5 research outputs found

    Formation of students’ value attitude to a healthy lifestyle on the basis of the concept of pedagogical incentives: a sociocultural analysis

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    Social and cultural realities of modern society have actualized the increase in the value of a healthy lifestyle, which gives a person some guarantees in a difficult situation of environmental, socio-economic, biotechnological threats. In this regard, one of the priority tasks of the modern education system is preservation and strengthening of the younger generation’s health. Students belong to a socially unprotected group. Therefore, the issues of preserving, strengthening and forming a value attitude to health is one of the most important problems of modernity. The education system, being the basis for the stabilization and development of the social structure, must ensure the formation of a personality with certain needs that will contribute to health preservation. Today, the number of students leading a sedentary lifestyle and subject to such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. remains stable. The article discusses the problem of social stimulation of the formation of students’ value attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, analyzes approaches to basic concepts. These include «incentive», «social stimulation», «pedagogical stimulation», «health», «healthy lifestyle». Also, the principles of activity of university teachers on the formation of students’ value attitude to a healthy lifestyle have been determined

    Сучасні тренди підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами

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    У збірнику матеріалів конференції висвітлено роботи фіналістів Усеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт 2018–2019 навчального року з «Управління проектами та програмами» й сучасні тренди підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами, які були обговорені на науково-практичній конференції в м. Луцьку 5 квітня 2019 р. Збірник розрахований на широке коло фахівців з управління проектами та програмами, спеціалістів, що працюють у структурних підрозділах органів державної влади й управління, економістів, викладачів, аспірантів, здобувачів і студентів, а також усіх, хто цікавиться сучасними трендами підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами

    The identification of mutations and pdrf analysis of the dna-loci coupled with mucoviscidosis gene in some populations, families of high risk and of patients

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    The object of investigation: some populations of SNG, the families of high risk and patients with mucoviscidosis. The purpose of the work: performance of the molecular-genetic analysis of the MV gene, DNA-successions abherent to it and the development of the scientifically grounded approaches to the MV molecular diagnostics. For the first time, the peculiarities of the allel polymorphism have been analyzed for the 5 DNA-loci region 7g31 in some populations of SNG, families of high risk and patients with mucoviscidosis. The frequency of deletion G-508 of patients from the different regions of the country has been analyzed. 4 new mutations of the MV gene have been revealed. The optimum scheme of examining the families, entering for the prenatal diagnostics of mucoviscidosis has been developed. 116 prenatal diagnostics of MV in the families of high risk have been performed. The methodical recommendations on the molecular diagnostics of MV approved by the USSR Ministry of Health Protection have been published. The field of application: the diagnostics of monogenous, hereditary diseases, the prenatal diagnostics, the medico-genetic consultingAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Business communication style as a factor in the design of a digital employee in education

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    The problems of digital transformation as the main trend in the development of education and it’s connection with the educational ecosystem are discussed. The transformation of the role of the teacher in the university in connection with the digitalization of society is noted. The place of the digital employee as an element of the social component of the ecosystem is indicated. The approaches to the design of the image of a digital employee are characterized: from the point of view of the components of the educational environment, the students’ perceptions of the teacher as a partner in educational interactions and the peculiarities of business communication in joint activities. Style features take into account the integration of both external and internal human resources, and are formed by arbitrary selection from a set of potential components of the style. In the aspect of comfortable interaction, students’ ideas about a comfortable teacher are analyzed. The study involved students with different periods of study at the university. Dispersion analysis revealed differences in ideas about a comfortable teacher, both of an affirmative supervenience and non-adaptive, requiring additional attention in organizing the educational process. Correlation analysis revealed the connection between personality traits and the coefficient showing the divergence between one’s own style and the style of a comfortable teacher. The options for designing a digital teacher by distributing functions between a robot and a human are discussed. Recommendations are indicated that can be applied both for real university teachers and digital employees