91 research outputs found

    Possible andrologic markers in elevated neonatal 17-hydroxyprogesterone

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    Although T, FSH, and LH levels were not significantly different in patients and control subjects, inhibin B was higher in patients than in control subjects

    Subjective cognitive complaints and blood biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases: a longitudinal cohort study

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    Background Subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) have been mostly studied in the context of Alzheimer’s disease in memory clinic settings. The potential of combining SCC with genetic information and blood biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases for risk assessment of dementia and depression in the absence of dementia among community-dwelling older adults has so far not been explored. Methods Data were based on a population-based cohort of 6357 participants with a 17-year follow-up (ESTHER study) and a clinic-based cohort of 422 patients. Participants of both cohorts were grouped according to the diagnosis of dementia (yes/no) and the diagnosis of depression in the absence of dementia (yes/no). Participants without dementia included both cognitively unimpaired participants and cognitively impaired participants. Genetic information (APOE ε4 genotype) and blood-based biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases (glial fibrillary acidic protein; GFAP, neurofilament light chain; NfL, phosphorylated tau181; p-tau181) were available in the ESTHER study and were determined with Simoa Technology in a nested case–control design. Logistic regression models adjusted for relevant confounders were run for the outcomes of all-cause dementia and depression in the absence of dementia. Results The results showed that persistent SCC were associated both with increased risk of all-cause dementia and of depression without dementia, independently of the diagnostic setting. However, the results for the ESTHER study also showed that the combination of subjective complaints with APOE ε4 and with increased GFAP concentrations in the blood yielded a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia (OR 5.35; 95%CI 3.25–8.81, p-value < 0.0001 and OR 7.52; 95%CI 2.79–20.29, p-value < 0.0001, respectively) but not of depression. Associations of NfL and p-tau181 with risk of all-cause dementia and depression were not statistically significant, either alone or in combination with SCC, but increased concentrations of p-tau181 seemed to be associated with an increased risk for depression. Conclusion In community and clinical settings, SCC predict both dementia and depression in the absence of dementia. The addition of GFAP could differentiate between the risk of all-cause dementia and the risk of depression among individuals without dementia

    Dietary patterns are related to cognitive functioning in elderly enriched with individuals at increased risk for Alzheimer's disease

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    PURPOSE: To investigate cross-sectional associations between dietary patterns and cognitive functioning in elderly free of dementia. METHODS: Data of 389 participants from the German DELCODE study (52% female, 69 ± 6 years, mean Mini Mental State Score 29 ± 1) were included. The sample was enriched with elderly at increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) by including participants with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and siblings of AD patients. Mediterranean and MIND diets were derived from 148 Food Frequency Questionnaire items, and data-driven patterns by principal component analysis (PCA) of 39 food groups. Associations between dietary patterns and five cognitive domain scores were analyzed with linear regression analyses adjusted for demographics (model 1), and additionally for energy intake, BMI, other lifestyle variables and APOe4-status (model 2). For PCA-derived dietary components, final model 3 included all other dietary components. RESULTS: In fully adjusted models, adherence to Mediterranean and MIND diet was associated with better memory. The 'alcoholic beverages' PCA component was positively associated with most cognitive domains. Exclusion of MCI subjects (n = 60) revealed that Mediterranean and MIND diet were also related to language functions; associations with the alcoholic beverages component were attenuated, but most remained significant. CONCLUSION: In line with data from elderly population samples, Mediterranean and MIND diet and some data-derived dietary patterns were related to memory and language function. Longitudinal data are needed to draw conclusions on the putative effect of nutrition on the rate of cognitive decline, and on the potential of dietary interventions in groups at increased risk for AD

    Empty sella syndrome: 2 cases to show its polymorphism

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    Magnetic resonance imaging has proved to be the best technique to visualise the sella and juxtasellar area and it is used successfully to evaluate children with hypopituitarism or other endocraniological disorders in this area. The Authors present two cases of "empty sella syndrome", both characterized by growth hormone deficiency associated with precocious puberty in one case and with delayed puberty in the other one. The Authors stress the importance of magnetic resonance imaging in defining the morphological aspects of the hypothalamo-pituitary region and that empty sella can be associated either with pituitary hypofunction or hyperfunction

    Fat oxidation and adiposity in prepubertal children: exogenous versus endogenous fat utilization.

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    Fat balance plays an important role in fat mass regulation. The mechanisms by which fat intake and fat oxidation are controlled are poorly understood. In particular, no data are available on the origin, i.e. exogenous (meal intake) or endogenous (adipose tissue lipolysis), of fat oxidized during the postprandial period in children and the proportion between these two components. In this study we tested the hypothesis that there is a relationship between adiposity and the oxidative fate of fat taken with a mixed meal in a group of 15 children with a wide range of fat mass (9-64%). The combination of stable isotope analysis ([13C] enriched fatty acids added to a mixed meal) and indirect calorimetry allowed us to differentiate between the exogenous and endogenous resting fat oxidation rate over the 9-h postprandial period. During the 9 hours of the postprandial period, the children oxidized an amount of fat comparable to that ingested with the meal [26.8 (+/-2.31) g vs. 26.4 (+/-2.3) g, respectively, P = ns]. On average, exogenous fat oxidation [2.99 (+/-3.0) g/9 h] represented 10.8% (+/-0.9) of total fat oxidation. Endogenous fat oxidation, calculated as the difference between total fat oxidation and exogenous fat oxidation, averaged 23.4 (+/-1.9) g/9 h and represented 88.2% (+/-0.9) of total fat oxidation. Endogenous fat oxidation as well as exogenous fat oxidation were highly correlated to total fat oxidation (r = 0.83, P &lt; 0.001; r = 0.84, P &lt; 0.001, respectively). Exogenous fat oxidation expressed as a proportion of total fat oxidation was directly related to fat mass (r = 0.56, P &lt; 0.03), while endogenous fat oxidation expressed as a proportion of total fat oxidation was inversely related (r = -0.57, P &lt; 0.03) to the degree of adiposity. The enhanced exogenous fat oxidation observed when adiposity increases in the dynamic phase of obesity may be viewed as a protective mechanism to prevent further increase in fat mass and hence to maintain fat oxidation at a sufficient rate when the body is exposed to a high amount of dietary fat, as typically encountered in obese children

    Rapid diagnosis of fungal infection of intravascular catheters in newborns by scanning electron microscopy

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    Intravascular catheters carry a significant risk of becoming colonized with bacteria and fungi and are important risk factors of septicemia in premature neonates. The study was undertaken to evaluate whether scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of removed catheters can be useful in early diagnosis of plastic infection by Candida, providing information useful for initiation of an eventual therapy. The evolution of biofilms in 28 catheters (umbilical or central) implanted in 24 newborns for prematurity was studied by SEM and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In 4 of 24 patients, SEM examination revealed the presence of Candida in form of yeast or hyphae. In one of these patients, TEM confirmed the presence of organisms. In each case, hemoculture and culture of the catheter itself confirmed the diagnosis. The study demonstrates that SEM can identify fungi in the biomaterials covering the catheter surface in a few hours, allowing an early diagnosis of plastic infection

    Characterizatin of phenyalanine hydroxylase alleles in North-East Italy: a preliminary investigation

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    Characterizatin of phenyalanine hydroxylase alleles in North-East Italy: a preliminary investigatio