three days. The cultivation methods together with the washing treatments significantly affected TA and SS. The treatments with ozonated water for 5 and 10 'were effective at reducing the microbial load in broccoli treated. There was no influence of cultivation methods for Cu, Zn and Mn. The use of ozone did not change the physicochemical quality of broccoli, regardless of the method of cultivation, which can be promising alternative for use as a sanitizer. There was influence of sanitation treatments during evaluation for antioxidants, polyamines and antioxidant capacity in organic and conventional broccoli. The organic broccoli showed higher levels of antioxidants. It was found that the peroxidase activity was higher in the varieties T and T 506 and Chioggia Chioggia 706. In the variety Castellano Lucrezia was obtained the highest activity of polyphenyloxidase. For the total soluble protein content, the 5070 F1 Chioggia variety showed the highest content of total soluble proteinsCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Efeito de reguladores vegetais na propagação vegetativa de Drimys brasiliensis Miers (Winteraceae)

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    A espécie Drimys brasiliensis Miers. (cataia) apresenta propriedades medicinais, pode ser utilizada na recuperação de áreas degradadas e está em risco de extinção. Suas sementes apresentam características peculiares que dificultam a propagação sexuada. A utilização de reguladores vegetais promotores de enraizamento, como as auxinas e ácido caféico, podem acelerar o processo de enraizamento por meio da estaquia. Assim sendo, avaliamos os efeitos de reguladores vegetais no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Drimys brasiliensis Miers. Relacionamos os teores de açúcares totais e atividade de peroxidase no enraizamento dessas estacas. As coletas foram feitas de plantas localizadas em mata ciliar próxima do Aeroporto de Botucatu, SP. As bases das estacas foram tratadas com os reguladores vegetais por 24 horas ou na forma de talco, sendo os reguladores vegetais utilizados IBA; NAA e o ácido caféico. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que a propagação desta espécie por meio da estaquia é viável

    Comportamento fisiológico de sementes de Cordia verbenacea DC (Boraginaceae) sob diferentes substratos, temperaturas e luz

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    The interest in the propagation of Cordia verbenacea is due to its secondary metabolites of pharmacological importance, and they α-humulene and β-caryophyllene. The objective of this study was to determine the imbibition curve, to evaluate the influence of light and temperature on germination and the substrate in the emergence of the seedlings of this species. Was determined the imbibition curve by method of seed submerged, with 8 repetitions of 100 seeds. The germination test was carried out under different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ° C), constant illumination and no illumination, with 4 repetitions of 100 seeds in 6X2 factorial. The emergence test was conducted with three substrates: sand, sand and a commercial substrate (1:1) and commercial substrate, with 4 repetitions of 100 seeds. The results were evaluated by Tukey test at 5%, and the data of the emergency was transformed into the square root of X + 0.5. It is concluded that the seed in contact with the water outweigh the stage I of imbibition curve at 1 hour, germinated under constant light, at temperatures between 15 and 30 ° C and the commercial substrate is indicated for emergency.O interesse na propagação da Cordia verbenacea é devido aos seus metabólicos secundários de importância farmacológica, sendo eles o α-humuleno e β-cariofileno. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a curva de embebição, avaliar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação e do substrato na emergência de plântulas desta espécie. Determinou-se a curva de embebição pelo método da semente submersa, com 8 repetições de 100 sementes. O teste de germinação foi realizado sob diferentes temperaturas (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C), iluminação constante e escuro, com 4 repetições de 100 sementes. O teste de emergência foi conduzido com três substratos: areia; areia e substrato comercial (1:1) e substrato comercial, com 4 repetições de 100 sementes. Os resultados foram avaliados pelo teste Tukey a 5%, sendo os dados da emergência transformados em raiz quadrada de X + 0,5. Conclui-se que as sementes em contato com a água superam o estágio I da curva de embebição em 1 hora, germinam sob luz constante, entre 15 a 30 °C e o substrato comercial é indicado para a emergência das plântulas

    Influence of sanitization on the physico-chemical and microbiological quality of organic and conventional broccoli

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    The present study was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of chlorinated and ozonized water on the physico-chemical characteristics of broccoli, produced under organic and conventional cultivation procedures. Organic and conventional broccolis were subjected to two sanitation treatments, using chlorine and ozone, and were kept under cold storage for seven days. Analyses of pH, titrable acidity, soluble solids and weight loss were performed and the content of Cu, Mn and Zn was determined. In addition, the presence of pesticides was verified. The results show no influence of the cultivation method or the sanitation treatment on sample weight loss. Cultivation methods and sanitizing treatments affected broccoli pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids during the evaluation period. No differences regarding the metal content on organic and conventional broccoli were observed. Furthermore, the presence of organochlorine compounds, nor other pesticides, was not detected both in organic and conventional vegetables

    Ozonated water and chlorine effects on the antioxidant properties of organic and conventional broccoli during postharvest

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    There is growing interest in studies on sanitizers other than chlorine that can maintain the quality of organic products without affecting their phytochemical content. The effects of using chlorinated and ozonized water treatments, as sanitizing procedures, on the post-harvest quality of organic and conventional broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) cv. Italica was evaluated. The biochemical parameters (chlorophyll, polyphenols, \ufb02avonoids, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity) of the broccoli samples were analyzed at day 0 (arrival of the plant from the \ufb01eld, original features), and 1, 4 and 7 days after harvest. The polyamine analysis was performed on arrival of the plant from the \ufb01 eld and on the \ufb01 rst and seventh days. The cultivation procedure in\ufb02uenced polyphenol, vitamin C and total chlorophyll content, and the highest value was observed in organic broccoli after the fourth day. Flavonoid content was higher in organic broccoli. The use of ozone appears not to have had an in\ufb02 uence on the amount of polyphenolic, \ufb02 avonoids and vitamin C during storage. Total chlorophyll content was less affected by ozonized water than by the chlorine treatment as at the \ufb01 rst and fourth days of storage. The highest content of putrescine was found in conventional broccoli, while the highest levels of spermidine and spermine were found in organic broccoli. Antioxidant capacity was highest in organic broccoli after day 4 of storage and was affected by the bioactive compounds analyzed. Methods of cultivation in\ufb02uenced natural antioxidant and chlorophyll contents in broccoli under cold storage