927 research outputs found

    Under pressure. Economic constraints, electoral politics and labour market reforms in Southern Europe in the decade of the Great Recession

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    Even when subject to comparable exogenous constraints during the Eurozone crisis and in its immediate aftermath, governments in Southern Europe have pursued distinct labour market reform agendas. What room for manoeuvre did governments of crisis-struck peripheral countries really have in shaping their labour market reform strategies, and how can we account for the observed variation? We address these questions by making a twofold contribution to the debate on the political economy of austerity in the Eurozone periphery. First, through the first systematic analysis of all labour market and collective bargaining (CB) reforms implemented in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece over 2009–2019, we identify those elements of core labour market deregulation common across Southern European countries (namely, the loosening of employment protection for workers on open-ended contracts and the decentralisation of CB to the firm level); and those elements of variation, both cross-country and cross-party, in the content of corollary labour market interventions that accompanied this core deregulation. Second, we explain these similarities and variations in reform outcomes as the product of the interaction of two factors: economic constraints and electoral dynamics. We argue that the implementation of the common core of deregulation is linked to the exogenous pressure to improve export competitiveness to which Southern European countries have been subjected since the crisis. Through the combination of survey data analysis and qualitative evidence, we then show empirically how the variation in the corollary measures accompanying deregulation is linked to the class composition of the electoral social blocs Southern European partisan governments rely on or aim to assemble. Based on this analysis, we identify four ideal-typical labour market reformist strategies attempted by Southern European governments during the decade of the Great Recession. The analysis highlights that although domestic politics plays a crucial role in shaping structural adjustment under crisis conditions, not all reform strategies are equally viable within the framework of Economic and Monetary Union

    Neoproterozoic ultramafic and mafic magmatism in the Eastern Cordillera of the central peruvian Andes: the Tapo Massif

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    A highly dismembered assemblage of ultramafic and mafic rocks is exposed in the Eastern Cordillera of the Central Peruvian Andes, extending along a discontinuous NW-SE belt over some 250 km between 12° and 9° S of latitude. One of the most important occurrences is the Tapo Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, which occurs at 3750 to 4200 m above sea level, 2 km to the west of Tapo locality, in the Tarma province, about 200 Km west of Lima. The Tapo complex is a lens-shaped body, 5 km long and 1-2 km wide, that consists mainly of strongly serpentinized peridotites and some gabbros. Several small open pits won chromite from podiform chromitite lenses ( ≥60 chromite) and from disseminated chromite in serpentinite. The main structural trend of the Tapo Complex is NW – SE and the massif is tectonically emplaced upon Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks. The rocks of the Tapo massif are overprinted by metamorphism reaching amphibolite facies (see Willner et al, 2010, for more information on the metamorphic conditions). The main purpose of this work is to constrain the age determination of the Tapo Complex, using Sm-Nd technique direct dating of chromites and, also, amphibole, plagioclase and whole-rock samples from the host gabbro. In addition K-Ar age determination on amphibole is presented to date the metamorphic overprint

    Development of a Pilot Borehole Storage System of Solar Thermal Energy: Modeling, Design, and Installation

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    Borehole thermal energy storage systems represent a potential solution to increase the energy efficiency of renewable energy plants, but they generally have to comply with strict regulatory frameworks, mainly due to the deliberate modification of the subsoil’s natural state. This paper presents the design, testing, and monitoring phases carried out to set up a borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) system able to exploit the excess solar heat from photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collectors. The case study is the refurbishment of a pig nursery barn, hosting up to 2500 weaners, in Northern Italy. This study aims to define a BTES suitable to develop a heating system based on renewable energy, ensuring environmental protection and long-term sustainability. The retrofitting intervention includes the installation of a dual-source heat pump (DSHP), in order to recover the solar heat stored in summer during winter. Specific constraints by the Environmental Authority were as follows: maximum storage temperature of 35 °C, authorization to intercept the shallowest aquifer at a maximum depth of 30 m, obligation of BHE grouting, and the definition of a strategy for continuous measuring and monitoring of the groundwater’s thermophysical properties. The results were used as inputs to optimize the design and installation of the integrated system with PVT, BTES, and DSHP

    Face Lift and Lipofilling: Clinical Considerations

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    Relation between Morphology and Chiroptical Properties in Chiral Conducting Polymer Films: A Case Study in Chiral PEDOT

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    The electronic properties of conducting polymers are influenced by their micro- and macrostructural orders, which can be tailored by substituent modification. However, while the effect of substituents on conducting polymers is extensively investigated, chiral substituents are far less studied. Furthermore, many chiral conducting polymers have regioirregular structures, which result in polymer films with inferior properties. In this work, we apply electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy to study the morphological changes to the chiral polymers under different polymerization conditions. For this purpose, we investigated 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) derivatives having two stereogenic centers on each monomer and bearing methyl or phenyl side groups (dimethyl-EDOT and diphenyl-EDOT, respectively). Polymerizing the enantiomerically pure monomers produces regioregular and stereoregular dimethyl-PEDOT and diphenyl-PEDOT, respectively. The effect of the electrolyte and solvent on polymer film morphology was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ECD, showing a correlation between the polymer's morphology and the chiroptical properties of its films. We found that, for diphenyl-PEDOT, the combination of perchlorate anion electrolyte and acetonitrile solvent resulted in a unique morphology characterized by significant intermolecular interactions. These interactions were clearly observable in the ECD spectra in the form of exciton couplings, whose presence was supported by TD-DFT calculations. A small enantiomeric excess was sufficient to induce very intense ECD signals, demonstrating chiral amplification in electropolymerized films

    Magnetoelectrochemistry and asymmetric electrochemical reactions

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    Magnetoelectrochemistry is a branch of electrochemistry where magnetic fields play a vital role in the oxidation and reduction process of the molecules. When it comes to spin-dependent electrochemistry (SDE), becomes a new paradigm. This work presents electrochemical response during the “chiral imprinting” on working electrodes and the effects of potentiostatic and galvanostatic methods. We explore the use of the SDE concept, which is implemented for chiral-ferromagnetic (CFM) hybrid working electrodes, and we compare various electrochemical parameters affecting the quality of deposition. We electrochemically co-deposited nickel (Ni) with a chiral compound (tartaric acid) in its enantiopure forms (L and D), which allows us to obtain a chiral co-deposited nickel-tartaric acid (Ni-LTA or Ni-DTA) working electrode

    Enhanced Electrochemical Water Splitting with Chiral Molecule-Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

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    Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting is a promising approach for generating hydrogen from water. In order to enhance PEC water splitting efficiency, it is essential to inhibit the production of the hydrogen peroxide byproduct and to reduce the overpotential required by an inexpensive catalyst and with high current density. In the past, it was shown that coating TiO2 electrodes by chiral molecules or chiral films enhances the hydrogen production and reduces the production of H2O2 byproduct. This was explained to be a result of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect that induces spin correlation between the electrons transferred to the anode. However, typically the current observed in those studies was in the range of 1-100 ÎĽA/cm2. Here we report currents in the range of 10 mA/cm2 obtained by adsorbing chiral molecules on a well-established Fe3O4 nanoparticle (NP) catalyst deposited on the anode. The results indicate a new strategy for designing low-cost earth-abundant catalysts where the advantages of the CISS effect are combined with the large effective area provided by the NPs to promote PEC water splitting with high current density

    Fgf9 inhibition of meiotic differentiation in spermatogonia is mediated by Erk-dependent activation of Nodal-Smad2/3 signaling and is antagonized by Kit Ligand

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    Both fibroblast growth factor 9 (Fgf9) and Kit Ligand (Kl) signal through tyrosine kinase receptors, yet they exert opposite effects on meiotic differentiation in postnatal spermatogonia, Fgf9 acting as a meiosis-inhibiting substance and Kl acting as a promoter of the differentiation process. To understand the molecular mechanisms that might underlie this difference, we tried to dissect the intracellular signaling elicited by these two growth factors. We found that both Fgf9 and Kl stimulate Erk1/2 activation in Kit+ (differentiating) spermatogonia, even though with different time courses, whereas Kl, but not Fgf9, elicits activation of the Pi3k-Akt pathway. Sustained Erk1/2 activity promoted by Fgf9 is required for induction of the autocrine Cripto-Nodal-Smad2/3 signaling loop in these cells. Nodal signaling, in turn, is essential to mediate Fgf9 suppression of the meiotic program, including inhibition of Stra8 and Scp3 expression and induction of the meiotic gatekeeper Nanos2. On the contrary, sustained activation of the Pi3k-Akt pathway is required for the induction of Stra8 expression elicited by Kl and retinoic acid. Moreover, we found that Kl treatment impairs Nodal mRNA expression and Fgf9-mediated Nanos2 induction, reinforcing the antagonistic effect of these two growth factors on the meiotic fate of male germ cells

    Oil cysts after breast augmentation with autologous fat grafting

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