5 research outputs found

    Bioremoval of hazardous cobalt, nickel, chromium, copper and cadmium compounds from contaminated soil by Nicotiana tabacum plants and associated microbiome

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    Contamination of soils with heavy metals leads to reduction of soil fertility, destruction of natural ecosystems and detrimental effects on the health of society by increasing content of metals in the food chains from microorganisms to plants, animals and humans. Bioremediation is one of the most promising and cost-effective methods of cleaning soils polluted with toxic metals. According to current researchers, microorganisms and plants have the genetic potential to remove toxic metals from contaminated sites. The method of thermodynamic prediction was used to theoretically substantiate the mechanisms of interaction of soil microorganisms and plants with heavy metals. According to the our prediction, exometabolite chelators of anaerobic microorganisms may increase the mobility of metals and thereby contribute to the active transport of metals and their accumulation in plants. Plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. of Djubek cultivar were used as plant material for the current investigation. The examined toxicants were heavy metals, namely cobalt (II), nickel (II), chromium (VI), copper (II) and cadmium (II). The aqueous solutions of metal salts were added to the boxes after two months of plants growing to the final super-high concentration – 500 mg/kg of absolutely dry weight of soil. Quantitative assessments of copper and chromium-resistant microorganisms were made by cultivation on agar nutrient medium NA with a gradient of Cu(II) and Cr(VI). The concentration of metals in soil and plant material (leaves, stems and roots) was determined by atomic absorption method. The study revealed that heavy metals inhibited the growth of the examined tobacco plants. This was expressed by the necrosis of plant tissues and, ultimately, their complete death. Despite this, all investigated heavy metals were accumulated in plant tissues during 3–7 days before death of plants. The uptake of metals was observed in all parts of plants – leaves, stems and roots. The highest concentrations of Co(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), Cr(VI) were found in the leaves, Cu(II) – in the roots. The results show that the bioremoval efficiency of the investigated metals ranged 0.60–3.65%. Given the super-high initial concentration of each of the metals (500 mg/kg), the determined removal efficiency was also high. Cadmium was the most toxic to plants. Thus, the basic points of the thermodynamic prognosis of the possibility of accumulation of heavy metals by phytomicrobial consortium were experimentally confirmed on the example of N. tabacum plants and metal-resistant microorganisms. The study demonstrated that despite the high initial metals concentration, rate of damage and death of plants, metals are accumulated inplant tissues in extremely hight concentrations. Soil microorganisms were observed to have high adaptation potencial to Cu(II) and Cr(VI). In anaerobic conditions, microorganisms presumably mobilize heavy metals, which later are absorbed by plants. The obtained results are the basis for the development of environmental biotechnologies for cleaning contaminated soils from heavy metal compounds

    The Strategic Perspectives of Using GIS-Technologies for Creating of Integrative Antarctic Geo-base of Scientific Data

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    Strategic prospects use GIS technologies are presented in report for making integrated geodatabase of scientific data, designed on base of the lifelengths operating in the field of automations of the information handling in National antarctic scientific centre MES of Ukraine (NASC). It is shown, that given decision effectively, in good time, corresponds to the world standard of the collection, processing and presentation of scientific data.У доповіді подано стратегічні перспективи використання ГІС технології для створення інтегрованої геобази наукових даних, яка проектується на основі багаторічних напрацювань в галузі автоматизації обробки інформації в Національному антарктичному науковому центрі МОН України (НАНЦ). Показано, що дане рішення є ефективним та своєчасним, відповідає світовим стандартам збирання, обробки та презентації наукових даних.Ключові слова: ГІС-технологія, Геобаза, ArcGIS, Серверні технології.В докладе представлены стратегические перспективы использования ГИС технологии для создания интегрированной геобазы научных данных, проектируемой на основе многолетних наработок в области автоматизации обработки информации в Национальном антарктическом научном центре МОН Украины (НАНЦ). Показано, что данное решение эффективно, своевременно, соответствует мировым стандартам сбора, обработки и презентации научных данных