81 research outputs found

    Cost development of low carbon energy technologies: Scenario-based cost trajectories to 2050, 2017 edition

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    Future costs of low carbon energy technologies differ widely depending on assumptions and methods used. This report addresses this gap by presenting internally consistent trajectories of capital investment costs to 2050 for selected low carbon energy technologies. In order to do so, it combines global scenario projections of technology deployment with the one-factor learning rate method. Global scenarios are used to identify a range, based on potential deployment, in line with baseline assumptions and two long-term decarbonisation pathways. A sensitivity analysis is performed based on different learning rates and results are compared with literature. It is found that, depending on the technology, a 15 % to 55 % reduction in capital investment costs of offshore wind turbines, photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and ocean energy may be achieved by 2030 compared to 2015. From then onwards, cost reduction may slow down yet remains substantial especially for photovoltaics and ocean energy. However, the assumed deployment pathway (global scenario) and learning rate influences the cost trajectories and cost reduction potential of these technologies. For onshore wind turbines, geothermal energy, biomass CHPs and CCS technologies cost reduction is less pronounced and results between scenarios do not differ significantly. The main aspects that deserve further research are firstly, the decomposition of technology cost-components and the distinction between the parts in the cost-structure that learning applies from those that need to be estimated with different methods and secondly, the influence of raw material prices in future cost trajectories of low carbon energy technologies.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Towards net-zero emissions in the EU energy system by 2050

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    This report presents a comparison of 8 scenarios achieving more than 50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, and 16 scenarios aiming at climate neutrality by 2050, similar with the ambitions of the “European Green Deal”. This report summarises insights into similar and diverging elements of the scenarios on how the EU energy system may change by 2030 and by 2050, compared to today. The wealth of information, stemming from how different organisations see the EU energy system to evolve within their own scenario context, can provide useful input to EU climate and energy strategies.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Investigation of Heat Sink Efficiency for Electronic Component Cooling Applications

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    Research and optimisation of cooling of electronic components using heat sinks becomes increasingly important in modern industry. Numerical methods with experimental realworld verification are the main tools to evaluate efficiency of heat sinks or heat sink systems. Here the investigation of relatively simple heat sink application is performed using modelling based on finite element method, and also the potential of such analysis was demonstrated by realworld measurements and comparing obtained results. Thermal modelling was accomplished using finite element analysis software COMSOL and thermo-imaging camera was used to measure the thermal field distribution. Ideas for future research involving improvement of the experimental setup and modelling verification are given

    Thermal Modelling and Design of On-board DC-DC Power Converter using Finite Element Method

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    Power electronic converters are widely used and play a pivotal role in electronics area. The temperature causes around 54 % of all power converters failures. Thermal loads are nowadays one of the bottlenecks in the power system design and the cooling efficiency of a system is primarily determined by numerical modelling techniques. Therefore, thermal design through thermal modelling and simulation is becoming an integral part of the design process as less expensive compared to the experimental cut-and-try approach. Here the investigation is performed using finite element method-based modelling, and also the potential of such analysis was demonstrated by real-world measurements and comparison of obtained results. Thermal modelling was accomplished using finite element analysis software COMSOL and thermo-imaging camera was used to measure the thermal field distribution. Also, the improved configuration of power converter was proposed

    Deployment Scenarios for Low Carbon Energy Technologies

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    This report provides an outlook for a set of Low Carbon Energy Technologies as well as background on how JRC-EU-TIMES baseline and decarbonisation scenarios are derived. The results help inform decision makers on the technology choices through which the EU can meet its climate and energy goals under different global energy scenarios. The report also provides background for the technology specific results in the technology and market reports produced under the same AA.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Implementing the SET Plan: Making the set plan fit for the EU green recovery: 2020 Report

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    Through commonly agreed R&I priorities and targets for clean energy solutions, the SET Plan plays a key role in the delivery of the European Green Deal, the transition to climate-neutrality and the implementation Next Generation EU programme. The alignment of national R&I programmes with our common SET-Plan vision will make Europe a global leader of the next generation of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic presents critical challenges for the EU, and many opportunities to revitalise/boost the European climate and energy framework based on the ambitious targets and objectives of the European Green Deal and the Next Generation EU recovery plan.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    New Mandates and Imperatives in the Revised ACA Code of Ethics

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    The first major revision of the ACA Code of Ethics in a decade occurred in late 2005, with the updated edition containing important new mandates and imperatives. This article provides interviews with members of the Ethics Revision Task Force that flesh out seminal changes in the revised ACA Code of Ethics in the areas of confidentiality, romantic and sexual interactions, dual relationships, end-of-life care for terminally ill clients, cultural sensitivity, diagnosis, interventions, practice termination, technology, and deceased clients

    From root to branch : a feedback examination of the path of American narcotic policy in the 20th century

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    The question that this thesis aims to answer is: to what extent has early institutional policy framing of narcotic abuse shaped the approach to narcotic policy at the federal level during the twentieth century? Policy feedback explains how policy framing of narcotic abuse as a criminal phenomenon directed the public to behave in a way that aligns with this framing, which extended to political behaviour and reinforced the criminal framing of narcotic abuse through electoral politics and a locked-in approach to narcotic policy that emphasizes punishment. This paper uses process tracing to illustrate this feedback from 1930 to 1999. This thesis finds preliminary evidence of policy feedback in the area of narcotic policy, which is in line with findings in other areas of American health policy and connects to the general literature of state development and policy feedback.Arts, Faculty ofPolitical Science, Department ofGraduat

    Monetarization of emission permits in Lithuania power markets

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    Straipsnyje, remiantis matematinio modeliavimo rezultatais nagrinėjama, kaip pasikeistų atmosferos tarša anglies dvideginiu, jei energetikos sektoriuje būtų atsisakyta nemokamai dalinamų ATL, kokią įtaką tai turėtų elektros energijos gamybos struktūrai ir energijos tiekimo patikimumui.This article is focused on analysis how effected CO2 emissions, structure of electricity supply and security of energy supply would be in Lithuania, if no free emission permits were distributed in the energy sector. Calculations are performed by applying modeling tool MESSAGE

    Modelling of absolute pitch assessment

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    Šiuo metu moksliniuose tyrimuose vis dažniau galima aptikti absoliučios klausos tematiką. Šiuo darbu siekiama sistemizuoti absoliučios klausos tyrimų tiriamųjų atrankos ir rezultatų vertinimo parametrus. Tyrimo problema yra nekorektiški absoliučios klausos tyrimų tiriamųjų atrankos kriterijai. Tyrimo objektas yra tiriamųjų atrankos parametrai siekiant tirti absoliučią klausą. Tyrimo tikslas: suformuoti kritinius tiriamųjų atrankos parametrus absoliučios klausos tyrimuose. Tyrimo uždaviniai: Išanalizuoti tiriamųjų atrankos parametrus naudojamus absoliučios klausos tyrimuose. Pateikti kritinius tiriamųjų atrankos parametrus absoliučios klausos tyrimuose. Tyrimo išvados: 1. Absoliučios klausos tyrimuose dažniausiai aprašomi parametrai yra absoliučios klausos gebėjimo išsivystymo lygmuo, garso sukūrimo metodas, užduočių formuluotės ir jų tikslai, amžiaus grupė, lytis, su klausa susijusios patologijos 2. Kritiniai absoliučios klausos fenomeno tyrimų parametrai yra skirstomi į dvi grupes pagal mokslinius kontekstus: muzikinio ugdymo; medicininio ir humanitarinio. Muzikinio ugdymo kontekste svarbiausi parametrai yra absoliučios klausos išsivystymo lygmuo, muzikinio ugdymo trukmė ir amžius. Medicininiame ir humanitariniame kontekstuose kritiniai parametrai yra absoliučios klausos išsivystymo lygmuo, garso sukūrimo metodas, užduočių formuluotė ir amžius. 3. Remiantis tyrimo dalyvių asmenine patirtimi galima teigti, jog dažniausiai pedagogai atsimena visus absoliučios klausos fenomeno atvejus. Absoliuti klausa daugumoje atvejų padeda atlikti muzikinį kūrinį. Išvystytas absoliučios klausos gebėjimas nėra gerų muzikinio mokslo rezultatų garantas, vis dėl to labai naudingas gebėjimas muzikos teorijos veiksenose. Absoliučią klausą turintys asmenys išsiskiria savo vidine klausa ir išskirtiniu muzikiniu jautrumu. Galima koreliacija tarp absoliučios ir santykinės klausų, todėl asmenims turintiems gerai išvystytą absoliučios klausos gebėjimą, siekiant būti pilnaverčiais muzikantais yra būtina vystyti ir santykinės klausos gebėjimą.Currently a topic of Absolute Pitch is becoming more popular in the field of scientific research. This study is aiming to systematize prameters of participants selection for Absolute Pitch research. Research problem: incorrect participants selection criteria for Absolute Pitch research. Research object: parameters of participants selection for Absolute Pitch research. Research purpose: distinguish necessary participants selection parameters for Absolute Pitch research. Research tasks: Analize prameters of participants selection used for existing Absolute Pitch research. Distinguish necessary participants selection parameters for Absolute Pitch research. Research conclusions: 1. Participants selection parameters that are most commonly described are: level of Absolute Pitch, method of producing sound, tasks and their goals, age, gender, and pathologies that are related to hearing. 2. Necessary Participants selection parameters can be classified in to two groups according to science contexts: music education; medical and humanitariant. In the context of musical education most important parameters are level of Absolute Pitch, length of previous musical education and age. In the context of medical and humanitariant studies necessary parameters are: level of Absolute Pitch, method of producing sound, tasks and age. 3. According to research participants personal experience, most of the teachers remember all the cases of Absolute Pitch. Most of the time Absolute Pitch is a helpfull skill in music performance. High level of Absolute pitch can not guarantee good study grades, however it is a very usefull skill in music theory classes. Absolute pitch possessors stand out for their music sensitivity. There is a possible correlation between absolute and relative pitch, that is why it is important for Absolute Pitch possesors to develop Relative Pitch in order to become fully-fledged musician