36 research outputs found

    Oxidation of Indian Ilmenite: Thermodynamics and Kinetics Considerations

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    Natural Ilmenite (FeO.TiO2) is the primary source for the extraction of titanium dioxide (T1O2). Oxidation-reduction process is used for production of synthetic rutile from ilmenite by separation of Fe-oxides from TiO2. In this paper thermodynamics and kinetic aspects of oxidation reactions of ilmenite are discussed. Ilmenite with53% TiO2 used for investigation is a bit different from conventio-nal feed materials used for up-gradation processes. The slag route is generally employed for processing of low grade ilmenite with 58% TiO2 are used for production of syn-thetic rutile. Therefore detailed understanding oxidation - reduction behaviour of ilmenite is essential for selec-tion and optimisation of suitable up-gradation process

    Study of Liquid Phase Formation during the Sintering of Chromite Pellets and its Effect on the Properties of Pellets

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    For production of ferrochrome in submerged arc furnace (SAF), chromite ore is used in the form of lumps, briquettes and sintered pellets.The sintered pellets are preferred as a feed in SAF as it improves the furnace performance. During sintering of the green chromite pellets, bentonite reacts with silicate gangues in the chromite and forms the liquid phase which acts as a bin-der. The physical and metallurgical properties of the sintered pellets depend on the formation of liquid phase. The properties sintered pellets samples collected from the sintering plant were evaluated in the laboratory. The compressive strength of the samples varied significantly from 5 kg/pellet to 305 kg/pellet. The microstructure of the sintered pellets revealed that the porosity and form-ation of liquid phase affects the compressive strength of the pellets. In addition of this the oxidation of chromite grains during cooling of also influences the strength of the pellets and its metallurgical properties. The results of characterization studies are presented in this research work to relate the liquid phase formation and pellet properties for improved metallurgical applications

    Ultra fine chromite concentration using spiral concentrator

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    The conventional chromite beneficiation circuit utilises spiral concentrator for recovering chromite fines and as its efficiency decreases with respect to the decrease in particle size. Pilot scale studies have been performed to understand the effect of different process parameters which influence the separation of ultra fine chromite fines from a typical plant tailing. The process parameters of spiral concentrator such as feed rate (m3/hr), feed pulp density (% solids by weight) and splitter position (cm) are considered for the study. Splitter position has major influence on both grade and recovery of the concentrate fraction of spiral concentrator. Maximum grade of 48.54% Cr2O3 can be achieved in the concentrate fraction of spiral concentrator with 20.41% Cr2O3 recovery. Performance of spiral concentrator at different combination of process parameters was analysed with 3D surface plots

    Influence of shaking table process parameters on concentration of chromite plant tailings

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    Conventional chromite beneficiation plants of India discards large tonnage of chromite values as plant tailing. In the present investigation, a typical chromite beneficiation plant tailing of Sukinda region has investigated by using wet shaking table for the effective utilisation of the natural resource. In this context, the effect of different process variables such as wash water flow rate, deck tilt angle and feed flow rate has analysed. The interactional effects between different process variables has analysed in terms of 3D response surface plots. It was found that the Cr2O3 content has improved to 61.37% from a feed assaying 24.26%. It was envisaged that deck tilt angle has influence major on both grade and recovery of concentrate fraction of shaking table and in case of interactional effects, the interaction between deck tilt angle and feed flow rate has major influence compared to the others. Second order quadratic equations have developed for the prediction of grade and recovery of concentrate fraction of shaking table

    Reclamation of reactive metal oxides from complex minerals using alkali roasting and leaching- an improved approach to process engineering

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    In nature, the commonly occurring reactive metal oxides of titanium, chromium, aluminium, and vanadium often chemically combine with the transition metal oxides such as iron oxides and form complex minerals. Physico-chemical separation of transition metal oxides from the remaining reactive metal oxides is therefore an important step in the purification of reactive oxide constituents. Each purification step has quite a high energy requirement at present. Current practice in industry yields sulphate and neutralized chloride waste from titanium dioxide enrichment, red mud from bauxite refining, slag and leach residues from vanadium extraction and chromite ore process residue (COPR) from chromate processes. In this review article, a novel alkali-based oxidative roasting and aqueous leaching for the extraction of mineral oxides is explained in the context of the original work of Le Chatelier in 1850, which was unsuccessful in the industrialization of bauxite processing for alumina extraction. However, much later in the 19th century the alkali-based oxidative mineral roasting was successfully developed for industrial scale manufacturing of chromate chemicals, which yields COPR. The crystal chemistry of mineral oxides, namely alumina, titanium dioxide, and chromium oxide in naturally occurring minerals is briefly reviewed in the context of chemical extraction, which is then developed as a model for developing thermodynamic chemical equilibrium principles for analyzing the physical separation and enrichment of such reactive metal oxides by forming water-soluble and water-insoluble alkali complexes. The involvement of the alkali roasting chemistry of non-magnetic titaniferous mineral waste is also reported in the initial separation of rare-earth oxide mixtures for subsequent separation of individual oxides. The paper concludes with a generic approach to process chemistry which minimizes waste generation and therefore helps in reducing the overall process and energy costs. Examples of recovering alkali from high pH solution using carbon dioxide are also demonstrated

    Formation of Chromium-Containing Molten Salt Phase during Roasting of Chromite Ore with Sodium and Potassium Hydroxides

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    Chromium has a wide range of applications including metals and alloys manufacturing, pigments, corrosion resistance coatings and leather tanning. The production of chromium chemicals is based on the oxidative alkali roasting of chromite ores, which leads to the formation of water-soluble alkali chromates. Previous investigations reported that when chromite is roasted with soda-ash, a molten salt containing chromium, which is mainly composed of sodium carbonate and sodium chromate (Na2CO3-Na2CrO4 binary mixture), forms under typical roasting conditions. The physical properties of the liquid phase, which are dependent on the temperature, charge and gangue compositions, play an important role on the oxidation reaction and may limit the chromate recovery by hindering the oxygen transport to the reaction interface. This investigation focuses on the alkali roasting of chromite ore at 1000oC using NaOH and KOH, followed by water leaching. The influence of the alkali ratio on the chromium extraction yield is analysed, and the results obtained with both hydroxides are compared. Sample characterisation and thermodynamic analysis, including phase diagrams, equilibrium calculations and computation of liquidus curves, are combined with the purpose of studying the formation of the molten salt phase under different roasting conditions and its effect on the final chromium recovery

    Selenium partitioning between slag and matte during smelting

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    Copper concentrates usually contain a number of minor as well as precious elements, the control of which in copper smelting processes is often a key to the quality of the anode copper produced and may also have a bearing on the overall economics of the process. During copper smelting, the copper concentrates are partially oxidized to form slag and matte. The molten slag and matte are separated from each other in the settler. The matte being heavier in density settles at the bottom of the furnace and slag being lighter in density floats over the matte and is eventually discarded off. During the separation, selenium is distributed between slag and matte. Selenium is a value added by-product of copper process. The lower recovery of selenium from the copper process is attributed to the high loss of selenium to the discarded slag. Knowledge of the distribution and form of selenium in slag and matte is very important in the control of the selenium loss, although to date very little is known regarding their distribution. The samples of slag and matte were collected from the smelter exit before their separation. Selenium was added in different proportions in the sample. The experiments involving slag-matte separation were performed at 1250A degrees C for 4 hours of soaking time under inert atmosphere in a vertical tubular furnace. The distribution of selenium and the mechanism by which selenium is dissolved in matte and slag have been established by this study