47 research outputs found

    Reductions for monotone Boolean circuits

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    AbstractThe large class, say NLOG, of Boolean functions, including 0-1 Sort and 0-1 Merge, have an upper bound of O(nlogn) for their monotone circuit size, i.e., they have circuits with O(nlogn) AND/OR gates of fan-in two. Suppose that we can use, besides such normal AND/OR gates, any number of more powerful “F-gates” which realize a monotone Boolean function F with r(≥2) inputs and r′(≥1) outputs. Note that the cost of each AND/OR gate is one and we assume that the cost of each F-gate is r. Now we define: A Boolean function f in NLOG is said to be F-Easy if f can be constructed by a circuit with AND/OR/F gates whose total cost is o(nlogn). In this paper we show that 0-1 Merge is not F-Easy for an arbitrary monotone function F such that r′≤r/logr

    On the Minimum Number of Completely 3-Scrambling Permutations

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    A family P={π1,,πq}\mathcal{P} = \{\pi_1, \ldots , \pi_q\} of permutations of [n]={1,,n}[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\} is completely\textit{completely} kk-scrambling\textit{scrambling} [Spencer, 1972; Füredi, 1996] if for any distinct kk points x1,,xk[n]x_1,\ldots,x_k \in [n], permutations πi\pi_i's in P\mathcal{P} produce all k!k! possible orders on πi(x1),,πi(xk)\pi_i (x_1),\ldots, \pi_i(x_k). Let N(n,k)N^{\ast}(n,k) be the minimum size of such a family. This paper focuses on the case k=3k=3. By a simple explicit construction, we show the following upper bound, which we express together with the lower bound due to Füredi for comparison. 2log2elog2nN(n,3)2log2n+(1+o(1))log2log2n\frac{2}{ \log _2e} \log_2 n \leq N^{\ast}(n,3) \leq 2\log_2n + (1+o(1)) \log_2 \log _2n. We also prove the existence of limnN(n,3)/log2n=c3\lim_{n \to \infty} N^{\ast}(n,3) / \log_2 n = c_3. Determining the value c3c_3 and proving the existence of limnN(n,k)/log2n=ck\lim_{n \to \infty} N^{\ast}(n,k) / \log_2 n = c_k for k4k \geq 4 remain open

    Monotone Boolean Functions with s Zeros Farthest from Threshold Functions

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    Let TtT_t denote the tt-threshold function on the nn-cube: Tt(x)=1T_t(x) = 1 if {i:xi=1}t|\{i : x_i=1\}| \geq t, and 00 otherwise. Define the distance between Boolean functions gg and hh, d(g,h)d(g,h), to be the number of points on which gg and hh disagree. We consider the following extremal problem: Over a monotone Boolean function gg on the nn-cube with ss zeros, what is the maximum of d(g,Tt)d(g,T_t)? We show that the following monotone function psp_s maximizes the distance: For x{0,1}nx \in \{0,1\}^n, ps(x)=0p_s(x)=0 if and only if N(x)<sN(x) < s, where N(x)N(x) is the integer whose nn-bit binary representation is xx. Our result generalizes the previous work for the case t=n/2t=\lceil n/2 \rceil and s=2n1s=2^{n-1} by Blum, Burch, and Langford [BBL98-FOCS98], who considered the problem to analyze the behavior of a learning algorithm for monotone Boolean functions, and the previous work for the same tt and ss by Amano and Maruoka [AM02-ALT02]

    Space-Efficient Algorithms for Longest Increasing Subsequence

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    Given a sequence of integers, we want to find a longest increasing subsequence of the sequence. It is known that this problem can be solved in O(n log n) time and space. Our goal in this paper is to reduce the space consumption while keeping the time complexity small. For sqrt(n) <= s <= n, we present algorithms that use O(s log n) bits and O(1/s n^2 log n) time for computing the length of a longest increasing subsequence, and O(1/s n^2 log^2 n) time for finding an actual subsequence. We also show that the time complexity of our algorithms is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors in the framework of sequential access algorithms with the prescribed amount of space

    The asymptotic complexity of merging networks

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    Let M(m, n) be the minimum number of comparators in a comparator network that merges two ordered chains x1 = m. Batcher's odd-even merge yields the following upper bound: M(m, n) = n/2. log2 (m + 1); M (n, n) >= n/2. log2 n + O (n). We prove a new lower bound that matches the upper bound asymptotically: M (m, n) >= (m + n)/2. log2 (m + 1) - O (m), e.g., M (n, n) >= n log2 n - O (n). Our proof technique extends to give similarly tight lower bounds for the size of monotone Boolean circuits for merging, and for the size of switching networks capable of realizing the set of permutations that arise from merging

    Probabilistic polynomials, AC0 functions and the polynomial-time hierarchy

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    AbstractWe show that, for every Boolean function f(x1, …, xn) in the class AC0 and an arbitrary constant k⩾0, there is a size-O(nk + 1) collection Ω of degree-logO(1)n polynomials over Z in x1, …, xn such that, for each x∈{0, 1}n, when p ∈ Ω is randomly chosen, f(x) = p(x) with probability at least 1 − 1/(3nk), and, furthermore, if f(x) = 0 (f(x) = 1), then p(x) = 1 (p(x) = 0) with probability 0. Applying this result, we prove the following: (a) Every Boolean function in the class AC0 can be computed with one-sided error at most 1/(3nk) by some depth-two probabilistic circuits with a threshold gate at the root, nlogO(1)n AND gates of fan-in logO(1)n at the next level, and (k + 1)log2n + O(1) random bits; it can also be computed, for an arbitrary constant l ⩾ 0, by some depth-three deterministic circuits with an OR gate at the root, at most n/(log2n)l Threshold gates at the second level, and nlogO(1)n AND gates of fan-in logO(1)n at the third level. (b) For C = PP, C = P, and MODmP, every language L in the polynomial-time hierarchy is C-easy under a randomized many-one polynomial-time reduction; in fact, for C = PP and C = P, L is C-easy under such a reduction with one-sided error

    On the Minimum Number of Completely 3-Scrambling Permutations

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    A family P={π1,,πq}\mathcal{P} = \{\pi_1, \ldots , \pi_q\} of permutations of [n]={1,,n}[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\} is completely\textit{completely} kk-scrambling\textit{scrambling} [Spencer, 1972; Füredi, 1996] if for any distinct kk points x1,,xk[n]x_1,\ldots,x_k \in [n], permutations πi\pi_i's in P\mathcal{P} produce all k!k! possible orders on πi(x1),,πi(xk)\pi_i (x_1),\ldots, \pi_i(x_k). Let N(n,k)N^{\ast}(n,k) be the minimum size of such a family. This paper focuses on the case k=3k=3. By a simple explicit construction, we show the following upper bound, which we express together with the lower bound due to Füredi for comparison. 2log2elog2nN(n,3)2log2n+(1+o(1))log2log2n\frac{2}{ \log _2e} \log_2 n \leq N^{\ast}(n,3) \leq 2\log_2n + (1+o(1)) \log_2 \log _2n. We also prove the existence of limnN(n,3)/log2n=c3\lim_{n \to \infty} N^{\ast}(n,3) / \log_2 n = c_3. Determining the value c3c_3 and proving the existence of limnN(n,k)/log2n=ck\lim_{n \to \infty} N^{\ast}(n,k) / \log_2 n = c_k for k4k \geq 4 remain open

    Linear-Size Log-Depth Negation-Limited Inverter for k-tonic Binary Sequences

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    Abstract: A zero-one sequence x1,..., xn is k-tonic if the number of i’s such that xi � = xi+1 is at most k. The notion generalizes well-known bitonic sequences. In negation-limited complexity, one considers circuits with a limited number of NOT gates, being motivated by the gap in our understanding of monotone versus general circuit complexity, and hoping to better understand the power of NOT gates. In this context, the study of inverters, i.e., circuits with inputs x1,..., xn and outputs ¬x1,..., ¬xn, is fundamental since an inverter with r NOTs can be used to convert a general circuit to one with only r NOTs. In particular, if linearsize log-depth inverter with r NOTs exists, we do not lose generality by only considering circuits with at most r NOTs when we seek superlinear size lower bounds or superlogarithmic depth lower bounds. Markov [JACM1958] showed that the minimum number of NOT gates necessary in an n-inverter is ⌈log 2(n + 1)⌉. Beals, Nishino, and Tanaka [SICOMP98–STOC95] gave a construction of an ninverter with size O(n log n), depth O(log n), and ⌈log 2(n + 1) ⌉ NOTs. We give a construction of circuits inverting k-tonic sequences with size O((log k) n) and depth O(log k log log n + log n) using log 2 n + log 2 log 2 log 2 n + O(1) NOTs. In particular, for the case where k = O(1), our k-tonic inverter achieves asymptotically optimal linear size and logarithmic depth. Our construction improves all the parameters of the k-tonic inverter by Sato, Amano, and Maruoka [CO-COON06] with size O(kn), depth O(k log 2 n), and O(k log n) NOTs. We also give a construction of k-tonic sorters achieving linear size and logarithmic depth with log 2 log 2 n+log 2 log 2 log 2 n+O(1) NOT gates for the case where k = O(1). The following question by Turán remains open: Is the size of any depth-O(log n) inverter with O(log n) NOT gates superlinear? Key Words: circuit complexity, negation-limited circuit, inverter, k-tonic