12 research outputs found

    "But Where Are You From, Originally?" Immigrant Women and Integration in the Maritimes

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    This paper examines the process of integration as a complex, multi-faceted and gendered phenomenon that is substantially different for men than for women. We explore how volunteer community involvement provides immigrant women with a safe opportunity to explore, train and get acquainted with Canadian society, as this involvement serves as a means and a vehicle for immigrant women to break the isolation, make friends, enact citizenship through their activism for social change and even, sometimes, find employment. We also discuss reduced funding and its profoundly negative impact on the integration process of immigrant women into Canadian society.Cet article examine le processus d'integration en tant que phenomene complexe, a plusieurs facettes et faisant l'equilibre entre les sexes qui est considerablement different pour les hommes et pour les femmes. Nous explorons comment l'engagement volontaire de la communaute fournit aux immigrantes une occasion oil elles peuvent en toute securite explorer, apprendre, et se familiariser avec la societe canadienne, etant donne que cet engagement sert de moyen et de vehicule aux immigrantes de briser l'isolation, de se faire des amis, de promulguer la citoyennete par leur activisme pour le changement social et meme parfois pour se trouver un emploi. Nous discutons aussi des compressions budgetaires et de leur impact profondement negatif dans le processus d'integration des immigrantes dans la societe canadienne

    Gender, Immigration and Labour Market Integration: Where We Are and What We Still Need to Know

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    This article reviews current literature about the link between gender and immigrants' employment and equity-based economic integration. It concludes with three recommendations for future research.Cet article revoie la littƩrature courante en ce qui a trait au lien entre les sexes et l'intƩgration Ʃconomique des immigrants basƩe sur l'emploi et l'ƩquitƩ. Il conclut avec trois recommandation pour les recherches futures

    Never outside the labour market, but always outsiders: female migrant workers in Greece

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    This article focuses on migrant womenā€™s diverse experiences in the Greek labour market. Since the early 1980s all four Southern European countries of the EU, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy, have been transformed from emigration into immigration countries. The new immigrants, mostly undocumented and illegal, join the informal labour market under highly exploitative conditions. Starting from migrant womenā€™s own perspectives, we analyze their experiences (1) in the framework of the unfolding Ā«Mediterranean immigration modelĀ» (2) in the midst of increasing Ā«SouthĀ» ā€“ Ā«NorthĀ» migrations and increasing migratory flows to Greece in particular; (3) in the context of the legal and policy framework for migrants in Greece; and (4) in the framework of womenā€™s citizenship in society. Our qualitative study of immigrant women in Greece fleshes out the general trends of women's participation in informal labour markets, documents the multi-layered nature of their economic and social exclusion, and highlights the intersecting racialization and sexist practices shaping their experiencesThis article focuses on migrant womenā€™s diverse experiences in the Greek labour market. Since the early 1980s all four Southern European countries of the EU, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy, have been transformed from emigration into immigration countries. The new immigrants, mostly undocumented and illegal, join the informal labour market under highly exploitative conditions. Starting from migrant womenā€™s own perspectives, we analyze their experiences (1) in the framework of the unfolding ā‰ŖMediterranean immigration modelā‰« (2) in the midst of increasing ā‰ŖSouthā‰« ā€“ ā‰ŖNorthā‰« migrations and increasing migratory flows to Greece in particular; (3) in the context of the legal and policy framework for migrants in Greece; and (4) in the framework of womenā€™s citizenship in society. Our qualitative study of immigrant women in Greece fleshes out the general trends of women's participation in informal labour markets, documents the multi-layered nature of their economic and social exclusion, and highlights the intersecting racialization and sexist practices shaping their experience

    (En)Gendering Vulnerability: Immigrant Service Providersā€™ Perceptions of Needs, Policies, and Practices Related to Gender and Women Refugee Claimants in Atlantic Canada

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    As part of a multi-phased study exploring the experiences of refugee claimants in Atlantic Canada, this article focuses on the experiences and perceptions of immigrant service providers in relation to gender and women refugee claimants. Given the paucity of research on refugees in Atlantic Canada and on the particular perspectives of service providers, we have located this part of our research in the intersection of state policies and civil society practices, in particular service providersā€™ and NGO practices vis-aĢ€-vis refugees and refugee claimants. To contextualize our study we briefly trace global and national trends in migration and refugee issues, specifically increasing refugee deterrence policies that restrict claimantsā€™ access to protection and settlement services. Findings highlight the recognition of gender-specific needs but also the lack of a gendered analysis of women refugee claimants, uneven accessibility to support services across the Atlantic region, challenges in navigating services, low cultural competence of institutional social and health service providers, and the rise of a punitive deterrence culture.Dans le cadre dā€™une eĢtude en plusieurs phases explorant les expeĢriences des demandeurs dā€™asile dans les provinces maritimes du Canada, cet article se penche sur les expeĢriences et les perceptions des employeĢs des services de lā€™immigration en relation avec lā€™appartenance sexuelle et les femmes demandeuses dā€™asile. EĢtant donneĢ la pauvreteĢ des recherches sur les reĢfugieĢs dans ces reĢgions, et sur les perceptions de ces employeĢs, cette eĢtape de la recherche se concentre sur lā€™interaction entre les politiques dā€™EĢtat et les pratiques de la socieĢteĢ civile, particulieĢ€rement les pratiques de ces employeĢs et des ONG aĢ€ lā€™eĢgard des reĢfugieĢs et des demandeurs dā€™asile. Afin de mettre la question en contexte, on consideĢ€re les tendances nationales et internationales dans le domaine de la migration et de lā€™asile, et plus particulieĢ€rement des strateĢgies croissantes visant aĢ€ restreindre lā€™acceĢ€s des demandeurs dā€™asile aux services de protection et dā€™eĢtablissement. Les reĢsultats mettent en lumieĢ€re les besoins speĢcifiques lieĢs aĢ€ lā€™appartenance sexuelle, mais eĢgalement le manque dā€™eĢtudes sur les besoins particuliers des femmes demandeuses dā€™asile, lā€™ineĢgaliteĢ de lā€™acceĢ€s aux services de soutien dans la reĢgion atlantique, les difficulteĢs de sā€™orienter dans les diffeĢrents services, le manque de compeĢtences culturelles des employeĢs des diffeĢrents services sociaux et de santeĢ, ainsi que lā€™essor dā€™une culture de dissuasion punitive

    Migrant African women: tales of agency and belonging

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    This paper explores issues of belonging and agency among asylum seekers and refugee women of African origin in the UK. It discusses the ways these women engendered resistance in their everyday life to destitution, lack of cultural recognition, and gender inequality through the foundation of their own non-governmental organization, African Womenā€™s Empowerment Forum, AWEF, a collective ā€˜homeā€™ space. The focus of this account is on migrant womenā€™s agency and self-determination for the exercise of choice to be active actors in society. It points to what might be an important phenomenon on how local grassroots movements are challenging the invisibility of asylum seekersā€™ and refugeesā€™ lives and expanding the notion of politics to embrace a wider notion of community politics with solidarity. AWEF is the embodiment of a social space that resonates the ā€˜in-betweenā€™ experience of migrant life providing stability to the women members regarding political and community identification